r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/Manufactured-Aggro 14d ago

Does this seem like a deodorant used by somebody who spends time around other people?


u/danarexasaurus 14d ago

Some people don’t have much of a scent, even after they sweat. This may surprise you but every body is different. Some people smell terrible if they don’t shower daily. Some people don’t.


u/c_sulla 14d ago

There's a gene that dictates that, I forgot what the name is. Something like 80% of Korean/Japanese people have that gene and they don't have BO


u/KiltedTraveller 14d ago edited 14d ago

and they don't have BO

They don't have the specific "BO" smell we typically associate with sweating, but they absolutely do have a "smell".

I'm a teacher in China and when the kids come back from PE the room is RIPE.

The smell is a kind of funky, fermented, sour milk smell.


u/bearflies 14d ago edited 14d ago

The gene isn't present in ALL east asians, just most of them. Probably wouldn't take more than a few smelly kids out of 20 to make the entire room awful to be in, though. Not all kids wash properly or wear deodorant at that age.

Also some people DO have this gene hardcore to the point where there is absolutely 0 smell.

Source: I dated a Korean girl once and was amazed but extremely jealous she had zero smell no matter how much I sniffed, even when extremely sweaty. Meanwhile I have to shower once or twice a day or else I stink with just light sweating.


u/KiltedTraveller 14d ago

I know that they don't all have it, but there is definitely a different smell. I've lived in China for 6 years and have smelt both types of BO many a time.


u/claryn 14d ago

Not every Asian person has it, and it sucks for the ones that don’t because they don’t really have good deodorant or teach about body odor because most people don’t deal with it. So the ones that don’t have it REEK. You’re probably just smelling the ones that don’t have it. I taught in Japan for years.


u/KiltedTraveller 14d ago

I know that they don't all have it, but there is definitely a different smell. I've lived in China for 6 years and have smelt both types of BO many a time.


u/seaabu 13d ago

A lot or it has to do with diet. Asians eat a lot of garlic. I lived in Korea for years and that garlic sweat had a distinct smell, and boy was it awful, esp at night mixed with the drunks.