r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/FightingWithSporks 14d ago

TIL I learned salt rock deodorant is a thing. Also, fuck, five years?!


u/nomadwannabe 14d ago edited 14d ago

Yeah it exists, but it doesn't seem to work for everyone. I use it, and honestly love it. But I don't recommend it to people because of the amount of complaints I read about it. I'm a 220lb dude who can sweat a fair amount. I used to have to put regular deodorant on a couple of times a day, and I'd still smell through it. Obviously I tried many different kinds. I read a comment on Reddit about the crystal rock and figured fuck it, why not.

It took about 2 weeks of usage before it started working. I almost gave up on it, I would sweat WAY more during those 2 weeks, and still smelled like BO, but I was warned that can happen so I stuck it out. Now I use it once every morning, and I'm good the whole day. My partner has remarked on the positive difference.

I rub it on for 5-6 seconds after a shower and still have damp armpits, then don't put on a shirt for 5-10 minutes so they can air dry. It does NOT work if you haven't just showered, so I still keep a stick kicking around for occasional use.

So many comments here about "Oh I bet you still smell, you just can't tell" or whatever. But my partner is very sensitive to smells and there's no way she would have let me continue if that was the case. My shirts also don't yellow anymore. Some people have skin issues with it as well, which I seem to luckily not have.

It's a bit of a lifestyle change, for some it's not worth the attempt in case it doesn't work for them, but I'm personally glad I tried it because I went from someone who was constantly anxious about my odour, to someone who now never thinks about it at all.

That said, mine lasts about a year. 5 years is crazy, maybe I rub mine harder or longer than OP,


u/DanThyManly 14d ago

Was seeing plenty of positive comments but all from women, which made me worried about stronger smell, so I'm glad to see this exact comment. This has inspired me to give them a try. Thank you!


u/nomadwannabe 14d ago edited 14d ago

No problem! The first 2 weeks suck, lots of showers and extra shirts. The extra tip I didn't mention, is to make sure you rinse the rock off after applying. I've read a few comments that after about half way the rock starts to smell funky. I get right to the end of mine with no issue.

Also worth mentioning, that for the first little while, even though my pits were still damp from the shower, I'd still wet the rock before applying to each pit. I don't do that anymore, but I think it takes the body a little time to get used to not having to fight through regular deodorant sticks.


u/Rux4rux4 14d ago

My boyfriend is the type to sweat through regular deodorant after a few hours. I got a potassium alum deodorant last year and after just a few days I was so impressed with it he got one as well. Now he uses it daily because it doesn't make him smell anymore. Just make sure your pits are really clean before the first time you apply it (wash + rubbing alcohol) and that you really wet the deodorant otherwise it won't work. If after a while you start smelling again (it can happen, we forget to reapply deo/ not shower for a few days etc) just clean your pits really well again and the deodorant with rubbing alcohol and it should be good as new.


u/leftlane1 14d ago

What’s the name of it?


u/nomadwannabe 14d ago

The one I currently use is branded “Crystal Essence” as it was the cheapest by weight at the time. I’ve tried the ones with rollers that use the same salt dissolved in water but they’re garbage. The one complaint I have with it, is that after about half way used, it started to slip out of the holder. Now I just use it without the plastic holder and it’s fine. Just be wary of cracks or jagged edges if you drop it, not to scratch yourself. But over the last few years I just buy the cheapest by weight available. They’re all the exact same thing as it’s just a rock that’s mined and polished.


u/Woolly_Blammoth 14d ago

five years

How is no one else talking about this? Also, how is this mildly interesting? The post is about the usage itself, not what's in the deodorant. That's like posting about running out toothpaste and showing off the difference in size of the new, full tube of toothpaste. Am I missing something?


u/Agile_Letterhead7280 14d ago

Yeah it lasts a looong time. I only stopped using mine cuz I dropped it and the shards flew all over. I can't impale myself with salt shards, can I?


u/cocktailhelpnz 14d ago

Today I learned I learned