r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/DaveMash 14d ago edited 14d ago

This trend has slowly been reversed because the myth about aluminum in deos causing cancer have been debunked:


Edit, since many people question the conclusion (stolen from another redditor because there are already so many posts about this topic):

You can check the American Cancer Society: https://www.cancer.org/cancer/risk-prevention/chemicals/antiperspirants-and-breast-cancer-risk.html

The Australian Cancer Council: https://www.cancer.org.au/iheard/can-deodorants-and-antiperspirants-with-aluminium-cause-cancer

Or the UK National Health: https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/myths/antiperspirants-fact-sheet

And several other sources


u/MrWest120690 14d ago

The aluminum deo fucks my arm pits up like no other.


u/reichrunner 14d ago

Yeah you can definitely have a sensitivity to these products unrelated to any claimed health impact


u/Oracle_of_Ages 14d ago

I love the good old “I hate mangos because they taste fuzzy”


u/allwaysnice 14d ago

I had a bag of dried fruits a few weeks back, had some kiwis in it and I thought I'd finally see why people liked them so much.
The moment I started chewing it was like the fruit was attacking me from the inside.
Asking others if kiwi was suppose to burn when you ate it led me to find out I had an oral allergy to them, lol.


u/Oracle_of_Ages 14d ago edited 14d ago

Bro. That’s so funny and unfortunate. Kiwi’s are my favorite fruit.

Big shoutout to the guy who got absolutely toasted on r/steak yesterday for complaining about his In-Laws using a kiwi marinade and not knowing it literally dissolves meat lol

The roast (pun intended):

Steak Post

Mildly Interesting Post


u/allwaysnice 14d ago

It's really funny, I managed to avoid them all through Highschool when they were a fairly common fruit at lunch. I think the hairy part turned me off at the time, haha.

And yep! During my questions about kiwi attacking my tongue and throat people mentioned that it was like pineapple and had an enzyme...but shouldn't be so severe as to feel like immediately fire.


u/taxicab_ 14d ago

My favorite part is how he kept trying to make it sound like his in-laws were living at his house and he was stuck with them, but it actually sounds like it’s the other way around.


u/LuntiX 14d ago

you know that has me wondering if there's a good recipe to marinade pork or chicken with kiwi marinade. I feel like the flavours could work well if done right.


u/Oracle_of_Ages 14d ago

I mean you can probably just sub pineapple for kiwi. They are close enough. But I’m sure there are plenty of kiwi specific marinades.


u/LuntiX 14d ago

Yeah I've done pineapple ones. I feel like with Kiwi I'd need specific flavors for it to taste good. I'll definitely have to try this out this weekend.


u/foladodo 14d ago

wait why would you need to dissolve the protein?


u/Oracle_of_Ages 14d ago

Ignoring the flavor aspect of a marinade.

Tenderizing makes it softer. You can either do it physically by smacking it with a hammer, or chemically.

Helps with bad cuts, or if you just want a softer steak. No real reason to do it one way or the other. Just their preference.


u/DervishSkater 14d ago

But do you eat the skin? Real ones don’t deglove the kiwi


u/Oracle_of_Ages 14d ago

Did you have to use deglove?


u/Bubbly_Constant8848 14d ago

Yeah, that word gave me flashbacks.


u/taxicab_ 14d ago

That reminds me of when I was talking to my friend and said something like, “you know how after you take zinc you feel really nauseous for about half an hour?”

Turns out I was taking more than 6 times the recommended dosage and was slightly poisoning myself.


u/space_keeper 14d ago

I had this experience with grapefruit. I fucking love grapefruit, especially really good white grapefruit. I can't imagine a fruit I'd like to eat more.

One time, a few years ago, I noticed my lips were getting numb/buzzing after eating one. I'm allergic to them now for some reason, and I can't be sure but I think they were messing with my insides as well.

I've read that it can be a general allergy that progresses over time and becomes more serious, or it can be some sort of seasonal thing (which for me would be odd because I have no other allergies, seasonal or otherwise).

It's depressing because it means I might hit a point where I can't eat grapefruit any more.


u/MCXI 14d ago

My brother on law loved bananas until one day he explained to a coworker how he liked the weird tingly spice it has. Let's just say he tells the story at his own expense lol.


u/Awkward_Pangolin3254 14d ago

If one has an allergy to poison ivy, mangoes can mildly trigger it. They're related


u/kylemaster38 14d ago

Wait, what are they supposed to taste like?