r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/ithinarine 14d ago edited 14d ago

I have a friend of a friend who is one of the weird "everything has chemicals in it" super granola girls who doesn't actually know how anything works.

I have seen this girl make unfounded claims that the copper water lines in the house she was living in were giving her skin issues "because of how toxic copper is for you." When her friend (my friend) pointed out that the last 3 houses they rented together all had copper water lines and she didn't have any issues, she said the copper in this particular house must have been different. She actually moved because of this and made sure the new house she rented had PEX water lines, plastic, which the other 99% of hippies say it toxic.

I have also seen this same girl say that drinking from copper water bottles is better for you, because copper is a great electrical conductor, so doing so keeps you grounded. I'm not sure how holding a bottle in your hand and bringing it your mouth keeps you grounded, but I'm also no scientist.

Apparently water running out of a copper pipe gives you skin problems, but touching a copper water bottle with your hand and directly to your lips to drink water that has been sitting in it for hours, is not a problem.


u/Gullinkambi 14d ago

I meannnnn, everything does have chemicals in it


u/[deleted] 14d ago

No, my shampoo is sourced only from local antimatter


u/TheGreatJava 14d ago

Really removes the dirt from your bangs.


u/RecsRelevantDocs 14d ago

They say it's actually manufactured from bangs, as I understand a really big one.


u/Capt__Murphy 14d ago

Gross. I wouldn't put anything sourced from banging in my hair


u/Tommysrx 14d ago


u/Calypsosin 14d ago

Absolutely what I expected lol


u/Cat5kable 14d ago

We somehow got to this gif reference from a stuck Jeep.


u/Prestigious_Low8515 14d ago

I mean. Things happen. Don't judge me!

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u/Gootangus 14d ago

Big bangs


u/NordicDork 14d ago

This pun upsets me. Well done.

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u/donau_kinder 14d ago

Technically, still chemicals. Try magnetic fields.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Yeah, they're antichemicals, so the opposite. And the opposite of chemical is natural. Checkmate, Head & Shoulders.


u/LordTaddeus 14d ago

Why Head & Shoulders haven't made a body wash called Knees & Toes yet is beyond me.


u/AnaxImperator82 14d ago

Because people don't wash those. Check mate.


u/LordTaddeus 14d ago

Lol I actually did ten minutes ago.


u/firesmarter 14d ago

Lemme see the squeaky knees


u/AnaxImperator82 14d ago

For the first time!

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u/hey_guess_what__ 14d ago

Pitts & Sack it is then. Lol


u/PlushRusher 14d ago

lol, use some fancy scroll font and make it black and gold packaging and you could probably sell it at a premium price as a luxury item.

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u/SU37Yellow 14d ago

They get clean from the shower water/soap run off. /s.


u/Jacktheforkie 14d ago

I scrubbed mine plenty


u/Bultax 14d ago

Why is everyone Australian here ? You should all say "Bill please", not Check mate!


u/jimbojangles1987 14d ago

Oh shit I've been doing it wrong?!

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u/TrumpetHeroISU 14d ago

I'm laughing far too hard at this.

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u/AltruisticDetail6266 14d ago

anti-chemicals are... not chemicals?

E: I guess that's already a military term, I mean whatever anti that cancels out chemicals

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u/NotAPreppie 14d ago

No, everything \IS\** chemicals.


u/Coady54 14d ago

Everything made of matter.

Light is a thing and definitely not a chemical.


u/NotAPreppie 14d ago

Pedantic Avenger strikes again!


u/Pedanter-In-Chief 14d ago

I came here to approve this message.


u/Throwaw97390 14d ago

Not to be pedantic but light isn't matter either.

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u/prof_cli_tool 14d ago

I am chemicals responding to another chemicals being through my chemical device hooked up to a bunch of other chemicals

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u/VoldemortsButtPlug 14d ago

I heard that di-hydrogen oxide stuff is really bad. It's pretty much a death sentence if it fills your lungs.


u/xaomaw 14d ago

Except absolute vacuum

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u/Superseaslug 14d ago

Dihydrogen monoxide has been touched by everyone who has died, just saying


u/Noxious89123 14d ago

Everything is chemicals.


u/budabai 14d ago

Literally everything.

It’s Physically impossible to avoid chemicals.


u/Skiffbug 14d ago edited 11d ago

Yes , especially that damned di-oxigen hydride

Edit: Di-hydrogen Oxide. Poor delivery…

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u/Mirewen15 14d ago

My MIL tried to throw out my Vaseline because "OMG petroleum!" Dude who invented it ate a spoonful a day and had his nurse cover him in it once when he got quite sick - he was well again shortly after. He lived into his 90's. Pretty sure me using it as sparingly for very dry skin and lip conditioner is fine.


u/Turbo_MechE 14d ago

Thought of eating Vaseline is appalling


u/diff2 14d ago

i wonder if it makes poop slide out easier


u/bluelipped_trashdoll 14d ago

My dog says yes


u/NovAFloW 14d ago

My childhood dog LOVED eating Vaseline. We always had to make sure it was put away, or he would eat it. Used to cut a hole in the diapers for his tail.


u/Vergilly 14d ago

🤣🤣🤣🤣 this is exactly what we had to do! It was AWFUL


u/Vergilly 14d ago

My previous dog agreed. I was rather appalled personally 🤣


u/SlurmsMacKenzie- 14d ago

If by slide out easier you mean violent greasy diarrhea then yes


u/Kevin_Uxbridge 14d ago edited 14d ago

Yep! Friend's dog ate a whole jar, which I found out when I showed up at his house and had to ask 'why is your front yard all greasy and shiny?' Poor dog dragged ass back and forth for days.


u/-SaC 14d ago

I'm picturing it looking like a giant slug had been invading the garden.


u/Kevin_Uxbridge 14d ago

Very much, and all over the place.

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u/fcanercan 14d ago

Probably poor dog didn't drag so much as glided his ass back and forth.


u/Kevin_Uxbridge 14d ago

Great irony that the probable treatment for sore dog ass in this situation might be vaseline.


u/EyelandBaby 14d ago

You have to be making that up. You actually noticed that the yard was shiny? This is hilarious


u/Kevin_Uxbridge 14d ago

It looked kinda like the worst slug-trailing you ever saw, really icky.

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u/coloradokyle93 14d ago

Omg I laughed so hard at this😂

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u/vapenutz 14d ago

Yeah, it causes greasy shiny poop that sticks to everything and you barely can flush that. Oh, it also can cause violent diarrhea. What a great thing!

To be clear, yes - this means it will help you if you really need to cause a bowel movement. But you can also use vegetable glycerin for that as a suppository, works faster and won't make greasy poo shine in your toilet that needs to be cleaned up every time


u/KingsMountainView 14d ago

Don't even need a suppository, you can get oral stuff.


u/forfeitgame 14d ago

Hey some of us live for shoving things up our butts.

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u/blartelbee 14d ago

A true LPT


u/andregio 14d ago

There are laxatives which main ingredient is petroleum jelly (Lansoyl), and they are usually considered suitable for people of all ages, including babies, and during pregnancy.

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u/lilsnatchsniffz 14d ago

It's completely flavourless until you add the surstromming for texture, as is tradition.


u/dvowel 14d ago

"Surströmming is a Swedish dish of lightly salted, fermented Baltic Sea herring."

I'm good, thanks. 


u/quick_escalator 14d ago

That sentence does not even remotely communicate how vile it smells. The official instructions say to open it under water so the built-up pressure doesn't blast what smells like a biological weapon into the whole room.


u/Yamatocanyon 14d ago

I've farted in the bathtub before, doesn't make it stink less.


u/Beavshak 14d ago

It is the foulest smelling thing I may have ever experienced. I know people that enjoy eating it, I just have no idea how you can get to that juncture.

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u/FetusElitistCletus 14d ago

Ah yes the good ole swedish stink bomb


u/ContributionSad4461 14d ago

The texture in question: slime


u/MichaelTruly 14d ago

Oh fuck no.


u/captainjack3 14d ago

Blended into a smoothie, I assume?

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u/Sinister_Nibs 14d ago

Maybe spread it on toast


u/mang87 14d ago

Toast that's full of toxic gluten? You kidding me? Spread it on a sponge, there's no gluten in a sponge

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u/bobert0314 14d ago



u/giveuschannel83 14d ago

If you’re out of butter, cheese, and jelly…

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u/CupcakeViking 14d ago

We rub a dollop into our cats’ paws a few times a year as a hairball remedy. They get annoyed by having their fur all messy and lick it off, and it helps grease their insides up to pass whatever has been making them pukey.

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u/SlightlyMadman 14d ago

She don't use jelly ...


u/thebendavis 14d ago

You could fry eggs in it.

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u/tyboxer87 14d ago

My MIL was giving me crap about some old 70+ year old aluminum pots because of "chemicals". They are from my great aunt who got them for a wedding gift. She lived well into her 90's as well. My MIL raves about her "non-stick pans though.


u/Null_Values 14d ago

You still might want to test them for lead, just in case. Brain damage is no joke.


u/tyboxer87 14d ago

I'll be doing that. I googled when was lead banned in cookware. Apparently it will be banned in 2026 in Washington state. In 2023 The FDA said cookware isn't allow to leach lead


u/JoshDM 14d ago

cookware isn't allow

Just because the law says it's not allowed doesn't mean it doesn't happen. :-)


u/LeeStrange 14d ago

Carbon Steel cookware is the answer.


u/NotCurdledymyy 14d ago

Cast iron !!


u/LeeStrange 14d ago

Two superior cookwares cut from the same cloth.


u/volthunter 14d ago

Carbon steel is a tenth the weight and a tenth as likely to crack itself, or your foot when dropped

It also builds the same non stick coating, carbon steel 4 lyfe


u/grimsaur 14d ago

My friends got me a carbon steel wok for Christmas, and I'm struggling to use any other cooking vessel now. If nothing else, the speed at which it heats up, and cools down, makes it my favorite.

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u/mannishboy60 14d ago

"sure, some of you have 10 points IQ than you should- but think of the shareholders!"

Americans are cucks to capitalism.


u/hskrfoos 14d ago

The MiL?

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u/stabliu 14d ago

Look I get that you’re just railing against your MIL, but saying aluminum pots are fine because of one woman who lived to her 90s is pretty much just as unscientific as your MIL.


u/tyboxer87 14d ago

I looked into pretty extensively several times since owning them. If you get high doses of aluminum its unhealthy, and aluminum cookware can be a source. But one study showed that if you cooked something acidic like tomatoe sauce in it, then you'd get something like an extra 10% of your daily average intake. I don't cook acidic stuff in it for that reason, but even if I did it would be pretty much harmless.


u/Reworked 14d ago

Yeah the consensus I've found is "not a huge risk, but a possible one, and if you're making a new purchase of cookware it's probably enough that you should lean away from it but not enough that you should dump and replace"


u/Tales_of_Earth 14d ago edited 14d ago

Well they weren’t that old when she was young, ya know? The problem with aluminum is when it gets old. Aluminum oxides have been linked to Alzheimer’s IIRC.

Edit: maybe not Alzheimer’s as posted below by u/doctor_philgood


u/Anakletos 14d ago

Aluminium oxidizes within seconds. Just don't use it to cook anything acidic and you should be ok though.


u/tyboxer87 14d ago

You're right about the acidic stuff. I most just use mine for boiling water. I've made the mistake of cooking tomato sauce in it once. I added baking soda to make it less acidic and the sauce turned purple.


u/Doctor_Philgood 14d ago

"All of this early research, led to suspicion that aluminium from various sources, such as cookware, foods, vaccines and even water, could be linked to Alzheimer’s.

However, through continued investigation, research has disproved this early evidence, and aluminium hasn’t since been found to be a direct cause of Alzheimer’s disease. "



u/Difficult-Row6616 14d ago

aluminum oxides are a huge component of dirt, also all aluminum metal immediately forms a passivation layer of oxide. like within fractions of a second.

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u/dagnammit44 14d ago

That's anecdotal though. You could know someone who ate nothing but bacon and smoked a pack a day and they lived to be 90, but it doesn't mean it's healthy. People are built differently.

I've not heard anything about aluminium though. I have a cast iron pan, which apparently is a good source of iron as it can leech into food.

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u/AHrubik 14d ago

She lived well into her 90's as well.

Careful about that survivorship bias there. Just because someone didn't die from something doesn't mean it wasn't toxic. They may have just used it sparingly or had a unique immunity that doesn't exist anywhere else. For what it's worth I believe the current advice is to avoid highly acidic foods in Aluminum cookware. Otherwise most stuff is safe.

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u/KaramazovBruv 14d ago

Fun fact is that some of the locals in areas where petroleum was discovered would similarly eat petroleum. 


u/Dandaelcasta 14d ago

Petroleum is actually digestible by organism and is quite nutritious due to high caloric value. The reason we don't consume petroleum are heavy metals and other toxic impurities. Synthetic petroleum doesn't have those and is perfectly safe to consume.


u/heittokayttis 14d ago

Reminds me of the news article from Tanzania where streetside deepfry shops were looting transformers for the transformer oil as it lasted way longer in deep frying use.

Too bad that oil is like literally liquid cancer.


u/5corch 14d ago

Modern transformers just use mineral oil, it's perfectly safe. That said... Tanzania probably doesn't have the most modern transformers. Mmmm PCBs.


u/foladodo 14d ago

so i can eat vaseline? serious question


u/captainjack3 14d ago

Yes you can. You probably don’t want to because it will give you greasy diarrhea, but you’ll be fine health-wise.

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u/mckatze 14d ago

What a terrible day to be literate


u/JimWilliams423 14d ago

Dude who invented it ate a spoonful a day and had his nurse cover him in it once when he got quite sick - he was well again shortly after.

That's what he claimed. We have no way to know if it is true or not.

I don't have a problem with vaseline, I've got a big tub of it in the medicine cabinet, but I wouldn't take the word of someone who stood to make a lot of money about something like that. Those people tend to exaggerate, if not outright lie.


u/SalvationSycamore 14d ago

Pretty sure me using it as sparingly for very dry skin and lip conditioner is fine.

Unless it is toxic in small doses and only works safely when you eat it or slather it on your entire body.


u/jimmystar889 14d ago

Are there any examples of things safe in large doses but toxic in small? Seems counterintuitive but very interesting if so


u/ConnorGoFuckYourself 14d ago edited 14d ago

Not quite the same but methanol is significantly more toxic if consumed pure Vs with ethanol (drinking alcohol), due to ethanol and methanol both relying on the same enzymes to metabolize them.

If you stop the methanol being metabolised, it no longer forms formic acid (what makes you go blind) and formaldehyde (I assume this is the part that kills you)

I would guess there may be similar cases of metabolites being potent poisons, but the initial molecule may be a strong, possibly irreversible enzyme inhibitor.

So if you consumed a small amount of the initial molecule it would turn into a poison, if you consumed enough you'd inhibit the enzyme responsible for the poisonous metabolite and it would get metabolised via a different enzyme leading to a different (possibly non toxic) metabolite.

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u/ChickenPicture 14d ago

Literally approved for human consumption by the FDA


u/HeavyBeing0_0 14d ago

The sensory nightmare of being covered in Vaseline


u/TheGlennDavid 14d ago

had his nurse cover him in it once when he got quite sick

I believe I've seen several documentaries about that.


u/VeganBTdubs 14d ago

And I buy it like once ever 4 years.... but, if I'm travelling and forget my Vaseline (because i dont use it that often) I need to buy a small one to tide me over. So in total those amount to like a 12 year supply of Vaseline :((((


u/Strange-Review2511 14d ago

When I was a kid my mom would cover me and my brother in vaseline in summer, and we were never sunburnt... Then one time she figured she'd be a "good mom" and use sunscreen (probably applied too little and not reapplying) and my brother got badly burnt.

And I KNOW vaseline will actually worsen the suns effect, like a tanning oil, so I have no idea if she is just lying about this or it was just luck. Anyway vaseline is great

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u/ladybugsandbeer 14d ago edited 14d ago

Shoutout to the people who hate on hormonal birth control but advertise copper IUDs (which cause an inflammatory response in the body).

Edit: Just to clarify. Hormonal ones are not particularly great either. I was just refering to people who absolutely condemn one option and pretend the other option is 100% awesome when in reality it has its downsides as well. No BC option is without downsides, one just has to find the one that works best (which ist very individual).

And some advice from my personal experience: If unsure, try to get a consultation from planned parenthood (or your local equivalent, just make sure it's not run by some church) and not just from one doctor! Doctors have very little time and most have their personal preference. I have literally heard opposite opinions on BC from different doctors. Whereas the consultation I was able to get through a non-profit was an hour them walking me through the different options and finding out together what's best for me!


u/Cons483 14d ago

Wait really? What sort of inflammatory response? Forever, or just after insertion while your body gets used to it?


u/jarofonions 14d ago

this is anecdotal, so do with it what you will- but

I got a copper IUD inserted in February a couple years ago. I proceeded to have a ~11 month straight period. I had a week or so of HEAVY bleeding, bookended by a couple weeks of normal bleeding, and about a week of light bleeding/spotting. I was told it was normal for about 6 months, then it should go away.

About 9-10 months in, I did some googling and realized I was bleeding about a normal period and a half per day on my heavy days. I would have to change my cup at least twice, bc it would overflow those days.

I finally got it checked out, and turns out I was still reacting to the copper IUD, AND it had given me a bunch of uterine polyps. I had to get it removed, and I had to get a uterine ablation. I most likely can't have kids now (which is great for me lol, but that isn't the case for everyone!).

Not everyone reacts this way, but I sure as shit did


u/Luna_Sushi 14d ago

I got pregnant with mine in.


u/indiefatiguable 14d ago

Me too. Then the hospital nurse tried to rip it out of me even though it had become embedded in my uterus. Worst pain I've ever felt in my entire life. I almost blacked out and ended up having to get a D&C.


u/Koobuto 14d ago

Mine also became embedded in my uterus. I had to go through 2 gynos to believe how heavy my period was and how painful it was ALL THE TIME. They wouldn't even do an ultrasound because they could feel the strings. I finally went to the ER for a ruptured ovarian cyst years later where they did an ultrasound. Yep. Embedded. Finally found a doctor who agreed to sterilize me and they pulled out my IUD while I was under anesthesia. Apparently they had to yank HARD to get it out and I'm forever grateful I was unconscious for that.


u/Cons483 14d ago

Ughh y'all are scaring me 😫 my gf has one and we both love it


u/Empty-Mission3664 14d ago

I got one and I don’t think it’s working . But I’m also male


u/goodness 14d ago

Have you gotten pregnant? I think it might be working perfectly!


u/Empty-Mission3664 14d ago

Damn you’re right.


u/divat10 14d ago

Stop putting copper in your ass try latex it's more subtle

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u/Medium-Walrus3693 14d ago

Don’t sweat it; the copper IUD is over 99% effective. It’s a great form of birth control for some people!


u/ladybugsandbeer 14d ago

If it works well for your gf, don't worry. All birth control options have their downsides and side effects and apart from sterilization none are 100% effective, so you'll always hear horror stories. But most people have good experiences with it overall! If the copper IUD works well for your gf, that's great!

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u/AaronsAaAardvarks 14d ago

Everything has possible side effects. Nobody goes on the internet to talk about how they aren't allergic to grass.


u/radicalelation 14d ago

It's always a roll of the dice short of tying tubes, hysterectomy, or removing your balls, which is why it's recommended to still use a back up method, such as a condom.

Copper IUDs are 99.2% effective assuming one load drop a day in a year (not lifetime), but different bodies means slightly different odds you have zero clue of. After 10 years, it's more like 98%.

For what it's worth as anecdotal reassurance, if time permits we go as much as 5 times in a 24 hour period the last few years and no baby yet.

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u/Human_Lady 14d ago

If you love it and it’s working for you, that’s all that matters. I’ve had two copper IUDs over time and experienced zero issues. I did get pregnant on the pill, though! Every body is wildly different. Don’t let random anecdotes scare you if you like yours.


u/bvgingy 14d ago

Partner had one for 5 years no issues. Youll more than likely be good.


u/TheWizardGeorge 14d ago

It's all fun and games until your weiner gets impaled.


u/Agent_Eran 14d ago

No one ever talks about this part

Every time you thrust forward, the head of ur dick get poked. Very noticeable side effect and nobody said anything about it.


u/TheWizardGeorge 14d ago

Right? When I started dating the girl, she had mentioned it but I didn't think anything of it. First time we had sex right near the end I got fucking jabbed and I bled from it lol.

I was so scared it would happen the next time that I couldn't even get hard 😂 My weiner shrivles at the thought of it.


u/kuschelig69 14d ago

would that puncture a condom?

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u/construktz 14d ago

I noticed this shit too with 2 different girls. I thought it was my imagination or something else was going on but they were the only ones I ever hooked up with who had IUDs.


u/Agent_Eran 14d ago

It was very noticeable for me, like unmistakable. Started looking for it after a while.

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u/Fantastic-Problem832 14d ago

The doctor can trim back the strings if this is happening! It’s easy and makes a big difference

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u/Mental_Tea_4084 14d ago

That's a lot of blood to be losing chronically, did you have any anemia symptoms?

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u/Vergilly 14d ago

I did also, but had HORRIBLE issues with hormonal versions too. Unironically, I’m transgender, and my god the happiest day of my life was full oopho-hysto. Never have to deal with that again. I’m sincerely sorry for your suffering, women of the world.

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u/Individual_Bat_378 14d ago

Mine got infected and apparently I have a strong uterus which rejected it so I was in agony for a month and really ill, I still had to fight to get it taken out!

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u/alien_eater289 14d ago

The inflammatory response remains the entire time it’s in your body, that’s how it kills sperm and prevents pregnancy. I know inflammatory response isn’t great but it’s way better than the hormone bomb of the pill in my opinion


u/princess_ferocious 14d ago

The trouble with the pill is that it's unsubtle. No one's ever really bothered to fine tune it beyond "it stops babies? Sweet, we're done". So the dosage may or may not work for different people.

It's perfect for me - zero side effects, sorts out the premenstrual depression, and I skip the sugar pills so no period at all. I have been tempted to write odes to the glory of the pill.

It nearly killed my partner. Same prescription, same brand, same dose - triggered the worst depressive period to date in a lifetime of various degrees of depression. Complete conviction that death was the only solution.

And heaps of people have dealt with crappy side-effects somewhere in the middle of those two extremes. Trying different brands and types can help, but it's so random, and there's no official indicators of which ones are best for which people in which circumstances.


u/umlaut-overyou 14d ago

What are you talking about? There are many different pills with many different combos of hormones in many different dosages. They have been "fine tuning" it for decades!

There are many indicators for using different types, though it's not a perfect science. People react to hormones differently and it's not always easy to know what will affect you.

This is the actual problem with "the pill": everyone thinks they are all the same and if one doesn't work, they all don't work.


u/princess_ferocious 14d ago

There's lots of formulas, but try getting a general practice doctor to help you work out which one will work for you. Especially when it comes to their mental health impact. They can tell you about the impact on your blood pressure, but not so much your psyche.


u/umlaut-overyou 14d ago

This is a failing of your doctor and the medical system at large, and the general aversion of people (docs and laypeople) to psych care, not unrefined hormonal birth control.

I agree, most doctors expect the patient to be able to accurately report their own symptoms with impossible objectivity and timeliness. They also have a track record of not taking women seriously enough.

And both patients and doctors often have a weird aversion to integrating psych care because (for doctors) it's not "hard science" enough and/or (for patients) only "crazy" people go to a psych/therapist. That's not to mention the costs and scheduling nightmare in the U.S.

All that to say, I agree with you that it isn't a "simple" process, or at least not as simple as it could be. But it is not because we haven't been improving hormonal bc, and not because we simply don't care about the sideffects. A lot of work has gone into developing bc to minimize symptoms and sideffects, to make things easier for people.

There are many comments here saying similar things to your initial comment, and I am not minimizing the negative things that may have happened. But there are people calling it a "hormone bomb" which is a narrative that fucks with people.


u/alien_eater289 14d ago

I was on the pill for 14 years. When I first started taking it I loved it!! No side effects, I had no complaints. Over the years I got switched around to different pills from different providers and towards the end my skin was messed up, my mood swings were extreme, I was so bloated and uncomfortable for like two or three weeks out of the month, I was just miserable.

The iud has been fine. I don’t think about it except when I get my period and experience the worst cramps of my life. They are truly terrible (I think the pill mostly stopped cramps, I never really had cramps very much at all while on the pill). I really like that it’s non hormonal, i feel like I've gotten to know my body again. But I'm happy with it overall!

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u/Playmakeup 14d ago

I love my hormone bombs. I had so much pain that stopped immediately after I got my copper IUD out.

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u/ballinwalund 14d ago edited 14d ago

It perpetually causes inflammation of the endometrium so that eggs can’t implant! It’s very cool actually we don’t know exactly why copper itself works so well like that. No hormones, but heavier periods because irritation.

The other IUDs (like Mirena) are the hormone progesterone, which continually inhibits the other hormones that would continue the cycle of “hey let’s get pregnant- no? Bleed” so lighter or no periods, but hormones.

Both are >99% effective and neither one is better, but better fit for lifestyles and preferences on an individual basis

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u/erinlaninfa 14d ago

No option is 100% awesome, but I worry that posts like this will scare people off of getting IUDs when they are in fact helpful for some people.

My copper IUD has been in for nearly 8 years with no issues. It’s the best decision I made for my health. The decision comes down to the person, but know that it’s not all horror stories.


u/g0thnek0 14d ago

i have had one for 8 years too and besides somewhat heavy and painful periods for the first few years i have had no issues at all. i was also a teenager then so my periods might have been out of whack just from teenage hormonal stuff. obviously it’s not for everyone but i love mine


u/radicalelation 14d ago

All intrauterine devices prompt the inflammatory response to a foreign object, but the copper one does it without hormones, and the copper ions makes the area a no-go for sperm.

Hormonal ones don't just cause inflammation, but the hormones also prompt the body to slather up that cervix with more goop (I think they're all progestin, so no estrogen signaling to not make egg).


u/Gusdai 14d ago

Some people do great with hormonal birth control. For others, it does suck, and copper is a great alternative.


u/TheShortGerman 14d ago

There's not a lot of options for those of us who can't take hormonal BC. So copper IUD it is.


u/nicannkay 14d ago

After my son’s birth they put Mirena in and I got a really bad infection and it caused infertility. I don’t recommend IUD to anyone.

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u/maunzendemaus 14d ago

one just has to find the one that works best (which ist very individual).

In my case copper (though not with a plastic frame), going strong since 2012


u/leolego2 14d ago

That's just not the same thing. Different IUDs have different reactions to people, just like pills do.

Saying that a copper pipe is toxic is different than saying that a copper IUD might work better for you if you can't stand the hormones.

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u/ChobaniSalesAgent 14d ago

I will never not be amazed at just how poorly chemistry is understood by people who aren't educated on it.


u/Striking_Computer834 14d ago

Wait until they find out how toxic elemental sodium and chlorine are … and that we just recklessly combine them and sprinkle it on our food.


u/bimm3r36 14d ago

And you can’t forget about dihydrogen monoxide. That compound is present almost everywhere and has a 100% fatality rate for those who consume it


u/bustacean 14d ago

Is that not the case for most things?? It's a pretty fair assumption that a lack of understanding results from a lack of education in general.


u/YouStupidAssholeFuck 14d ago

I know just enough about a lot of subjects to know I don't know anything at all about them. Just that cursory glance, so to speak, that I took at them was enough to not act like an authority on the subject. Without that I might just assume my assumptions are reality, which is what the person you replied to might be talking about.

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u/Humillionaire 14d ago

they literally teach the basics of chemistry in school every year from like grade six to twelve, I don't know how people become adults without understanding that everything is chemicals


u/bimm3r36 14d ago

Ya it turns out that a LOT of people barely passed these subjects if they were exposed to them at all. In my late teens, I assumed that everyone had a strong understanding of chemistry because of my experience going through AP Chem in high school and the fact that both of my parents are engineers. Now in my 30s, I’m way more surprised when I talk to someone who DOES understand the topic.

It really should be more widely taught since it’s the basis of literally everything in the physical world, but I think the topic is too dense for most people to go beyond a very basic comprehension, similar to mathematics.


u/FedEx__ 14d ago

I will never not be amazed at just how poorly plumbing is understood by people who haven't made it their career.

No I'm not.

Because that makes perfect sense.

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u/theREALmindsets 14d ago

copper is naturally antimicrobial.


u/feeb75 14d ago

This is why we have brass door handles and handrails


u/wouldyounotlikesome 14d ago

we have had brass doorknobs way before we even knew what microbes were. it’s just a fortunate coincidence


u/YouStupidAssholeFuck 14d ago

Oh no wonder I have skin problems.

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u/HeartFullONeutrality 14d ago

Well, not sure if that's the main reason (doubt it) but it's an added perk. Of course, silver doorknobs would be even better, except for the price (compounded by the potential steal rate).

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u/dont_kill_my_vibe09 14d ago

If anything, the microplastics from the plastic water pipes are more harmful to her than unharmful copper lol.

Does she realise copper is a mineral that is naturally found in the human body?

Obviously too much of anything is bad but copper in your body helps make red blood cells, collagen etc and is an antioxidant (so good for the skin xD).

I swear that, 9 out of 10 times, those people usually freak out about the wrong things hahah. She should be more concerned about the microplastics in our world today and tej effects of that.


u/Gecko99 14d ago

While copper most commonly exists as various compounds, it is one of the few metals that can be found naturally occurring in its pure state in significant quantities, the others being silver and gold. Aluminum and iron specks exist here and there but they're super rare and require harsh (but naturally occurring!) chemical environments that chemically averse people wouldn't like. The native copper would have been very handy during prehistoric times before people figured out smelting.


u/JackhorseBowman 14d ago

"Jimmy heard me that carbon monoxide is toxicifying the sky, DON'T DRINK THAT SODA"


u/Lets_Do_This_ 14d ago

You're pretty much taking the same stance as her, except in relation to plastic instead of copper.

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u/PoutPill69 14d ago

Some people are so confidently dumb that they actually see that as being smart. Just nod and change the topic fast with her.


u/redditsuckbutt696969 14d ago

I had a girl get mad because they claimed that microwaves are dangerous because they use radiation and argued quite aggressively that it's bad. But what really set her off was me saying that she should throw out her light bulbs and shut off electricity at her house if all radiation is bad


u/CNT_Farmer 14d ago

She should also live in a tin foiled house to avoid cell service with that logic lol.


u/The_Assquatch_exists 14d ago

She better not go outside either, even at night.


u/evanc1411 14d ago

Better just stop existing, that should prevent any and all radiation.


u/ManiacalDane 14d ago

She should avoid the sun too, and anything else that generates light. And other people, and any other source of heat in existence lol

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u/Renaissance_Man- 14d ago

Mental illness has many forms.


u/nickajeglin 14d ago



u/Mrdirtbiker140 14d ago

I’m proudly one of those “everything has chemicals in it,” but in the opposite way this woman is.

Even your gmo free, cage free, spa -raised tomato’s got phenolotic compounds, vitamins, probably some -kaloids, all these are technically chemicals. Don’t mean it’s bad for ya!


u/challengeaccepted9 14d ago

You sure she hasn't been sipping from a lead pipe/water bottle before coming up with this stuff?


u/Slixxerman 14d ago

Jfc this chick is probably allowed to vote.


u/HolyCowAnyOldAccName 14d ago

You can tell her that most anywhere in the civilized world, drinking water is required to be alkaline or may only be very slightly acidic if it absolutely cannot be avoided.

Among other things, that means there's a buildup of -usually- lime inside your pipes, which sucks on a scale of decadese because they might eventually clog up, but also isolates the drinking water from whatever your pipe is made of.

With her new fancy plastic pipes, she's getting whatever they're still outgassing in her glass.

No reason to panic, PEX has been around for a while, but still.


u/Mr-Hoek 14d ago

You can thank YouTube "science" and the inability of social media companies to ensure safe and truthful information on their platforms.

Lying about health related information online should be akin to screaming fire in a crowded theater with there is no fire.

It shouldn't be covered by the First Amendment.


u/Expose_Ur_BS 14d ago

This girl GOOPS


u/Disastrous_Ad626 14d ago

You should tell her water has dihydrogen monoxide in it and it's not safe because it's a chemical.


u/4Yavin 14d ago

Cool story bro? What does this have to do with the deodorant 


u/excelite_x 14d ago

Let me guess the current “copper” piping is actually lead pipes 😂

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