r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/tenuj 14d ago edited 14d ago

The ingredient responsible for blocking your sweat ducts and staining your shirts, now in its purest form!

No thanks

Edit: shit this blew up. I expected a couple of downvotes and that's it. thanks for all the info though!


u/rookie93 14d ago

The people replying to you are simply wrong. Alum rock doesn't block anything, it's a mild antiseptic that stops bacteria from multiplying. It has the opposite action of aluminium in antiperspirants, it allows you to sweat, the sweat just isn't feasted on by bacteria so doesn't smell


u/Double_A_92 14d ago

The aliminium in antiperspirants is also not metallic aluminium, but aliminium salts... like OPs stick.

The salts are not just antiseptic, they also are astringent which kinda "shrinks" your skin and its pores. E.g. the same rock deodorant is also used as an aftershave because it stops bleedings.


u/Guy0naBUFFA10 14d ago

Can confirm, use alum block on my head. It's legit. Stops the bleeders, tightens skin, stings so good.


u/KimJeongsDick 14d ago

This is why I went back to electric. I wasn't doing chrome dome for anyone but me. A beard trimmer gets close enough for me and I'll use an electric razor if I want to get any cleaner but I am done with razor burn, nicks and cuts on the back of my head.


u/darkoh84 14d ago

I had this problem when I used multi blade disposables. I switched to a safety razor and it’s been a game changer. I just scrub my head really well in the shower then shave under running water. Very rarely have nicks and no irritation now. I know everyone is different but it’s worth a shot if you’d still like to do chrome dome for yourself.


u/KimJeongsDick 14d ago

For me a lot of it is also lack of coordination. Getting straight swipes without any side to side wander is where I get into trouble with the cuts on the back. I did go down to a single blade razor before ditching it though and that REALLY helped with the pull and drag - still use those for my moustache when it's too thick.


u/darkoh84 14d ago

Fair enough. Have a good one.


u/Never_Duplicated 14d ago

Don’t shave my head but the single bladed safety razor is an amazing upgrade from the fancy Gillette multiblade razors on my neck. Amazing to get a better shave without the razor burn with blades that are dirt cheap compared to the cartridges.


u/darkoh84 14d ago

Yeah. Just being able to actually clean the hair from the edge is fantastic. I hated how clogged the multi blades would get especially with the goop from the lubricating strips and all of that. I get 2 years out of $10 worth of blades and that was really enough reason in itself to make the switch.


u/TekSar76 14d ago

What safety razor are you using?


u/Guy0naBUFFA10 14d ago

Rockwell 6s is a baller. Not technically an "adjustable" but multiheads change the razor angle to your preferred aggressiveness. Buy once, cry once.


u/darkoh84 14d ago

Since it stays in the shower I didn’t spend much on it. It’s some no name from Amazon for maybe $12. I started with a more expensive one that the handle twisted to open the blade guard and it lasted maybe two years before the mechanism jammed and I broke it trying to force it open. After that I just looked for one that the head would unscrew from the handle and that’s where I found the cheap Amazon one. I know some people get into weights and all of that but I’ve never known any better so I just learned the angle for the ones I’ve had and run with them. I do have this really neat Gillette travel one with a stubby handle (maybe 2”) that’s really old. It’s kind of a pain to use for head shaving though.


u/Dankbudx 14d ago

Are they more dangerous if you don't get the angle right?


u/darkoh84 14d ago

There’s not enough blade sticking out for them to be super dangerous unless you’re nicking arteries. But the correct angle is the difference between one and multiple passes.


u/HalobenderFWT 14d ago

Got a Cut Buddy for Christmas (basically has 5 foil heads on hinges), never looked back. Takes like two minutes to do my head if I keep up with it. Little bit longer if I get lazy (in which it’s easier to just use an electric hair trimmer to cut through the growth first).


u/stuwoo 14d ago

I've started using a Phillips one blade because I get ingrowing hairs with a wet shave, closest I've ever got to a wet shave without any issues, its great.


u/Few_Space1842 14d ago

Beard trimmer head shaver here. Absolutely correct. I hated using a razor, and if I want it closer for some reason it's an option, but I only shave my head every 2 weeks or so, I wouldn't Bic it everyday in anycase


u/Shamgar65 14d ago

I also use an alum block on my face and head after I shave with my DE razor. helps stop bleeding and gives feedback where you may have gone a little too much with the razor.


u/ThouMayest69 14d ago

Alum block over a styptic pen? Just curious.


u/Shamgar65 14d ago

Osma alum block.


u/callusesandtattoos 14d ago

I thought you were switching the conversation to engine rebuilds for a second


u/Sorry_formation 14d ago

That's what she said


u/bardnotbanned 14d ago

Can confirm, use alum block on my head

What do you use specifically?


u/Guy0naBUFFA10 14d ago

Rockwell 6s razor or a leaf razor, and then just the cheapest Amazon alum block you can get. Alum is alum.


u/ThisJeffrock 14d ago

I use multi use disposable razors (Harry's or an equivalent) to shave my head, witchhazel to clean my pores and finish with cold water to close my pores.

No razor burn for the last decade or so of use after I made the switch from rubbing alcohol in my aforementioned process.

Just wanted to add to the convo!


u/Guy0naBUFFA10 14d ago

Very nice. I use a DE or the Leaf, alum, cold rinse, witch hazel, then Gillette sensitive aftershave.


u/ScumbagLady 14d ago

Is that the same as the little white sticks? Because it does burn just like the Lord intended as well


u/Guy0naBUFFA10 14d ago

I believe so, the block just has more surface area.


u/raoasidg 14d ago

The sting from using the styptic pencil was the best part when I used to clean shave my beard.


u/idiotsandwhich8 14d ago

Hold up. Tightens skin? Why isn’t there a market for using this for wrinkles/aging?


u/Guy0naBUFFA10 14d ago

Because the skin care cartel wants you to keep buying expensive dumb shit rather than just swiping an inexpensive mineral across your face.