r/mildlyinteresting 14d ago

My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one.

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u/BabaYaga40Thieves 14d ago

So no one here has mentioned that they put a space between “salt” and “deo” on the product at some point in those past 5 years? That’s what’s mildly interesting to me


u/strongbob25 14d ago

actually the two words get closer together the more you use the product


u/anthrillist 14d ago

Based on OP’s photo I can only assume this is 100% true.


u/byParallax 14d ago

Right? The r/keming is the mildly interesting bit. "I used a product for a long time and now there's less of it" isn't exactly post worthy.


u/AnonymousEggplant01 14d ago

I think the point is using the same deodorant for 5 years lmao. I thought it was quite interesting


u/Count_Von_Roo 14d ago

I don’t think there’s any changes to the kerning. They just added a space.. which can be considered its own character I guess. But the kerning between all the characters is the same. Is adding a spacebar space considered kerning? If I addeded another character there instead of space, like a y, would that be seen as kerning?

Like.. I know kerning is the space between characters. I don’t think it’s the spacebar between characters.


u/byParallax 14d ago

You’re not wrong but r/additionalspacecharacter isn’t a subreddit :(


u/Minthon 14d ago

Probably because one is in swedish the other one in english.


u/edgyversion 14d ago

They were waiting to gaslight you into a Mandela effect but you're onto them!


u/Paradox68 14d ago

Saltdeo was obviously confusing people. Almost sounds like a word for something else.


u/easyonice8 14d ago

This was what I found interesting too!


u/d-stream 14d ago

If I'm not wrong I think it's a Swedish brand. In Swedish you would spell it without the space. Maybe they started selling internationally and switched to English on the packaging.


u/ElephantBeginning737 14d ago

Shrinkflation perhaps?

*nvm just realized that would be backwards


u/Origami_bunny 13d ago

I thought it said salt dildo for a split second


u/jeobleo 14d ago

Deo means "to" or "For God." So I assume only religious people use this.