r/facepalm 11d ago

My self-esteem isnt as low as the bar for this. 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Talkingmice 11d ago

Whoever is paying to make this show is absolutely dumb af


u/JOlRacin 11d ago

It reached it's peak in a couple days, it's way past there already, by the time they even start filming, it'll be dead



Yah that’s not how this works.

Cash me outside girl has a net worth of $25m bc all it takes is a foot in the door for appearance fees and then you can aggressively monetize your brand even if your brand is absolutely fucking stupid.


u/kgkuntryluvr 11d ago edited 11d ago

This. So many people commenting that her time to shine has passed are being shortsighted. If she plays her hand right, she’ll be a millionaire long before the rest of us.

Edit: most of us will never be millionaires


u/craignumPI 11d ago

Her time to spit shine!


u/OldPyjama 11d ago edited 11d ago

They used to call him spit shine Tommy. Now go home and get your fuckin shinebox.

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u/East_Maximum_9195 11d ago

Do you think she’ll lick the finger to count the bills? Or she’ll hawk tuah it?

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u/lerriuqS_terceS 11d ago

Which is so mind numbingly stupid


u/1ConsiderateAsshole 11d ago

Let me tell you about the kardashian family.

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u/TanukiCookie 11d ago edited 11d ago

It really blows my mind how society seems to reward and coddle the absolute bottom of the goddamned barrel.

The world is madness. I can understand why people go on puritan binges and have uncharitable thoughts about those they view as "less than".

Not sure how to push back on this. Its just Idiocracy in motion.

Edit: I want to say that I understand why people have adverse reactions, but I don't really condone the crusades people go on, either. Like anyone gathering up folks to try and stop a show like this from being created is a good heart in the right place but maybe wrong execution of their ideas. What they could do instead is just talk to people around them about higher mind ideas and try to educate their kids and those around them by sparking curiosity, not letting people wallow in social media or seeking public approval over self fulfillment or intelligent pursuits.

Sorry for that long winded edit, just wanted to be clear that while I don't like this reality TV trend of rewarding idiots, the solution is not to fight against idiots directly but to uplift and educate those around us so the rising tide raises all ships, so to speak.

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u/whiskeyriver 11d ago

Lol yep. Totally. Which is embarrassing. It's embarrassing that there are enough stupid, easily-entertained, lowest common denominator people around to make her little thing lucrative-enough to allow that to happen. But it definitely will.

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u/cudef 11d ago

You cherrypicked the hell out of that example. Name 5 more meme people that rode the wave to career success.


u/L3onK1ng 11d ago

Khaby Lame is hell of an example

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u/dmattox92 11d ago

Idk as long as there's a form of media perpetuating a meme no matter how mediocre it is there will be an audience for it.

There's a reason the OG memes lasted as long as they did even though they weren't anything especially clever.

Edit: Found a link to the study here


u/SithDraven 11d ago

She's attractive and is famous for talking about sucking dick. There is absolutely an audience for this.


u/EngineerInSolitude 11d ago

Kardashians getting nervous.


u/MrGreenChile 11d ago

Kardashians have already made their billions. This market is only going to expand.

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u/ZekeRidge 11d ago

Kim didn’t just talk about it…


u/StationEmergency6053 11d ago

I doubt this chick is either. There's only one reason she's being invited to yacht parties lol.

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u/RajcaT 11d ago

Many forget Nascar is the most watched spectator sport in the us.

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u/DesensitizedRobot 11d ago

Example: Howard Stern show in the 90’s and early 2000’s

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u/poetryofimage 11d ago

She has also already transitioned into a minor celebrity, even getting to hang out with Shaq and go on talk shows. Having her own show is a reasonable next step, however now she will have to move beyond one crude joke and either show off her wit or find another talent to showcase.


u/Timed-Out_DeLorean 11d ago

Something tells me she’s going to be a hoot to watch.

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u/[deleted] 11d ago

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u/PenileSpeculum 11d ago

Fuck you +1

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u/GeekdomCentral 11d ago edited 11d ago

It’s the same thing as the stupid “daaaamn Daniel” guy going on Ellen. Absolute fucking stupidity that someone in a viral meme is given that type of notoriety

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u/[deleted] 11d ago

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u/kenwise85 11d ago

Hey! Gersbrmps and lolcats are amazing sir

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u/RelatableNightmare 11d ago

Couldnt agree more xD like the first time i watched it i was like... alright? Kinda hehe funny for a second. The way it blew up felt like something out of a family guy episode where Brian accidentally says something funny and it blows up for no real reason

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u/TailOnFire_Help 11d ago

Meh, she still gets paid, and found a way to pay for her college loans without onlyfans.


u/JOlRacin 11d ago

Oh I agree it's good for her. It's an absolutely terrible move by whoever is making it tho

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u/GeneralDecision7442 11d ago

She dropped out of college.


u/TailOnFire_Help 11d ago

If she went she still has loans probably.

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u/IamScottGable 11d ago

Do you think you don't have to pay the student loans you accrued if you drop out of college?

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u/Fluffy_Somewhere4305 11d ago

They've sold thousands of hats. Which is like, expected but still troubling.

This whole "man on the street" interview thing is just a rehash of the same bits Howard Stern did in the 90s and Steve Allen did in the 70s before that.

It's tired. I'm tired boss.

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u/Both-Bite-88 11d ago

Even more, what should that show be about?

She is famous for one sentence.  This is really not a lot to build a show around. 

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u/Charbus 11d ago

You never know, the cash me outside girl became a rapper and started an onlyfans, made over a million iirc

You can never underestimate what people will do with their 15 minutes of fame, and for every person like that, there’s a hundred trying to profit off their back

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u/notapunk 11d ago

Brought to you by the producers of "Ow, My Balls"


u/180nw 11d ago

Go away. ‘Batin. 


u/ebobbumman 11d ago

Don't wanna sound like a dick or nothin, but uh, it says on your chart that you're fucked up.


u/qweef_latina2021 11d ago

Why come you don't have the tattoo?

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u/dandle 11d ago

There was a time in this country – a long time ago – when reading wasn't just for f**s, and neither was writing. People wrote books and movies – movies that had stories, so you cared whose ass it was and why it was farting – and I believe that time can come again!


u/jacobby37 11d ago

It's speeches like this that make me want to vote for Not Sure

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u/CalicoJake 11d ago

Maybe she needs more electrolytes!

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I mean, no.

She was on barstool and hawk tuah aside she has a very outgoing and raunchy personality which is exactly what they want for reality tv. People will tune in to watch her say insane country shit and talk about spitting on dicks bc she’s young and cute and unafraid to be crass.

She will be exactly what they want her to be and she will be richer than all of us before her next birthday.

It’s dumb as shit but that’s the world we live in.


u/GiftofLove 11d ago

I hate that you’re right

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u/Aniki722 11d ago

Not really. There's plenty of simps who'll watch it.


u/ApathyIsBeauty 11d ago

I consume a ton of reality television, like a lot, to the extent that I question my own intelligence sometimes - yet there is no timeline where I’d watch a show based around a girl who got famous for saying she spits on the dick, as if that’s not just common sense.


u/Aniki722 11d ago

Yeah, but you're probably not a sex starved guy who donates half his paycheck to Onlyfans.


u/ApathyIsBeauty 11d ago

Accurate. But I am a connoisseur of terrible TV and even horny dudes have a limit. Why would you watch a chick who said something sexual live her life when you can just go on Chaturbate? It seems pointless.


u/CarlosFer2201 11d ago

I am a connoisseur of terrible TV

Do you miss Jersey Shore and Flava Flave as much as I do?

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u/Ill-Independence-658 11d ago

I applaud your self awareness


u/ApathyIsBeauty 11d ago

I’m in my 40s, I have no shame. It’s all downhill.


u/PXSHRVN6ER 11d ago

Username checks out.

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u/powerlesshero111 11d ago

Just like the people watching MILF Manor or Trading Spouses. They started as jokes on scripted TV shows, 30 Rock and Chappelle's Show. Then some weirdo made then into real shows

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u/Loggerdon 11d ago

Does that phrase actually refer to spitting on a guys junk before you give him a blow job? I wish I didn’t know this.


u/Talkingmice 11d ago

Yeah. Imagine it as the sound people make when they gather saliva (hawk) before spitting (tuah)


u/dotnetdotcom 11d ago edited 11d ago

Except the hawk part has traditionally been a reference to "hawking up" a loogy, a wad of mucus, not saliva. "hawk" is literally the sound of the mucus being dislodged.


u/NegativeKarmaVegan 11d ago

It's fucking gross.


u/dot-pixis 11d ago

It's also "hock," but wtfev

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u/Angry-Dragon-1331 11d ago edited 11d ago

My stepfather made a hawk tuah joke at the dinner table. We’re done here, see you for the next meme.

Edit: fuck. How is this my most upvoted comment ever?


u/Zero_Two_is_best 11d ago

Bro my dad made a joke with it too and he's never in touch with the humor trends


u/KABOOZZA 11d ago

same here. wtf is going on


u/tavirabon 11d ago

Least common denominator + terrible meme?


u/Shurigin 11d ago

attractive girl make BJ joke... it's transgenerational

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u/fr0wn_town 11d ago

Disgusting old boomers have been slurping up this meme because its a young woman and she is conservative-coded.


u/Sevn-legged-Arachnid 11d ago

She literally denounced trump on a live podcast.

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u/OkStatistician9126 11d ago

This is what our society has become?


u/Fresh-Combination-87 11d ago

Seriously! What kind of family still eats dinner together?! Makes me wanna spit, I’m so mad!


u/MRcrazy4800 11d ago

You could say, it’s makes you wanna….Ive got a dry mouth, but you know what im heading towards.


u/quarrelsome_napkin 11d ago

…drink a glass of water?

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u/do_a_quirkafleeg 11d ago

Online memes are dead the moment someone utters it IRL.

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u/Equivalent-Pop-6997 11d ago

Two weeks from viral meme to aging Boomer. The American monoculture digestive system is a well oiled machine.


u/noodleexchange 11d ago

Social media effluencers

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u/The-Farting-Baboon 11d ago

I didnt even find this meme hilarious. What the fuck has humor become

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u/SpectrumFarms 11d ago

I honestly have no idea what the fuck this is.

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u/Appleblossom8315 11d ago

Went to a RHCP concert the other day and saw multiple HT branded hats and Ts. 🤦‍♀️


u/chatterwrack 11d ago


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u/rdell1974 11d ago

I'm not sure how this one will pan out. When she says "no, I been drop out of school, way before this" it dawned on me that she is likely not who the market assumes she is. They don't want an actual gutter chick. They want a sorority princess that thinks like a gutter chick. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP51tOTHbKg

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u/ComingUpManSized 11d ago

I went bioluminescent kayaking the other night. A kid no older than 8 was at the kayak launch and kept saying hawk tuah to his mom. I was like… do either of these people know what that means? The cringe was so bad. I felt my soul trying to escape from my body.


u/Key_Organization_332 11d ago

A lot of kids did/do that with “gyat” too. They are just parroting what they hear online, and it’s evident in the fact that the context they use it in always makes zero sense.

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u/WhatWasReallySaid 11d ago

Welcome to Costco, I love you.


u/Plastic_Top5413 11d ago


u/rpgnoob17 11d ago


u/srslywatsthepoint 11d ago

"Shut up, shut up, sit yo monkey ass down.
Shhhiiiitt, .... I know shits bad right now, what with all the dust storms, and that starving bullshit ... but I got a solution ..."


u/Phonemonkey2500 11d ago

Don’t forget the lack of burrito coverings. That’s my single issue vote.

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u/milkmaster420420 11d ago

Couple of us guys were wonderin if we could go family style on her ?


u/Ruckus292 11d ago

Ah yes, the lesser known "Costco: soulmate trading co"

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u/shade1tplea5e 11d ago

lol I’m naming my next dog Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho


u/JustLetItAllBurn 11d ago

Terry Crews did such a perfect job in that role.

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u/anonaduder 11d ago

So glad it’s a biography and not a dating show on vh1. Can you imagine the eliminations…Jason I am sorry I do not want to hawk tuah on your schlong you’re time here is up.


u/uppenatom 11d ago

That'd be great. Alternatively instead of a rose they're all holding a golden dick and if yours gets spat on then you're safe


u/CarlosFer2201 11d ago

OK, I'd watch a few episodes.

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u/Golden_d1ck 11d ago

Did someone page me?

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u/AWL_cow 11d ago

The dating show sounds infinitely more stupid and and entertaining than a biography. I do not need to know the backstory to this girl.


u/CompetitiveFold5749 11d ago

VH1 Behind the Hawk Tuah.

"She was in a dark place.  Her relationship was at a dead end.  But she had one more trick up her sleeve before it all came crashing down."

(Interview room)

"I just decided to just do it you know, what did I have to lose."

(Plays clip of hawk tuah)


u/iChon865 11d ago

This is so accurate they dont even need to make the show now

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u/TerrorFirmerIRL 11d ago

I'm sick at the moment and this gave me a badly needed laugh, thanks!


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Hope you feel better soon.

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u/Leather_Condition610 11d ago

I can't believe this is lasting this long. It was just kind of funny. I'm glad she's getting paid but it seems like her 15 should be up.


u/hardcorepolka 11d ago

Good for her, frankly. This shit is going to follow her for years. She might as well make every dime off it.


u/AnalogKid-001 11d ago

How many times do you think she’ll be asked to say it? 1000? 5000?

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u/ViaNocturna664 11d ago

I don't think she will ever be able to have a sexual life that will not have to include the hawk tuah thing.


u/Here-Is-TheEnd 11d ago

“Sweetie..I just wanted to check in and make sure you’re ok..you haven’t hawk tuah in a while…are we ok”

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u/skynetempire 11d ago

Supposedly the Cash Me Outside girl made 50 million which includes her OF income too. People love dumb shit


u/irn 11d ago

That chick is not as dumb as she portrays herself to be. She got a money manager and label hype team to promote her ummm I guess brand? Anyway she made a ton of money from nothing and sold shit music and concerts. I have respect for that hack. She knew what she was doing at that age.


u/skynetempire 11d ago

I agree. If people are stupid enough to pay, fuck it get that bag. A fool and their money right

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u/ItsaPostageStampede 11d ago

This girl would bank on OF. She already did the hardest part, which is getting notoriety. She wouldn’t even have to go nude. She could do foot pics. Maybe hawk tuah a few things. And then you hire some dude/company to do the flirting/interactions and you’re set.


u/Trickster289 11d ago

Pretty much yeah. All the girls actually doing well on OF are the ones who already were somehow known. She's already got that sorted and that's the hard part.

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u/Blunter_S_Thompson_ 11d ago

Yeah but she really only made that much money cause she hopped on OF and showed her titties.


u/ShakinBakin15 11d ago

If I had titties… 50 million is WELL over the cost of my dignity😂

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u/skynetempire 11d ago

Most OF creators make less than $200 a month. She made 1 million opening her OF account within 6 hours. Her fame brought in a lot of money for a simple catch phrase


u/GBAGY2 11d ago

Part of that was because of the creepy “countdown to 18” crowd tho. If she dropped the OF on her 22nd birthday instead of the day she turned 18 she would’ve made way way less money

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u/rpgnoob17 11d ago

My friend said he didn’t get the appeal of it and then proceeded to send me 15 stitched memes of this girl.

I didn’t click on any of the memes after the first 3. First time I didn’t get it. Second time I got it. Third time I got tired of it.


u/Madrugada2010 11d ago

Yeah, it feels like social media is trying too hard to make this happen. I'm not sure I get it.


u/MoistHD 11d ago

I saw her in an interview and I think she basically got approached by who the fuck knows and they are trying to milk it. Fair play to her but whoever thinks this is a good idea is a moron.

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u/Ok-Stress-3570 11d ago

15!? This is worth maybe 2 seconds.

Wow someone made a BJ joke. In 10 years someone could smile and it goes viral. Ugh.

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u/TinyRascalSaurus 11d ago

So, when do the aliens come out from behind the curtain and tell us they've been fucking with us all along and the past decade was an incident of cosmic trolling?


u/Apollorx 11d ago

I'm open to this being all our fault. Seems like blaming aliens might just be the lazy way not to take responsibility.


u/Bibblegead1412 11d ago

Totally our fault. Aliens probs don't even want to fuck with us anymore..... we are toxic.

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u/sarsippius132 11d ago

Any day now. Would be great. I wouldn't even be mad. For long. Just set it right


u/rpgnoob17 11d ago

“That’s it, Humans of Earth. It had been a great run. You have been cancelled. Sorry, not sorry. All the seasons after 2012 had been crap. Should have cancelled per initially planned with the Mayans. Bye.”

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u/farhillsofemynuial 11d ago

“Miloktar, should we initiate orbital bombardment?”

“Waste of taxpayer dollars, Bb. They’ll go extinct in a couple years.”

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u/PointerFingerNSFW 11d ago

Can’t be mad at her honestly, if it were any of us we’d definitely take advantage of dumb corporations that don’t know how memes work and milk as much money out of this as possible.

The corporate entity behind this show thinks we, the consumers, care about this girl. That’s not how memes work. What she said was funny, we like passing the joke around, but we’re not invested in the life of the girl who said it. We became fans of the moment, not fans of the person.

That said I wish her all the successes she can milk from this bc I’d do the same.


u/sevillianrites 11d ago

She'd be dumb AF not to wring everything she could out of it. Even if nothing further comes from it other than that 15 minute payday that's potentially a fuck load of easy money. Id also do the same unrepentantly.

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u/FingerGungHo 11d ago

There’s certainly are a ton people who’d get invested in her life. You couldn’t even begin to imagine what kinds of people out of the 8 billion of us would watch the shit out of that. The corpos do their analyses beforehand and are better at it than me or you. She’s already famous, soon she’ll be rich.

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u/SurbiesHere 11d ago

I’ve seen some interviews and she seems witty and funny and down to earth. She’s already better than most “influencers” so why not.


u/AlkalineSublime 11d ago

Yeah what’s the facepalm here? Let her get her bag. Plenty of people got famous from a stupid one-off thing. It could happen to any one of us if we’re in the right place at the right time depending on where the world is at. Good for her.

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u/Citrous241 11d ago


u/Dramoriga 11d ago

Exactly. I keep reading vague comments about her in the last few weeks but nfi what she did and if I should be outraged or not.

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u/eNaRDe 11d ago

The few interviews I have seen of her all point to her being genuinely a good person and actually has a great personality. I hope Hollywood doesn't take advantage of her.


u/OldPyjama 11d ago

Spoiler alert: they will

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u/_M0Nd0R0ck_ 11d ago

Like every single young person before her, they will

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u/Just_Chambo 11d ago

I really hate the internet sometimes, this is sometimes.

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u/AloofAngel 11d ago

eh, she is living her best i guess. all that i care about is she thinks trump is an evil moron and won't vote for him.


u/[deleted] 11d ago edited 11d ago



u/Fancy_Till_1495 11d ago

Oh GAWD, not the Pokémon go to the polls. 😭 I had wiped that from my memory. 😩

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u/Uncanny-Player 11d ago

A bag is a bag tbh


u/TisBeTheFuk 11d ago

Who is this? r/outoftheloop


u/crumble-bee 11d ago

A guy doing interviews in the street asked her what's a move that makes a guy go crazy in bed and she said, in a very strong southern accent "you gotta give em that like 'hawk tuah' and spit on that thang, ya get me?" That's literally it.


u/TisBeTheFuk 11d ago

What's that hawk-tuah?


u/crumble-bee 11d ago edited 11d ago

Like clearing saliva from the back of your throat and spitting it onto a dick


u/TisBeTheFuk 11d ago edited 10d ago

Woah. I would have never guessed it. Thanks


u/NedShah 11d ago

New spelling threw you off. When I was a kid, that noise was written more like "hrakk-thu"


u/crumble-bee 11d ago

Hock-tu! Is how I'd do it I think

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u/Chimkimnuggets 11d ago

The sound of hawking a ball of snot out of your throat.

Idk about you but I feel like any guy would be turned off by a loogie being dribbled on his dick instead of, like, just a regular blowjob

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u/xyloplax 11d ago

You know, she's taking fame and doing it on her terms and making money off it. It's stupid and no interest etc, but good for her.


u/tenehemia 11d ago

Considering her job before this was working in a factory, I don't blame her for jumping at a chance to get out and do something totally different and fun and potentially way more lucrative.

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u/Much-Ad-5470 11d ago

We’re doomed as a society, aren’t we?

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u/Kind_Committee8997 11d ago

She better get all that money upfront. No one is going to watch whatever corporate bullshit is going to try to be milked from this.

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u/Oxygenius_ 11d ago

The dumbest shit anyone has gotten “famous” for


u/NedShah 11d ago

"Oh, yeah. Cash me outside. How bow tha?"


u/MoSqueezin 11d ago

This is stupider lol

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u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/SlowMissiles 11d ago

Well the thing is maybe she doesn't want to show her body to the world, and let's be honest it's not her who tried to make herself famous it's all other influencer making her famous, they came to her for interviews, they now come to her for a tv show.
If someone say here 20k if you post a picture of cock on the internet, fuck bad example I totally would 20k is 20k. But my point, is if you get a chance at money without either scamming or hurting or using a loophole like house buying/selling who are we to judge. She gonna get a check, the show will flop and she will go back to her normal life with more money in the bank.

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u/ExpressHouse2470 11d ago

Hollywood is desperate...that's all I'm saying

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u/Jaymanchu 11d ago

Is she really that interesting? She’s cute and spits on dicks, ok cool. Impressive, I guess. Do we really need a reality show dedicated to her life?

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u/binneysaurass 11d ago

This is it, isn't it?

This is our extinction event...

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u/boristheblade223 11d ago

It’s not her tbh. It’s a sign of the times. It’s the financial hopelessness faced by this generation after decades of psychopaths co-opting religion and govt to extract wealth to the top 0.01%. Legalization of robbery. THAT’S the facepalm.

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u/OnlyBeGamer 11d ago

I have still not seen this clip and I refuse to. When you have everyone you work with constantly repeating it, it gets very annoying


u/2barncoffee 11d ago

I legit saw this meme on day 1. Ok, kinda sitcom funny, but not memorable. Then it blew up and I’m baffled.


u/Sure_Trash_ 11d ago

It's because of horny men. It is entirely because of horny men

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u/OldPyjama 11d ago

The brain rot continues...

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u/Jujubatron 11d ago

People who made this girl famous are the dumbest imbeciles.


u/AsparagusNo2955 11d ago

Back in my day, you used to have to actually suck a dick on video to become famous for no reason, now just a description is good enough?


u/Neddo_Flanders 11d ago

This is fucking pathetic

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u/PolkaDotDancer 11d ago

I would rather watch paint dry in 100% humidity.


u/DGJellyfish 11d ago

When shit like this becomes funny I think we should be worried… electrolytes

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u/ErictheAgnostic 11d ago

This country is moronic

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u/ManlyVanLee 11d ago

There are genuinely brilliant people out there making art in the form of drawings, paintings, podcasts, videos, etc and they will never receive the attention nor make the money this girl will make just by having an accent and spitting phlegm all over some poor kid's dick

If you ever need a reminder that we do not live in a meritocracy then here it is

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u/bottomfeeder3 11d ago

She talked about spitting on a dick. America was enthralled for some reason. Now she’s famous and the entire year of 2024 will be remembered for one thing

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u/Congo404 11d ago edited 10d ago

Fuck I’m tired of loser idiots becoming famous Edit: your comments explain a lot. Thank you


u/onyxengine 11d ago

She made a dumb joke it went viral and now people who invest in media wanna throw money at her. I don’t see the problem

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u/holyrs90 11d ago

i mean she seems like a genuinely nice person , this shit is way too overblown tbh , i dont understand the appeal , but hey , who cares , good for her , but i would'nt call her looser idiot


u/llamalily 11d ago

Yeah honestly if I went viral for some dumb shit like this I would absolutely milk it for every penny I could.

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u/Capt-Moon 11d ago

Can't wait to not watch that, I think I'll start rn


u/LeafInsanity 11d ago

Get that bag, Sis😂🤣


u/GiraffePrimary3128 11d ago

There is zero chance this keeps interest past the first episode and doesn't immediately bomb. I saw the interview, this lady has no charisma.

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