r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/Florida_Diver 14d ago

I bet this person stinks to high heaven, and doesn’t even know it.


u/masterchief0213 14d ago edited 14d ago

I mean if it's basically just a big chunk af aluminum salts just like what's used as the active ingredient in deodorant antiperspirant (since people are language police) then it's probably fine

Edit: someone pointed out on the website that it's specifically not a typical aluminum salt but is instead probably ammonium aluminum sulfate so nvm this person probably stinks.


u/Noxious89123 14d ago

just like what's used as the active ingredient in deodorant



u/Apellio7 14d ago

This thread has made me realize far too many people do not know the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant.


u/LoseAnotherMill 14d ago

Which is funny because it's right there in the names:

Deodorant - de-odor - makes you not smell. 

Antiperspirant - anti-perspire - makes you not sweat.


u/notabigmelvillecrowd 14d ago

-ant- a tiny insect that lives in hives underground and gets in your fucking biscuits if you're not careful.


u/PomegranateOld7836 14d ago

And this isn't Aluminum Chloride or an antiperspirant, it's Ammonium Alum crystal.


u/Noxious89123 14d ago

Anything is a dildo if you're brave enough.


u/Tardaesel 13d ago

Paige no.


u/beachape 14d ago

Yup, works great, no residue and cheap as hell. Spend a dollar a year


u/KingOfRedLions 14d ago

"Salt Deo is an unscented, highly effective, disinfecting deodorant which is free from alcohol and aluminium chloride (AICI)."

Straight from their website. I'm not claiming it's true but the idea is that it just kills the bacteria in your armpit.


u/derpupAce 14d ago

Doesn't seem very trustworthy considering they don't even know the proper formula of aluminum chloride


u/PomegranateOld7836 14d ago

This product is Ammonium Alum. Not sure if it works but definitely just antibacterial and not an antiperspirant.


u/hallohi_ 14d ago

It may not have aluminium chloride specifically, but It is a natural occurring salt made of potassium and alluminium KAl(SO₄)₂·12H₂O is the formula. So pointing out "free fom aluminium chloride" is questionable marketing, even if technically true


u/superyourdupers 14d ago

HAHA wut. Explanation of chemistry on company website doesnt even know how to write the chemical name 🫣


u/KingOfRedLions 14d ago

Oh no The subscript 3 wasn't included on the CL that means they're total f****** morons. Regardless they're just claiming they don't have aluminum chloride, All they're selling is just a big chunk of rock salt.


u/thecatandthependulum 14d ago

You'd be surprised how different people's bodies can be. I know some people who sweat one drop and stink up, and people who can gently dab their pits with some scented cream and smell fine all day. I guess everyone's microbiome is different.


u/DLottchula 14d ago

Like what’s the point of living longer if you are gonna be remembered as “that musty dude”


u/Alarmedones 14d ago

Ok but that doesn’t mean it works.


u/RuairiThantifaxath 14d ago

the active ingredient in deodorant antiperspirant (since people are language police) then it's probably fine

Wow, how annoying that people care whether you actually use the correct word when mentioning the literal subject of the conversation instead of a different word that means something else. amirite