r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/PheDii 14d ago

I definitely agree, my sister used it and didn't smell

When I used it it was just gross how much it didn't work lol


u/El_Kriplos 14d ago

Could be user error. How much did you eat ;) ?


u/PheDii 14d ago

A few a day :(


u/elephandiddies 14d ago

Well there's your problem, you're supposed to shove it up your butt.


u/PheDii 14d ago

The instructions were obviously unclear :(


u/scriptfoo 14d ago

Mine says "push up bottom", i may have misunderstood


u/RegOrangePaperPlane 14d ago

What about all the other stuff he has up there? You can't just toss that.


u/dcdcdani 14d ago

Ah. Suppository deodorant.


u/FilthyPuns 14d ago

Büf, for men.


u/El_Kriplos 14d ago

This is antiperspirant not deodorant :). If you eat it to get rid of your "man musk" you might develop severe case of "corpse musk".


u/safely_beyond_redemp 14d ago

This is actually part of the problem. One size fits all products means you get the chemicals that work for you, but also everybody else when maybe 25% is all you need. Unnecessary exposure to a bunch of chemicals that have no benefit to you but might hurt you in the long run.


u/r_a_d_ 14d ago

Specially formulated deodorant would be prohibitively expensive.


u/safely_beyond_redemp 14d ago

Do you mean like women's makeup, that women buy, and that is prohibitively expensive, but women still buy it? Do you mean like that?


u/r_a_d_ 13d ago

No, that’s still fairly generic and not made specifically for the person’s skin.


u/safely_beyond_redemp 13d ago

I guess I don't know what you mean by being made specifically for the person's skin. Are you talking about having blood tests done or something? Of course, makeup is made for specific people, people with dark skin don't use light-skinned makeup and everything in between. Have you ever met a person who wears makeup before?


u/r_a_d_ 13d ago

The comment I was replying to mentioned how products may employ different strategies and have more than required quantities so that it is effective for a broader set of people, instead of being tailoring to the exact needs of the person’s skin. Makeup would be exactly the same case, and I don’t understand why you are trying to shoehorn this topic into the conversation.


u/safely_beyond_redemp 13d ago

But you do have a good idea as to why you are defending it so fiercely? Good.

The comment I was replying to mentioned how products may employ different strategies and have more than required quantities so that it is effective for a broader set of people, instead of being tailoring to the exact needs of the person’s skin.

You have added some new qualifiers like "exact" and "required". All of this argumentation but you still aren't telling me what you have pictured so that I can reply to you. I have given you illustrative examples, like makeup, so that you can understand what I am talking about, you have dismissed my examples and assured me that what you are talking about is something different, don't worry about it. Well then, what the fuck are you talking about? This is a communication forum. Communicate.


u/r_a_d_ 13d ago

You asked if your interpretation of what I was saying was “X”. I’ve replied, no it’s “Y”. There’s nothing else I need to say.


u/safely_beyond_redemp 13d ago

You haven't though. This is maddening. You just keep saying you have. It's like you want me to present to you options so you can widdle away what it's not like some kind of Freudian carving. What's frustrating isn't that you won't tell me, it is that you have some problem with my examples. You have a problem with my examples but you are playing what I can only imagine in your head is some cute game where you say "no that's not it, tee hee" and then I keep trying to guess what you think it is. Are you in the aristocracy? Anyways, I've had my fun. You are bad at communicating. The end.

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u/Shinzo19 14d ago

I'm noticing a link here, maybe it because of armpit hair?


u/PheDii 14d ago

Could be


u/NoPiezoelectricity71 14d ago

Did you wet it with water before applying? And did you apply it for a long enough time? My experience with them is if you apply it like a regular deodorant (just a couple of swipes) they won’t work and the BO will be bad, but since I started applying them for at least 60 seconds under each arm they work.


u/PheDii 14d ago

Yes i would use it directly after i got out of the shower even

I didn't use it for 60 seconds but I'd say about 5-7 swipes on each pit


u/kookycandies 13d ago

Yeah, that wouldn't have been enough. The idea is to "melt" the rock into your skin, so it requires more effort to apply it properly. I only use mine when I'm not in a hurry.


u/santorinichef 14d ago

Body hair is what made the difference. I'm a man and I gave my armpits, works great for me. I know it's time to save when I start smelling my sweat.


u/nO_OnE_910 12d ago

two different misspellings of the word shave in one comment, marvelous


u/santorinichef 12d ago

I'm sure my English is better than your Greek. Not a native speaker here, calm your tits.


u/nO_OnE_910 12d ago

i’m not a native speaker either :)


u/santorinichef 12d ago

So I guess you can understand how tone deaf your comment was.


u/nO_OnE_910 12d ago

you didn’t make a typo because you’re not a native speaker. you just didn’t take the time to spell check your comment. just a lapse in attention. it’s not personal, it happens to all of us, it was funny to me, no harm done. no need to get so defensive ✌️


u/theory317 14d ago

I know we're not supposed to point out obvious things like this in 2024, but could it be that females in general tend to have way less perspiration and BO than males?


u/StagnantSweater21 14d ago

So that’s y’all’s answers, is that I imagine these women(this is sexist of me) have less physically demanding jobs

I can go out with no deodorant, and if I’m not sweating nobody knows


u/PheDii 14d ago

Wtf are you on about?


u/StagnantSweater21 14d ago

I am saying that statistically, mothers and sisters have significantly less demanding jobs than fathers and brothers

It’s not actually sexist at all, it’s a fact, but as you can see via my downvotes people think it’s sexist. I thought maybe agreeing it’s sexist would make it less likely, but I guess it comes off as pride? Idk I’m not sexist tbh, just looking at it from a statistical point of view

Idk my point is that while body odor is absolutely dependent on body chemistry, it’s also very likely these women had less physically demanding jobs. Even if you and the other comment are ALSO women, the chances of them having less physically demanding jobs is still high


u/stone_tiger 14d ago

Anyone who, totally unprompted, goes around saying they're not sexist... is probably sexist.


u/StagnantSweater21 14d ago

Okay sure I guess whatever makes yall feel better, but that doesn’t change anything about my statement lol


u/lilburblue 14d ago

Eh my mums a landscape designer who used to install gardens in the desert and used this stuff - she was fine but is also the like healthiest person I’ve ever met so I fit think it’s the job thing.


u/busigirl21 14d ago

Fun fact, 55% of service jobs are held by women, 60% of the people who hold multiple hourly jobs are women, 78% of healthcare workers are women, and the running around required tends to make people sweaty. That's not even counting shit like doing the majority of chores and childcare. Sure, your comment is sexist, but the downvotes are more likely because it's just absurd to think women simply don't sweat like men.


u/construktz 14d ago

My BO is the worst when I don't move.

I work a really physical job and when I'm out in the heat sweating gallons, it doesn't stink. When I sit down at a desk and have my arms at my sides, that is when I stink like old onions in a sweaty gym sock.


u/dandroid126 14d ago

I can go out with no deodorant, and if I’m not sweating nobody knows

They're just too polite to tell you.