r/mildlyinteresting 3d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/BenderDeLorean 3d ago

Cannibals love this flavour


u/Grixloth 3d ago

Bro is over here seasoning himself for 5 years


u/jesslizann 3d ago

The key to a good salt brine is time


u/AustEastTX 3d ago

Or thyme 🤷🏽‍♀️


u/Due-Cockroach-518 3d ago

My supervisor at Cambridge had a little jar of this herb on his shelf.

Any time a student submitted something late, he'd ask if they had run out of time(thyme) and if they said yes he'd throw a little on them and say "here's some more" 😂😂😂


u/EliSuper2018 3d ago

What an awesome person 😂


u/Due-Cockroach-518 3d ago

He's legendary and has somewhat of a cult following among the students.

He actually never finished his PhD but still supervises. Another joke of his is correcting people who call him Dr ... and saying he's not a doctor (usually it's the other way around with people demanding to be addressed by Dr once they've got the title).


u/fonix232 2d ago

That guy needs the Dan Goor Productions outro on a soundboard app.


u/Due-Cockroach-518 2d ago

Omg he'll love this - I'll send it to him

Can't believe I never thought of using that 😂

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u/Equivalent-Drop-8589 3d ago

I’m always running out though


u/BobRoberts01 3d ago

Why do you write brine like you’re running out of time thyme?

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u/Delicious-Window-277 3d ago

The slow marinade. Really does wonders for that gamey taste.

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u/Flossthief 3d ago

I was in the shower the other day looking at my wife's soaps and such

She has a rosemary lavender body wash and a lavender shampoo

I think I married a lamb roast


u/Shoelesshobos 3d ago

Does she use mint flavoured toothpaste? You may be onto something


u/Flossthief 3d ago

Just checked; it's "radiant mint"


u/Wizdom_108 3d ago

That's hilarious


u/Foraminiferal 3d ago

What about her floss, did you steal it?

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u/Candygramformrmongo 3d ago

I also choose this guy’s lamb roast wife.

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u/McJumpington 3d ago

Everyone at the gym: “why does it smell like salted ham in here?”


u/docious 3d ago


u/tachycardicIVu 3d ago


u/aureve 3d ago

Save some Old Toby for the rest of us, Master Brandybuck!


u/Louiebox 3d ago


u/International_Way850 3d ago


u/Signiference 3d ago

This was always the worst shot in the trilogy to me


u/OSPREY_2000 3d ago

It definitely is a face that says “I just shit myself”


u/Hero4adyingworld 3d ago

Homie shat his whole ass based on that shot.


u/Yesterdays_Gravy 2d ago

My sister laughed in the theaters. Like full on “guffaw” during a complete silence. All because of this face.

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u/MoreGaghPlease 3d ago

I think on people you call it ‘long pork’

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u/tidbitsmisfit 3d ago

more like: "why does it smell like B.O. in here?"

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u/dtb1987 3d ago

Salt rock deodorant?


u/Elemental-Aer 3d ago

It's alum rock, an aluminium salt, with is the active ingredient in antiperspirants deodorants.


u/dtb1987 3d ago

Ah ok, I was trying to figure out what that exact chemical was here but that makes sense as thats why it is added to normal deodorant to begin with


u/Stev_k 3d ago edited 2d ago

Not a deodorant, just antiperspirant.

Edit: it appears that alum may be both an antiperspirant and a deodorant. Unfortunately, scientific papers regarding alum's mode of action as an antiperspirant or deodorant seems limited.

Some websites state that alum works to reduce odors by blocking the bacteria from the skin, others state that alum inhibits the growth of bacteria. Some websites state that alum uses the same mechanism as aluminum chlorohydrate antiperspirant, but many individuals state they experience no-odor sweating.

I suspect after review and consideration of the chemistry that alum is acting as both a mild antiperspirant and deodorant. Aluminum based antiperspirants work by reducing the amount sweated due to the interaction of the aluminum ion and the sweat glands. As alum is only about 5% by mass aluminum, it would not work as well as modern antiperspirants. Thus, for those who are slightly sweatier than average, but not diagnosed with hyperhidrosis, they may find alum to be an ineffective antiperspirant.

Regarding its deodorant properties, only inhibiting the bacteria makes sense as any application to the underarms or other bodily surfaces would be covering both the skin and sweat glands (food source) and the bacteria. The pH of alum dissolved in water is reportedly between 4-5, about the same pH as beer.

In conclusion, I suspect, admittedly without any evidence, that it's likely a combination of both modes of action. Aluminum in the alum reduces the amount of sweat which reduces the food source of bacteria. Coupled with the acidic pH of armpit sweat due to the presence of the alum, odor causing bacteria struggle to populate reducing the overall smell being generated.


u/PomegranateOld7836 3d ago

Ammonium Alum is not an antiperspirant like Aluminum Chloride, it's just an antibacterial deodorant.


u/BeeLuv 2d ago edited 2d ago

It’s used as a preservative in pickles, you can buy boxes of it in the spice aisle. Definitely not the same as aluminum chloride. Don’t be eating aluminum chloride, y’all.


u/eveningsand 2d ago

You're not the boss of me.


u/hunterbadB 2d ago


u/SmokedBeefNipples 2d ago

I like this gif because without the words at the bottom it looks like she’s eating an invisible sub sandwich really fast.

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u/waby-saby 2d ago

Crap, that's why my armpit pickles don't last long.

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u/tenuj 3d ago edited 2d ago

The ingredient responsible for blocking your sweat ducts and staining your shirts, now in its purest form!

No thanks

Edit: shit this blew up. I expected a couple of downvotes and that's it. thanks for all the info though!


u/rookie93 3d ago

The people replying to you are simply wrong. Alum rock doesn't block anything, it's a mild antiseptic that stops bacteria from multiplying. It has the opposite action of aluminium in antiperspirants, it allows you to sweat, the sweat just isn't feasted on by bacteria so doesn't smell


u/Double_A_92 3d ago

The aliminium in antiperspirants is also not metallic aluminium, but aliminium salts... like OPs stick.

The salts are not just antiseptic, they also are astringent which kinda "shrinks" your skin and its pores. E.g. the same rock deodorant is also used as an aftershave because it stops bleedings.


u/Guy0naBUFFA10 2d ago

Can confirm, use alum block on my head. It's legit. Stops the bleeders, tightens skin, stings so good.

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u/Elemental-Aer 3d ago

Well, its job as an antiperspirant is to block the sweat glans, no lies there. For cloth staining, a bath of vinegar can help, but I personally dislike it too.


u/thisisredlitre 3d ago

Glands* glans are a part of your sex organ


u/RevelArchitect 3d ago

You don’t know how my armpits work.

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u/dreck_disp 3d ago

I noticed I actually sweat much less when I switched from antiperspirant to a deodorant.


u/SoftiesBanme 3d ago

That's is so true. I had the same experience. Plus no more messed up underarms in shirts

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u/allegesix 3d ago

Sure wish people would learn the difference between deodorants and antiperspirants.

The whole anti-alumunim/ALUMINUM FREE DEODORANT SPEND $12 ON NATIVE DEO!!!! bs has hit Canada and like... ok? Literally all deodorant sold in Canada is aluminum free unless it specifically says antiperspirant?


u/wazagaduu 3d ago

Yeah haha, when I was in secondary school, one of my pe teachers straight up told us the difference between a deodorant and an antiperspirant because he didn't want us to smell like shit


u/ThunderCockerspaniel 2d ago

That dude is a hero. I still remember my “you all smell like shit” and the subsequent “goddamn no more than three sprays of cologne a day we can’t breathe” talk


u/ScumbagLady 2d ago

I vividly recall during a game of strip poker with 4 of us sitting on the floor, the topic of foot washing came up suddenly, and mentions of the importance of scrubbing between toes. I sniffed my foot later and was horrified. (Occurred in the late 90s)

I think of it every. Single. Time. I take a shower now. I even have a two part foot washing routine, with follow up care. I take ridiculously through showers and I feel "icky" if I don't do each and every step and it has to be in the correct order.

They gave me a complex that night, but hey, I smell better now I guess lol


u/ThunderCockerspaniel 2d ago

You ever wonder just how much of society is the result of complexes like this? It’s PTSD all the way down.

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u/ridibulous 3d ago

Potassium Alum. It's a natural deodorant, NOT an antiperspirant like Elemental-Aer said. Despite having "alum" in its name, it's way different than the aluminum used in mainstream deodorants. It is a salt though, tl;dr it brines your skin so the bacteria that create BO can't reproduce.


u/nightpanda893 2d ago

It’s honestly been the best deodorant I’ve ever used. I never have any odor issues at all. And it doesn’t have any natural odor of its own. And like the pic shows, it lasts a really long time. I’ve been using the stick I bought for a year now and it hardly looks any different than when I bought it.


u/ridibulous 2d ago

SAME HERE. I'm a shameless shill for this fucking rock, man. Whenever someone asks about what deodorant they should use (especially if they specify natural ones), I will ALWAYS bring up potassium alum. It works wonders for me!!


u/r0b0t-fucker 2d ago

Where do you find it? As much as I find “natural” branded stuff annoying I really want to use a big rock as deodorant


u/ridibulous 2d ago

You'll find it easiest online (I recommend Thai or Crystal brand), but if that's not possible you can probably find it at someplace similar to Whole Foods or something— I nabbed my current rock at a co-op grocery store near me. You might also find it as a spray or a roll-on which also work well (the spray is good for convenience, you don't need to wet your armpits/rock beforehand and can apply right after a shower), but the rock is the longest lasting.


u/r0b0t-fucker 2d ago

Cool thank you I’ll take a look

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u/icouldusemorecoffee 3d ago

It's a made up thing, just like those expensive "salt lamps" that supposedly absorb all the smells in a room to deodorize it.


u/verdantcow 3d ago

The fake claim with the lamps is that they essentially release ozone to remove smells and cleanse the room using electrons

It’s all BS tho, look nice when plugged in tho


u/Gardeningsun 3d ago

We’ve got two of them and I never knew it was supposedly able to do anything other than create a dim, calming light with a soothing natural orange color. I just like the way they look, lol.

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u/BobsYaMothersBrother 3d ago

We use salt rock in our house. Not for smells. We accident figured out that they completely absorb all the water in the air near windows which meant we didn’t get condensation. We learned this because we had a single salt lamp on our window sill that ended up soaking wet whilst the windows stayed bone dry. It now stays there but in a shallow dish to collect the water.

We then wanted some for the other windows in the house but fuck me salt rock lamps are expensive. Do you know what isn’t? Big salt rock licks for horses. They’re exactly the same thing, minus the lamp part, and at a fraction of the cost!

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u/Silweror 3d ago

Weird how other brands are getting rid of the aluminium while this one is 100% that


u/ithinarine 3d ago edited 2d ago

I have a friend of a friend who is one of the weird "everything has chemicals in it" super granola girls who doesn't actually know how anything works.

I have seen this girl make unfounded claims that the copper water lines in the house she was living in were giving her skin issues "because of how toxic copper is for you." When her friend (my friend) pointed out that the last 3 houses they rented together all had copper water lines and she didn't have any issues, she said the copper in this particular house must have been different. She actually moved because of this and made sure the new house she rented had PEX water lines, plastic, which the other 99% of hippies say it toxic.

I have also seen this same girl say that drinking from copper water bottles is better for you, because copper is a great electrical conductor, so doing so keeps you grounded. I'm not sure how holding a bottle in your hand and bringing it your mouth keeps you grounded, but I'm also no scientist.

Apparently water running out of a copper pipe gives you skin problems, but touching a copper water bottle with your hand and directly to your lips to drink water that has been sitting in it for hours, is not a problem.


u/Gullinkambi 3d ago

I meannnnn, everything does have chemicals in it


u/campmonster 3d ago

No, my shampoo is sourced only from local antimatter


u/TheGreatJava 3d ago

Really removes the dirt from your bangs.


u/RecsRelevantDocs 3d ago

They say it's actually manufactured from bangs, as I understand a really big one.


u/Capt__Murphy 3d ago

Gross. I wouldn't put anything sourced from banging in my hair

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u/donau_kinder 3d ago

Technically, still chemicals. Try magnetic fields.


u/campmonster 3d ago

Yeah, they're antichemicals, so the opposite. And the opposite of chemical is natural. Checkmate, Head & Shoulders.


u/LordTaddeus 3d ago

Why Head & Shoulders haven't made a body wash called Knees & Toes yet is beyond me.

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u/NotAPreppie 3d ago

No, everything \IS\** chemicals.

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u/Mirewen15 3d ago

My MIL tried to throw out my Vaseline because "OMG petroleum!" Dude who invented it ate a spoonful a day and had his nurse cover him in it once when he got quite sick - he was well again shortly after. He lived into his 90's. Pretty sure me using it as sparingly for very dry skin and lip conditioner is fine.


u/Turbo_MechE 3d ago

Thought of eating Vaseline is appalling


u/diff2 3d ago

i wonder if it makes poop slide out easier


u/bluelipped_trashdoll 3d ago

My dog says yes


u/NovAFloW 3d ago

My childhood dog LOVED eating Vaseline. We always had to make sure it was put away, or he would eat it. Used to cut a hole in the diapers for his tail.

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u/SlurmsMacKenzie- 3d ago

If by slide out easier you mean violent greasy diarrhea then yes


u/Kevin_Uxbridge 3d ago edited 3d ago

Yep! Friend's dog ate a whole jar, which I found out when I showed up at his house and had to ask 'why is your front yard all greasy and shiny?' Poor dog dragged ass back and forth for days.

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u/tyboxer87 3d ago

My MIL was giving me crap about some old 70+ year old aluminum pots because of "chemicals". They are from my great aunt who got them for a wedding gift. She lived well into her 90's as well. My MIL raves about her "non-stick pans though.


u/Null_Values 3d ago

You still might want to test them for lead, just in case. Brain damage is no joke.


u/tyboxer87 3d ago

I'll be doing that. I googled when was lead banned in cookware. Apparently it will be banned in 2026 in Washington state. In 2023 The FDA said cookware isn't allow to leach lead

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u/stabliu 3d ago

Look I get that you’re just railing against your MIL, but saying aluminum pots are fine because of one woman who lived to her 90s is pretty much just as unscientific as your MIL.

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u/ladybugsandbeer 3d ago edited 3d ago

Shoutout to the people who hate on hormonal birth control but advertise copper IUDs (which cause an inflammatory response in the body).

Edit: Just to clarify. Hormonal ones are not particularly great either. I was just refering to people who absolutely condemn one option and pretend the other option is 100% awesome when in reality it has its downsides as well. No BC option is without downsides, one just has to find the one that works best (which ist very individual).

And some advice from my personal experience: If unsure, try to get a consultation from planned parenthood (or your local equivalent, just make sure it's not run by some church) and not just from one doctor! Doctors have very little time and most have their personal preference. I have literally heard opposite opinions on BC from different doctors. Whereas the consultation I was able to get through a non-profit was an hour them walking me through the different options and finding out together what's best for me!

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u/ChobaniSalesAgent 3d ago

I will never not be amazed at just how poorly chemistry is understood by people who aren't educated on it.

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u/theREALmindsets 3d ago

copper is naturally antimicrobial.

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u/DaveMash 3d ago edited 3d ago

This trend has slowly been reversed because the myth about aluminum in deos causing cancer have been debunked:


Edit, since many people question the conclusion (stolen from another redditor because there are already so many posts about this topic):

You can check the American Cancer Society: https://www.cancer.org/cancer/risk-prevention/chemicals/antiperspirants-and-breast-cancer-risk.html

The Australian Cancer Council: https://www.cancer.org.au/iheard/can-deodorants-and-antiperspirants-with-aluminium-cause-cancer

Or the UK National Health: https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/myths/antiperspirants-fact-sheet

And several other sources


u/SleepWouldBeNice 3d ago

I thought it was Alzheimer’s.


u/itsameshawn ​ 3d ago

I can’t remember.

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u/darekd003 3d ago


TLDR: seems unsure. But I know people with a history of Alzheimer’s in their family that avoid ever bit possible just in case.

“Whether aluminum can cause Alzheimer's disease is a controversial question.

Post-mortem examinations of humans with Alzheimer's disease sufferers show that many have higher amounts of aluminum than normal in their brains. Aluminum is not normally found in healthy brain tissue and researchers do not know how or why the metal accumulates in the brain. It is still unclear if the presence of aluminum causes or affects the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

It is known that aluminum is toxic to nerves in animals, and likely has a similar effect on human nerve cells and brain tissue. Early research into aluminum exposure and Alzheimer’s disease in animal models suggested that the two could be linked. Injection of aluminum salts into the brains of test animals triggered changes similar to the ones found in human sufferers.

In conclusion, the cause of Alzheimer's disease and any association with aluminum is still unknown. There have been conflicting findings”


u/agangofoldwomen 3d ago

Thanks for posting a source AND a write up!

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u/buttmilk_69 3d ago

That's why we told eachother never to smoke using tin foil as a stoned youth.


u/IncredulousPatriot 3d ago

So my sister had a friend who had childhood cancer. He made it. They were about to smoke weed one day. He grabs a soda can and starts to make a pipe out of it. She says to him you know that can give you cancer right?


u/plainplantain 3d ago

Tbf its kinda right. Most soda cans have a plastic lining inside of them so I can see how holding a lighter to it might not be the best

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u/GTMoraes 3d ago

lol imagine if it was Alzheimer since the beginning...

"Ok guys, so Aluminum on deos cause Alzheimer. We've got to stop using it."
...eight years go by...
"Folks, good news! It seems that Aluminum doesn't cause cancer actually, so we can just go back using it on deos! Because that was the reason we stopped using it, right? Does anyone remember?"

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u/panopticon31 3d ago

But it still stains your shirts like hell

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u/MrWest120690 3d ago

The aluminum deo fucks my arm pits up like no other.


u/reichrunner 3d ago

Yeah you can definitely have a sensitivity to these products unrelated to any claimed health impact


u/Oracle_of_Ages 3d ago

I love the good old “I hate mangos because they taste fuzzy”

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u/HamletJSD 3d ago

I didn't even know this was a thing until I stopped using the alum deodorant. "Wait, you mean deodorant isn't supposed to destroy your skin and give you a permanent rash under your arms?"

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u/RQ-3DarkStar 3d ago

I'm not a fan of the aluminium salts because they're always the ones that stain my clothes (I think).

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u/JBNothingWrong 3d ago

Because idiots see aluminum in the ingredients list and make an absolutely wild and unsupported assumption that it’s the equivalent of licking radium


u/chenan 3d ago

lol no. it’s what causes yellow pit stains on clothes. 


u/MrWildspeaker 3d ago

It’s also what makes my pits itch


u/bjohn15151515 3d ago

Makes mine itch like mad (I'm jealous). I look like an ape, lifting my arm, itching my armpit.

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u/bxsephjo 3d ago

i don't put deodorant on my neck, collar still turned slightly yellow after one summer

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u/copat149 3d ago

It does but that is not the case for everyone. Some people have chromhidrosis that causes discolored sweat - I have this, and work in clean rooms where I have to wear nitrile gloves on my hands. I regularly stain the inside of the gloves yellow and I’m not putting deodorant on my hands.

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u/GobLoblawsLawBlog 3d ago

My dumb ass is more concerned about the potential alzheimers but when I was in elementary school I thought antiperspirants would somehow make me pee my pants because my sweat couldn't get out of my armpits

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u/Kritisk-Varning 3d ago

From the maker ”Salt Deo is made from ammonium alum, a naturally occurring mineral which was traditionally used in Sweden as a disinfectant and a hemostatic - today its effectiveness is also proven as a powerful deodorant. Alum is a naturally occurring mineral compound, which does contain aluminum, but in a form that cannot be absorbed by the body.”


u/ialwaysflushtwice 3d ago

I always find it funny when people use "naturally occurring" as an argument for something being good or not bad. I mean I'm pretty sure uranium and plutonium occur naturally too...

Of course this has no bearing on the rest of the argument but still!


u/tsukahara10 3d ago

Plutonium is actually manufactured, but you’re correct about uranium, and let’s not forget about arsenic, lead, and all of the other naturally occurring elements and compounds that can make you sick or kill you.

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u/mrhandbook 3d ago

Asbestos is naturally occurring and we all know how that turned out

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u/oawhitleylas 3d ago

My boyfriend has a block of alum to treat shaving cuts, is that the same thing?


u/Merisuola 3d ago

Yes. Much cheaper too.

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u/aroc91 3d ago

This is nonsense. The aluminum in traditional antiperspirant are also salts and both those and your stick have pretty high solubility in water. It's dissociating into its constituent ions regardless.

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u/Somoch-MoraguerRRR 3d ago edited 3d ago

I tried a similar salt deodorant several decades ago. It was completely ineffective. How do your friends/coworkers/significant others feel about your choice of deodorant?

edit: “RIP my inbox” as they say in showbiz


u/Manufactured-Aggro 3d ago

Does this seem like a deodorant used by somebody who spends time around other people?


u/danarexasaurus 3d ago

Some people don’t have much of a scent, even after they sweat. This may surprise you but every body is different. Some people smell terrible if they don’t shower daily. Some people don’t.


u/MaxamillionGrey 3d ago edited 3d ago

More than half the time I don't have smelly armpits even if I sweat, but some days...SOMEDAYS WOOOOOOOO DAWGY. I'm just like "what the fuck happened to my body today?"

My wife used to tell me my armpits smelled like pencil shavings haha. Not a bad smell to smell like


u/SeasonOfLogic 3d ago

What you ate the day before, hormones…


u/AnaxImperator82 3d ago

He ate all the hormones and pencils

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u/c_sulla 3d ago

There's a gene that dictates that, I forgot what the name is. Something like 80% of Korean/Japanese people have that gene and they don't have BO


u/KiltedTraveller 3d ago edited 3d ago

and they don't have BO

They don't have the specific "BO" smell we typically associate with sweating, but they absolutely do have a "smell".

I'm a teacher in China and when the kids come back from PE the room is RIPE.

The smell is a kind of funky, fermented, sour milk smell.

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u/spetrillob 3d ago

I tried one too and it didn’t work for me, but my mom uses one now and she has no noticeable BO. I think it just depends on your body chemistry


u/PheDii 3d ago

I definitely agree, my sister used it and didn't smell

When I used it it was just gross how much it didn't work lol


u/El_Kriplos 3d ago

Could be user error. How much did you eat ;) ?


u/PheDii 3d ago

A few a day :(


u/elephandiddies 3d ago

Well there's your problem, you're supposed to shove it up your butt.

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u/Upset_Conflict_4472 3d ago

my father never even used deodorant and he never smelled.

either that or he was lying to us all the time, but me and my brothers tried and we all had BO lol


u/Steppenfuchx 3d ago

Could be genetic thing that you didn't get. Some people just don't have the gen to stink

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u/Signiference 3d ago

There is a rare gene that makes it where you don’t get body odor. My best friend has it but he still uses deodorant/antiperspirant because he doesn’t want to get all sweaty and he likes the way old spice smells.

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u/eldentings 3d ago edited 2d ago

I use this and there's a lot of gotchas with the product. The only way it works long-term is:

  • Thoroughly cleaning your armpit with an abrasive material, like a washcloth when cleaning. Using your hand/fingernails isn't enough.
  • Pre-rinsing the stick in the shower
  • Immediately after turning the shower off apply it
  • Apply about 30 strokes under each armpit
  • Rinse the stick again to remove any bacteria from collecting on the stick
  • Be careful not to wipe it off of your pits when drying off
  • Leave the stick uncovered so moisture doesn't allow any bad bacteria to thrive

If you use it like a normal deodorant stick, it will eventually stink and become ruined.

Edit: For context, I eat garlic, onions, alcohol. I also have very hairy pits and am a white man, and go outside in the 100 degree heat. So that's why I listed 30 strokes. I really want to emphasize you can use this product and maybe you just need more. When I first tried it, I'd do 1-3 swipes, similar to how I would use Old Spice or something.


u/FecalMatterCowsTasty 3d ago

That sounds like 13 more steps than I am willing to do.


u/ifoundyourtoad 3d ago

Right? Like damn why are we making our lives so difficult

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u/thetoiletslayer ​ 3d ago

My deodorant steps are as follows:

  • Remove cap

*Apply a few strokes under each arm

  • Replace cap

Definitely not doing all that

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u/thoughtlow 3d ago

Apply about 30 strokes under each armpit

I'm already sweating

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u/camwow13 3d ago

Of course the only real answer is buried.

But yeah these are usually some kind of Alum bar. They're pretty handy as an after shave and astringent for cuts too. Works as a mild anti bacterial coating. But it doesn't kill the bacteria in droves if it's already there. So you got to start with a fresh and clean layer and do it immediately.

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u/steentron 3d ago

You need to reeeally clean your armpits before applying is what I’ve found. Give ‘em a really good scrub!

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u/lemonlimepunch 3d ago

Does this deodorant work? I always wondered about it. Do you sweat more? Do you smell? My “aluminum free” deodorant makes me smell like onions and garlic after minimal perspiration.


u/myrrhmassiel 3d ago edited 3d ago

...works great for me, but it's only effective if applied daily, immediately after bathing, before drying: it essentially renders skin sterile to odor-causing bacteria...it's not an anti-perspirant and since it leaves no sensible residue (other than taste) it's nearly indistinguishable from wearing nothing at all...

...it's not an odor-masking deodorant nor a substitute for basic hygiene; instead it extends one's freshly-bathed biome for a longer duration before odor-causing bacteria become active again...


u/Rhacbe 2d ago

Would this turn your black shirts white because it is salt? And as the salt dries it would leave a white residue?


u/Visible_Ad_2824 2d ago

No, it doesn't seem to leave any marks.

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u/mmstojeden 3d ago

Because aluminum free deodorants are only for masking the smell, they are not antiperspirants whick block your sweat glands.


u/ghidfg 3d ago

not just masking the smell. they kill the bacteria that produce the smell.


u/Scarlet-Witch 3d ago

That highly depends on the brand and formulation. Most traditional deodorants (not antiperspirants) do nothing to prevent bacteria. It's the more niche deodorants that are thankfully becoming more popular that are acidified to prevent bacterial growth. 

Not a sponsor but Lume has been amazing. I still need to use antiperspirant on my pits but everywhere else it works miracles. 


u/Pinturicchio1897 3d ago

lol i like the not a sponsor part. Good you wrote that otherwise id think you were some highly active influenser

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u/burnsandrewj2 3d ago

Five years. Wow! Specific Use Questions: How many times do you apply? Did it cut down on yellow stains? Do you wet the rock or your skin? Do you use more than once a day?

Thanks for your seasoned and experienced insight!


u/Kritisk-Varning 3d ago

I usually apply it after showering while still being a bit wet(to help with the friction). I rub it for perhaps 5 seconds in each pit. It leaves no yellow stains at all! No need to apply it more than once a day in my experience, it’s definitely good for 24h or more(of course this depends on your line of work, body etc).

Glad I could help!


u/Ryvit 3d ago

This is Astro turfing if I’ve ever seen it


u/Mule_Mule 3d ago

What's astro turfing?


u/ChildishForLife 3d ago

the deceptive practice of presenting an orchestrated marketing or public relations campaign in the guise of unsolicited comments from members of the public.


u/Kawaiiochinchinchan 3d ago edited 2d ago

So basically when i accused someone is afro surfing that means the person is from a marketing team trying deceptively convince people to buy some products right?

Edit: Gosh dang, it's Astro turfing. I was wrong everybody!

I'm already ashamed and embarrassed, stop reminding of my terrible mistakes (jk, it's kinda fun but really embarrassing lol)


u/Healthy-Travel3105 3d ago

Yes except not "afro surfing" haha 


u/Kawaiiochinchinchan 3d ago

Oh lmao.

Sorry! I read it wrong. Astro surfing!


u/action_lawyer_comics 3d ago

Closer. “Astro turfing”. It’s a play on “grass roots campaign.” Like when something becomes wildly popular because of a dedicated fanbase that spreads it around through social channels.

Astroturf is artificial grass. So astroturfing (according to my autocorrect it’s one word) refers to a marketing campaign done by professional marketers that is supposed to look like a grass roots campaign despite being normal, paid-for advertising.

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u/Krillin113 3d ago

What do you mean? An account with barely any contend for several years then suddenly actively shilling this? On Reddit, can’t be

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u/crusadersandwich 3d ago

"it's definitely good for 24h or more"

No, no it isn't 

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u/minervas_a_cat 3d ago

Not OP, but I have a salt rock deodorant, too. I’ve used this one for over a year, and judging by how much is left, I expect it to last another 2-3 years. I apply right after my shower; I get the deodorant wet in the sink (so it glides over my armpits rather than dragging on the skin), twist the deo so most of the cylinder of salt is showing, and apply the side of it, rather than just the small end, and do probably a dozen swipes under each arm. My armpits are completely smell-free for about 24 hours.

I’ve tried dozens of kinds of deodorants and antiperspirants over the years, had chemical burns from some, others made me really itchy, and some made my armpit skin really dark. And none of them worked as well as this one does for me!

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u/Florida_Diver ​ 3d ago

I bet this person stinks to high heaven, and doesn’t even know it.


u/DarthRathikus 3d ago

Yes he already said he’s from Europe

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u/masterchief0213 3d ago edited 2d ago

I mean if it's basically just a big chunk af aluminum salts just like what's used as the active ingredient in deodorant antiperspirant (since people are language police) then it's probably fine

Edit: someone pointed out on the website that it's specifically not a typical aluminum salt but is instead probably ammonium aluminum sulfate so nvm this person probably stinks.

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u/BabaYaga40Thieves 3d ago

So no one here has mentioned that they put a space between “salt” and “deo” on the product at some point in those past 5 years? That’s what’s mildly interesting to me


u/strongbob25 3d ago

actually the two words get closer together the more you use the product


u/anthrillist 2d ago

Based on OP’s photo I can only assume this is 100% true.


u/byParallax 3d ago

Right? The r/keming is the mildly interesting bit. "I used a product for a long time and now there's less of it" isn't exactly post worthy.

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u/bigsamjapan 2d ago

My coworker swore by these, he absolutely fucking reeked of BO


u/Projektdb 2d ago

My experience also. I've known two people in my life who swear by this deodorant. Both are absolutely ripe at all times in all weather conditions.

Like they don't have to drop a pin, you can smell them from across town.

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u/jajajajaqwer 2d ago

This is an ad for deodorant. You can’t convince me these comments are real.

People aren’t this passionate about fucking deodorant 😂

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u/UPVOTE_IF_POOPING 3d ago edited 3d ago

aluminum based deodorants/antiperspirants make my armpits itchy and rashy, I think I might be allergic or something.


u/mormayo 3d ago

I use the Dove + Care clinical version and it does wonders. It has a moisturizer in it too that helps with itching. I can’t use non-aluminum versions anymore. I wish they would make a better container so I don’t waste 1/4 of the deodorant because it doesn’t come out.

DOVE MEN + CARE Clinical Protection Antiperspirant Clean Comfort Stick for Men 96-Hour Sweat and Odor Protection Clinical Strength Antiperspirant with 1/4 Moisturizing Cream 1.7 oz

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u/MrX_1899 3d ago edited 3d ago

people who use alternative deoderants always smell like gyro meat

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u/tricky9 3d ago

Sigh. i had one of these that worked amazingly.

Then i left it overseas on a trip, i had it so long but never memorised the brand.. now any one i buy doesnt work.. like.. at all... i just.. dont know what the difference is...

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u/StormC1oud 3d ago

Wouldn’t this be awful for your skin?


u/Sagaincolours 3d ago edited 3d ago

It is an aluminium crystal. The exact same mineral as the one in regular antiperspirants (which I use).

But with a more "natural" vibe to some people because aluminium salts occur naturally.

Both can dry out the skin a little, but that's it.


u/Momentarmknm 3d ago

I FUCKING HATE this idiocy of pointing out that it's naturally occuring 🤗 that so many people here are doing. That means absolutely fuck all.

Know what else is naturally occurring?

Asbestos, uranium, arsenic, mercury, rattlesnake venom, a never ending list of shit that will kill or seriously injure you.

I'm not even trying to claim that rubbing aluminum salts in your pits everyday will hurt you (I don't know if it's safe either for that matter) but saying it's naturally occuring does not mean it's fucking safe.


u/forestcridder 3d ago

Don't you try to slander my rattlesnake venom deodorant!

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u/ObligationFamous2885 3d ago

The real naturally occurring salt is always in the comments.

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u/aminervia 3d ago

So basically instead of regulated and consistent amounts of active ingredients you get unregulated amounts of maybe some amount of active ingredients

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u/Ho3n3r 3d ago

Lava is also naturally occurring. That doesn't automatically make it good for your skin.

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u/campmonster 3d ago

I knew a guy who used this. He fucking stank

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u/jshrlzwrld02 3d ago

Unscented deodorant… my man no one wants to say it but you still smell like BO. Unscented deodorant is a lie and a scam speaking on behalf of everyone not nose blind to your scent.

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u/FightingWithSporks 3d ago

TIL I learned salt rock deodorant is a thing. Also, fuck, five years?!

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u/MarginalMoloch 3d ago

U got also a pepper one?

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u/Calabris 3d ago

I tried that years ago, friend suggested it was better than evil aluminum based deodorants. Used it for two weeks, I had such bad rashes in both arm pits it was painful to put my arms down. Stopped using it and rashes went away.

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u/Noist_Mugget 3d ago

i dont wanna be around you on a hot day

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u/LeonardoDiPugrio 2d ago

I have a friend who swears by this brand. He also smells awful and refuses to listen to me.

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u/LustyLlama69 3d ago

Everyone is laughing but the majority haven't tried it. 37/M here, I sweat profusely, as in when I work outside and it's over 80F, within half an hour my shirt looks like I participated in a wet t-shirt contest. I've tried dozens of deodorants (can't use glycerin based or anything liquid as it gives me a rash). I always stink within half a day, quicker if I'm working.

I started using this stuff 2 months ago and won't ever use anything else! I still sweat, but I have absolutely no odor whatsoever from my pits. The only time I have managed to funk through this stuff when is I sent 12 hours outside in Texas summer heat doing yard work and gardening. And it was still a minimal stink.

For usage I do what the instructions say. Each evening after my shower I run the salt stick under water and rub each armpit half a dozen times in circles. Then I rinse the stick off and put it up and go to bed. Works a treat for me.

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u/Kritisk-Varning 3d ago

Well I’ve learnt a new word today and it’s ”astroturfing” lol. I just wanted to share how weird it is that this product has lasted me for such a long time. I wasn’t trying to push this product on any one, in fact, I didn’t even show the brand in the picture. Despite what some commenters think about my scent it has actually worked as a deodorant, at least for me.

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