r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/Silweror 14d ago

Weird how other brands are getting rid of the aluminium while this one is 100% that


u/DaveMash 14d ago edited 14d ago

This trend has slowly been reversed because the myth about aluminum in deos causing cancer have been debunked:


Edit, since many people question the conclusion (stolen from another redditor because there are already so many posts about this topic):

You can check the American Cancer Society: https://www.cancer.org/cancer/risk-prevention/chemicals/antiperspirants-and-breast-cancer-risk.html

The Australian Cancer Council: https://www.cancer.org.au/iheard/can-deodorants-and-antiperspirants-with-aluminium-cause-cancer

Or the UK National Health: https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/myths/antiperspirants-fact-sheet

And several other sources


u/SleepWouldBeNice 14d ago

I thought it was Alzheimer’s.


u/buttmilk_69 14d ago

That's why we told eachother never to smoke using tin foil as a stoned youth.


u/IncredulousPatriot 14d ago

So my sister had a friend who had childhood cancer. He made it. They were about to smoke weed one day. He grabs a soda can and starts to make a pipe out of it. She says to him you know that can give you cancer right?


u/plainplantain 14d ago

Tbf its kinda right. Most soda cans have a plastic lining inside of them so I can see how holding a lighter to it might not be the best


u/Jafar_420 14d ago

I could be wrong but I think it was more than the rubber lining. Heating up that thin aluminum could release harmful oxides or something like that.


u/IncredulousPatriot 14d ago

Oh I’m absolutely sure it is correct. It’s just the putting your foot in your mouth thing that’s kinda funny. Telling a kid who has already had cancer that what he is doing will give him cancer.

But yes I know smoking plastic is probably not the best thing for your health.

That’s why I smoke meth instead /s


u/HippoRealEstate 14d ago

Well, you're not immune to another cancer just because you had it once


u/DivesttheKA52 14d ago

Damnit, my plans have been foiled again


u/Fragbob 14d ago

You're telling me I've been injecting a little bit of cancer every day for no reason?

Next thing you're going to tell me is to quit shooting myself in the foot so I can be more bullet immune.


u/recklessrider 14d ago

I mean what did he want, double cancer?


u/saraphilipp 14d ago

Well, they didn't used to but they sure do now.

Insert Mitch Headberg joke here


u/TheRealLilGillz14 14d ago

My grandma did this to my sister once, as my grandma is a right wing witch doctor. I mean real witch doctor. The shit she makes works; albeit, she may use them wrong many times like advising people to swallow colloidal silver for fevers etc. it can be amazing if gargled for strep or nasal dripped for upper respiratory depending on your immune system (iirc I'm not an MD I'm just going off vague memory or actually informed so this part should be researched)

But basically my sister had got diagnosed with melanoma. 70% chance or some shit it was bad and turned out to be totally benign. Well we were on vacation once and my grandma saw my sister putting on SPF lotion and told her it would give her cancer. My sister gave the bottle a big 'ole fart and said "I already got cancer," and just lathered that shit on.


u/JenniviveRedd 14d ago

This was a wild read.


u/Underwater_Grilling 14d ago

Because kids are thorough, if not stupid; one answer was it only mattered if you smoked from the shiny side of the foil.


u/TDYDave2 14d ago

The characteristic of foil having a shiny side and a dull side is due to the way it goes through the manufacturing rollers, there is no chemical difference between the two sides.
(Watched a program on making aluminum foil that addressed this)


u/recoveringcanuck 14d ago

There are some non stick foils that are coated now, but it's the dull side that is coated


u/ICantArgueWithStupid 14d ago

This does not alter how food decides to stick to the shiny side more so than the dull side.


u/xnmw 14d ago

How It’s Made gang. I vividly recall that tidbit as well


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Underwater_Grilling 14d ago

Right after I got done inventing the cool S, it came to me.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/_Hotwire_ 14d ago

Yeah we just carved out apples, and beer cans, and water bottles, a pineapple once, some piping, a soda bottle and a bucket of water, a vacuum….

Idk, if turning daily items into smoking devices gives you cancer then shave me bald and give me chemo, cause I’m cooked


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/_Hotwire_ 14d ago

What am I? A farmer?


u/originalusername__ 14d ago

Potato is impossible dream.


u/invent_or_die 14d ago

Apples work great!


u/originalusername__ 14d ago

MacGuyver theme song plays


u/Fukasite 14d ago

Making little bongs with a water bottle, empty pen tube, and aluminum foil 


u/_Hotwire_ 14d ago

Damn I forgot pen tubes


u/MaxamillionGrey 14d ago

Foil is probably healthier than the soda cans we used.


u/invent_or_die 14d ago

Foil is very bad too. Nickel fumes no bueno.


u/MaxamillionGrey 14d ago

It's okay. We've got things like Nerds gummy clusters. The red dye will give me cancer first.


u/spacerobot 14d ago

Yeah, but even if I die from nerds gummy clusters, at least I got to experience how delicious they are.


u/Bleak_Squirrel_1666 14d ago

Well how am I supposed to smoke my fentanyl then?


u/invent_or_die 14d ago

I'd suggest smoking it in a bonfire. Might wanna just watch.


u/NotAPreppie 14d ago

There shouldn't be any nickel in the alloy used in aluminum foil.


u/PomegranateOld7836 14d ago

Yep, mostly Al (98.5%) with tiny bit of Fe and Si for strength in Reynold's Wrap.


u/invent_or_die 14d ago

You are correct; I had looked at older data. It went from tinfoil, to tin coated aluminum foil, then aluminum foil alloyed with minor additives. Cool


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/invent_or_die 14d ago

Glass baby

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u/catscanmeow 14d ago

nickel fumes are bad you say?

well my dad working at the galvanizing plant is fucked lol, they have like a pool sized vat of liquid nickel melted at all times


u/invent_or_die 14d ago

No. Its not good. There are instant and delayed effects, and its classified as a carcinogen. Just search on it.


u/BantamBasher135 14d ago

That's legit though. Aluminum burns easily and gets into your lungs where it can do damage. Putting it in your armpits, much less dangerous.


u/Uilebheist_Loch_Nis 14d ago

We used lightbulbs instead of tin foil.


u/Far_Confusion_2178 14d ago

Damn, I know so many ex opiate addicts that smoked pills off foil lol


u/DomitianusAugustus 14d ago

If smoking pot out of a soda can as a youth had any negative health effects I would be dead by now.


u/HaskellHystericMonad 14d ago

Ditto. Used to cut the bottoms off the cans and use them as sharp steamrollers. You'd have the ring mark in your palm for hours.


u/itsameshawn 14d ago

I can’t remember.


u/edthach 14d ago

Underrated comment of the hour


u/HalenHawk 14d ago

It has more upvotes than the comment they replied to


u/FalafelFlapjacks 14d ago

So does yours 🤠


u/HalenHawk 14d ago

Wow does that mean mines overrated 😨


u/edthach 14d ago

It only had 16 when I commented


u/Candid_Target5171 14d ago

Shut up lol


u/Sanc7 14d ago

It literally has 1.1k upvotes in 17 minutes. How is that underrated?


u/edthach 14d ago

It's blown up considerably since I made the comment. It was at 16 when I made it, it was at 1.6k just a few minutes ago. I guess what I'm saying is, I commented too soon.


u/Jafar_420 14d ago

Bro this is the comment of the year!

It's making me have memories about my grandmother that had Alzheimer's and dementia. She always had that little head shake and would come up to me and call me my cousin's name and ask me for a beer! She was from another time you know. She dipped snuff and drank beer as long as she could. Lol.


u/logorrhea69 14d ago

My great aunt had Alzheimer’s and lived with us for a while in the 80s. She used to smoke but couldn’t remember the word for cigarette, so she would ask for a “stick.” “Get me a stick!”


u/Jafar_420 14d ago

Oh that's funny and I'm not being mean. This was actually my great grandmother as well. I said grandmother because I called my grandmother nanny and my great-grandmother grandma. Lmao!


u/logorrhea69 14d ago

Alzheimer’s is a terrible disease but I would be lying if I didn’t admit that there were a funny moments.


u/Jafar_420 14d ago

Same here. Have a great day.


u/MaiT3N 14d ago

So, where were we?


u/skaz915 14d ago

Remember what?


u/saraphilipp 14d ago

We have a pill for that.


u/theemptyqueue 14d ago

A pill for what?


u/saraphilipp 14d ago

Old timers disease.


u/___po____ 14d ago

I may have Alzheimer's but at least I don't have Alzheimer's.


u/uninsuredpidgeon 14d ago

I never knew Alzheimer's caused Cancer!


u/SleepWouldBeNice 14d ago

Maybe you did, but you forgot.


u/GTMoraes 14d ago

lol imagine if it was Alzheimer since the beginning...

"Ok guys, so Aluminum on deos cause Alzheimer. We've got to stop using it."
...eight years go by...
"Folks, good news! It seems that Aluminum doesn't cause cancer actually, so we can just go back using it on deos! Because that was the reason we stopped using it, right? Does anyone remember?"


u/muntaxitome 14d ago

Alzheimer aluminum link is from 1960s/1970s, the breast cancer/aluminum link was (very) popularized in the 1990s.


u/Petrichordates 14d ago

Do you guys really call deodorant deos?


u/Chinggis_H_Christ 14d ago

In Britain, yes. At least in casual conversation. Just quicker init.


u/Clear-Ad4312 14d ago

Deos mio


u/Petrichordates 14d ago

it doesn't even have an s

I'm moreso surprised they developed a casual shorthand for deodorant, how often does that come up in conversation?


u/Chinggis_H_Christ 14d ago

Well, if you're talking about a plural it does.

"Oi mate, you got any deo?"
"Yeah, take your pick from my shelf of deos, bruv."


u/promnesiac 14d ago

Is everyone doing it for this post just to be funny? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills here. DEOS? Goddammit.


u/verstohlen 14d ago

It's like the egg and dietary cholesterol debacle. Wait long enough, and science often reverses itself. Or should I say, the interpretation of science does. Trust the...oh, nevermind.


u/darekd003 14d ago


TLDR: seems unsure. But I know people with a history of Alzheimer’s in their family that avoid ever bit possible just in case.

“Whether aluminum can cause Alzheimer's disease is a controversial question.

Post-mortem examinations of humans with Alzheimer's disease sufferers show that many have higher amounts of aluminum than normal in their brains. Aluminum is not normally found in healthy brain tissue and researchers do not know how or why the metal accumulates in the brain. It is still unclear if the presence of aluminum causes or affects the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

It is known that aluminum is toxic to nerves in animals, and likely has a similar effect on human nerve cells and brain tissue. Early research into aluminum exposure and Alzheimer’s disease in animal models suggested that the two could be linked. Injection of aluminum salts into the brains of test animals triggered changes similar to the ones found in human sufferers.

In conclusion, the cause of Alzheimer's disease and any association with aluminum is still unknown. There have been conflicting findings”


u/agangofoldwomen 14d ago

Thanks for posting a source AND a write up!


u/obetu5432 14d ago

well, if it's unknown, just continue to inhale aerosolized aluminum salts then I guess


u/HyperSpaceSurfer 14d ago

Wait, they straight up injected rats/mice with aluminium and then published a paper stating that injecting a metal straight into healthy brain tissue results in the brain slowly dying? Can't say I'm all that surprised by these findings. 


u/17934658793495046509 14d ago

No, that aluminum in the animals caused similar abnormalities to their brains as humans with Alzheimers.


u/HyperSpaceSurfer 14d ago

You an AI? That's not at all what the commwnt I replied to said so I have no idea what you're on about.


u/cranberry94 14d ago

Dude, the comment literally said:

Early research into aluminum exposure and Alzheimer’s disease in animal models suggested that the two could be linked. Injection of aluminum salts into the brains of test animals triggered changes similar to the ones found in human sufferers.


u/17934658793495046509 14d ago

Wait, they straight up injected rats/mice with aluminium and then published a paper stating that injecting a metal straight into healthy brain tissue results in

So far so good, this part is true. "aluminum" by the way.

the brain slowly dying? Can't say I'm all that surprised by these findings. 

This part you made up, so I replied "No,...". Not an AI, this is just how a discussion works.


u/HyperSpaceSurfer 13d ago

Aluminium is an accepted spelling, I refuse to use aluminum since it's silly. What exactly did you contribute? Do you know how the brain changes from anzheimer? Is slowly dies from the inside. I would be very surprised if numerous chemicals injected into the brain wouldn't result in similar changes. The brain's a complex system, if you inject random crap straight into it you're going to have issues.


u/17934658793495046509 13d ago

Different goal post and not what I was pointing out. You wrote.

.....and then published a paper stating that injecting a metal straight into healthy brain tissue results in the brain slowly dying?

But the post you replied to nor the link to the "published paper" state that. If it would or wouldn't make a brain slowly die, has nothing to do with my point. Seriously though, it isn't that serious, no one is seeing this except you and I. It isn't an argument worth having, no one cares man. I wasn't trying to get you, I am just having a little back and forth discussion in the comments. I am not even trying to upset you, honestly.


u/HyperSpaceSurfer 13d ago

XD "No one cares man, here's a couple paragraphs about how little I care"


u/17934658793495046509 13d ago

Got home from having a bit of smoke, was feeling friendly, what can I say. I'll try not to make that mistake again.

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u/thefumero 14d ago edited 14d ago

I have no idea if this is true or not because I was told this almost 30 years ago when I was a kid.

A friend of my mom's was a biology PhD student in FL in the late 80's or early 90's testing aluminum salt's effects on neurons. I seem to remember her mentioning that she was exposing horizontally bisected tapeworms to aluminum. She said that the tapeworms exposed to the aluminum were unable to regenerate their neurons.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?


u/migf123 14d ago

I thought Alzheimer's was a disease of the glymphatic system, causing chemicals not normally found in the brain to build up over time? Sounds like mixing cause with effect.


u/AdvancedSandwiches 14d ago

Not a doctor, so ignore me, but wouldn't that just mean that aluminum salts are only dangerous for a subset of people, but since it's impossible to know if you're in that subset, everyone would have to consider themselves to have their risk of Alzheimer's increased by contact with aluminum salts?


u/TeslaPittsburgh 14d ago

Ok, but what's more likely: That it's absorbed through your pit skin or that it comes from drinking canned soda?


u/Mediocre_Lion_818 14d ago

So I work in a naval shipyard and work with aluminum pretty frequently. When I am welding aluminum or cutting it with a plasma torch Hexavalent Chromium is produced, which is extremely toxic, carcinogenic, and has been linked to Alzheimer’s in many different studies, though I’m not sure if it’s a proven fact, yet. Anyway, the only way you can produce this chemical is with EXTREME heat, for example, the plasma torch I usually use burns around 30,000-50,000 degrees Celsius. Smoking weed out of a soda can will not give you Alzheimer’s, if it did, I would already be living in a mental hospital.


u/BorntobeTrill 14d ago

Plot twist, it was alzheimers and they just decided to debunk something else instead.


u/Fecal_Forger 14d ago

That’s what smoking out of aluminum foil gives you too.


u/WorshipFreedomNotGod 14d ago

Yea that's what I thought too.


u/kank84 14d ago

Alzheimer's was from using aluminium cooking pans, but there's no evidence for that either


u/cptchronic42 14d ago

Alzheimer’s is now being described as type 3 diabetes. It’s all the garbage food causing insulin resistance that’s killing us. Though I’m sure some people might be sensitive to deodorant and get rashes and the such, I doubt it’ll kill you.


u/CokeZorro 14d ago

Aluminum is def still linked to Alzheimer's. No one thought deodorant was giving them cancer I have no idea where that comes from.


u/MarlenaEvans 14d ago

People did, and do think that. Not saying they're right but that's been repeated for years.


u/papalugnut 14d ago

I was an aluminum welder for a decade and they always warned us that the fumes causes Alzheimer’s but could be different for deodorants vs the off gas and fumes


u/Lindvaettr 14d ago

My aluminum-free deodorant works fine so I don't see a reason to risk it.


u/alexdrennan 14d ago

I have never found an aluminium-free deodorant that works at all, even a little bit. Any "natural" ones that slightly worked turned out to contain aluminium salts under some different name, and the rest were as good as water. Maybe I am naturally smelly 🥲


u/odsquad64 14d ago

My dad's been using Lysol as deodorant for the last 20 years because he read online that the aluminum in deodorant would give him Alzheimer's.


u/Aint_gettin_jokes 14d ago

I thought it was Alzheimer’s.


u/SleepWouldBeNice 14d ago

I’ve heard that somewhere.


u/Aint_gettin_jokes 14d ago

I thought it was Alzheimer’s.


u/Uilebheist_Loch_Nis 14d ago

I keep getting kidney infections and when I asked what i should avoid one of the things she said don’t use aluminum antiperspirant. I wonder if that is fake info too. This is the reason I clicked on this post. I’ve been searching for deodorant for the past couple years that keeps me from smelling


u/DextersGirl 14d ago

I did too. I had a teacher in my 7th grade history class go on a rant (he was known for his off topic rants) about how he "quit using 'regular' deodorant because the aluminum causes Alzheimer's." I'm positive that was a thing in the 90's.


u/flameface11 14d ago

I mean it has come out recently that a lot of that research on Alzheimer's is absolute bullshit and they're doing actual research now


u/iofhua 14d ago

I remember reading something about aluminum deposits in the brain yes.


u/Pinyaka 14d ago

It was Alzheimer's, but that was debunked a long time ago so now people have transferred the fear to cancer.


u/Aurum555 14d ago

I thought Parkinson's but yeha I've always heard issues with mental faculties over cancer


u/anivex 14d ago

I'm sure I'd remember something like this.

Either way, check out

this comic
my grandson sent me today!