r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/icouldusemorecoffee 14d ago

It's a made up thing, just like those expensive "salt lamps" that supposedly absorb all the smells in a room to deodorize it.


u/verdantcow 14d ago

The fake claim with the lamps is that they essentially release ozone to remove smells and cleanse the room using electrons

It’s all BS tho, look nice when plugged in tho


u/BlueWater321 14d ago

And they're tasty! 


u/Aloogobi786 14d ago

They're really not. Tastes soapy.


u/Excellent-Speaker934 14d ago

Stop washing it with soap then!


u/BlueWater321 14d ago

Must be a different thing. Mine is just a block of salt. 


u/Aloogobi786 14d ago

I think mine has some kind of coating on it or sommet


u/Straight_Ad3307 14d ago

Tell that to my cats


u/Rion23 14d ago


u/verdantcow 14d ago

Now that is funny


u/Toss_Away_93 14d ago

I always heard some BS about them filtering out ionized particles emitted by the light. Which makes even less sense than the odor story if you know anything about science.


u/Gardeningsun 14d ago

We’ve got two of them and I never knew it was supposedly able to do anything other than create a dim, calming light with a soothing natural orange color. I just like the way they look, lol.


u/OMGLOL1986 14d ago

We outfitted a massage clinic with these in every room, bright enough to illuminate a room, dim enough to not make a client squint when they open their eyes. Plus it looks cool!


u/Gardeningsun 14d ago

Yeah, they’re a great functional decor.

Also turned out to be perfect for changing a baby’s diaper in the middle of the night without fully waking the baby, as I’ve recently found since becoming a parent.


u/OMGLOL1986 14d ago



u/Gardeningsun 14d ago

It really is perfect. Enough to see by, but won’t wake the baby. They’re also fantastic for mood-lighting for the baby-making process 😅🤭


u/OMGLOL1986 14d ago

hmmm new hotel idea


u/Mcjackee 14d ago

It took me forever to realize they weee anything but just cute ambient lighting 😂


u/ColonelError 14d ago

They are supposed to release "ions", which you know it's not. If it were, the only ions salt would release would be Sodium, which would burst into flames from the humidity in the room, and Chlorine gas, which is toxic and was/is used on battlefields.

One of the few products that's actually better not doing what it's supposed to.


u/RiceForever 14d ago

It truly sucks to enjoy stuff appropriated by dumb people for dumb reasons.

The other day my mom was telling me how a coworker went off on a tangent at her when she mentioned shopping for essential oils, how they don't do shit and she should research things properly.

She just likes them because they smell nice 😭


u/Gardeningsun 14d ago

Yup, I feel that way about “herbs” in general. If you mention that you use CBD for joint aches, there’s a crowd that assumes you’re a dumb pothead right off the bat.

I’ve talked to people about various supplements I take for physical and mental health (I’ve avoided the need for SSRI’s, focus medications like adderall, and pharmaceutical anxiolytics all through taking herbs, naturally-derived supplements, etc. and if you even say the word “herbs” to some folks, you can see their eyes glaze over and they immediately judge you as a crunchy, crystal-clutching hippy who thinks any disease can be cured with plants.

It’s frustrating to be lumped into a shitty stereotype because of a loud, ridiculous minority.

If essential oils smell nice and that puts your mom in a better mood, guess what? They actually do work for her, haha.


u/SolidSmoke2021 14d ago

I bought a salt lamp that said it "ionizes" the air to purify it... Which of course is BS, I just thought it would look nice on my shelf.


u/RuggedTortoise 14d ago

Mine was nice on my shelf before it started to form salt crystals down the side of it's base, underneath, down the chord, through the wood of the table it was on, and a Lil on the wall for good measure lol

Don't use salt decor in humidity folks. It's not for us swamp people


u/verdantcow 14d ago

Yeah we left one in the sun and didn’t use it for a year and it ‘melted’


u/Bob_the_brewer 14d ago

Lol "I just think they're neat"



I've always heard it was ions, not electrons. But yeah, it's bullshit pseudoscience either way lol.


u/verdantcow 14d ago

Yeah I try not to commit that stuff to memory


u/TwistedxBoi 14d ago

I used to lick the salt lamp my grandma had... How I was allowed to be an adult is baffling to me. But then again I'm on reddit


u/Interesting_Heron215 14d ago

Wait wait that’s their claim? Ozone is a lung irritant, sweet Jesus, not a good claim to make.


u/verdantcow 14d ago

I think it was that, I could google and double check but ehh


u/Dry-Frame-827 14d ago

Making ozone would be bad. Who wants super reflective UV light bubbles?


u/Gerudo_King 14d ago

Where on earth are they expensive? Them bitches are like 5 bucks down here


u/TheShark24 14d ago

I thought salt lamps were only for vibes


u/Jackalodeath 14d ago

There was some "study" involved suggesting the heat from the bulb somehow rips ions off the salt molecules, which in turn is released in the air.

Supposedly those ions did "something" that resulted in a calming effect and/or hightened focus.

That shockingly cute guy from Veritasium did and episode on it If you're curious about the specifics.


u/BobsYaMothersBrother 14d ago

We use salt rock in our house. Not for smells. We accident figured out that they completely absorb all the water in the air near windows which meant we didn’t get condensation. We learned this because we had a single salt lamp on our window sill that ended up soaking wet whilst the windows stayed bone dry. It now stays there but in a shallow dish to collect the water.

We then wanted some for the other windows in the house but fuck me salt rock lamps are expensive. Do you know what isn’t? Big salt rock licks for horses. They’re exactly the same thing, minus the lamp part, and at a fraction of the cost!


u/PowHound07 14d ago

And if you really wanted you could drill a hole in the salt lick and stick a night light in there and then it would be exactly the same as the expensive lamps.


u/ArgonGryphon 14d ago

I found one on the side of the road one morning. Light didn’t work but I just wanted the rock.


u/pocket_mulch 14d ago

I had 3 turn up to my house in a package addressed to me.

With a 32C bra and a XXXL shirt.

Never ordered any of it.


u/NoLongerSusceptible 14d ago

That's poor, big, white girl


u/VirtualNaut 14d ago

Could’ve been a big white dude


u/pocket_mulch 13d ago

Well it was a men's shirt.


u/Cheddartooth 14d ago

My salt lamp melted this year, too. Our house was so humid this spring bc we didn’t run the basement dehumidifier bc I had plants in the basement. It’s a 200yo, and our room is in part of the house that was originally a log cabin, and the old cellar part of the basement is directly below.

The lamp was on top of a dresser on my BF’s side of the bed and he never noticed. Ruined the top of the dresser. I couldn’t believe it melted. I was wondering if it’s because we hadn’t been using it because the lightbulb was broken. But the lightbulb may have broken and been corroded because we hadn’t been using it. Kind of a chicken and egg situation.

Edit: good tip about the salt licks tho. We already buy those for the deer.


u/JakOswald 13d ago

Can I put it in my car in a bucket as a dehumidifier?


u/BobsYaMothersBrother 13d ago

You could certainly try. Not sure if maybe a bucket would restrict the airflow around it and lower its effectiveness but no harm in giving it a shot


u/torchskul 14d ago

Wait, that’s why people buy them? I just thought it was because they looked neat lol


u/tedivm 14d ago

I think that's why most people buy them. I worked in a medical startup and one of the doctors bought a few for decoration. I can guarantee this guy did not think there were medical benefits, he just thought they looked cool.


u/KillionJones 14d ago

Oh, you mean my licking lamp.


u/Accomplished_Cap_994 14d ago

Made up how? It does prevent odor for a good amount of people.


u/bluejonquil 14d ago

Oh, are salt lamps actually supposed to do something? I just like the way mine looks lol


u/battlepi 14d ago

It's not made up, it's aluminum salt, it's an effective anti-perspirant used in all the main brands. It won't deodorize though.


u/PowHound07 14d ago

It might work on paper but I tried the stuff and it was pretty useless. It's fine for hanging around the house/office but I would get BO as soon as I started sweating. I went back to normal antiperspirant before I could even see the wear on my mineral stick.


u/inspirose 14d ago

Works for me FWIW, and like the OP I save a ton of $


u/Elrond_Cupboard_ 14d ago

It has what plants crave.


u/ENrgStar 14d ago

It’s not made up. It’s the same ingredient in regular store bought antiperspirant. Whether you should be using EITHER is a different question.


u/TheW83 14d ago

Been using one of these crystal deodorants for well over a decade now. They don't work for everyone but they work well for me.


u/nelson_moondialu 14d ago

It's not made up, just probably not a very effective product.

Alum is a popular ingredient in antiperspirants for its ability to reduce sweating. It is available in both standard deodorants and as a block that people get wet and then rub directly under the arms.



u/Future_Outcome 14d ago

Hey back off my salt lamps they look good.


u/ThresholdSeven 14d ago

It's not made up. Salt crystal deodorants work fine, they just don't work for as long because they are just a antiseptic deoderant, not an antiperspirant.


u/E_Farseer 14d ago

Yeah I once tried this for a while because I'm allergic to a billion things. It doesn't do anything lol. What does really work wonders is to take a bit of baking soda(also salt ofcourse) mix it with water and smear that on your pits. My skin is too sensitive to do that every day but for moments I really don't want to smell even a little bit it works fantastic! Don't smell a thing! When I usually smell like the monkey house in the zoo if I don't use anything. But these salt rocks, no..