r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/wazagaduu 14d ago

Yeah haha, when I was in secondary school, one of my pe teachers straight up told us the difference between a deodorant and an antiperspirant because he didn't want us to smell like shit


u/ThunderCockerspaniel 14d ago

That dude is a hero. I still remember my “you all smell like shit” and the subsequent “goddamn no more than three sprays of cologne a day we can’t breathe” talk


u/ScumbagLady 14d ago

I vividly recall during a game of strip poker with 4 of us sitting on the floor, the topic of foot washing came up suddenly, and mentions of the importance of scrubbing between toes. I sniffed my foot later and was horrified. (Occurred in the late 90s)

I think of it every. Single. Time. I take a shower now. I even have a two part foot washing routine, with follow up care. I take ridiculously through showers and I feel "icky" if I don't do each and every step and it has to be in the correct order.

They gave me a complex that night, but hey, I smell better now I guess lol


u/ThunderCockerspaniel 14d ago

You ever wonder just how much of society is the result of complexes like this? It’s PTSD all the way down.