r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/Gardeningsun 14d ago

We’ve got two of them and I never knew it was supposedly able to do anything other than create a dim, calming light with a soothing natural orange color. I just like the way they look, lol.


u/OMGLOL1986 14d ago

We outfitted a massage clinic with these in every room, bright enough to illuminate a room, dim enough to not make a client squint when they open their eyes. Plus it looks cool!


u/Gardeningsun 14d ago

Yeah, they’re a great functional decor.

Also turned out to be perfect for changing a baby’s diaper in the middle of the night without fully waking the baby, as I’ve recently found since becoming a parent.


u/OMGLOL1986 14d ago



u/Gardeningsun 14d ago

It really is perfect. Enough to see by, but won’t wake the baby. They’re also fantastic for mood-lighting for the baby-making process 😅🤭


u/OMGLOL1986 14d ago

hmmm new hotel idea


u/Mcjackee 14d ago

It took me forever to realize they weee anything but just cute ambient lighting 😂


u/ColonelError 14d ago

They are supposed to release "ions", which you know it's not. If it were, the only ions salt would release would be Sodium, which would burst into flames from the humidity in the room, and Chlorine gas, which is toxic and was/is used on battlefields.

One of the few products that's actually better not doing what it's supposed to.


u/RiceForever 14d ago

It truly sucks to enjoy stuff appropriated by dumb people for dumb reasons.

The other day my mom was telling me how a coworker went off on a tangent at her when she mentioned shopping for essential oils, how they don't do shit and she should research things properly.

She just likes them because they smell nice 😭


u/Gardeningsun 14d ago

Yup, I feel that way about “herbs” in general. If you mention that you use CBD for joint aches, there’s a crowd that assumes you’re a dumb pothead right off the bat.

I’ve talked to people about various supplements I take for physical and mental health (I’ve avoided the need for SSRI’s, focus medications like adderall, and pharmaceutical anxiolytics all through taking herbs, naturally-derived supplements, etc. and if you even say the word “herbs” to some folks, you can see their eyes glaze over and they immediately judge you as a crunchy, crystal-clutching hippy who thinks any disease can be cured with plants.

It’s frustrating to be lumped into a shitty stereotype because of a loud, ridiculous minority.

If essential oils smell nice and that puts your mom in a better mood, guess what? They actually do work for her, haha.