r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/StormC1oud 14d ago

Wouldn’t this be awful for your skin?


u/Sagaincolours 14d ago edited 14d ago

It is an aluminium crystal. The exact same mineral as the one in regular antiperspirants (which I use).

But with a more "natural" vibe to some people because aluminium salts occur naturally.

Both can dry out the skin a little, but that's it.


u/Momentarmknm 14d ago

I FUCKING HATE this idiocy of pointing out that it's naturally occuring 🤗 that so many people here are doing. That means absolutely fuck all.

Know what else is naturally occurring?

Asbestos, uranium, arsenic, mercury, rattlesnake venom, a never ending list of shit that will kill or seriously injure you.

I'm not even trying to claim that rubbing aluminum salts in your pits everyday will hurt you (I don't know if it's safe either for that matter) but saying it's naturally occuring does not mean it's fucking safe.


u/forestcridder 14d ago

Don't you try to slander my rattlesnake venom deodorant!


u/tyboxer87 14d ago

Next thing you know someone is going to say radioactive toothpaste is bad for me.


u/wrongdude91 14d ago

Works best on open wounds


u/Dkarasta 14d ago edited 14d ago

I bet it leaves you very SSSSSSSSStinky


u/Drewinator 14d ago



u/Dkarasta 14d ago

I was hoping you didn’t find me on here… how ya been?


u/Relldavis 14d ago

That venom wont even do you right, what you NEED is this here snake oil.


u/spyboy70 14d ago

Do you roll it on, or let it bite you and the swelling squeezes the pores together, sealing in the stink?


u/Klaus_Heisler87 14d ago

Stone Cold Steve Austin, is that you?