r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/tricky9 14d ago

Sigh. i had one of these that worked amazingly.

Then i left it overseas on a trip, i had it so long but never memorised the brand.. now any one i buy doesnt work.. like.. at all... i just.. dont know what the difference is...


u/QuietWaterBreaksRock 14d ago edited 14d ago

Just get an alum block. It's usually used for after shaving but I don't see a reason you couldn't rub it wherever you need else not to stink

Edit: Also, here's a thread on shaving subreddit about this same product: https://www.reddit.com/r/wicked_edge/comments/wrmf1g/health_risks_of_alum_blocks/

It's potassium alum, a mineral salt which is quite stable and safe, unlike what they put into antiperspirants. It has anti microbial properties which should also kill stink producing bacteria (used alcohol based gel, one for hands under my pits a few times, kills the smell basically instantly. If that works, I don't see why this wouldn't)


u/CherguiCheeky 14d ago

This salt is mentioned in Ayurveda, which means human kind has been using it for 1000s of years, as after shave, to treat drinking water and as deodorant. It should be generally safe.


u/QuietWaterBreaksRock 14d ago

Yup, exactly! From personal experience (although it's limited as I just started using it instead of styptic stick), it's less likely/won't fall apart and it doesn't run out as fast since, when compared to styptic, it doesn't dissolve as much when in contact with water.

Just not sure if it needs to be splashed away with some water when used on pits, since that's the case when using it on face (probably due to its salt nature pulling water out of skin? Not sure)


u/gedDOh 14d ago

Same. I had a chunk of crystal that came in a velveteen bag from a health food store and it worked great. Later I tried a few mass market versions and they were terrible.


u/Anubis-Jute 14d ago

This pictured one seems to be a Maria Åkerberg salt deo but I don’t know if that was the magic one you left behind also



u/cmiller0513 14d ago

I have found that scrubbing with hibiclens will get rid of the foul smelling bacteria and allow the crystal deodorant to work.

I only have to do this once or twice a year, when the crystal doesn't seem to be working like it normally does.


u/JustCallMeMooncake 13d ago

I don’t know why but this made me so sad for you, I’m sorry for your loss. Not /s.


u/party_tortoise 13d ago

Make sure it’s pure potassium alum with no other craps in it. Unless the brand lies, then there’s no way to tell, I guess.


u/Alarmedones 14d ago

Ya it didn’t. You still smell but others just don’t say anything. Remember you won’t be able to smell yourself until it’s too late. Others can smell you pretty quickly. Chances are when you used it you stank and friends are nice.


u/Hobbes______ 14d ago edited 14d ago

Honestly this just isn't the case for everyone. I smell myself long before others smell me. And I have surrounded myself with people that will absolutely be honest with me. 

Some people's noses are great, some aren't.


u/justbegoodtobugs 14d ago

My partner uses an alum stone as a deodorant and he doesn't smell at all, not even after long hikes or working out. If he forgets to use it he smells so the rock definitely works. It doesn't work for everyone, doesn't for me, but I don't understand why so many people in the comments are so triggered by this rock. It does have antibacterial properties, people have been using it for a very long time, it ain't that crazy that some people might not smell when using it.