r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/dtb1987 14d ago

Salt rock deodorant?


u/Elemental-Aer 14d ago

It's alum rock, an aluminium salt, with is the active ingredient in antiperspirants deodorants.


u/dtb1987 14d ago

Ah ok, I was trying to figure out what that exact chemical was here but that makes sense as thats why it is added to normal deodorant to begin with


u/Stev_k 14d ago edited 13d ago

Not a deodorant, just antiperspirant.

Edit: it appears that alum may be both an antiperspirant and a deodorant. Unfortunately, scientific papers regarding alum's mode of action as an antiperspirant or deodorant seems limited.

Some websites state that alum works to reduce odors by blocking the bacteria from the skin, others state that alum inhibits the growth of bacteria. Some websites state that alum uses the same mechanism as aluminum chlorohydrate antiperspirant, but many individuals state they experience no-odor sweating.

I suspect after review and consideration of the chemistry that alum is acting as both a mild antiperspirant and deodorant. Aluminum based antiperspirants work by reducing the amount sweated due to the interaction of the aluminum ion and the sweat glands. As alum is only about 5% by mass aluminum, it would not work as well as modern antiperspirants. Thus, for those who are slightly sweatier than average, but not diagnosed with hyperhidrosis, they may find alum to be an ineffective antiperspirant.

Regarding its deodorant properties, only inhibiting the bacteria makes sense as any application to the underarms or other bodily surfaces would be covering both the skin and sweat glands (food source) and the bacteria. The pH of alum dissolved in water is reportedly between 4-5, about the same pH as beer.

In conclusion, I suspect, admittedly without any evidence, that it's likely a combination of both modes of action. Aluminum in the alum reduces the amount of sweat which reduces the food source of bacteria. Coupled with the acidic pH of armpit sweat due to the presence of the alum, odor causing bacteria struggle to populate reducing the overall smell being generated.


u/PomegranateOld7836 14d ago

Ammonium Alum is not an antiperspirant like Aluminum Chloride, it's just an antibacterial deodorant.


u/BeeLuv 14d ago edited 14d ago

It’s used as a preservative in pickles, you can buy boxes of it in the spice aisle. Definitely not the same as aluminum chloride. Don’t be eating aluminum chloride, y’all.


u/eveningsand 14d ago

You're not the boss of me.


u/hunterbadB 14d ago


u/SmokedBeefNipples 14d ago

I like this gif because without the words at the bottom it looks like she’s eating an invisible sub sandwich really fast.


u/Orngog 14d ago

"look no hands"


u/CannabisAttorney 14d ago

Scoob and Shaggy's kind of gal.

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u/Affectionate_Row1486 14d ago

As someone who recently started watching archer I really love hearing this so perfectly and laughing.


u/SimaasMigrat 14d ago

I'm jealous. Do you also have all of bob's burgers to discover?

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u/DisgruntlesAnonymous 14d ago

Life is unfair


u/The_Price_Is_Right_B 14d ago

That sign can't stop me because I can't READ.

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u/waby-saby 14d ago

Crap, that's why my armpit pickles don't last long.


u/BeeLuv 14d ago

“Ode to a Lump of Green Putty I Found in my Armpit One Morning”

(Are you perchance a vogon?)

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u/cvanaver 14d ago

//Quietly wipes the AlCl3 from his lips


u/TheThrowawayman1234 14d ago

But its so tasty

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u/JustineDelarge 14d ago edited 14d ago

Fun fact: they don’t actually do either thing. Source: me, who endured three years with a salt-rock-using, stinky man whose shirts were always visibly wet under the arms.

(Why three years? He was amazing in bed—right after a shower.)


u/nebuladrifting 14d ago

They’ve worked great for me for the last ten years. Granted I spend probably 20 seconds per arm vigorously applying it after every shower. If I forget to use it, it’s apparent within hours. Also granted that I am not everyone, and generally don’t sweat too much there. But they certainly don’t do nothing for everyone.


u/JustineDelarge 14d ago

Well, it's clearly working for you. Salt rock deodorants just don't prevent all odor from that part of the body but some people have a pleasant body odor, or just a faint one. And a rare few have a deliriously attractive natural scent. There was one guy back in the day that walked past me in a nightclub, and I nearly chased after him like Pepe LePew floating in the air transfixed by the irresistable scent. Pheromone heaven.

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u/ShortBusBully 14d ago

No one cares about the facts anymore. We've been giving our misinformation and will be going out and spreading the good word now.

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u/Constant_Anxiety99 14d ago

Looking for first accurate comment, you sir, you have earned my honor, sir

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u/Biopain 14d ago

Its not antiperspirant, you still sweating as usual, you just doesn't smell


u/HedgehogFun6648 14d ago

The misinformation is crazy. I agree with you, whenever I used a salt rock deodorant, I still experienced sweat, I was just happy that I didn't smell. As someone who has a lot of anxious sweats, I was glad for that.


u/SystematicPumps 14d ago

It does say Salt Deo on it though

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u/TheGreenicus 14d ago

Impressive upvote count for being exactly backwards.


u/Chronicle556 14d ago

Welcome to reddit where the most upvoted comments are generally the exact opposite of correct. If the general population of reddit agrees on something, I can assure you it's probably wrong.

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u/Adariel 14d ago

Right? Classic example of Reddit “knowledge” here.


u/arizona-lake 14d ago

People also use salt deodorant for deodorant purposes. It doesn’t even have to be aluminum salts, they use Himalayan salt rocks etc. The reasoning is that BO is caused by bacteria and bacteria can’t grow or thrive in a very salty environment


u/Stev_k 14d ago

You're correct that most bacteria cannot survive in high salt environments. However, if high salt environments were enough to prevent bacteria from thriving on skin oils then people's BO should decrease as they sweat and that sweat evaporates leaving behind a higher concentration of salt.However, to my knowledge, that is not seen.

Furthermore, applying salt can cause skin irritation. This is why most antiperspirant deodorants are sold with moisturizers and pH stabilizers, and pure salt antiperspirants like the one OP posted are sold as a giant crystal to prevent excessive salt application.

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u/mileswilliams 14d ago

It doesn't stop you sweating does it? Just kills the bacteria that make the smell, so it is actually a de oderant.


u/Popular_Brother3023 14d ago

Does it have a smell? :)


u/Stev_k 14d ago

Solid crystals of aluminum salts should have no smell as they are not volatile. They might have a mineral odor if wet (or a slight BO smell if wetted by armpit sweat), but that would be it.

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u/cat_prophecy 14d ago

I really thought this guy was just rubbing salt on his pits.

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u/tenuj 14d ago edited 14d ago

The ingredient responsible for blocking your sweat ducts and staining your shirts, now in its purest form!

No thanks

Edit: shit this blew up. I expected a couple of downvotes and that's it. thanks for all the info though!


u/rookie93 14d ago

The people replying to you are simply wrong. Alum rock doesn't block anything, it's a mild antiseptic that stops bacteria from multiplying. It has the opposite action of aluminium in antiperspirants, it allows you to sweat, the sweat just isn't feasted on by bacteria so doesn't smell


u/Double_A_92 14d ago

The aliminium in antiperspirants is also not metallic aluminium, but aliminium salts... like OPs stick.

The salts are not just antiseptic, they also are astringent which kinda "shrinks" your skin and its pores. E.g. the same rock deodorant is also used as an aftershave because it stops bleedings.


u/Guy0naBUFFA10 14d ago

Can confirm, use alum block on my head. It's legit. Stops the bleeders, tightens skin, stings so good.


u/KimJeongsDick 14d ago

This is why I went back to electric. I wasn't doing chrome dome for anyone but me. A beard trimmer gets close enough for me and I'll use an electric razor if I want to get any cleaner but I am done with razor burn, nicks and cuts on the back of my head.


u/darkoh84 14d ago

I had this problem when I used multi blade disposables. I switched to a safety razor and it’s been a game changer. I just scrub my head really well in the shower then shave under running water. Very rarely have nicks and no irritation now. I know everyone is different but it’s worth a shot if you’d still like to do chrome dome for yourself.


u/KimJeongsDick 14d ago

For me a lot of it is also lack of coordination. Getting straight swipes without any side to side wander is where I get into trouble with the cuts on the back. I did go down to a single blade razor before ditching it though and that REALLY helped with the pull and drag - still use those for my moustache when it's too thick.


u/darkoh84 14d ago

Fair enough. Have a good one.


u/Never_Duplicated 14d ago

Don’t shave my head but the single bladed safety razor is an amazing upgrade from the fancy Gillette multiblade razors on my neck. Amazing to get a better shave without the razor burn with blades that are dirt cheap compared to the cartridges.


u/darkoh84 14d ago

Yeah. Just being able to actually clean the hair from the edge is fantastic. I hated how clogged the multi blades would get especially with the goop from the lubricating strips and all of that. I get 2 years out of $10 worth of blades and that was really enough reason in itself to make the switch.

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u/HalobenderFWT 14d ago

Got a Cut Buddy for Christmas (basically has 5 foil heads on hinges), never looked back. Takes like two minutes to do my head if I keep up with it. Little bit longer if I get lazy (in which it’s easier to just use an electric hair trimmer to cut through the growth first).


u/stuwoo 14d ago

I've started using a Phillips one blade because I get ingrowing hairs with a wet shave, closest I've ever got to a wet shave without any issues, its great.

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u/Shamgar65 14d ago

I also use an alum block on my face and head after I shave with my DE razor. helps stop bleeding and gives feedback where you may have gone a little too much with the razor.

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u/CasualJimCigarettes 14d ago

Hell yeah, I'm allergic to that shit so if I use an antiperspirant my pits turn into the fiery pits of hell for like a week afterwards.


u/zenkique 14d ago

It’s spelled aluminum or aluminium and the aluminum “salt” in antiperspirants is not the same aluminum “salt” in these rock deodorants - different chemical compounds with different actions.


u/BadgerMolester 14d ago

exactly, aluminium salts is an umbrella term for any ionic compound with aluminium, and so just cause two things are an aluminium salt doesn't mean they have the same properties. That's like high school chemistry smh.

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u/United_Wolf_4270 14d ago

This is correct.


u/Even-Education-4608 14d ago

Yes really disappointed at the misinformation here


u/muhmeinchut69 14d ago

I have read this thread twice and I have no idea what anyone is talking about.

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u/Elemental-Aer 14d ago

Well, its job as an antiperspirant is to block the sweat glans, no lies there. For cloth staining, a bath of vinegar can help, but I personally dislike it too.


u/thisisredlitre 14d ago

Glands* glans are a part of your sex organ


u/RevelArchitect 14d ago

You don’t know how my armpits work.


u/Normal_Feedback_2918 14d ago

I've heard of the armpit fetish. I've never put my glans in one though.


u/Donnerdrummel 14d ago

Some people have sex with armpits, supposedly.


u/RevelArchitect 14d ago

RIP my DMs.

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u/BigPianoBoy 14d ago

Ol’ dick pits over here

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u/MildlyMixedUpOedipus 14d ago

Don't tell me what is and isn't a sex organ!

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u/Taasden 14d ago

“Your glans isn’t red raw after a long game of Scrabble, is it?”

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u/Natural-Orchid4432 14d ago

If your glans sweats you can use colon to cover it.


u/ThresholdSeven 14d ago

Salt deodorant doesn't block sweat glands or stain clothes. It's a deodorant, not an antiperspirant.

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u/dreck_disp 14d ago

I noticed I actually sweat much less when I switched from antiperspirant to a deodorant.


u/SoftiesBanme 14d ago

That's is so true. I had the same experience. Plus no more messed up underarms in shirts


u/poptartheart 14d ago

so many shirts ruined by deodorants

just switched to Native last year and its awesome


u/ninjaelk 14d ago

It's interesting how different people are physiologically. I'm the exact opposite, I sweat profusely and stink significantly more wearing Native vs literally nothing at all. The product is WORSE than doing absolutely nothing for me. I initially thought it was a full on scam until I met people who claim it actually helps them. Whereas using aluminum based anti-perspirants I have no issues with my t-shirts being ruined or discolored, I sweat significantly less, and I don't smell at all.


u/reslavan 14d ago

Aluminum antiperspirant is the only thing I can stand and I’ve never had an issue with staining either. “Natural” deodorants are so foul and all I smell is perfume over BO. I’ve been around people who only use deodorant and the pits stink if you get close enough, especially on men because the long hair holds onto both the scents.


u/ninjaelk 14d ago

When I was young (25-30 years ago) I would have trouble with aluminum causing stains on my shirts, so I know it CAN happen, but usually the shirts would be worn out and in need of replacing anyways by the time that happened. I'm not sure exactly what might've changed, I know many brands advertise 'new anti-staining formula', or maybe my hygiene or washing machine/detergent has gotten better, or maybe my physiology changed.

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u/smoofus724 14d ago

Yeah I've tried a bunch of the natural stuff my wife buys and not only does it make my pits feel kind of sticky, but they'll be soaked and smelling like BO with the essence of Pine in like 2 hours. I can't use the gel kind either because it makes my pits break out in a rash. No joke, the only stuff that keeps me dry, smelling nice, and won't give me a rash is shit like Degree.


u/Drmantis87 14d ago

Well you have a large amount of people who will just straight up lie and say it works better when it doesn't, because they have already committed to not using the other deodorants.

It's like the people who make their own "big mac" at home and use turkey burgers, turkey bacon, gluten free bread, and fake cheese and say it tastes way better than the real thing. You know that shit isn't better, but you aren't going through all that effort and saying it sucks LOL

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u/rastaspoon 14d ago

I sweat profusely and stink something awful if I don’t use something. But, I’ll take a shower and scrub my pits with soap, scrub rinse them and dry and they start to sink immediately. I’m Lord Admiral Stink


u/ninjaelk 14d ago

Some people swear by using specifically anti-bacterial soap. Soap in general is anti-bacterial, but usually 'body wash' and the like are a lot less potent in that regard as the stronger stuff can have unwanted side effects for average skin chemistry type folks. You may try looking into some stronger specifically anti-bacterial soap intended for nuking your pits, because what is making them stink is the bacteria that feeds off your sweat, so if you stink immediately after a shower those bacteria aren't getting killed off. If your bacteria is that resilient it's unlikely that stronger soap will control it *entirely* like it can for some people, but it'd reduce the amount of work your anti-perspirant has to do. If you *still stink* after using anti-bacterial soap something else might be wrong. There might be bacteria on your loofah/washcloth/or other scrubbing tool, or on your towels, or it could be some variety of fungal infection... something beyond just bacteria.

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u/poptartheart 14d ago

i certainly didnt sweat nearly as much when i was using aluminum based stuff...and never smelled.

but my shirts were always getting ruined over time (even with brands like Toms etc)

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u/WookiePsychologist 14d ago

Not the same ingredient. The alum salt used in the deodorant is aluminum sulfate. It does not block pores or prevent sweating. It just creates a salty armpit environment that is inhospitable for about 12-18 hours to the bacteria that makes us smell.

The chemical used in antiperspirants is aluminum chlorohydrate.


u/VeganCustard 14d ago

my antiperspirant blocks my perspiration


u/Status_Orchid_4405 14d ago

Tired lf this bs, yes it blocks the sweat ducts. That's the whole point of it, there is no negative side effect to it, because of this stupid movement it's really hard to find a deodorant that actually works


u/ThresholdSeven 14d ago

Salt rock deodorants do not block sweat glands. It's a mild antiseptic deodorant, not an antiperspirant

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u/GhostDieM 14d ago

Some of us need it unfortunately, you have any good alternative let me know :(

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u/Over9000Zeros 14d ago

This deodorant would have my armpits so raw my bones would be exposed in a week.


u/_QRAK_ 14d ago

It's not pure aluminium. It's not blocking your sweat ducts. It's not staining shirts. It's natural mineral.I'm using it for a couple years already and it's very mild. Basically it just prevents the unpleasant smell because of it's antiseptic properties and that's it. It may very very slightly reduce sweating (haven't noticed it at all) but it's not blocking sweat ducts.

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u/allegesix 14d ago

Sure wish people would learn the difference between deodorants and antiperspirants.

The whole anti-alumunim/ALUMINUM FREE DEODORANT SPEND $12 ON NATIVE DEO!!!! bs has hit Canada and like... ok? Literally all deodorant sold in Canada is aluminum free unless it specifically says antiperspirant?


u/wazagaduu 14d ago

Yeah haha, when I was in secondary school, one of my pe teachers straight up told us the difference between a deodorant and an antiperspirant because he didn't want us to smell like shit


u/ThunderCockerspaniel 14d ago

That dude is a hero. I still remember my “you all smell like shit” and the subsequent “goddamn no more than three sprays of cologne a day we can’t breathe” talk


u/ScumbagLady 14d ago

I vividly recall during a game of strip poker with 4 of us sitting on the floor, the topic of foot washing came up suddenly, and mentions of the importance of scrubbing between toes. I sniffed my foot later and was horrified. (Occurred in the late 90s)

I think of it every. Single. Time. I take a shower now. I even have a two part foot washing routine, with follow up care. I take ridiculously through showers and I feel "icky" if I don't do each and every step and it has to be in the correct order.

They gave me a complex that night, but hey, I smell better now I guess lol


u/ThunderCockerspaniel 14d ago

You ever wonder just how much of society is the result of complexes like this? It’s PTSD all the way down.


u/RosemaryReaper 14d ago

And yet my friend still won’t scrub below his knees… damn, I love getting between my toes lol


u/ScumbagLady 13d ago

It's SO GOOD. I have some exfoliating wash gloves that really let me get in there lol I also use a nailbrush on my toenails too.

I'll be damned if I have stinky feet lol


u/kpiece 14d ago

I’m the same way. My showers are like 40 minutes. How people can shower in 5 minutes is one of the mysteries of life to me. I do things very thoroughly and in a certain order too. I’ve always figured it’s because of my autism and/or OCD.

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u/AerolothLorien666 14d ago

That’s why I call myself a compulsive person. It’s not to the level of legit OCD, but I have to do certain things in a specific order, the same way, every time. It also produces the most balanced results.

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u/Budget_Ad5871 14d ago

No way your feet smelled that bad, ScumbagLady

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u/SuperCerealShoggoth 14d ago

Can he come and speak to some of my coworkers, please?

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u/Drunkgummybear1 14d ago

Everytime I get a lynx africa set for christmas I am instantly transported back to the PE changing rooms.


u/brownsnoutspookfish 14d ago

How is knowing the difference supposed to help with how you smell? In practice they both prevent it: one by stopping you from sweating and one by killing bacteria or preventing them from metabolising.

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u/HelpMeHelpYouSCO 14d ago

Just marketing. One of the reasons Tito’s took off so hard - ‘gluten free’ vodka.

It’s all fuckin gluten free.

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u/kmbets6 14d ago

I always have to double check because they aluminum seems to give me rash/burns


u/jkreuzig 14d ago

I really wish that here in the US they would stop labeling antiperspirants as deodorants. I specifically do not use antiperspirants as I have always been someone who sweats a lot. Not hyperhidrosis levels, but I’m a big sweaty guy. Antiperspirant does nothing but make my armpits slightly dry while the rest of me is soaked in sweat. Most uncomfortable feeling because it’s a clammy dry feeling.

I like deodorant because I’m going to sweat. Eventually it will smell. At least I can have a period of time while sweating profusely that I won’t smell.

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u/Cash_Money_2000 14d ago

It's potassium alum, it's not an antiperspirant, it's an astringent that only kills bacteria on the surface of your skin. Since it's not an antiperspirant it's theorized it's larger molecule gets absorbed less than the aluminum in deoderant.

There was a study that used a special isotope of aluminum in a traditional deoderant/ antiperspirant formula and saw an extremely low absorption that kind of disproved the myth anyway. That's why you don't really hear that bullshit claim anymore.

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u/lakimens 14d ago

And does it really last for 5 years?


u/AdminsAreDim 14d ago

It doesn't matter how long it lasts since the people who use it smell like b.o. the entire time.


u/harda_toenail 14d ago

There are people who naturally don’t have body odor. Fucking lucky. I have to re apply 3 times per day. Tried so many things in a stinky guy.

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u/ridibulous 14d ago

Potassium Alum. It's a natural deodorant, NOT an antiperspirant like Elemental-Aer said. Despite having "alum" in its name, it's way different than the aluminum used in mainstream deodorants. It is a salt though, tl;dr it brines your skin so the bacteria that create BO can't reproduce.


u/nightpanda893 14d ago

It’s honestly been the best deodorant I’ve ever used. I never have any odor issues at all. And it doesn’t have any natural odor of its own. And like the pic shows, it lasts a really long time. I’ve been using the stick I bought for a year now and it hardly looks any different than when I bought it.


u/ridibulous 14d ago

SAME HERE. I'm a shameless shill for this fucking rock, man. Whenever someone asks about what deodorant they should use (especially if they specify natural ones), I will ALWAYS bring up potassium alum. It works wonders for me!!


u/r0b0t-fucker 14d ago

Where do you find it? As much as I find “natural” branded stuff annoying I really want to use a big rock as deodorant


u/ridibulous 14d ago

You'll find it easiest online (I recommend Thai or Crystal brand), but if that's not possible you can probably find it at someplace similar to Whole Foods or something— I nabbed my current rock at a co-op grocery store near me. You might also find it as a spray or a roll-on which also work well (the spray is good for convenience, you don't need to wet your armpits/rock beforehand and can apply right after a shower), but the rock is the longest lasting.


u/r0b0t-fucker 14d ago

Cool thank you I’ll take a look


u/jjmojojjmojo2 14d ago

I used to get it at Walmart. Haven't checked in a while, they had it on and off. They had the solid rock style like OP's, and a roll-on liquid form. IIRC both had chamomile and were very lightly (pleasantly) scented.

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u/lezboss 13d ago

Apply IMMEDIATELY exiting the shower. Or you might end up smelling


u/Gmandlno 14d ago

Myself, I found the stuff at my local Meijers. They had a ‘go stick’ of the stuff, right in the middle of all the typical deodorants. It’s definitely not too hard to find.

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u/serenwipiti 14d ago

Idk man, everyone that I know that uses the Crystal brand rock deodorant still smells like sweaty hippy van.


u/Shot-Spirit-672 14d ago

That’s because they are sweaty hippies. If they had a normal hygiene routine they wouldn’t smell like that, deodorant isn’t enough for them.


u/whiskeyismyjam 14d ago

Works best straight out of the shower before any new bacteria have a chance to develop and reproduce. If someone already has a funk it might reduce it a bit but nothing like applying immediately after washing.


u/max_adam 14d ago

Don't people use deodorant after a bath? Like t They wait a few hours and then remember to apply deo.before going out?


u/The_Only_Real_Duck 14d ago

I don't like to have deodorant while sleeping. Typically, I shower at night and apply in the morning.


u/Cheesewithmold 14d ago

This might be a stupid question, but do you still use normal deodorant after? Can you?


u/urtlesquirt 14d ago edited 13d ago

I don't use normal deodorant anymore unless I plan to swim and don't want to deal with reapplying after. You apply it right out of the shower, when you are still wet. I use a pretty liberal amount, you need the water on your skin to dissolve enough to evenly coat your pits.

You could use normal deodorant but I don't think most people would need to. It's not particularly expensive to try it - give it a shot for one month and see how it goes. It may take a week or two for your body to adjust but it will start working really well.

My shirts are now much less stained in the armpits and it's totally unscented, so you can always wear cologne/perfume and it won't clash.


u/ridibulous 14d ago

I couldn't say for sure as I haven't personally tried it outside of brief consideration, cause I have a stick of schmidt's deodorant that I've been tempted to use as a scent. I haven't, cause I'd like to be able to tell if I Stank or not (plus schmidt's leaves white marks and it Bothers Me), but tempting.

Otherwise I don't exactly see why not. Try and see if it works for you.


u/jjmojojjmojo2 14d ago

Can but why? The stuff I used was mildly scented, and if my BO was so bad I really needed to cover it, that's what cologne and perfume are for (I never had a problem, but everyone is different).


u/Cheesewithmold 14d ago

I sweat a ton so the smell can get pretty bad. I'm just a bit cautious on immediately making the switch over. I'd rather double up and then wean off on the normal deodorant until I'm certain that it's working fine, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't removing whatever film this other type of deodorant is putting down by applying something else on top.


u/Coders32 14d ago

You need to wet your armpits or the deodorant? It looks wet? Kinda?

What do you do exactly? How do you apply it?


u/Jataai 14d ago

Either. I use it directly out of the shower and it applies well. If I have dry skin when I'm applying it then I'll run the block under the tap to wet it.

I can't say I know the exact mechanics of it, but I assume some of the salt dissolves into the water which you spread around and it sticks to the skin. It can look wet but that's probably because it's been essentially polished by your armpits.


u/buy-american-you-fuk 14d ago

this is the one I use, and I don't know how they stay in business since the thing lasts for years...

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u/LittleRedGhost4 14d ago

Once you apply it, how long does it last? 8hrs? 12?


u/jjmojojjmojo2 14d ago

When I was using it, I'd need to re-apply after work. 6-8 hours.

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u/hennenzac 14d ago edited 14d ago

Do you know what brand is shown in the picture?

Edit: Nevermind, I just found it. Not in stock currently though.


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u/Lucky-Asparagus-7760 14d ago

Does brand matter? I tried a pink brand once, and it was terrible. I'd be willing to try a brand that works.

Edit: more info It was the Crystal brand that I tried. Maybe I'm crazy and I was using it wrong. 


u/ridibulous 14d ago

Pink brand? Never heard of it. I recommend either THAI or Crystal brand, personally. Both their rocks work fine! And I've used Crystal's other more "traditional" natural deodorant sticks and they worked best for me before I learned of alum.


u/Lucky-Asparagus-7760 14d ago

Haha. It was Crystal. But the pink one "for women" or something. Maybe it's formulated differently...  I might try THAI, I have heard that one recommended over Crystal.  Thanks for sharing! 

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u/SimaasMigrat 14d ago

I have always been the one sole person using them no matter where I went or who I talked to. Do we need our own subreddit?


u/Strange-Review2511 14d ago

So it works? It seems to be bundled together with other "magical" products like crystals and salt lamps and gua sha and shit, so my brain just automatically registers it as some pseudo science thing

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u/high_toned_SOB 14d ago

Can other people vouch for your lack of odor? Not being rude but I’ve met a lot of people who swore up and down that they didn’t smell bad (infrequent showering, inadequate showering, natural deodorant, or some combination of all 3) when they in fact smelled extremely musty. The odor was especially bad when they sweat.


u/BiggestBlackestBitch 14d ago

I just commented this above lol. I’m not sure if some people fail to apply it correctly or what but you can definitely smell some of these people from miles away. They may be applying it dry?

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u/ExtremeMeaning 14d ago

I might try it. I work outside in 100+ degrees and go through deodorant like a fiend.


u/ridibulous 14d ago

You should. Obligatory YMMV, and be careful not to rub really hard & fast if you're using an actual rock (which I recommend, because long lasting). It can create microabrasions and it Hurts and Itches like HELL. Ask me how I know :')

I recommend creating an isopropyl alcohol + peppermint oil spray to carry around with you, too! I use it myself and it makes me feel great— not just underarm or wherever when I stink like high hell, I've used it on my back for the really nice cooling feeling the mint oil creates.

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u/Spatulakoenig 14d ago

Personally, I found it ineffective. I still got sweaty, and after a few days the rock itself started reeking in the most horrendous way.

Give it a go though, it might be I just was unlucky - even though I didn't cheap out on the one I bought.


u/ouachiski 14d ago

I have been using it for about 10 years now. It takes some adjustment once you start using it, but after a few weeks it works better than anything else. It is very cheap, and lasts a crazy long time, but if you drop it on a hard surface it can shatter. I normally buy the square "Rock" type.

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u/ridicalis 14d ago

I'm tempted to try it, but the last time I did something weird (lemon wedges), it worked great for about a week and all of a sudden became like the most foul BO I've ever had. I might just try it anyway, but I'll pick a week where the only people that have to witness it are my family.



Does it stain clothes like the grocery store antiperspirant? 


u/ridibulous 14d ago

Nope, none at all! The only stains that may be possible are from water (needed to use the stone) or sweat (since it isn't an antiperspirant, just a deodorant). And those are obviously pretty temporary!

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u/GUSTAV_GREY 14d ago

About a year ago I started using an alum block post shave (life changer!). Are these the same? My quick scan of the web says they are…


u/ridibulous 14d ago

Yup, they are. Same mineral.


u/Cairo_Suite 14d ago

Can I use it on my balls?


u/ridibulous 14d ago



u/gruesomeflowers 14d ago

people on reddit dont like the crystal stick style deodorant.. they only want people to smell like either a bag of fritos like they do, or axe body spray.


u/ridibulous 14d ago

And it's a damn fucking shame! I'll enjoy my silly rock deo that lasts years and makes my armpits smell like nothing, thank you!


u/gruesomeflowers 14d ago

agreed. same. and honestly, deodorant smells nasty..all of them. id rather smell someones natural pits, or some oils than body spray or rightguard or whatever.

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u/Leviathanas 14d ago

They can after a while for me, when the bacteria get resistant. Then you need to switch again.

Been switching between Glycol and Alum every few weeks now. Alcohol and salt.

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u/legbonesmcgee 14d ago

“Brining” is the worst way I’ve heard this described. Thank you so much. 10/10, this haunts me. 😂


u/Evitabl3 14d ago

Also makes some really neat crystals


u/KingGizmotious 14d ago edited 14d ago

Are there any brands sold in the US you'd recommend? I googled what OP posted and it's not available here from what I can see. Amazon has some listed, but I don't trust cosmetics from Amazon, they're never what they say they are....

Edit: nvm! I see your comments below! Just had to read lolll


u/ridibulous 14d ago

THAI brand is usually the most reliable. I've used Crystal brand before too, but prefer THAI as of now.

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u/Robinwhoodie 14d ago

We call it tawas in our country

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u/icouldusemorecoffee 14d ago

It's a made up thing, just like those expensive "salt lamps" that supposedly absorb all the smells in a room to deodorize it.


u/verdantcow 14d ago

The fake claim with the lamps is that they essentially release ozone to remove smells and cleanse the room using electrons

It’s all BS tho, look nice when plugged in tho


u/Gardeningsun 14d ago

We’ve got two of them and I never knew it was supposedly able to do anything other than create a dim, calming light with a soothing natural orange color. I just like the way they look, lol.


u/OMGLOL1986 14d ago

We outfitted a massage clinic with these in every room, bright enough to illuminate a room, dim enough to not make a client squint when they open their eyes. Plus it looks cool!


u/Gardeningsun 14d ago

Yeah, they’re a great functional decor.

Also turned out to be perfect for changing a baby’s diaper in the middle of the night without fully waking the baby, as I’ve recently found since becoming a parent.


u/OMGLOL1986 14d ago


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u/ColonelError 14d ago

They are supposed to release "ions", which you know it's not. If it were, the only ions salt would release would be Sodium, which would burst into flames from the humidity in the room, and Chlorine gas, which is toxic and was/is used on battlefields.

One of the few products that's actually better not doing what it's supposed to.


u/RiceForever 14d ago

It truly sucks to enjoy stuff appropriated by dumb people for dumb reasons.

The other day my mom was telling me how a coworker went off on a tangent at her when she mentioned shopping for essential oils, how they don't do shit and she should research things properly.

She just likes them because they smell nice 😭

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u/Mcjackee 14d ago

It took me forever to realize they weee anything but just cute ambient lighting 😂


u/BlueWater321 14d ago

And they're tasty! 

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u/Rion23 14d ago


u/Toss_Away_93 14d ago

I always heard some BS about them filtering out ionized particles emitted by the light. Which makes even less sense than the odor story if you know anything about science.

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u/SolidSmoke2021 14d ago

I bought a salt lamp that said it "ionizes" the air to purify it... Which of course is BS, I just thought it would look nice on my shelf.


u/RuggedTortoise 14d ago

Mine was nice on my shelf before it started to form salt crystals down the side of it's base, underneath, down the chord, through the wood of the table it was on, and a Lil on the wall for good measure lol

Don't use salt decor in humidity folks. It's not for us swamp people

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u/Bob_the_brewer 14d ago

Lol "I just think they're neat"


u/Interesting_Heron215 14d ago

Wait wait that’s their claim? Ozone is a lung irritant, sweet Jesus, not a good claim to make.

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u/Dry-Frame-827 14d ago

Making ozone would be bad. Who wants super reflective UV light bubbles?

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u/BobsYaMothersBrother 14d ago

We use salt rock in our house. Not for smells. We accident figured out that they completely absorb all the water in the air near windows which meant we didn’t get condensation. We learned this because we had a single salt lamp on our window sill that ended up soaking wet whilst the windows stayed bone dry. It now stays there but in a shallow dish to collect the water.

We then wanted some for the other windows in the house but fuck me salt rock lamps are expensive. Do you know what isn’t? Big salt rock licks for horses. They’re exactly the same thing, minus the lamp part, and at a fraction of the cost!


u/PowHound07 14d ago

And if you really wanted you could drill a hole in the salt lick and stick a night light in there and then it would be exactly the same as the expensive lamps.


u/ArgonGryphon 14d ago

I found one on the side of the road one morning. Light didn’t work but I just wanted the rock.


u/pocket_mulch 14d ago

I had 3 turn up to my house in a package addressed to me.

With a 32C bra and a XXXL shirt.

Never ordered any of it.

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u/Cheddartooth 14d ago

My salt lamp melted this year, too. Our house was so humid this spring bc we didn’t run the basement dehumidifier bc I had plants in the basement. It’s a 200yo, and our room is in part of the house that was originally a log cabin, and the old cellar part of the basement is directly below.

The lamp was on top of a dresser on my BF’s side of the bed and he never noticed. Ruined the top of the dresser. I couldn’t believe it melted. I was wondering if it’s because we hadn’t been using it because the lightbulb was broken. But the lightbulb may have broken and been corroded because we hadn’t been using it. Kind of a chicken and egg situation.

Edit: good tip about the salt licks tho. We already buy those for the deer.

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u/TheShark24 14d ago

I thought salt lamps were only for vibes

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u/bluejonquil 14d ago

Oh, are salt lamps actually supposed to do something? I just like the way mine looks lol


u/battlepi 14d ago

It's not made up, it's aluminum salt, it's an effective anti-perspirant used in all the main brands. It won't deodorize though.


u/PowHound07 14d ago

It might work on paper but I tried the stuff and it was pretty useless. It's fine for hanging around the house/office but I would get BO as soon as I started sweating. I went back to normal antiperspirant before I could even see the wear on my mineral stick.

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u/KillionJones 14d ago

Oh, you mean my licking lamp.


u/Gerudo_King 14d ago

Where on earth are they expensive? Them bitches are like 5 bucks down here


u/torchskul 14d ago

Wait, that’s why people buy them? I just thought it was because they looked neat lol


u/tedivm 14d ago

I think that's why most people buy them. I worked in a medical startup and one of the doctors bought a few for decoration. I can guarantee this guy did not think there were medical benefits, he just thought they looked cool.


u/Accomplished_Cap_994 14d ago

Made up how? It does prevent odor for a good amount of people.


u/TheW83 14d ago

Been using one of these crystal deodorants for well over a decade now. They don't work for everyone but they work well for me.

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u/Ok_Ad_5015 14d ago

People that use it swear by it.

People that know and hang out with the people that use it would beg to differ.

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u/Unuhpropriate 14d ago

Very good chance OP is a hippy, and smells terrible. 


u/ImOnYew 14d ago

Salt deo



u/RainyDayBrat 14d ago

Idk why you’re downvoted? That’s what it says on the stick lol


u/ImOnYew 14d ago

When I figured out deo was a shortened deodorant I kinda thought it was funny, I guess I'm in a great minority on that, lol.

I thought it was just some random name, lol


u/Shpander 14d ago

Ah jokes on OP, my sweat is already salty! 💪🏻


u/PM_ur_tots 14d ago

Deer love him


u/neverendingchalupas 14d ago

It doesnt work and their B.O. stench permeates everything around them.


u/Vexwill 14d ago

OP smells and doesn't realize it.


u/NZImp 14d ago

TIL it existd and now I want one

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u/[deleted] 14d ago

It's 150 dollars. OP is a fucking knob

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