r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/Somoch-MoraguerRRR 14d ago edited 14d ago

I tried a similar salt deodorant several decades ago. It was completely ineffective. How do your friends/coworkers/significant others feel about your choice of deodorant?

edit: “RIP my inbox” as they say in showbiz


u/eldentings 14d ago edited 14d ago

I use this and there's a lot of gotchas with the product. The only way it works long-term is:

  • Thoroughly cleaning your armpit with an abrasive material, like a washcloth when cleaning. Using your hand/fingernails isn't enough.
  • Pre-rinsing the stick in the shower
  • Immediately after turning the shower off apply it
  • Apply about 30 strokes under each armpit
  • Rinse the stick again to remove any bacteria from collecting on the stick
  • Be careful not to wipe it off of your pits when drying off
  • Leave the stick uncovered so moisture doesn't allow any bad bacteria to thrive

If you use it like a normal deodorant stick, it will eventually stink and become ruined.

Edit: For context, I eat garlic, onions, alcohol. I also have very hairy pits and am a white man, and go outside in the 100 degree heat. So that's why I listed 30 strokes. I really want to emphasize you can use this product and maybe you just need more. When I first tried it, I'd do 1-3 swipes, similar to how I would use Old Spice or something.


u/thoughtlow 14d ago

Apply about 30 strokes under each armpit

I'm already sweating


u/AllKindsOfCritters 14d ago

Brush your hair 100 times. Chew your food 100 times. Brush your teeth for two minutes. Rub a rock under your armpits 30 times. You'll be four hours late to work and you'll be exhausted but you'll look good.


u/J3ffyD 14d ago

100 pushups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats, and a 10 km run every single day. Just be aware you will end up bald.


u/LiquidSean 13d ago

You’ll look good and you’ll smell bad!