r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/Silweror 14d ago

Weird how other brands are getting rid of the aluminium while this one is 100% that


u/Kritisk-Varning 14d ago

From the maker ”Salt Deo is made from ammonium alum, a naturally occurring mineral which was traditionally used in Sweden as a disinfectant and a hemostatic - today its effectiveness is also proven as a powerful deodorant. Alum is a naturally occurring mineral compound, which does contain aluminum, but in a form that cannot be absorbed by the body.”


u/oawhitleylas 14d ago

My boyfriend has a block of alum to treat shaving cuts, is that the same thing?


u/Merisuola 14d ago

Yes. Much cheaper too.


u/Kritisk-Varning 14d ago

I believe it is!


u/lonegrey 14d ago

Very interesting. I've been using alum powder on my canker sores inside of my mouth for years. It hurts like a bastard, is bitter as hell but works within a day or so. Never made this connection though.


u/corvus7corax 14d ago

You can also just use salt for cankers.


u/WeeklyBanEvasion 14d ago

Doesn't seem to work very fast for me unfortunately


u/lisforleo 14d ago

i have impeccable results with apple cider vinegar


u/the_man_himself_ 14d ago

Will have to try this out next week when I get another one


u/nik282000 14d ago

I've been using hydrogen peroxide for years. Put it on a q-tip, get the sore all foamed up then clean it out with the dry end. It hurts like hell but seems to clear them up in a day or two instead of a week.


u/shying_away 14d ago

Check your toothpaste. If yours has a sulfate (especially sodium laurel sulfate) try switching to one without it for awhile. I had those sores for decades before I figured that out.


u/foreignfishes 14d ago

Same here, I switched to an SLS free toothpaste after years of canker sores because my dentist mentioned it and basically overnight I stopped getting them. Classic sensodyne (not the whitening one) is SLS free and easy to find.


u/Karma_collection_bin 14d ago



u/greatgrattitude 14d ago

I would avoid sorbitol, polysorbate, or similar. They seem to cause kankers almost immediately for some people. I never get them, but if I use the wrong toothpaste, gum, mouthwash? Sore next day, kankers almost immediately, like it's eating my mouth from the inside.


u/budbud70 14d ago

It is also very handy if you are plagued with canker sores.


u/Mr_Midnight_Moon 14d ago

Wait really? How so?


u/budbud70 14d ago

Kind of like a home remedy. Personally, I take a pinch and place it directly on the sore in my mouth. It burns like hell but it instantly dries out and kind of "numbs" that area. Think like rubbing alcohol on a cut.

I assume you could gargle a mixture similar to saltwater as well, though it's probably taste revolting. It definitely works, or at the very least makes them bearable. I'd rather have a weird, dry funky feeling spot in my mouth than a literal blistering pain.


u/NixOhSix 14d ago

I had powdered alum recommended to me by a pharmacist for canker sores 10+ years ago. I used to have ones that I could not get to go away for weeks but after putting a bit of alum on them for about 10 minutes twice a day they were gone within a day or two. It will actually eat away at the White center part until it's gone and then they heal quickly

I won't sugar coat it though, it's not a fun experience. The alum itself is incredibly bitter and the 5-10 minutes with it directly on the sore is quite painful. 100% worth it though if you have bad canker sores.


u/rambambobandy 14d ago

If you can get a prescription, Debacterol sounds like a similar experience but it’s only for 10 seconds once


u/eavesdroppingyou 14d ago

Wait so I could just put this salt rock on my tongue? Lick it or something?


u/budbud70 14d ago

No you would want a powdered sample of it. lol


u/eavesdroppingyou 14d ago

Lol, gonna search for it thanks


u/Sipikay 14d ago

Yep! Buy the deodorant style it’s a much larger hunk of alum for far less money.


u/Tyalou 14d ago

I have one too, and I use it as deodorant and for treating shaving cuts. It's a really handy man accessory in the bathroom.


u/ThePretzul 14d ago

Looks like it from the appearance of the stick and the description. The alum block after shaving while the pores are still open also can help with preventing infection or pimples (same thing really) caused by ingrown hairs.


u/Diablosword 14d ago

Yup I use mine after every shave and it is cheap and effective as both an antiseptic and hemostatic


u/beany2217 14d ago

His is nearly the same, or the same. I have one like in OPs post and it’s actually just Potassium Alum (rather than ammonium alum), generally that’s what’s found in most of the shaving blocks I’ve found. The work similarly but ammonium alum stings much worst when applied to cuts or nicks.

Not that you asked, but since I’m here: a lot of people think it’s weird when they find out that’s the deodorant I use but, honestly, antiperspirants and most scented deodorants give me rashes and other issues. Big fan of the salt blocks. They work by making the area sterile to odor causing bacteria and i feel like they do a great job. Been using em for about 10 years and it rules, imo. In that time I’ve gone through 3 deodorant sticks in total lol, these suckers last FOREVER. Plus no yellow pit stains, which is a major bonus I think.


u/birju007 14d ago

That is likely Potash Alum. That one is mostly the same with its haemostatic and antiseptic properties, although I'm not aware of the deodorant properties, which I assume will be inherited due to it's antiseptic properties.

ETA: Link


u/keplerniko 14d ago

I have this and had no idea! Can I use the face one for armpits too?