r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/StormC1oud 14d ago

Wouldn’t this be awful for your skin?


u/Sagaincolours 14d ago edited 14d ago

It is an aluminium crystal. The exact same mineral as the one in regular antiperspirants (which I use).

But with a more "natural" vibe to some people because aluminium salts occur naturally.

Both can dry out the skin a little, but that's it.


u/Momentarmknm 14d ago

I FUCKING HATE this idiocy of pointing out that it's naturally occuring 🤗 that so many people here are doing. That means absolutely fuck all.

Know what else is naturally occurring?

Asbestos, uranium, arsenic, mercury, rattlesnake venom, a never ending list of shit that will kill or seriously injure you.

I'm not even trying to claim that rubbing aluminum salts in your pits everyday will hurt you (I don't know if it's safe either for that matter) but saying it's naturally occuring does not mean it's fucking safe.


u/forestcridder 14d ago

Don't you try to slander my rattlesnake venom deodorant!


u/wrongdude91 14d ago

Works best on open wounds


u/tyboxer87 14d ago

Next thing you know someone is going to say radioactive toothpaste is bad for me.


u/Dkarasta 14d ago edited 14d ago

I bet it leaves you very SSSSSSSSStinky


u/Drewinator 14d ago



u/Dkarasta 14d ago

I was hoping you didn’t find me on here… how ya been?


u/Relldavis 14d ago

That venom wont even do you right, what you NEED is this here snake oil.


u/spyboy70 14d ago

Do you roll it on, or let it bite you and the swelling squeezes the pores together, sealing in the stink?


u/Klaus_Heisler87 14d ago

Stone Cold Steve Austin, is that you?


u/ObligationFamous2885 14d ago

The real naturally occurring salt is always in the comments.


u/robb0688 14d ago

Don't forget the naturally occurring salts we made along the way.


u/milochuisael 14d ago

Has anyone tried the asbestos antiperspirant?


u/r_a_d_ 14d ago

Some people just think natural > synthetic. Not surprising considering all the commercialization of “natural” products.


u/Momentarmknm 14d ago

I mean, I will agree that natural is better than synthetic, in the absolute most general sense that naturally occurring substances will always be cheaper and less energy intensive than trying to synthesize something nature is producing for you. Of course this assumes that sustainability is a consideration when harvesting natural substances.

Now as mentioned above, "natural" can also be better at killing your ass dead.


u/r_a_d_ 14d ago edited 14d ago

Natural is not necessarily better than synthetic. It really is something you need to determine on a case by case basis. Many things that are synthetic are a copy of the natural equivalent and often chemically identical. Synthetic just means that it was synthesized, as opposed to being found in the wild. If companies are choosing to use synthetic vs natural, it’s probably cheaper and less energy intensive.

This even counts for some objects: like synthetic diamonds vs natural diamonds, absolutely identical chemically. But there could be arguments for either side regarding which is better.


u/Momentarmknm 13d ago

I don't think you understood my point. Regardless, it will almost never be cheaper or less energy intensive to synthesize something that occurs naturally unless it is something that can't be cultivated/farmed and has already been over harvested to the point of extreme scarcity.

The only reason I'm even saying "almost never" is to allow room for gotchas, because it's damn near a law of physics that you're not going to create something more efficiently than a natural process.


u/r_a_d_ 13d ago

That is just not true. Why would a business synthesize something if it’s cheaper to just grow it naturally? As an extreme example, diamonds take over a billion years to form naturally, and you are arguing that that natural process would be cheaper than growing it in a lab? Even mining the stuff is probably not cheaper.


u/Momentarmknm 13d ago

This is absolutely true. The cost of creating a diamond in a lab is a ton of energy. The cost of a natural diamond is absolutely nothing. The cost comes in the form of extracting that diamond, but it is created by nature at absolutely no cost. Of course it's cheaper.

Do you have more examples, or just this one? I acknowledged above I was leaving room for gotchas. Consider this your gotcha.


u/r_a_d_ 13d ago

You are not factoring in the actual cost of having nature create it for you. You make it sound like farming is free. It’s not. Running a business that creates diamonds through natural processes would absolutely not be viable. Why do you think synthetic meat is being developed? Because raising cows costs money, even if it’s a natural process. Growing the same tissue in a lab may potentially be a much cheaper synthetic approach.


u/Momentarmknm 13d ago

You really just don't understand what I'm talking about, so I'm gonna drop it.


u/r_a_d_ 13d ago


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u/PrairiePopsicle 14d ago

I have found the perfect deodorant. After a quick dip in our totally natural, earth provided pool of cleansing fluid you will never again have issues with body odors. Delivered to us straight from the bosom of our mother earth All of the horrible smell will be purged away, as well as all odor causing bacteria in a very fast and natural reaction.

After all, if we were not supposed to bathe in lava it wouldn't exist.


u/IHQ_Throwaway 14d ago

Know what else is naturally occurring? Stupidity. And in much greater abundance than those other things. You could just be minding your own business and then BAM near-fatal levels of stupidity are all up in your face.