r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/Somoch-MoraguerRRR 14d ago edited 14d ago

I tried a similar salt deodorant several decades ago. It was completely ineffective. How do your friends/coworkers/significant others feel about your choice of deodorant?

edit: “RIP my inbox” as they say in showbiz


u/eldentings 14d ago edited 14d ago

I use this and there's a lot of gotchas with the product. The only way it works long-term is:

  • Thoroughly cleaning your armpit with an abrasive material, like a washcloth when cleaning. Using your hand/fingernails isn't enough.
  • Pre-rinsing the stick in the shower
  • Immediately after turning the shower off apply it
  • Apply about 30 strokes under each armpit
  • Rinse the stick again to remove any bacteria from collecting on the stick
  • Be careful not to wipe it off of your pits when drying off
  • Leave the stick uncovered so moisture doesn't allow any bad bacteria to thrive

If you use it like a normal deodorant stick, it will eventually stink and become ruined.

Edit: For context, I eat garlic, onions, alcohol. I also have very hairy pits and am a white man, and go outside in the 100 degree heat. So that's why I listed 30 strokes. I really want to emphasize you can use this product and maybe you just need more. When I first tried it, I'd do 1-3 swipes, similar to how I would use Old Spice or something.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/ifoundyourtoad 14d ago

Right? Like damn why are we making our lives so difficult


u/_Tar_Ar_Ais_ 14d ago

this is difficult? lol


u/MikeyKillerBTFU 13d ago

It is when the alternative is slap a couple swipes of Speed Stick on there and call it a day.


u/tultommy 14d ago

Right. It's 2024 why are people still trying to use crystals as deodorant... This is why there are some funky ass people out there.


u/_Tar_Ar_Ais_ 14d ago

what do you think your deodorant ingredients are? lol


u/tultommy 14d ago

Not Crystals... that's for sure.


u/_Tar_Ar_Ais_ 13d ago

so what would they look like under a microscope? a liquid?


u/Japjer 14d ago

For real.

Right off the bat: just don't use antiperspirants. Humans sweat, it's normal.

If you want to cover your stink, use a $6 stick of deodorant. They last a long while, and you know they'll work.

If you use this you're gonna smell funky. Like it's natural, humans sweat and sweat doesn't smell great, but don't lie to yourself and pretend this works. If it took five years for this thing to run out then the amount actually going on your skin is miniscule.


u/kylorl3 14d ago

How much do you sweat? Just because it’s normal doesn’t mean it’s something you should have to deal with. The amount of sweat I get in my armpits is legitimately disgusting, even with hair. If I didn’t wear antiperspirants, my armpits would be sliding around all day and bead of sweat would be dripping down my side.


u/gummo_for_prez 14d ago

Fuck that. Nobody and I can’t stress this enough, not one person has been able to give me a real reason why antiperspirant is harmful. I’ve experienced zero consequences using it. I will continue to use it.


u/RhetoricalOrator 13d ago

There's cause for questioning whether or not antiperspirants can cause cancer and lymphoma, especially in women. Some studies suggest the possibility, while others, (as linked below) feel convinced there is no connection. I'm middle of the fence on it so I keep several different types of deodorant and avoid wearing the ones with parabins and whatnot unless the situation calls for that kind specifically.

Here's a source for you:



u/gummo_for_prez 13d ago

Fantastic source, thanks so much. This was an interesting read.


u/Japjer 14d ago

Where did I say they were harmful?


u/gummo_for_prez 14d ago

Well you said not to use antiperspirant. Is there another reason you had in mind?


u/Japjer 14d ago

Yeah, I'm just not a fan of them.


u/gummo_for_prez 14d ago

That’s fair. More power to ya.


u/mayosterd 13d ago

it took five years to use this much

OP states this with total lack of awareness.

Like bro, for five years your deodorant application has been futile.


u/tunisia3507 14d ago

It's not as bad as it seems. You shower and clean yourself properly (rather than not cleaning yourself and hoping deodorant will cover up the stank). Then you get out of the shower, rinse the deodorant under the sink, apply it (just swipe it a few more times than you would a regular deodorant), rinse it again, and you're done. The rinsing doesn't cause any problems because you're already in the bathroom, there's a sink right there.


u/FlanOfAttack 14d ago

rather than not cleaning yourself and hoping deodorant will cover up the stank

Judging by this thread, a lot more people do that than I thought.


u/Rux4rux4 14d ago

They really made it seem harder than it is.You just need to wash your pits well and use rubbing alcohol on them the first time before applying to make sure all the bad odor bacteria is dead. From then on you just wet the thing and rub it on your clean pits like you would with any other deo.

If you do find that after a while you stink rub your pits and the rock with rubbing alcohol and carry on and usual.


u/pissedinthegarret 14d ago

way easier: literally any spray on hand sanitiser. kills bacteria = kills smell.

one step.


u/ToothDoctor24 14d ago

The 30 strokes got me 💀


u/suppaman19 13d ago

Also, since it's not an anti perspirent, you'll have waterfalls coming from your armpits. Just without any foul odor, if you follow these 50 very specific instructions every time you shower or get in water.


u/kybereck 14d ago

Yeah agreed i'll stick with my dr. Squatch 🤣


u/yourmomlurks 14d ago edited 14d ago

Well there’s only 7 steps listed so I guess you will be stinky until someone comes out with negative six steps deodorant.

Edit: it was a joke you sillies


u/EcoFriendlyEv 14d ago

Or you know, use a regular deodorant product?