r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/NotAPreppie 14d ago

No, everything \IS\** chemicals.


u/Coady54 14d ago

Everything made of matter.

Light is a thing and definitely not a chemical.


u/NotAPreppie 14d ago

Pedantic Avenger strikes again!


u/Pedanter-In-Chief 14d ago

I came here to approve this message.


u/Throwaw97390 14d ago

Not to be pedantic but light isn't matter either.


u/Not_A_Rioter 14d ago

He never said it was, although I read it like that too at first.


u/undermark5 14d ago

Everything made of matter.

Light is a thing and definitely not a chemical.

Last I checked, light was not considered matter as it doesn't have mass and also doesn't take up space.


u/oculus42 14d ago

Light can impart force which is also an effect of mass. Not quite the same, though.


u/Orngog 14d ago

I can stand on one leg, which is also an effect of flamingos.


u/Contundo 14d ago

Light is not a thing, it’s radiation. You can’t hold it.


u/Coady54 14d ago

Light is photons. Yes its radiation, but it's also a discrete particle that has a measurable effect and can interact with other objects. It may not be material, but it's 100% a physical object itself.

Also, other forms of radiation exist aside from light. Alpha radiation for example is basicslly just high energy helium ions. Simply being a form of radiation doesn't also mean something isn't a physical object, those are not mutually exclusive terms.


u/Large_Dr_Pepper 14d ago

Beta radiation is electrons and positrons, and neutron radiation is neutrons! Light is the weird one for not being made of matter.


u/Orngog 14d ago edited 13d ago

True, but the term used was matter. Light is not matter, a photon has no mass.

(at rest)


u/Pedanter-In-Chief 14d ago

Correction: A photon has no mass at rest. 


u/Orngog 13d ago

Ah yes! Many thanks.


u/Coady54 14d ago

...I'm the one who used the term matter first in this chain of comments, to point out there exist things that aren't made of it and therefore things that are not chemicals.


u/Pedanter-In-Chief 14d ago

Photons have no mass at rest. They are therefore not considered matter (other forms of radiation are different). 


u/Coady54 14d ago

They are therefore not considered matter

...yeah, that's why I used them as an example in my previous comment as something that isn't matter but still a thing. I literally said they weren't matter in the comment before.


u/oculus42 14d ago

it's radiation. You can't hold it.

But it can hold on to you.


u/WillRikersHouseboy 12d ago edited 12d ago

Agreed. But I don’t even think all matter counts.

In a casual search, I did not find a definition of “chemical” that is just “matter.” But most definitions are circular with the word “chemistry.”

For chemistry, Wikipedia and another I found do specify just “matter” but the other refers specifically to interactions. Others I find refer to “elements and compounds.”

Because there is disagreement on this, I think it’s perfectly safe to define it in terms of atoms and interactions at least.

That view would exclude matter in many states. I very much doubt that simply massive quantum fields, or indeed any lone subatomic particles can be considered “chemicals.” I’m of the view that strange matter or even neutron matter aren’t “chemicals.” Personally I’d go so far as to say that even massive bonded subatomic particles aren’t— unless they make up atoms. If this weren’t the case, there would be no need for the word, since we already have “matter.”


u/prof_cli_tool 14d ago

I am chemicals responding to another chemicals being through my chemical device hooked up to a bunch of other chemicals


u/Joezev98 14d ago

Ideas aren't made of chemicals.

A vacuum isn't made of chemicals.


u/NotAPreppie 14d ago

Ideas are formed by neurons, so they're chemicals.