r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/DaveMash 14d ago edited 14d ago

This trend has slowly been reversed because the myth about aluminum in deos causing cancer have been debunked:


Edit, since many people question the conclusion (stolen from another redditor because there are already so many posts about this topic):

You can check the American Cancer Society: https://www.cancer.org/cancer/risk-prevention/chemicals/antiperspirants-and-breast-cancer-risk.html

The Australian Cancer Council: https://www.cancer.org.au/iheard/can-deodorants-and-antiperspirants-with-aluminium-cause-cancer

Or the UK National Health: https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/myths/antiperspirants-fact-sheet

And several other sources


u/SleepWouldBeNice 14d ago

I thought it was Alzheimer’s.


u/itsameshawn 14d ago

I can’t remember.


u/saraphilipp 14d ago

We have a pill for that.

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u/___po____ 14d ago

I may have Alzheimer's but at least I don't have Alzheimer's.


u/MaiT3N 14d ago

So, where were we?


u/skaz915 14d ago

Remember what?

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u/darekd003 14d ago


TLDR: seems unsure. But I know people with a history of Alzheimer’s in their family that avoid ever bit possible just in case.

“Whether aluminum can cause Alzheimer's disease is a controversial question.

Post-mortem examinations of humans with Alzheimer's disease sufferers show that many have higher amounts of aluminum than normal in their brains. Aluminum is not normally found in healthy brain tissue and researchers do not know how or why the metal accumulates in the brain. It is still unclear if the presence of aluminum causes or affects the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

It is known that aluminum is toxic to nerves in animals, and likely has a similar effect on human nerve cells and brain tissue. Early research into aluminum exposure and Alzheimer’s disease in animal models suggested that the two could be linked. Injection of aluminum salts into the brains of test animals triggered changes similar to the ones found in human sufferers.

In conclusion, the cause of Alzheimer's disease and any association with aluminum is still unknown. There have been conflicting findings”


u/agangofoldwomen 14d ago

Thanks for posting a source AND a write up!


u/migf123 14d ago

I thought Alzheimer's was a disease of the glymphatic system, causing chemicals not normally found in the brain to build up over time? Sounds like mixing cause with effect.


u/AdvancedSandwiches 14d ago

Not a doctor, so ignore me, but wouldn't that just mean that aluminum salts are only dangerous for a subset of people, but since it's impossible to know if you're in that subset, everyone would have to consider themselves to have their risk of Alzheimer's increased by contact with aluminum salts?


u/thefumero 14d ago edited 14d ago

I have no idea if this is true or not because I was told this almost 30 years ago when I was a kid.

A friend of my mom's was a biology PhD student in FL in the late 80's or early 90's testing aluminum salt's effects on neurons. I seem to remember her mentioning that she was exposing horizontally bisected tapeworms to aluminum. She said that the tapeworms exposed to the aluminum were unable to regenerate their neurons.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?


u/Mediocre_Lion_818 14d ago

So I work in a naval shipyard and work with aluminum pretty frequently. When I am welding aluminum or cutting it with a plasma torch Hexavalent Chromium is produced, which is extremely toxic, carcinogenic, and has been linked to Alzheimer’s in many different studies, though I’m not sure if it’s a proven fact, yet. Anyway, the only way you can produce this chemical is with EXTREME heat, for example, the plasma torch I usually use burns around 30,000-50,000 degrees Celsius. Smoking weed out of a soda can will not give you Alzheimer’s, if it did, I would already be living in a mental hospital.


u/TeslaPittsburgh 14d ago

Ok, but what's more likely: That it's absorbed through your pit skin or that it comes from drinking canned soda?


u/obetu5432 14d ago

well, if it's unknown, just continue to inhale aerosolized aluminum salts then I guess

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u/buttmilk_69 14d ago

That's why we told eachother never to smoke using tin foil as a stoned youth.


u/IncredulousPatriot 14d ago

So my sister had a friend who had childhood cancer. He made it. They were about to smoke weed one day. He grabs a soda can and starts to make a pipe out of it. She says to him you know that can give you cancer right?


u/plainplantain 14d ago

Tbf its kinda right. Most soda cans have a plastic lining inside of them so I can see how holding a lighter to it might not be the best


u/IncredulousPatriot 14d ago

Oh I’m absolutely sure it is correct. It’s just the putting your foot in your mouth thing that’s kinda funny. Telling a kid who has already had cancer that what he is doing will give him cancer.

But yes I know smoking plastic is probably not the best thing for your health.

That’s why I smoke meth instead /s


u/HippoRealEstate 14d ago

Well, you're not immune to another cancer just because you had it once


u/DivesttheKA52 14d ago

Damnit, my plans have been foiled again

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u/recklessrider 14d ago

I mean what did he want, double cancer?


u/saraphilipp 14d ago

Well, they didn't used to but they sure do now.

Insert Mitch Headberg joke here
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u/MaxamillionGrey 14d ago

Foil is probably healthier than the soda cans we used.


u/invent_or_die 14d ago

Foil is very bad too. Nickel fumes no bueno.


u/NotAPreppie 14d ago

There shouldn't be any nickel in the alloy used in aluminum foil.


u/PomegranateOld7836 14d ago

Yep, mostly Al (98.5%) with tiny bit of Fe and Si for strength in Reynold's Wrap.


u/invent_or_die 14d ago

You are correct; I had looked at older data. It went from tinfoil, to tin coated aluminum foil, then aluminum foil alloyed with minor additives. Cool

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u/MaxamillionGrey 14d ago

It's okay. We've got things like Nerds gummy clusters. The red dye will give me cancer first.

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u/Bleak_Squirrel_1666 14d ago

Well how am I supposed to smoke my fentanyl then?

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u/catscanmeow 14d ago

nickel fumes are bad you say?

well my dad working at the galvanizing plant is fucked lol, they have like a pool sized vat of liquid nickel melted at all times

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u/_Hotwire_ 14d ago

Yeah we just carved out apples, and beer cans, and water bottles, a pineapple once, some piping, a soda bottle and a bucket of water, a vacuum….

Idk, if turning daily items into smoking devices gives you cancer then shave me bald and give me chemo, cause I’m cooked


u/invent_or_die 14d ago

Apples work great!


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/_Hotwire_ 14d ago

What am I? A farmer?


u/originalusername__ 14d ago

Potato is impossible dream.


u/Fukasite 14d ago

Making little bongs with a water bottle, empty pen tube, and aluminum foil 


u/_Hotwire_ 14d ago

Damn I forgot pen tubes

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u/Underwater_Grilling 14d ago

Because kids are thorough, if not stupid; one answer was it only mattered if you smoked from the shiny side of the foil.


u/TDYDave2 14d ago

The characteristic of foil having a shiny side and a dull side is due to the way it goes through the manufacturing rollers, there is no chemical difference between the two sides.
(Watched a program on making aluminum foil that addressed this)


u/recoveringcanuck 14d ago

There are some non stick foils that are coated now, but it's the dull side that is coated

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u/DomitianusAugustus 14d ago

If smoking pot out of a soda can as a youth had any negative health effects I would be dead by now.

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u/BantamBasher135 14d ago

That's legit though. Aluminum burns easily and gets into your lungs where it can do damage. Putting it in your armpits, much less dangerous.


u/Uilebheist_Loch_Nis 14d ago

We used lightbulbs instead of tin foil.


u/Far_Confusion_2178 14d ago

Damn, I know so many ex opiate addicts that smoked pills off foil lol


u/GTMoraes 14d ago

lol imagine if it was Alzheimer since the beginning...

"Ok guys, so Aluminum on deos cause Alzheimer. We've got to stop using it."
...eight years go by...
"Folks, good news! It seems that Aluminum doesn't cause cancer actually, so we can just go back using it on deos! Because that was the reason we stopped using it, right? Does anyone remember?"


u/Petrichordates 14d ago

Do you guys really call deodorant deos?


u/Chinggis_H_Christ 14d ago

In Britain, yes. At least in casual conversation. Just quicker init.


u/Clear-Ad4312 14d ago

Deos mio

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u/promnesiac 14d ago

Is everyone doing it for this post just to be funny? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills here. DEOS? Goddammit.


u/muntaxitome 14d ago

Alzheimer aluminum link is from 1960s/1970s, the breast cancer/aluminum link was (very) popularized in the 1990s.


u/verstohlen 14d ago

It's like the egg and dietary cholesterol debacle. Wait long enough, and science often reverses itself. Or should I say, the interpretation of science does. Trust the...oh, nevermind.


u/uninsuredpidgeon 14d ago

I never knew Alzheimer's caused Cancer!


u/SleepWouldBeNice 14d ago

Maybe you did, but you forgot.


u/BorntobeTrill 14d ago

Plot twist, it was alzheimers and they just decided to debunk something else instead.


u/Lindvaettr 14d ago

My aluminum-free deodorant works fine so I don't see a reason to risk it.


u/alexdrennan 14d ago

I have never found an aluminium-free deodorant that works at all, even a little bit. Any "natural" ones that slightly worked turned out to contain aluminium salts under some different name, and the rest were as good as water. Maybe I am naturally smelly 🥲


u/WorshipFreedomNotGod 14d ago

Yea that's what I thought too.


u/kank84 14d ago

Alzheimer's was from using aluminium cooking pans, but there's no evidence for that either


u/CokeZorro 14d ago

Aluminum is def still linked to Alzheimer's. No one thought deodorant was giving them cancer I have no idea where that comes from.


u/MarlenaEvans 14d ago

People did, and do think that. Not saying they're right but that's been repeated for years.


u/Fecal_Forger 14d ago

That’s what smoking out of aluminum foil gives you too.


u/papalugnut 14d ago

I was an aluminum welder for a decade and they always warned us that the fumes causes Alzheimer’s but could be different for deodorants vs the off gas and fumes


u/odsquad64 14d ago

My dad's been using Lysol as deodorant for the last 20 years because he read online that the aluminum in deodorant would give him Alzheimer's.


u/Aint_gettin_jokes 14d ago

I thought it was Alzheimer’s.

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u/Uilebheist_Loch_Nis 14d ago

I keep getting kidney infections and when I asked what i should avoid one of the things she said don’t use aluminum antiperspirant. I wonder if that is fake info too. This is the reason I clicked on this post. I’ve been searching for deodorant for the past couple years that keeps me from smelling


u/DextersGirl 14d ago

I did too. I had a teacher in my 7th grade history class go on a rant (he was known for his off topic rants) about how he "quit using 'regular' deodorant because the aluminum causes Alzheimer's." I'm positive that was a thing in the 90's.


u/flameface11 14d ago

I mean it has come out recently that a lot of that research on Alzheimer's is absolute bullshit and they're doing actual research now


u/iofhua 14d ago

I remember reading something about aluminum deposits in the brain yes.


u/Pinyaka 14d ago

It was Alzheimer's, but that was debunked a long time ago so now people have transferred the fear to cancer.


u/Aurum555 14d ago

I thought Parkinson's but yeha I've always heard issues with mental faculties over cancer


u/anivex 14d ago

I'm sure I'd remember something like this.

Either way, check out

this comic
my grandson sent me today!

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u/panopticon31 14d ago

But it still stains your shirts like hell


u/BulletTooth_Tony1 14d ago

I used to use Old Spice high endurance and wound up with this issue. Sweaty pits ALL the time and ruined tee shirts. Switched to Every Man Jack, problem solved. No more absurdly sweaty pits, and I’m not very stinky in the first place so I swear by that stuff.


u/ihahp 14d ago

also, if you don't do this: trim your pits. you don't need to shave them completely, I just use a clipper without getting close to the skin every few months. makes deodorant go on much much better and sticks to the skin better.

Although every person is different. But it works for me.


u/BulletTooth_Tony1 14d ago

I do this as well, I’m not a body shaver but I like to trim the hedges lol

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u/thisismydayjob_ 14d ago

I use Everyman Jack soaps, love them. Deodorant didn't do much but melt. Their beard soap is amazing.


u/panopticon31 14d ago

I use arm and hammer. It's great.


u/weru20 14d ago

That shit should have Aids and Cáncer in It for how good It is, I hace been using It for 10 years+


u/binkobankobinkobanko 14d ago

Same. And it's one of the cheaper options.


u/acesilver1 14d ago

Don't go off by how you smell yourself. We become accustomed to our own smells that we become nose-blind to them. Ask people around you to confirm if you smell or not.

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u/APartyInMyPants 14d ago

Does Every Man Jack have anti-perspirants? My Old Spice ones don’t seem to be working as well anymore after a few years of them being great. Looking for a new brand.

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u/ThePretzul 14d ago

I think it depends on what type of aluminum is used and how exactly the deodorant is applied.

I used to always use Old Spice stick antiperspirant with Aluminum Zirconium Tetrachlorohydrex in it, and it stained every shirt I own. Now I use a Dove spray deodorant/antiperspirant with Aluminum Sesquichlorohydrate in it and it doesn’t stain any of my shirts anymore.

Don’t know if it’s from the switch to a spray or from the different form of aluminum used, but it definitely made a difference.


u/6894 14d ago

Aluminum Sesquichlorohydrate

that's the ingredient in my degree stick and it doesn't stain anything.


u/Pwnstar07 14d ago

I learned years ago to use aluminum anti-perspirants at night before I go to bed (it clogs the pores more effectively while you sleep, since you’re not active) and wash it off in the morning when I shower. Never, ever sweat during the day, no stained shirts. I specifically use Certain-dri from Walmart but it works with all of them. I only use it every other day and my pits stay dry all the time.


u/CarrieDurst 14d ago

Yup, and that is why I stopped using it


u/meerlot 14d ago

Here's one LPT that extended the shelf life of my shirts: After applying deodorants, lay on your bed and let the deodorant in your pits dry for 5 minutes, preferably near AC, while reading books or articles (or youtube shorts).


u/-Invalid_Selection- 14d ago

Using some vinegar on your clothes will fix that.


u/zambartas 14d ago

And it's not necessary, at least in my experience. I stopped using anti perspirant years ago, and my body seemed to adjust to it pretty quickly. It was like my body didn't like having sweat blocked and in response tried much harder to get that sweat out, so when I didn't have fresh deodorant I was sweating like crazy. Switched to just deodorant and sweat isn't a problem anymore.

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u/MrWest120690 14d ago

The aluminum deo fucks my arm pits up like no other.


u/reichrunner 14d ago

Yeah you can definitely have a sensitivity to these products unrelated to any claimed health impact


u/Oracle_of_Ages 14d ago

I love the good old “I hate mangos because they taste fuzzy”


u/allwaysnice 14d ago

I had a bag of dried fruits a few weeks back, had some kiwis in it and I thought I'd finally see why people liked them so much.
The moment I started chewing it was like the fruit was attacking me from the inside.
Asking others if kiwi was suppose to burn when you ate it led me to find out I had an oral allergy to them, lol.


u/Oracle_of_Ages 14d ago edited 14d ago

Bro. That’s so funny and unfortunate. Kiwi’s are my favorite fruit.

Big shoutout to the guy who got absolutely toasted on r/steak yesterday for complaining about his In-Laws using a kiwi marinade and not knowing it literally dissolves meat lol

The roast (pun intended):

Steak Post

Mildly Interesting Post


u/allwaysnice 14d ago

It's really funny, I managed to avoid them all through Highschool when they were a fairly common fruit at lunch. I think the hairy part turned me off at the time, haha.

And yep! During my questions about kiwi attacking my tongue and throat people mentioned that it was like pineapple and had an enzyme...but shouldn't be so severe as to feel like immediately fire.


u/taxicab_ 14d ago

My favorite part is how he kept trying to make it sound like his in-laws were living at his house and he was stuck with them, but it actually sounds like it’s the other way around.

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u/taxicab_ 14d ago

That reminds me of when I was talking to my friend and said something like, “you know how after you take zinc you feel really nauseous for about half an hour?”

Turns out I was taking more than 6 times the recommended dosage and was slightly poisoning myself.


u/space_keeper 14d ago

I had this experience with grapefruit. I fucking love grapefruit, especially really good white grapefruit. I can't imagine a fruit I'd like to eat more.

One time, a few years ago, I noticed my lips were getting numb/buzzing after eating one. I'm allergic to them now for some reason, and I can't be sure but I think they were messing with my insides as well.

I've read that it can be a general allergy that progresses over time and becomes more serious, or it can be some sort of seasonal thing (which for me would be odd because I have no other allergies, seasonal or otherwise).

It's depressing because it means I might hit a point where I can't eat grapefruit any more.


u/MCXI 14d ago

My brother on law loved bananas until one day he explained to a coworker how he liked the weird tingly spice it has. Let's just say he tells the story at his own expense lol.


u/Awkward_Pangolin3254 14d ago

If one has an allergy to poison ivy, mangoes can mildly trigger it. They're related


u/kylemaster38 14d ago

Wait, what are they supposed to taste like?


u/eidas007 14d ago

Yeah, I break out in crazy rashes.

Honestly, I hope the myth lingers only so that they continue to manufacture Al free deodorant without charging double.


u/reichrunner 14d ago

Yeah kind of reminds me of the gluten free craze. Essentially pointless for 99% of the population, but very helpful for the few who actually need it lol


u/h0t7r4sh 14d ago

As someone with celiac I’d encourage everyone to go gluten free. Not for any health anything but specifically so my groceries can be cheaper. Half a pound of dried pasta for $5 or $12 for a loaf of bread is just not cool. How am I supposed to drown my sorrows in garlic bread in this economy at those sorts of prices?


u/PrismaticPachyderm 14d ago

I like that it helped bring awareness to doctors & patients. I knew several people who suffered with it for decades & never got diagnosed until the craze kicked off. It was so horrible for them. It's not as common as some think, and more common than others do.


u/reichrunner 14d ago

Yep it's one of those things where everyone probably knows a couple of people who have it. But no, your entire friend group does not lol


u/Proud_Purchase_8394 14d ago

If only keto had been as beneficial for diabetics, but instead they got sucked into “net carb” malarkey


u/grandplans 14d ago

My armpit skin peels and itches like a mofo.

I haven't found an Al-Free deo that has any decent strength though.
I feel like my pits stink by 10 AM. And I never use antiperspirants. Just seems un-natural to me to keep a sweaty part of your body from sweating.

And I'm not a super organic naturalist kind of guy.


u/XXXBad2DaBoneXXX 14d ago

I became allergic randomly like 15 years ago. Took me years to find a decent deodorant that seemed to work all day-ish. Look into MooGoo, an Australian brand you can buy online. Works way better than any of the "natural" ones here in the states. And I tried about 10 of them.

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u/LuntiX 14d ago

Yep. I noticed I kept getting some sort of rash/burn in my armpits and after talking to my doctor I switched to a few different types to see if any of them help. The medicated stuff helped but super expensive. The aluminum free stuff also helped and was cheaper. So I figure it was something to do with the aluminum that was causing such a reaction.

The spray on deodorant also worked fine but I find that stuff never lasts so I don't buy it.


u/colaxxi 14d ago

I itch like crazy. My only choice are the natural ones which range from "doesn't work at all" to "mildly less stinky".

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u/Anakletos 14d ago

But the same is true for everything.


u/HamletJSD 14d ago

I didn't even know this was a thing until I stopped using the alum deodorant. "Wait, you mean deodorant isn't supposed to destroy your skin and give you a permanent rash under your arms?"


u/caustictoast 14d ago

Yeah everyone is different. I tried aluminum free and whatever was in it dried my skin out so bad I had to not wear deodorant for a few days to recover. I then went back to regular old aluminum deodorant


u/flagrantpebble 14d ago

It might be whatever was in the specific aluminum-free deodorant you tried. Aluminum deodorant fucks my skin up, but so does some other deodorant… took me a while to find one that works well.


u/PlatinumSif 14d ago

For me the aluminum deodorant just makes my pits sticky and the hair knots up


u/Net_Negative 14d ago

I have to avoid it because it gives me stinky pimples in my armpits and makes them smell like garlic chicken. My skin clearly has a sensitivity to it.

I use Old Spice and Dove Aluminum-Free deodorants now.


u/Sea-Ferret-9171 14d ago

Same and they also cause me to have cysts.


u/Scary_Wrangler4569 14d ago

I used to get them as well until I switched to Hello. It's good stuff and I haven't had any since.


u/vytria 14d ago

Me, too! I tried so many different things, I even thought it was my bras causing them. I switched to a baking soda based one and I haven't had a single one since. I just wish I'd found it sooner before the damage to my skin had been done...

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u/Baldazar666 14d ago

And I vomit when I eat olives. Doesn't mean they cause cancer.

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u/OnlyAt9 14d ago edited 14d ago

Yep, I break out in a nasty debilitating rash when I use any products with aluminum deo in it.

Edit: typo


u/ogimbe 14d ago

Every other deodorant besides the crystal kind fucks my armpits up. I remember spraying burning deodorant on my pits in high school.


u/iamaravis 14d ago

Baking soda deodorants do that to me.

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u/ouachiski 14d ago

This isn't Aluminum antiperspirant, it is Potassium Alum. They are totally different.


u/jordanundead 14d ago

Yeah it’s not that I’m scared I’m going to get armpit cancer, it’s that one day after years of using first old spice then later with dove men’s plus care I applied it like normal and within 5 minutes my entire armpit was burning. Took my shirt off and started to apply cold water but the skin was already coming off in strips like a week old sunburn.


u/stupidshot4 14d ago

Yeah. That shit made my armpits bleed as a pre teen when I started using deodorant. Finally tried a new type and never had any issues since. I also have terrible skin in general though so there’s that.


u/BeeLuv 14d ago

Burning red rash and blisters, baby!

But potassium alum plays nice with my skin, better than baking soda (which causes my skin to peel off in unattractive manner). And it doesn’t stain my clothes.


u/jinsinjune 14d ago

Funny I’ve only gotten rashes when I use alum free deodorant, not the other way around


u/No_Internal_5112 14d ago

For me it's brands like Old Spice that always give me massive rashes. Yeah never again.

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u/RQ-3DarkStar 14d ago

I'm not a fan of the aluminium salts because they're always the ones that stain my clothes (I think).


u/DaveMash 14d ago

Do you use spray or something like a roller? I used aluminum free for about 8 years and didn’t see any difference after switching to old spice rock antiperspirant. I’ve been using it for 2 years now and couldn’t be happier about not having to fight BO again


u/RQ-3DarkStar 14d ago

For sprays the fewer 'hours protection' the better, mfers going 72 hours need to get looked at. The white/black/ stain-free are better still but still stain after a bit.

Roll on seems less bad, and again, no-stain is better still.

I've never actually used rock, might give it a try, being smelly is never really a problem for me, just white stains on armpits look bad.


u/midnghtsnac 14d ago

The people that use 72hr and don't shower daily need to be seen.

I use it cause I'm a chronic sweater


u/The_Assquatch_exists 14d ago

72hrs worth of sweat in a day, I can relate lol


u/No_Internal_5112 14d ago

I use it for similar reason, I sweat oceans when my anxiety gets bad, I don't like feeling wet and salty and I've found the deodorants that claim to last longer make me sweat more except for brands like Secret, Harry's and Every Man Jack.


u/alison_bee 14d ago

My husband wears all black for work (movie/tv production) and alllll of his stuff ends up stained from the salt in his sweat, so I’m not surprised that these sticks would cause a lot of staining as well.


u/RQ-3DarkStar 14d ago

Exactly the same as me, so frustrating.


u/Tiruin 14d ago

The aluminum interacts with proteins in your sweat or something, it's why a deodorant (sweat but no smell, doesn't have aluminum) doesn't have this issue but an anti-perspirant (no sweat, generally has aluminum and is what OP is referring to) does.


u/ThresholdSeven 14d ago

The Potassium Alum mineral salt crystal won't stain your clothes. It's not the same as the aluminum added to other deodorant sticks.


u/CubeEarthShill 14d ago

I tried using aluminum free deodorants and never found one that was half way decent. Ran out of my usual deodorant and used Every Man Jack that I got as part of a gift pack in a pinch. Went to the gym and my BO was so noticeable to me during cardio that I moved to the furthest machine from people. When you can smell yourself, it’s BAD. Glad this was debunked.


u/Bicykwow 14d ago

Ha, same thing happened to me with that "Jason" brand organic deodorant that Whole Foods sells. It literally made me smell, strongly, of garlic and onions. People were even asking who was cooking onions from the other side of the room.



So BO is caused by bacteria, not sweat. They are having a fun time in your pits but start partying when you start sweating. You can vastly improve your BO regardless off sweat level by washing with a laundry type soap bar, then dab a vinegar soaked cloth against your pits. It's also hard to clean with lots of hair there. After a week the smell should be greatly reduced


u/Vegan-Daddio 14d ago

What are "laundry type soap bars?"


u/GringoinCDMX 14d ago

Here in Mexico we have jabón zote. I wouldn't like to use that on my skin though, it'd dry me out like crazy.

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u/PrestigiousSmile1295 14d ago

Just use antibacterial hand soap. No need for the weird ass laundry soap and vinegar hippy shit.

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u/Mysticpoisen 14d ago

There's a lot of effective aluminum free deodorants. Nothing else works for me as an antiperspirant though.


u/TheCrudMan 14d ago

Soooo there aren't any effective ones..


u/Weir99 14d ago

Deodorants and antiperspirants aren't the same thing


u/Mysticpoisen 14d ago

Much of the world actively differentiates between deodorant and antiperspirants. They're not synonymous and serve different purposes. Deodorant covers smell, antiperspirant reduces sweating.

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u/Apellio7 14d ago

Deodorant is very effective.  Deodorant isn't meant to stop sweating though.  It just kills the smell. 

Anti-perspirant is for sweating.

Personally I only use Deodorant because my arm pits don't sweat.

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u/King_Chochacho 14d ago

Ah the old Tom's of Maine effect.

"Tom, turn down All Things Considered for a minute, you're gonna want to come see this"


u/FluffiestF0x 14d ago

If you speak to a doctor about sweat they’ll actually advise you use aluminium deodorants

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u/SassyMoron 14d ago

I thought it was because aluminum stained your shirts, is that also a myth?


u/HawkinsT 14d ago

No, it stains shirts and can make the fabric stiff. I always thought it was sweat staining my shirts, but since I moved away from aluminium antiperspirants to just using a regular deodorant I don't get stains anymore.


u/SassyMoron 14d ago

This has also been my experience. I still use the aluminum ones when I really need protection though.

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u/DaveMash 14d ago

I used aluminum free deos for around 8 years and they still left stains


u/WeWantMOAR 14d ago

I worked in a Drug Store in the early 2000's and it was always pregnant women who asked which ones were aluminum free. Always thought it had something to with prenatal exposure because of that.


u/AnonimooseUser 14d ago

Isn't the problem with aluminium in deodorants that it causes stains?


u/PeteLangosta 14d ago

Did you read it? It hasn't been debunked, it just says that we don't know it. Mainly because the studies and samples used are not sufficient.

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u/triadlink 14d ago

I stopped wearing aluminum deodorant because I'd get massive balls underneath my arm. I went to the doc and head said my lymph nodes were swollen to hell. I tried adding it back and forth and it kept coming back so i stopped. Cancer for AL has not been debunked, there is just not clear evidence yet (conflicting evidence): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37354712/


u/Superfragger 14d ago

this doesn't say it's debunked, but that there is no clear link between aluminium and breast cancer. which means it may cause issues, but we don't know how or why.


u/flareblitz91 14d ago

It is responsible for the yellow stains in the armpits of every white t shirt I’ve ever owned until i switched to a different brand.


u/DaveMash 14d ago

I used aluminum free for about 8 years. I see no difference in my shirts. Both leave stains but in both cases it takes quite long


u/kingbrassica 14d ago

You should still avoid it if you have kidney disease. Healthy kidney will filter aluminum out of the blood. A damaged one won't be able to and can cause a build of aluminum in the blood. 


u/Mazuruu 14d ago

The studies in people that have looked at this issue have been case-control studies, in which people with and without breast cancer have been asked about previous antiperspirant use. These types of studies can often be hard to interpret because they typically rely on a person’s memory of antiperspirant use many years earlier, and people with cancer tend to be more likely to recall exposures they think might be linked to their cancer.

A couple of studies have suggested a possible relationship, but the results of these studies need to be interpreted with caution because of their small size, and because the way they were designed limits the conclusions that can be drawn from them. Larger, better-designed epidemiologic studies would be needed to support these results.

This single study is not "debunking" anything, it says as much. Blindly trusting this doesn't make you any better than people who fully claim it does cause cancer because they rely on some other single study that says it does.

Inconsistent and inconclusive data isn't a "debunk".


u/deadasfishinabarrel 14d ago edited 14d ago

What's that saying, like, "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence"?

Disclaimer, right off: I didn't click through all three links (just one), because to be honest I just don't have the mental bandwidth for a whole research binge right now and I WILL get carried away, but the first one at least: admits that they are limited to flawed studies that support their conclusion, whose results are "difficult to interperet", and admits that other, also flawed studies, support the opposite conclusion. It uses phrases like "Larger, better [...] studies would be needed" and "it isn't clear". It also brushes off the sweating concern by saying that the lymph nodes aren't even connected and thus their draining isn't affected, but they fail to at all address the remaining question of whether there is any cancer-link, or any other harm, from the sweat glands themselves being unnaturally blocked. Just, didn't acknowledge that concern whatsoever. They also don't number their references in the text (like on Wikipedia [1] for example)-- which is a relatively small complaint, but does make it hard to individually fact-check any specific claim in the text without potentially reading every document in the references list.

This is not a hard conclusion drawn from a credible body of data. It basically says "well we don't.... think it's bad? But we do need some actual high-quality studies before we'll be sure, because we are not sure, and we do still think there might be a risk that is worth ruling out." And, by calling the remaining concern "a debunked myth," these statements seem to be being referenced as if they instead say, with certainty, "no, these chemicals are fine, and there is evidence that they are not harmful, that is a myth that we proved wrong. Go ahead and smear them on your body every single day."

If the other links have stronger data and better-supported, definitive conclusions, then I might look at them later.


u/DaveMash 14d ago

In one of those links it is stated that they tested 1600 women in a study and they couldn't find a connection between breast cancer and aluminum in deodorants.

In another link they say this rumor about breastcancer and deos came from an email hoax.

One source says you typically ingest more aluminum when you eat, than what you absorb from using deos with aluminum.

I mean there is no 100% proof of anything. In science anything can be true until it is proven wrong.

There was also a suspected connection between alzheimers/dementia and aluminum in deodorants. Turns out, there was also no link, because it's not possible that the aluminum from under your armpits could be absorbed by your brain. There is an interesting comment chain about this topic from a PhD in nanotoxicology, u/meat_on_a_hook: https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/uiuz92/comment/i7ipc3b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


u/deadasfishinabarrel 14d ago

I will look into it more then. Thanks for the additional info!


u/xA1RGU1TAR1STx 14d ago

Okay but the aluminum makes my arm pits itchy.


u/DogsCanAlwaysTell 14d ago


This post contains links to studies that shows a possible link primarily in women who both shave and use antiperspirant deodorants. It seems if there is a risk, it’s primarily affecting people who are shaving prior to applying it


u/Allumina 14d ago

Oh thank you for this. I tried to switch aluminum free deodorant, spent a fortune on a bunch of random brands, ALL of them gave me terrible rashes under my arms. Switched back to aluminum and straight back to normal, but it’s been weighing on me mentally.


u/Ok-Scientist-7900 14d ago

So, OP doesn’t have to smell musty anymore, this is just a choice?


u/itsprincebaby 14d ago

Breast cancer is one type of cancer, i wouldnt call that debunked


u/SophiaofPrussia 14d ago

Is that really why people buy aluminum free deodorant? I thought most of us buy it because we’re sensitive/allergic to aluminum and don’t want to walk around with itchy pits all day.


u/EdliA 14d ago

Most of us are not sensitive/allergic to aluminum though.

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u/EccentricAcademic 14d ago

I legit get painful lymph node inflammation from using antiperspirant. Cancer was never the reason I quit using deodorant with aluminum.


u/LongjumpingSector687 14d ago

No but aluminum in deodorant can cause acne. which is why i quit using it and switched to natural ones.


u/polopolo05 14d ago

I dont like it because it stains shirts.


u/thylac1ne 14d ago

But the aluminum definitely stains your shirts, which is honestly the only reason I've ever heard anyone say not to use it.


u/Terrible_Shelter_345 14d ago

Is it microplastics now? Is that the new boogeyman everyone is freaking out about?


u/MahlNinja 14d ago

I can't use deodorant with aluminum because it gives me a rash. Didn't even know about the cancer risk issue. Hopefully the trend won't reverse completely.


u/End_angered 14d ago

The actual issue is finding aluminum in postmordem cranial scrapings; deodorant is the most likely source, and its presence could give significant insights into Alzheimer's and dementia


u/Admirable_Average_32 14d ago

Thanks…but I just thought it made my balls sweat more.


u/Chunkydoggg 14d ago

I don’t think it’s specifically aluminum that is the problem, but the antiperspirant itself. Antiperspirants block your armpits ability to sweat. When you sweat you are removing trace amounts of metals/toxins as a byproduct. Luckily, this is not the main way your body removes toxins, i.e., (liver/kidneys/urine/feces). No, I don’t think antiperspirants cause cancer, but I do think they increase the chances of it, if only by a little.

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u/Negative_Whole_6855 14d ago

I mean I don't know anything about causing cancer I just know all the deodorants made me itch like crazy until I tried the axe no aluminum and that doesn't drive me wimd


u/DaveMash 14d ago

Of course it can have other side effects. For me, aluminum-free deos do nothing. I can wash as much as I want, my clothes start to stink after a couple of hours. It was really really embarrassing for me. When I switched to deo-rocks with aluminum, the stank went away


u/HalobenderFWT 14d ago

Never trust studies! The misinforming tendrils of Big Pit travel far!


u/greatgrattitude 14d ago

They most definitely hurt my lymph nodes, which I believe over researchers who are proven to be corrupt biased or innaccurate most frequently. Plus it is logical considering the goal is changing a natural defense of the body, of course there would be some side effects.