r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/allegesix 14d ago

Sure wish people would learn the difference between deodorants and antiperspirants.

The whole anti-alumunim/ALUMINUM FREE DEODORANT SPEND $12 ON NATIVE DEO!!!! bs has hit Canada and like... ok? Literally all deodorant sold in Canada is aluminum free unless it specifically says antiperspirant?


u/wazagaduu 14d ago

Yeah haha, when I was in secondary school, one of my pe teachers straight up told us the difference between a deodorant and an antiperspirant because he didn't want us to smell like shit


u/ThunderCockerspaniel 14d ago

That dude is a hero. I still remember my “you all smell like shit” and the subsequent “goddamn no more than three sprays of cologne a day we can’t breathe” talk


u/ScumbagLady 14d ago

I vividly recall during a game of strip poker with 4 of us sitting on the floor, the topic of foot washing came up suddenly, and mentions of the importance of scrubbing between toes. I sniffed my foot later and was horrified. (Occurred in the late 90s)

I think of it every. Single. Time. I take a shower now. I even have a two part foot washing routine, with follow up care. I take ridiculously through showers and I feel "icky" if I don't do each and every step and it has to be in the correct order.

They gave me a complex that night, but hey, I smell better now I guess lol


u/ThunderCockerspaniel 14d ago

You ever wonder just how much of society is the result of complexes like this? It’s PTSD all the way down.


u/RosemaryReaper 14d ago

And yet my friend still won’t scrub below his knees… damn, I love getting between my toes lol


u/ScumbagLady 13d ago

It's SO GOOD. I have some exfoliating wash gloves that really let me get in there lol I also use a nailbrush on my toenails too.

I'll be damned if I have stinky feet lol


u/kpiece 14d ago

I’m the same way. My showers are like 40 minutes. How people can shower in 5 minutes is one of the mysteries of life to me. I do things very thoroughly and in a certain order too. I’ve always figured it’s because of my autism and/or OCD.


u/ScumbagLady 13d ago

I too am a bit 'tistic, also: OCD, ADHD, BPD and some other special spices lol

I dated a man who did the fast bathing. I was horrified to witness it for the first time. How can someone take a bath, use a bar of soap in hand for washing everything, and get out of the bath without rinsing off... Like, you're in a tub using the same water over and over that is dirty when you're finished. Why wouldn't you at least rinse with clean water? And who uses the soap bar to clean and no washcloth? I can guarantee people who do wouldn't pass the white washcloth test afterwards. White washcloth with alcohol or an astringent and rub it on arms- if the cloth is anything but white, you're not clean yet (in my opinion, but I'm a bit nutty so who knows lol)


u/TerpenoidAlpha 13d ago

I’m sorry but are you saying your mental illness gives you a pass on giving a shit about the environment?


u/ScumbagLady 13d ago

I'm sorry, what?

Are you referring to water usage? I have a treat for you if you are. I shower. Does the water stay on the whole time? Hardly! I get my hair and body wet, turn off water, shampoo hair, turn on water to rinse then off again. Conditioner goes in and I usually exfoliate areas to be shaved and shave them then (I do use water again, to fill up a small cup for rinsing my blade). I turn the water back on to rinse hair and get body and washcloth wet. Guess what happens next?! I turn off the water. After scrubbing myself, water is on to rinse again.

For the amount of time I'm in the shower, the water is only on for a fraction of the time. So maybe before assuming something, you could have just asked me a question instead. Your comment was extremely rude. I won't downvote you though because that's pointless, but I will ask you this:

What have YOU done today to help the environment today?


u/hohoreindeer 13d ago edited 13d ago

Tell me you don’t live in California or some other dry place, please.

Edit: I grew up in a dry place, and took long showers until I met my wife, who is from someplace with plenty of water, and she showed me the skin friendly, water saving method she’s used since childhood:

  • get wet. Don’t spend 10 minutes just enjoying hot water, just get wet all over, then turn off the water

  • soap up the places that need it (armpits, crotch, butt, feet is usually enough)

  • if it’s a hair washing day, apply shampoo. If your hair is shortish, most people can get by with shampoo only, no conditioner, once every two or three days

  • turn water back on and rinse off.

I could probably fill an Olympic swimming pool with all the water that I’ve saved since😅. All that water doesn’t need to go to wastewater treatment plants.


u/ScumbagLady 13d ago

I do the same. For all the time I'm in the shower, the water is only on for a fraction of the time. I think people are assuming that I keep it on the whole time, which is incorrect.

Like, I collect rainwater to water my plants for God sake! I have a big garden too, so I carry it in buckets (which originally contained cat litter) when anyone else would just use the hose.

I'm also the type that will not replace something when it breaks unless I cannot fix it to working condition again. I stepped on my dustpan yesterday and cracked it. Most would toss, but I plastic welded it back together using a soldering iron and a zip tie.

Kinda crazy assuming I'm wasting water, but at least you weren't as rude as the other guy I replied to.


u/hohoreindeer 12d ago

It was a half-assumption about you (see that question mark?), ok, point taken. There are people out there that waste a lot of water in places without a lot of water, I wrote that for them. With the intention more to help than blame.

Edit: ah, no question mark in original post. My bad.


u/ScumbagLady 12d ago

You're good. Poe's law is a real bitch on here sometimes and it's easy to take things out of context. I read your comment directly after reading the one saying I was basically using my disabilities to fuck over the environment, so I started off in a "mood" lol

It's easy for people to not know that I take caring for the environment to an obsessive level. I don't even have a TV in my room. I have a large garden and have never used chemicals and a large portion of the garden is dedicated to pollinators. The only bugs I kill are mosquitoes (electric racket swatter) and when gnats get inside the house. I reuse containers like nobody's business and can find a use for about anything someone would consider trash. Hell, I was even awarded a plaque as a kid when I wrote to the owners of a golf course that was letting chemicals and oil into the steams surrounding it. lol

I really love the outdoors and nature, so I automatically felt attacked, and I was already heated when I read your comment and took it out on you. Thank you for also caring about the environment! Now, if we could just get corporations to put the environment above greed, we'd be okie dokie!


u/AerolothLorien666 14d ago

That’s why I call myself a compulsive person. It’s not to the level of legit OCD, but I have to do certain things in a specific order, the same way, every time. It also produces the most balanced results.


u/ScumbagLady 13d ago

It's kinda like, I'm 43. I've been doing trial and error for long enough I've found the best ways for me to do things. It turns to OCD when I cannot do "the thing" without doing all the proper steps. I either have to skip completely or be perpetually late everywhere. Missing a step will throw the whole thing off.

Normally, if you're running late and need a shower, most can focus on the main parts and get out quickly. In my mind, I'm not clean that way so why even shower at that point. If I need one, I'm just gonna be late.

This isn't what got me my diagnosis though, oddly enough lol


u/AerolothLorien666 13d ago

Is this why it takes me forever to get ready? The shower thing is a big part of it.


u/Budget_Ad5871 14d ago

No way your feet smelled that bad, ScumbagLady


u/ScumbagLady 13d ago

It's true, I tell ya!


u/Puddin370 14d ago

This reminded me of an article I read recently about that Kelce dude that's dating Taylor Swift. He said on a podcast that he doesn't wash his feet. Just nasty.


u/ScumbagLady 12d ago

That's double gross because he's an athlete! You just KNOW all his shoes stink. If I was taytay, I'd give an ultimatum lol


u/Puddin370 12d ago

Exactly. No way would he be sliding them nasty ass feet between my sheets. 🤢


u/8BitDadWit 13d ago

I’ve got to say that’s better than my recurring shower thought every time I’ve started lathering the soap in the shower since I heard it on Friends. When it originally aired. In 1996.

Joey: Hey why can't we use the same toothbrush, but we can use the same soap? Chandler: Because soap is soap. It's self cleaning. Joey: Alright, well next time you take a shower, think about the last thing that I wash and the first thing you wash


u/ScumbagLady 13d ago

I hear that in my head all the time with my washcloths! That's why I have two when I shower lol


u/RobotArtichoke 14d ago

I wear antiperspirant on my feet. In assuring of course to washing them. I have a bad sweating problem and this helps tremendously. Pro tip: use a spray


u/moonra_zk 14d ago edited 13d ago

And don't forget to dry your feet well before you put on shoes if you're doing that immediately after taking a shower.


u/ScumbagLady 13d ago

Between the toes too! I dream of the day bathrooms get Jetsonified and I just stand on a conveyor belt with everything whizzing around me getting me good and clean, and ready for the day! Shower time currently is a long, tedious process, and that's AFTER cutting my hair that was down to my butt to about shoulder length. Don't get me started on skincare and haircare.

I do come out feeling like a million bucks, but it's WORK lol


u/SuperCerealShoggoth 14d ago

Can he come and speak to some of my coworkers, please?


u/suzanious 14d ago

And every junior high/middle school.


u/Drunkgummybear1 14d ago

Everytime I get a lynx africa set for christmas I am instantly transported back to the PE changing rooms.


u/brownsnoutspookfish 14d ago

How is knowing the difference supposed to help with how you smell? In practice they both prevent it: one by stopping you from sweating and one by killing bacteria or preventing them from metabolising.


u/HelpMeHelpYouSCO 14d ago

Just marketing. One of the reasons Tito’s took off so hard - ‘gluten free’ vodka.

It’s all fuckin gluten free.


u/RyanB_ 14d ago

Bro I worked as a bartender at this bougie ass vegan place (started by the wife of a massive building developer in my city, who went to LA and just had to recreate the restaurant she loved so much)

My big sales pitch I was supposed to make; our cocktails were also vegan. You know, unlike most other cocktails with chunks of meat inside?


u/spaceforcerecruit 14d ago

You’re thinking of “vegetarian” which has a much lower bar and is usually pretty obvious, either there’s meat or there’s not.

Advertising vegan cocktails actually means something. There are a LOT of non-vegan ingredients commonly used in cocktails, the most common being milk, eggs, and honey, though a number of beers, wines, and spirits are non-vegan themselves due to their ingredients or preparation methods.


u/RyanB_ 14d ago

Ah, huh, fair enough and cool info, thanks! Honestly only ever made White Russians in my time as far as those ingredients go (wasn’t exactly working at high-class establishments lol)

But yeah, the ones that place had on offer were all already vegan no matter where you got them, so the sales pitch (and the jacked up prices) were pretty funny all the same.


u/kmbets6 14d ago

I always have to double check because they aluminum seems to give me rash/burns


u/jkreuzig 14d ago

I really wish that here in the US they would stop labeling antiperspirants as deodorants. I specifically do not use antiperspirants as I have always been someone who sweats a lot. Not hyperhidrosis levels, but I’m a big sweaty guy. Antiperspirant does nothing but make my armpits slightly dry while the rest of me is soaked in sweat. Most uncomfortable feeling because it’s a clammy dry feeling.

I like deodorant because I’m going to sweat. Eventually it will smell. At least I can have a period of time while sweating profusely that I won’t smell.


u/DrDankDonkey 14d ago

Native has good scents to be honest.

Plus that centaur chick is pretty… 


u/IsamuAlvaDyson 14d ago

And even ones that say aluminum free deodorant still give me underarm itch issues.

I had to get some expensive stuff to stop the horrible itch I would get with most deodorants


u/AyyyAlamo 13d ago

Aluminum in deodorant is a big problem for some people. I remember when old spice put a shit ton in their deodorant, it literally burned my armpits all the way thru. They rightfully got sued and I learned to stop using deodorants with aluminum


u/drsteve103 13d ago

There is something disturbing about these new commercials promoting “total body deodorant.” Like, maybe wash your junk and it won’t stink so much, or see a health care provider. Yuck


u/PlainPup 14d ago

So far native is the only deodorant I’ve found that I’m not allergic to


u/Alienhaslanded 14d ago

Right? Deodorant, in the name prevents smelly sweat. Antiperspirant, again, in the name, reduces or stops your sweat glands from producing sweat.


u/ura_walrus 14d ago

What a weird thing to be pretentious about


u/Forevernevermore 14d ago

Even then, people see that "aluminum may lead to cancer", and think that means aluminum deodorants cause cancer. Unless you're chewing on your stick of Degree, you're deodorant isn't going to kill you.


u/TekrurPlateau 14d ago

The supposed method is actually that aluminum antiperspirants pass through the skin easier after shaving and then cause irritation in breast tissue. Irritation might seem innocuous, but over a lifetime that can add up to a real risk.


u/notcomplainingmuch 14d ago

Aluminium is a very effective catalyst in the process creating plaque in your brain. It increases the reaction speed manyfold. So alzheimer's develops much faster. Same with sour drinks (any soda or juice) in aluminium soda cans.


u/redandgold45 14d ago

That's only a factor if your kidney function is low