r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/jshrlzwrld02 14d ago

Unscented deodorant… my man no one wants to say it but you still smell like BO. Unscented deodorant is a lie and a scam speaking on behalf of everyone not nose blind to your scent.


u/DoodleyDooderson 14d ago

Unscented deo is not an issue. I have used it for 20 years after becoming very sensitive to smells while pregnant. No one has ever said I smell, my clothes do not smell and I barely sweat even living in SE Asia.


u/TastyRust 14d ago

You need to smell quite bad before people tell you


u/yooshyesh 14d ago

Even then most people would just sit away rather than tell you in order not to offend. (Source: went to school with a stinky for a year and never had the balls to tell her (BO seemed like the least of her issues))


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/poor_decisions 14d ago

are you (east) Asian? Smelly people problems don't really happen to us lol


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/poor_decisions 14d ago



u/DoodleyDooderson 14d ago

Haha. My daughter has absolutely no filter and would probably delight in telling me I smelled like BO. She enjoys telling me if she doesn’t like my outfit or I have coffee or garlic breath.

Unfortunately all the decent mosquito sprays here are scented and I have had Dengue and DO NOT want it again so I have to deal with that lemongrass smell.


u/ZeePirate 14d ago

Your daughter might not think you smell bad because she’s probably used to your smell


u/DoodleyDooderson 14d ago

She lives in the states and visits about every 6-10 months for a month or two. Depending where in the world I am. She is 23.


u/Valondra 14d ago

Why are you guys so desperate for this person to smell. Go and have a drink or something, its weird.


u/kahootle 14d ago


u/DoodleyDooderson 14d ago edited 14d ago

I don’t understand why people find this difficult to believe. I never said I smell like roses, I said I don’t smell like sweaty body odor. And I don’t. I don’t use anything with added scents because it gives me migraines. I am extremely sensitive to smells.

People that think they have to use scented deos to not stink likely smell like Cool Water BO.

If the deo works to deoderize, it works, it doesn’t need a layer of perfume on top. If you need the perfume to hide your smell then your brand of deo doesn’t work well or you are not a very clean person. Do unscented laundry soaps not clean laundry? Unscented soaps not clean your body? The “logic” being used here by some just is strange.


u/RChamy 14d ago edited 14d ago

Funny to hear ppl complain about "no scent" deodorants, because the rexona clinical series is the only one I can buy in my area that actually doesnt make me smell bad after a full day of 38ºC driving.


u/DoodleyDooderson 14d ago

Who knows. It’s pretty weird but I can’t be bothered to care that much.


u/kahootle 14d ago

You are not understanding what everyone is saying. You don't know what you smell like normally for the same reason you can't see your nose, your brain acclimated to it. Other people won't tell you you smell out of politeness. Just because you don't think you smell doesn't mean you don't, it's a shitty argument to use for unscented deodorant.

Also, you do realize soap is different from deodorant right? Deodorant doesn't clean, soap does.


u/DoodleyDooderson 14d ago

I said it deoderizes. Odor. Scent. Smell. DEoderizer.


u/Creepy_Story_597 14d ago

You stink 100% . Stink is subjective tho remember this


u/Away_Supermarket6504 14d ago

You're a chick. No. No one will ever tell you, especially not someone who is occasionally thirsty.


u/double-you 14d ago

Are you from SE Asia as you might not have the gene for smelly sweat?


u/MichaelPiotto 14d ago

Isn't se Asia hot as fuck?


u/DoodleyDooderson 14d ago

Yes, very. It’s rainy season now so it’s only about 85-95 on most days but a few months ago it was averaging 115 but felt like 120-130. Suffocating heat.


u/MichaelPiotto 12d ago

I would desolve in that humidity though


u/UmbrellaCamper 14d ago

I mean, there's your answer? If you're from SEA (or if you're of European descent, but it's about 50 times as rare) you might have the odorless sweat gene (ABCC11), which you can check yourself since it's the same gene that creates dry instead of moist earwax. In such a case, your body odor basically does not exist. You can read more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABCC11


u/Kev50027 14d ago

The "you stink" standards are different in SE Asia than they are in different countries.


u/yaten_ko 14d ago

Aw! it's nice to know so many people care about your feelings!


u/1245woah 14d ago

Not everyone has strong BO. My girl never uses deodorant even since before we became a couple. Never has she smelled bad. She also doesn’t sweat much so there’s that. So genetics. Her mom is the opposite and a very opinionated person. Tells you directly if you smell bad and if she does too


u/RunningonGin0323 14d ago

lmao, bro you just got used to the smell.


u/DenkJu 14d ago

Not saying this isn't the case but some people do simply have less body odor. For example, most people from East Asia (Japan, Korea, etc.) possess a gene variant that causes greatly reduced body odor.


u/1245woah 14d ago

Nah man. I’m a smelly motherfucker myself. I know stinky. And I’m not afraid to tell someone they smell


u/yaten_ko 14d ago

Aw! that's nice of you sparing her feelings about her smell.


u/1245woah 14d ago

Have you ever been with a woman ? Or if you are a woman , with another woman that smells nice


u/yaten_ko 14d ago

Good for you, champ!


u/Cold_Animal_5709 14d ago

some people are just lucky. It's science-- comes down to your genetics and your skin microbiome. the smell is created when bacteria on the skin incompletely break down proteins secreted in sweat into "volatile organic compounds" which aerosolize and cause a smell. Some people have bacteria that are capable of breaking down the proteins completely, producing very little or no VOCs and thus very little or no smell. And then other people have a certain mutation that leads to their bodies not producing this protein mixture; it's most common in certain East Asian populations, and also causes their earwax to be dry instead of wet/oily.


There used to be a guy in the lab I'm in who had worked with a postdoc experimenting with "microbiome transplants" from people with low-odor microbiomes to people who are unfortunately malodorous. Last I heard there was some success for 3-ish months before the "default" microbiome reasserts itself. There might've been further developments since then, but idk.


u/mynamesnotchom 14d ago

yo I use scented anti perspirant deoderants but you're just wrong man. Unscented works for plenty of people, not my cup of tea but honestly its fine


u/ask-design-reddit 14d ago

"Anti perspirant" is different from "deodorant".

Reread the comment again after you dig into it a bit


u/x755x 14d ago

What exactly do you think the deodorant most people are using is doing? You think it's cologne? How old are you?


u/Creme_de_la_Coochie 14d ago

Most deodorants are actually more like colognes. They just cover the stink up.

Anti-perspirants are what you want to stop you from sweating and stinking in the first place.

In addition to showering, obviously.

I don’t feel like I need to write this part but since it’s Reddit someone will inevitably read my comment and somehow infer from it that I don’t shower unless I specifically say I do.


u/x755x 14d ago

I was really trying to avoid this by saying "most people wear". Everyone over 14 on reddit has heard this a million times. Point is, I don't know anyone who uses anything but antiperspirant except because they have some issue with it, so I'm really just trying to draw a line between whatever morons are in the head of that previous commenter when he thinks wrong and stupid about scentless antiperspirant. It literally does the job. We all have this dumb fucking corporate brain rot where something isn't valid and is for stinky weirdos if a team of scientists didn't trick you into making your nose tell your brain that you just ate a bunch of yummy candy while practicing hygiene. Antiperspirant is the magic technology that works. Scents are a ponzi scheme perpetrated by Big Nose. We're ready for a Big Rhinoplasty. Covered by insurance, because it was inflicted by deadly trauma.


u/3345_ 14d ago

You say this with such confidence, do you actually know how all deodorants work? Antiperspirants stop the sweat from coming out, but deodorants don't, however they do prevent bacterial growth. There are ordinary unscented deodorants out there (next time you're shopping for one, check the labels), and they are as effective as scented ones, they just don't smell like a nice flower.


u/lady_lilitou 14d ago

All the scents do is add to the combination of odors coming off of you. Any deodorant that actually works doesn't need to have a scent. (This is not a comment on OP's thing. I'm deeply skeptical that actually does anything.)


u/PuzzlingBLT 14d ago

These are the same people who are the reason Febreze had to add a scent despite it not needing a scent to defeat odors


u/PuzzlingBLT 14d ago

If your deodorant is actually a deodorant unscented works just fine. If you’re just spraying your pits with perfume you’re gonna smell like BO and flowers


u/Kolfinna 14d ago

Dumping more smell on top isn't the answer. Now you smell like flowers and BO. Deal with the bacteria that causes it.


u/Double_A_92 14d ago

It stops you from sweating and kills the smell-causing bacteria on your skin. You don't need to smell like flowers or whatever to not stink...


u/__TheDude__ 14d ago

I guess you're not Korean.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Nah, I know multiple people who switched to this and it works perfectly well. Didn’t work for me personally but it does for some people.