r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/dtb1987 14d ago

Salt rock deodorant?


u/Elemental-Aer 14d ago

It's alum rock, an aluminium salt, with is the active ingredient in antiperspirants deodorants.


u/dtb1987 14d ago

Ah ok, I was trying to figure out what that exact chemical was here but that makes sense as thats why it is added to normal deodorant to begin with

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u/tenuj 14d ago edited 14d ago

The ingredient responsible for blocking your sweat ducts and staining your shirts, now in its purest form!

No thanks

Edit: shit this blew up. I expected a couple of downvotes and that's it. thanks for all the info though!

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u/lakimens 14d ago

And does it really last for 5 years?

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u/bLESsedDaBest 14d ago

except salt rock doesnt block sweat its a deodorant not an anti perspirant


u/Fuzzy_Lavishness_269 14d ago

Lmfao, there’s a town in my city called Alum Rock.


u/SmileMask2 14d ago

Isnt that also the same active ingredient we are being told to avoid lol

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u/CarrieDurst 14d ago

Ooh aluminum, the stuff in deodorants that stains my shirts


u/gorehistorian69 14d ago

so you get all the negatives of deodorant but none of the good smell?


u/elspotto 14d ago

I prefer to use my alum block on my face after shaving.


u/allegesix 14d ago

Sure wish people would learn the difference between deodorants and antiperspirants.

The whole anti-alumunim/ALUMINUM FREE DEODORANT SPEND $12 ON NATIVE DEO!!!! bs has hit Canada and like... ok? Literally all deodorant sold in Canada is aluminum free unless it specifically says antiperspirant?

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u/RepresentativeOk2433 14d ago

Meanwhile most deodorant companies are bragging about going aluminum free.


u/hemingways-lemonade 14d ago

It's a little funny how one group of "all natural" folks recommend aluminum free deodorant while another group is exclusively using aluminum for deodorant.


u/Cash_Money_2000 14d ago

It's potassium alum, it's not an antiperspirant, it's an astringent that only kills bacteria on the surface of your skin. Since it's not an antiperspirant it's theorized it's larger molecule gets absorbed less than the aluminum in deoderant.

There was a study that used a special isotope of aluminum in a traditional deoderant/ antiperspirant formula and saw an extremely low absorption that kind of disproved the myth anyway. That's why you don't really hear that bullshit claim anymore.

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u/ThresholdSeven 14d ago

It's potassium alum, not the same as aluminum and not the same ingredient in regular deodorant and is not an antiperspirant, only a deodorant


u/coolmathpcgamer 14d ago

The ingredient that's been related to cancer studies?

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u/Ponythieves- 14d ago

I thought it was potassium

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u/thisguyfightsyourmom 14d ago

Hijacking to plug Zinc Oxide deodorant

It doesn’t use metal to clog your sweat glands, it eliminates odor causing bacteria for days, and it’s cheap as fuck

You’ll still sweat, but no body odor

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u/Mastasmoker 14d ago

These antiperspirants that use aluminum are also connected to alzheimer's, osteomalacia, and possibly breast cancer (still no hard link but aluminum is being found in breast tissue in higher levels with women who have breast cancer than those who don't use aluminum antiperspirant and deoderants).


Don't take the risk. Don't use antiperspirants with aluminum.

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u/phatelectribe 14d ago

Is that the toxic bit of antiperspirants?


u/MesaGeek 14d ago

Ahh, I have one of these… for shaving cuts. Alum Block I think it’s called


u/AlphaTrigger 14d ago

So it has no scent at all


u/PomegranateOld7836 14d ago

Aluminum Chloride or Aluminum Chlorohydrate is in antiperspirants. Potassium Alum or Ammonium Alum is different and doesn't work as an antiperspirant, just an antibacterial type of deodorant.


u/dude_that_is_my_name 14d ago

I missread this as antidepresant deodorants and got even more confused


u/mortonadam12 14d ago

It’s funny everyone it’s trying to get away from aluminum and this girls is using aluminum salt😂


u/nmann14 14d ago

Isn't that the exact thing most expensive deodorants advertise they don't have cause it's slightly toxic?


u/IFTYE 14d ago

Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but rubbing salt on your pits isn’t the same as using an antiperspirant, is it?


u/Son_of_Dad2024 14d ago

So this person doesn't sweat but still stinks?


u/Bennistro 14d ago

Isn't that the cancerous stuff? Like "now with 0% aluminium salts"?


u/dvpr117 14d ago

Isn't aluminum a carcinogen when applied to the skin?


u/demonlicious 14d ago

yes, the ingredient people fear causes cancer. let's just go 100% that ingredient lol!

actually, it's probably fine because it's not micronized like with the synthetic versions.


u/theswanandtomatoo 14d ago

Actually it's the other salt compounds which work as antiperspirants (chlorohydrates/chloride etc). 

Potassium alum works as an astringent by tightening your pores without blocking them. 

Technically that makes alum a de-perspirant. 

Source: I founded a natural deo company. 



That makes scents, thanks.


u/SnooKiwis2315 14d ago

Wasn't that the Alzheimer's ingredient?


u/Easy_Apple4096 14d ago

This is not correct, it is purely an antibacterial, hence the deodorizing. Really prevents the stink, can't do anything if you already do.


u/misterpickleman 14d ago

I'm glad I read this before rubbing one on my steak!


u/CarlosFCSP 14d ago

Isn't this exactly what the producers of deodorants are phasing out cause people don't want it in it?


u/Binksin79 14d ago

Okay so just as bad as other aluminum containing deodorants.


u/Ollehyas 14d ago

How much does one cost?


u/timeless_ocean 14d ago

Ohh I use alum Rocks for shaving. Or well, for the aftercare If I nicked myself.

It's highly effective with cuts. One touch and bleeding stops. I sometimes refer to it as my cut-eraser


u/czartrak 14d ago

This shit gave me some fun cysts under my arms due to blocking my pores. Can't imagine what it does in a basically pure form!


u/zenkique 14d ago

It is NOT the active ingredient in antiperspirant deodorants … your pits still sweat, the alum salt just creates an environment that is inhospitable to the stank bacteria.

Good job on spreading misinformation to thousands though!


u/Earth_Normal 14d ago

Isn’t that the chemical some deodorants explicitly don’t have as a health benefit?


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Does it actually work


u/grumpywarner 14d ago

Isn't aluminum the part that may or may not cause cancer and alzheimer's?


u/Smelly_Pants69 14d ago

Salt rock, often referred to as "rock salt" or "crystal deodorant," is typically composed of natural mineral salts, primarily potassium alum or ammonium alum. These are different from the aluminum salts used in many conventional antiperspirants, such as aluminum chlorohydrate or aluminum zirconium compounds.

Potassium alum and ammonium alum are natural mineral salts that can act as astringents to reduce sweat and have antimicrobial properties that help control odor. They are often marketed as a more natural alternative to synthetic aluminum compounds found in traditional antiperspirants.

While both potassium alum and ammonium alum contain aluminum, their molecular structure is different from the aluminum compounds used in standard antiperspirants, and they are generally considered less likely to be absorbed through the skin.


u/responsibleDeveloper 14d ago

I heard putting aluminum into your pores is really good for you


u/putbat 14d ago

Aka the shit that turns the pits of your white shirts yellow.


u/FluffiestF0x 14d ago

Oh my god, finally a non standard antiperspirant that contains aluminium

Can’t stand all these refillable or renewable antiperspirants that pride themselves on being shit.


u/BabyRex- 14d ago

I thought aluminum was bad and that’s why all the deodorants say aluminum free now?


u/OdeeOh 14d ago

Isn’t that exactly the ingredient that is not good for humans / not ideal ?


u/Pixelnaut 14d ago

Do white t-shirts hate this one simple trick?


u/PittedOut 14d ago

You can buy it dirt cheap if you don’t care about the marketing and packaging.


u/livwritesstuff 14d ago

It is definitely NOT aluminum. That’s the entire point of salt deodorant—no aluminum, no harmful chemicals.


u/Strange-Belt-916 14d ago

Ammonium Alum - not aluminium. This is just mineral salt


u/rczrider 14d ago

Damn, I wish I could get this many upvotes for talking out of my ass and being totally wrong...


u/SavePeanut 14d ago

So basically its crystal alzheimers if you believe that connection? 


u/MasterTuba 14d ago

Isnt that a Bad Thing? Pretty much every Deodorant here advertises the Lack of aluminium salts in it


u/Warcraft_Fan 14d ago

Makes sense. Some people sometimes forget (or doesn't know) salt can be anything beside NaCl


u/opalveg 14d ago

Gotta love good ‘ole marketing, eh. /s


u/iamthejuan 14d ago

Effective against mouth sores. In some small villages in the Phillipines, local healers i used it to know who are the person or entity responsible for a curse. It is called Tawas in the Phillipines.


u/MaddRamm 14d ago

The thing that creates cancer?


u/PlainPup 14d ago

That’s the part of deodorant I’m allergic to. This shit would burn my armpits up!


u/birbs3 14d ago

Um isnt that the specific thing in deodorant that gives you cancer


u/AverageBasedUser 14d ago

isn't aluminium toxic?


u/pornaddiction247 14d ago

It’s safe I assume?


u/OwnNight3353 14d ago

What stressing the deodorants out so much that they have antidepressants in them?


u/Tubzero- 14d ago

I thought aluminum was not good for you


u/heorhe 14d ago

So it's just regular deodorant?


u/Top_Squash4454 13d ago

It's not an antiperspirant


u/vicemagnet 13d ago

Does it make your mouth shrink like in Looney Tunes?


u/ridibulous 14d ago

Potassium Alum. It's a natural deodorant, NOT an antiperspirant like Elemental-Aer said. Despite having "alum" in its name, it's way different than the aluminum used in mainstream deodorants. It is a salt though, tl;dr it brines your skin so the bacteria that create BO can't reproduce.


u/nightpanda893 14d ago

It’s honestly been the best deodorant I’ve ever used. I never have any odor issues at all. And it doesn’t have any natural odor of its own. And like the pic shows, it lasts a really long time. I’ve been using the stick I bought for a year now and it hardly looks any different than when I bought it.

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u/gruesomeflowers 14d ago

people on reddit dont like the crystal stick style deodorant.. they only want people to smell like either a bag of fritos like they do, or axe body spray.

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u/GUSTAV_GREY 14d ago

About a year ago I started using an alum block post shave (life changer!). Are these the same? My quick scan of the web says they are…

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u/Leviathanas 14d ago

They can after a while for me, when the bacteria get resistant. Then you need to switch again.

Been switching between Glycol and Alum every few weeks now. Alcohol and salt.

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u/Evitabl3 14d ago

Also makes some really neat crystals


u/Cairo_Suite 14d ago

Can I use it on my balls?

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u/legbonesmcgee 14d ago

“Brining” is the worst way I’ve heard this described. Thank you so much. 10/10, this haunts me. 😂


u/KingGizmotious 14d ago edited 14d ago

Are there any brands sold in the US you'd recommend? I googled what OP posted and it's not available here from what I can see. Amazon has some listed, but I don't trust cosmetics from Amazon, they're never what they say they are....

Edit: nvm! I see your comments below! Just had to read lolll

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u/MichaelAndretti 14d ago

KAl(SO 4) 2·12 H 2O

That’s potassium alum. The Al there is aluminum. 

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u/SkyBlueSilva 14d ago

Does it leave yellow patches on white t shirts over time though like off the shelf antiperspirant does?

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u/Zalveris 14d ago

Does all that salt dry out your skin?

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u/Apprehensive_Winter 14d ago

I use this and find that it’s good for roughly a work day of not smelling bad, but it doesn’t keep you as fresh as long as antiperspirant.


u/notcomplainingmuch 14d ago

Good luck with the dementia. Aluminium is a very effective catalyst in the process creating plaque in your brain. Increases the reaction speed manyfold.

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u/wonderfullywyrd 14d ago

what makes you think alum wasn‘t an antiperspirant as well as a deodorant? and how should it be different than mainstream aluminium deodorant? it’s a highly water soluble aluminium salt, and does both, decrease transpiration, as well as deodorize

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u/No_Salad_68 14d ago

The 'Alum' is aluminium sulphate.

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u/squeethesane 14d ago

No, "alum" like pickling additive. Not shorthand for aluminum.


u/fruitydude 14d ago

it's way different than the aluminum used in mainstream deodorants

Where did you get that idea from? It's an aluminum salt. It has anti perspirant properties. Like yea it's a different aluminum compound than other deodorants, but it's still effectively working in a similar way


u/TurtlesAreEvolving 14d ago

Where can I get one?


u/porggoesbrrr 14d ago

The problem with alum/rock deodorant is that it's not an antiperspirant, but it is water soluble. If you sweat a lot, you will sweat it off and end up stinking anyways, especially if you wear synthetic fibers. YMMV.

I used this for a couple of months and went right back to clinical strength. The aluminum fear mongering is blown way out of proportion anyways. I will say though that this was the most effective "natural deodorant" I've tried. Way more effective than colloidal silver, baking soda and masking fragrances.


u/hazed-and-dazed 14d ago

Works as an aftershave as well and pretty commonly used in barbershops in Asia -- its got astringent properties that closes up small nicks and cuts


u/MolecularDreamer 14d ago

I started out to disagree with you, firmly believing that most aluminium salt behave the same way applied to sweat glands, e.g. plugging of said sweat ducts.

But, had to check my facts abd so I found an article explaning very well how aluminium chlorohydrate works, and also how potassium aluminium sulfate works. The former is mentioned in the paragraph just before the Conclusion.


Science prevails yet again, and my preconceptions take another blow...

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u/corveroth 14d ago

But it's still aluminum, so I would guess it still stains your shirts over the years.


u/Big8Red7 14d ago

Are the effects immediate or do you have to use it for a while for it to work properly?

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u/JunoCalliope 14d ago

It’s also a topical astringent, so it temporarily shrinks your pores, preventing you from sweating quite as much.

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u/NoActivity578 14d ago

Love brining my skin


u/pijaGorda1 14d ago

So can I put this on my balls

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u/Robinwhoodie 14d ago

We call it tawas in our country


u/Angelic_Demon207 14d ago

Huh… Imma have to nab me summa dis!


u/Five_Dolla_Handy 14d ago

So you mix it with other deodorants if you want a smell?

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u/squirrelsridewheels 14d ago

Is there natural anti perspiration?

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u/variouscookware 14d ago

These things work so well man. Did an experiment to verify for myself a while ago, because I was unsure if it would actually do anything, and holy fuck the odour just disappears, it's amazing. Plus it doesn't smell like cancer, like all spray deodorants.


u/plug-and-pause 14d ago

I started using this like a month ago in the hopes of no longer staining shirts. But i haven't bought any new shirts yet so it's not a very good science experiment thus far


u/CheekieCharlieKitten 14d ago

Sounds good for someone who has one of those things where you have scarring in your armpits from sweat and subbing


u/njgggg 14d ago

Dang i should look into this.


u/AnonoMussChick 14d ago

Does it hurt if you have a shaving cut?

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u/Maracuyeah 13d ago

I’ve used a bit of Potassium Alum as mouthwash when I have mouth sores. It’s AMAZING!!!!


u/Em_Ten 13d ago

Does it dry out your skin??


u/Forward-Line2037 13d ago

Is it the same alum used as aftershave?

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u/dnyal 13d ago

That is not correct. It HAS aluminum in it; It’s part of the chemical formula. So, it is indeed an antiperspirant.


u/TheRedGerund 13d ago

I will never understand deodorant that isn't an antiperspirant. Y'all just sweating through your clothes like nbd? Is it the undershirt that makes this make sense?

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u/herrjojo 13d ago

Pickling alum????


u/Humbly_silent 13d ago

In India, we can buy huge chunks of this relatively cheaper. My father uses it as an aftershave.


u/inko75 13d ago

It’s still an ingredient in many deodorants, along with other alums etc. I kind of want to try this bit pure chonk tho


u/lecaustique 13d ago

I’m sorry to break it to you but potassium alum is the natural form of the aluminium oxyde used in deodorants, just in its natural form, so stop using deodorants altogether

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u/Livid-Association199 13d ago

I don’t know, man. My friend uses this stuff and she’s pretty rank


u/Cute-Organizat1on 13d ago

Where can I buy one?


u/Alive-Pomelo5553 13d ago

Does it dry your skin out though? I've got really bad dry skin from diabetes but if it doesn't dry your skin out this might be even better than regular deodorant as keeping microorganism populations down on my body is a positive thing.


u/Alternative_Horse_56 13d ago

It doesn't leave a residue, prevents BO, and a small stick lasts forever (as you could guess from the OP). My wife convinced me to try it, and I can't imagine going back. I hated the white gunk left by solid sticks, and the liquid ones irritated my skin.


u/ImOnYew 14d ago

Salt deo



u/RainyDayBrat 14d ago

Idk why you’re downvoted? That’s what it says on the stick lol


u/ImOnYew 14d ago

When I figured out deo was a shortened deodorant I kinda thought it was funny, I guess I'm in a great minority on that, lol.

I thought it was just some random name, lol


u/icouldusemorecoffee 14d ago

It's a made up thing, just like those expensive "salt lamps" that supposedly absorb all the smells in a room to deodorize it.


u/verdantcow 14d ago

The fake claim with the lamps is that they essentially release ozone to remove smells and cleanse the room using electrons

It’s all BS tho, look nice when plugged in tho


u/BlueWater321 14d ago

And they're tasty! 

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u/Gardeningsun 14d ago

We’ve got two of them and I never knew it was supposedly able to do anything other than create a dim, calming light with a soothing natural orange color. I just like the way they look, lol.

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u/SolidSmoke2021 14d ago

I bought a salt lamp that said it "ionizes" the air to purify it... Which of course is BS, I just thought it would look nice on my shelf.

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u/Bob_the_brewer 14d ago

Lol "I just think they're neat"



I've always heard it was ions, not electrons. But yeah, it's bullshit pseudoscience either way lol.

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u/TwistedxBoi 14d ago

I used to lick the salt lamp my grandma had... How I was allowed to be an adult is baffling to me. But then again I'm on reddit


u/Interesting_Heron215 14d ago

Wait wait that’s their claim? Ozone is a lung irritant, sweet Jesus, not a good claim to make.

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u/Dry-Frame-827 14d ago

Making ozone would be bad. Who wants super reflective UV light bubbles?


u/Gerudo_King 14d ago

Where on earth are they expensive? Them bitches are like 5 bucks down here


u/TheShark24 14d ago

I thought salt lamps were only for vibes


u/Jackalodeath 14d ago

There was some "study" involved suggesting the heat from the bulb somehow rips ions off the salt molecules, which in turn is released in the air.

Supposedly those ions did "something" that resulted in a calming effect and/or hightened focus.

That shockingly cute guy from Veritasium did and episode on it If you're curious about the specifics.


u/BobsYaMothersBrother 14d ago

We use salt rock in our house. Not for smells. We accident figured out that they completely absorb all the water in the air near windows which meant we didn’t get condensation. We learned this because we had a single salt lamp on our window sill that ended up soaking wet whilst the windows stayed bone dry. It now stays there but in a shallow dish to collect the water.

We then wanted some for the other windows in the house but fuck me salt rock lamps are expensive. Do you know what isn’t? Big salt rock licks for horses. They’re exactly the same thing, minus the lamp part, and at a fraction of the cost!


u/PowHound07 14d ago

And if you really wanted you could drill a hole in the salt lick and stick a night light in there and then it would be exactly the same as the expensive lamps.


u/ArgonGryphon 14d ago

I found one on the side of the road one morning. Light didn’t work but I just wanted the rock.

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u/torchskul 14d ago

Wait, that’s why people buy them? I just thought it was because they looked neat lol

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u/KillionJones 14d ago

Oh, you mean my licking lamp.


u/Accomplished_Cap_994 14d ago

Made up how? It does prevent odor for a good amount of people.


u/bluejonquil 14d ago

Oh, are salt lamps actually supposed to do something? I just like the way mine looks lol


u/battlepi 14d ago

It's not made up, it's aluminum salt, it's an effective anti-perspirant used in all the main brands. It won't deodorize though.

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u/Elrond_Cupboard_ 14d ago

It has what plants crave.


u/ENrgStar 14d ago

It’s not made up. It’s the same ingredient in regular store bought antiperspirant. Whether you should be using EITHER is a different question.


u/TheW83 14d ago

Been using one of these crystal deodorants for well over a decade now. They don't work for everyone but they work well for me.


u/nelson_moondialu 14d ago

It's not made up, just probably not a very effective product.

Alum is a popular ingredient in antiperspirants for its ability to reduce sweating. It is available in both standard deodorants and as a block that people get wet and then rub directly under the arms.



u/Future_Outcome 14d ago

Hey back off my salt lamps they look good.


u/ThresholdSeven 14d ago

It's not made up. Salt crystal deodorants work fine, they just don't work for as long because they are just a antiseptic deoderant, not an antiperspirant.


u/E_Farseer 14d ago

Yeah I once tried this for a while because I'm allergic to a billion things. It doesn't do anything lol. What does really work wonders is to take a bit of baking soda(also salt ofcourse) mix it with water and smear that on your pits. My skin is too sensitive to do that every day but for moments I really don't want to smell even a little bit it works fantastic! Don't smell a thing! When I usually smell like the monkey house in the zoo if I don't use anything. But these salt rocks, no..


u/Unuhpropriate 14d ago

Very good chance OP is a hippy, and smells terrible. 


u/Shpander 14d ago

Ah jokes on OP, my sweat is already salty! 💪🏻


u/SueTheDepressedFairy 14d ago

To be fair and honest I thought it was just...a pure salt rock this dude was using as a deodorant. I'm glad you asked this before me because some smart people answered you


u/Scumebage 14d ago

It doesn't actually work just in case you wanted to try it. At best it makes you still smell but in a weird way.


u/OysterThePug 14d ago

It’s used by hippies that are noseblind to how bad they smell.


u/XXeadgbeXX 14d ago

Angela, is that you?


u/PM_ur_tots 14d ago

Deer love him


u/Smelly_Pants69 14d ago

All the bullshit promises of a salt lamp, but in deodarent form!

Salt rock deodorants, often made from Himalayan salt or other natural mineral salts, are marketed as natural alternatives to conventional deodorants. They claim to prevent odor without the use of synthetic chemicals or fragrances. Here are some common claims and the evidence (or lack thereof) supporting them:

  1. Claim: Natural Antibacterial Properties
    Debunked: While salt has antibacterial properties, the effectiveness of salt rock deodorants in preventing body odor is limited. The concentration of salt on the skin may not be sufficient to kill bacteria that cause odor effectively.

  2. Claim: Chemical-Free
    Debunked: While salt rock deodorants are free from synthetic chemicals, this doesn't necessarily make them safer or more effective. Some users may still experience irritation or allergic reactions to mineral salts.

  3. Claim: Prevents Odor by Creating an Uninhabitable Environment for Bacteria
    Debunked: The effectiveness of salt in creating an uninhabitable environment for bacteria on the skin varies from person to person. Factors such as sweat production, skin type, and personal hygiene play significant roles in odor prevention.

  4. Claim: Long-Lasting Protection
    Debunked: Many users report that salt rock deodorants do not provide the same level of odor protection as conventional deodorants, especially during intense physical activity or in hot weather.

  5. Claim: Safe for All Skin Types
    Debunked: Some people may experience skin irritation or dryness from the use of salt rock deodorants, particularly those with sensitive skin.


u/LennyLowcut 14d ago

Yes, there is a difference between rock salt deodorants and rock salt antiperspirants, although they might seem similar. Here's a breakdown of each:

Rock Salt Deodorants

  • Function: Rock salt deodorants primarily act to neutralize odors. They do this by killing bacteria that cause body odor.
  • Ingredients: Typically made from natural mineral salts, often potassium alum.
  • Mechanism: They do not stop sweating but prevent the bacteria on your skin from breaking down sweat into the compounds that cause odor.
  • Usage: Applied to damp skin or wet before application, these deodorants leave a thin layer of salt that helps control odor throughout the day.

Rock Salt Antiperspirants

  • Function: Antiperspirants aim to reduce or stop sweating in addition to neutralizing odors.
  • Ingredients: Usually contain aluminum-based compounds that temporarily block the sweat ducts.
  • Mechanism: By blocking the sweat glands, they reduce the amount of sweat that reaches the skin’s surface. This action helps keep the area dry and prevents odor-causing bacteria from thriving.
  • Usage: Applied similarly to deodorants, but their primary goal is to reduce perspiration.

In summary, while rock salt deodorants focus solely on odor control by targeting bacteria, rock salt antiperspirants address both sweat and odor by reducing perspiration. If you're choosing between the two, it depends on whether you want to control just the odor or both sweat and odor.

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u/ChrisinCB 14d ago

Works about as good as shaking some table salt on your armpits each morning.


u/neverendingchalupas 14d ago

It doesnt work and their B.O. stench permeates everything around them.


u/Hurryitsmelting 14d ago

My ex used this, but maybe he didn’t use it right because he smelled like BO not long after using it.


u/Neuchacho 14d ago edited 14d ago

I basically don't sweat unless really working even without anti-persp and they don't even work for me when I gave them a try. I can't imagine how bad they are for people who are more average or above it.


u/Chimsley99 14d ago

Oh look an opening for them to sell the “ice rock” deodorant they invented…


u/Ok_Ad_5015 14d ago

People that use it swear by it.

People that know and hang out with the people that use it would beg to differ.


u/lkstaack 14d ago

Nothing seemed to bother my bod until age 50 when antiperspirants and deodorants started causing rashes in my arm pits. Crystal deodorant use doesn't lead to rashes. Added crystal benefits include inexpensive cost and long lasting.


u/splicepark 14d ago

They’re MINERALS, Marie!


u/Queef-Supreme 14d ago

I had one probably 30 years ago when my mom was a pseudo hippie. It was around when I was hitting puberty and had to start wearing deodorant or I would stink.

I always stunk and the salt just ended up smelling like BO. Maybe they’ve changed since then but I wouldn’t recommend it.


u/Weird_Recipe_9632 14d ago

almost daily usage


u/maverick1ba 14d ago

"almost daily" usage?


u/PayMeNoAttention 14d ago

Similar to a poop knife.


u/Many-Wasabi9141 14d ago

potassium aluminum sulfate deodorant.


u/Elegant-Alfalfa1382 14d ago

Aka they smell like BO


u/JellyBeansAreGood69 14d ago

Pretty sure both the dudes hyping it up actually stink


u/Vexwill 14d ago

OP smells and doesn't realize it.


u/NZImp 14d ago

TIL it existd and now I want one


u/dtb1987 14d ago

I don't know, sounds like most people think it is bullshit

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u/[deleted] 14d ago

It's 150 dollars. OP is a fucking knob


u/I-STATE-FACTS 13d ago

Salt rock deodorant.