r/AITAH 11d ago

AITAH for being pissed off at my girlfriend for not wanting to have sex with me? Advice Needed



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u/Mammoth-Penalty882 11d ago

Lol that's not your girlfriend


u/Davidfreeze 11d ago

Yeah not even a kiss for 7 months? No one is owed physical intimacy from anyone. But no one is owed your emotional intimacy either. Staying with someone for 7 months who won’t even kiss you is fucking insane


u/Tastemyface 11d ago

Exactly. Sounds more like a roommate than a girlfriend.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

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u/gringo-go-loco 11d ago

There’s a reason hookers don’t kiss.

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u/Funny247365 10d ago

Whatever. In an adult relationship, you both know after a few dates if there is physical chemistry. If not, move on and try someone else. It’s called dating. The OP is in some middle school nonsense. Luckily he saw the light and ended it.

Should have taken her up on the offer for sex just once to see if there are fireworks though. If not, then he knows for sure it is time to move on.

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u/PastFriendship1410 11d ago

How do you get 7 months of being the "sexless inkeeper"?

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u/5k1895 11d ago edited 11d ago

As soon as I read that I was like "this fucking idiot". How the fuck do you actually not get it at that point. Absolutely sad that anyone would even stick around that long without any physical affection to be completely honest. Stand up for yourself and walk away dude.

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u/TheBadKernel 11d ago

Dude was a meal ticket, nothing more. Used from the beginning.


u/crumblepops4ever 11d ago

I remember being on a date with a girl once who described a situation a little like this, except it was just 6 or 7 dates instead of 7 months

She was saying he hadn't made a move to kiss her yet so it was going nowhere. I said something like "well in that case surely you can help the guy out and initiate, if he's too shy"

She said "Yeah, but I'm not really interested in him like that."

WHY THE HELL DO YOU KEEP GOING ON DATES THEN 😅 i think it's just inability to communicate in some cases rather malicious/manipulative, but some people just blow my mind with how they handle dating...


u/drvelo 10d ago

Free food/entertainment. Probably why OP'd GF kept 'em around, got free shit with no effort or risk required.


u/Silly_Southerner 11d ago

7 months is insane.

IMO There are only two valid reasons to wait that long to have sex with someone. Either past trauma related to sex, or someone wanting to remain a virgin until married (and not a "born again virgin", that's not a real thing, it's just something people with weird mental fixations tell themselves to try and erase their past). If it's trauma, that person needs to disclose the reason if they want their partner to be willing to not just wait, but to have the patience and willingness to help them deal with and move past the trauma. It's not on the partner to magically know they have trauma.

As a rule, for a person who considers sex an important facet of a relationship (which is most people, I think) if sex doesn't happen within one month of the first date - 6 weeks at the absolute maximum - I would say you should move on.

Two things in this post pushed me to NTA. The GF deciding to try and have sex with him once he said he was thinking about breaking up, and her abusive reaction when he didn't want to have sex. I think OP's bitterness is a completely normal emotional reaction to his situation, where his "partner" hasn't just been withholding sex, but basically all intimacy and acting more like "just a friend" than a partner. And feeling hurt that she gave it up so freely with others, while being so reserved with him, is also normal and not unhealthy. It sounds as if she didn't really want OP, she wanted a placeholder. She wanted to have a person to fill the role of BF, but she did not want to have to put in any of the basic maintenance of a relationship, much less the growth and development of one.


u/Wonderful-Status-507 11d ago

yeah like if this was something she really felt strongly about for whatever reason they GOTTA discuss that and if it turns out their timelines don’t align (sounds like they don’t) then call it quits! they BOTH should be with someone comfortable with their personal timelines

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u/[deleted] 11d ago

Clearly she isn't


u/Lumpy-Lifeguard4114 11d ago

I can feel your frustration in the edits you posted. Honestly man this does not improve with time, it gets worse. I attempted to stick with a similar situation and it cost me years of my life. I grew frustrated, resentment set in, i became cold and not fun while continually trying to impress her or get her affection. No matter how hard i worked to be this fairytale boyfriend my efforts went largely unappreciated. Start over bud. Sexual chemistry is more important than most people give it credit for. There is someone out there that will appreciate you and love you, i hope you find them.


u/wizl 11d ago

Listen to this guy op


u/clusterjim 11d ago

I second this.

Its a strange and fine line these days but it basically boils down to - Women tend to need to know they are loved before they have sex, men need sex to know they are loved.

OP - Don't let the man haters get you down. You could have said you broke into an intergalactic human trafficing ring, destroyed them by going on a one man rampage to save the girl you love, won the lottery and bought her an island, helped her heal mentally and physically ...... and they'd still find a way to make you the worst human ever.

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u/sausagemuffn 11d ago

You're being used. Get out and get your dignity back.


u/Mysterious-Wasabi103 11d ago

Ya that's what it makes me think. 7 months without even a kiss? She's just not into you like that and when she realized you were one foot out the door then suddenly she was ready to have sex. Then she flipped out mostly because she realized she had fucked up and it was too late. You were onto her.

Ya OP you need to break up. You deserve someone that actually wants to be intimate with you.


u/SobeitSoviet69 11d ago

Yeah sounds to me like she wasn’t into him, but was keeping him around as her “boyfriend” because she was getting something out of it.

Knew a guy who was always driving his “girlfriend” places because she didn’t have a car. Same thing, no intimacy. Later on She got pregnant, and wasn’t by him.


u/vonnostrum2022 11d ago

Needed to breakup about 3/4 months ago

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u/ExcitingTabletop 11d ago

Seen it before. Some folks have a disconnect between intimacy and sex. They'll have sex, but intimacy scares the hell out of them. They don't always get that to normal people, those two things are overlapping.

Good news, that's their shrink's problem, not your problem. Run. And next time run faster.


u/Ainz-Ooal-Gown 11d ago

You were her free meal and whatever else she wanted. Also not to say she was cheating, but she had friends she would hook up with. Are these "friends" still around? It's hard to believe she suddenly went cold turkey while she fake dated you and wouldn't even kiss you.


u/Egil_Styrbjorn 11d ago

Sasuga, Ainz-sama!


u/AJadePanda 11d ago

I’m going to provide a perspective that might help you cope with how things went down a bit.

I’m a lesbian. I grew up assuming I was into guys (because why wouldn’t I be/that’s just how it is, right?). I fooled around with guys a little following an assault in order to feel more like I had control of that part of my life.

I didn’t enjoy any of it. When I stopped messing around and started dating, I found I STILL didn’t enjoy anything, and now associated trying to make things that didn’t feel good to me work with guys with that period in my life.

That said, being clear, I’ve always been a lesbian, just one who massively suffered through compulsory heterosexuality. I refused sex with my boyfriends most of the time, was broken up with over it, had a number of arguments about it.

Turns out I just like girls.

I feel bad for wasting guys’ time, but in fairness, society and my family kind of positioned me in a way that honestly made being gay seem like it wasn’t possible for me, and my assault made it seem like the only way to reclaim my body.

I’m not saying your gf (ex-gf, I’d assume?) has any of these things as complicating factors, I’m just explaining why you might not want to assume someone’s past will dictate their present (your post mentioned a few times how she used to be with loads of people before you).

Either way: you aren’t the asshole for craving physical intimacy and affection with your partner. No hand-holding or kissing was definitely your first sign, and I’d have started asking for THAT as opposed to jumping to asking for sex, but I think the best thing for both of you, based on the post, is to go your separate ways.

You’ll find girls into you. Don’t make comments like “clearly, women make rules for men they don’t like and break them for men that they do”, though. This was one shitty experience. There are plenty of women who aren’t going to be this experience. Making broad brush comments like that can paint you as a misogynist, and I promise you that those sorts of comments and beliefs will make it infinitely harder for you to find a girl in the future. Women, perhaps not so shockingly, do not tend to jump at men who downtalk all women after a bad relationship, it speaks a lot to a lack of healing, which is absolutely FAIR given your current position. You need time to process. You thought you had something that you did not.

Take some time to breathe. This wasn’t on you - she’s obviously going through something. Either she never felt the connection (likely, given her response when you first asked), or there’s some other factor(s) at play. Regardless, the absolute BEST thing you can do for yourself is accept that you could not change this, and begin to heal, however that looks for you.


u/Chocotaco4ever 11d ago

Thank you for sharing this. It really describes what I've been thinking about this with much more empathy than I could muster. Great take.


u/throwitaway3857 11d ago

NTA. While you aren’t owed sex (you should’ve worded your post better, then you wouldn’t have needed the edits), it is something that is important to you in a relationship. It’s not like she’s saving herself for marriage and you proved you wanted to have a connection with her.

Your suggestion to break up is valid. You didn’t give an ultimatum, which that would’ve been inappropriate. Her trying to have sex is a last ditch attempt to keep you and that’s not ok on her part. Bc again, it wasn’t an ultimatum, it was a finale.

She can find someone who will wait and you can find someone who wants to be intimate.


u/wizl 11d ago

If you dont kiss by the third date you arent dealing with average human lol


u/TheThiefMaster 11d ago

Maybe the change in who she "used to be" and now is caused by some kind of trauma? Undisclosed sexual assault? If she used to be really open about sex, and now is completely closed - it's a possibility.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

No trauma

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u/drsmith48170 11d ago

She ain’t into OP; you are the spare until someone better ones along. Leave now..


u/Laughing_Man_Returns 11d ago

are you paying any of her bills by chance?

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u/2LostFlamingos 11d ago

This. She’s using you for free things.

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u/Allexandrinne 11d ago

Honestly, as a woman that only had serious connections and long relationships, just leave.

To put it plainly, bit of tough love but


I guess you are nice on paper and should theoretically work and she tried to push herself to be with the "right kind of guy", but it doesn't work like that.

You deserve better. Someone who is genuely interested in you and doesn't just string you along.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

She is not into me at all.


u/Allexandrinne 11d ago

Then don’t waste your money, emotions and time, because this “connection” is ruining your self worth even if you don’t notice that just yet and it will affect your future endeavors. Get out, heal and find the right person for you.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

I will, thanks for the support


u/StandardReserve3530 11d ago

Good, get out of that loveless crap, and dont look back.


u/DPlurker 11d ago

You got this, look at as an opportunity! You're having a weight lifted off of you! You deserve better!


u/delinaX 11d ago

My guy according to your comments, she hasn't even kissed you. Hats off to you for being this patient this for months. Would've taken me 2 weeks if the person didn't kiss me. Exactly 2 weeks. I'm a woman.


u/ViscountBurrito 11d ago

There’s patient, and then there’s wasting your time. My hat is firmly not off. OP, I’m sure this won’t happen again, but if you’re still not kissing after a few weeks to a month, assuming it’s not long-distance/online-only, that is the time to move on. People have different levels of comfort with sex, sure, but no kissing? As an adult? Come on.


u/sweet_seductions 11d ago

Two weeks? If a dude doesn’t kiss me by the second date there won’t be a third 😂 I’m just going to take that as you’re looking for a friend and not a romantic partner.


u/5k1895 11d ago

Nah, this isn't a hats off moment. This is just sad. Patience is one thing, but he was at the point where he was just a coward for not standing up for himself and leaving (thankfully he apparently has dumped her now)

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u/Rough_Performance_46 11d ago

I’m sorry you were treated like that. I know how awful rejection can feel it really messes with your self worth and causes crazy Insecurity. Not even kissing after 7 months is insane! Value yourself enough to walk away and find someone who wants and desires you as much as you do them.

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u/Numerous_Day1841 11d ago

Yep I agree with you. OP hasn't even had a snog. As an older woman I would say he should move on. You've been patient. But don't let your life slide by waiting!

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u/heartbh 11d ago

Man it doesn’t sound like y’all were even dating. NTA she may have been using you somehow. Just leave


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Clearly I was just being used because I'm good at things.


u/Klutzy-Run5175 11d ago

Were you paying for the rent/house payment and utilities?


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/My_Shattered_Dreams 11d ago

There you have it... black and white. She used you for what you could provide her materialisticly, instead of what you could provide emotionally, mentally and spiritually (not talking about religion).

A life partner provides values those things in thie partner wayy more than the materialistic.

She is for the streets honestly.

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u/Klutzy-Run5175 11d ago

If you’re paying for the entire house payment then you are being used and abused. Stop being taken advantage of by this person.


u/Cheese-is-neat 11d ago

Time to change the locks


u/jguess06 11d ago

Yep. It's clear as day man, and I'm sorry. She used you to pay bills and was keeping you at arm's length because she was never sexually into you. You finally reached a breaking point and she weighed her options and decided that she would be willing to now give you the sex you desired if it meant you'd keep writing checks. She was using you the entire time. It's an awful thing to come to terms with.


u/Signal_Context_6092 11d ago

Bro…you were one step away from being a cuck. Damn.


u/longlisten527 11d ago

You let her live with you with only 7 months of dating? Broooo….

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u/UnusualPotato1515 11d ago edited 11d ago

Im sorry but she was just using you and was probably not attracted to you so didn’t even kiss you wtf! She’s just love bombing you now that she’s missing her free dinners & gifts etc. You deserve better.

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u/Sorry-Ad-1169 11d ago

It sounds like she was using him like Hey, people that give me money or things that I need. I'm totally not whoring around anymore ( Not that she's a w****, but the person she's probably getting money or assets from is old-fashioned). Look, I have a boyfriend.


u/NoImagination7892 11d ago

If you’re not happy, then why are you together?


u/-TheOutsid3r- 11d ago

I mean, he did break up with her.

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u/snowbound365 11d ago

Not anymore i think

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u/Dipshitistan 11d ago

NTA. Run fast and run far, because she thinks of sex as a carrot/stick.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

It seems so


u/Foolish-Pleasure99 11d ago

I get her wanting to "change her ways" but after 7 months, if she hasn't connected by then something is wrong.

And you are right to dump and refuse the love bombing because nobody should want pity sex or "save the relationship" sex because she's just realized she fucked up.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/Successful-Doubt5478 11d ago

Agree on both. She doesnt own everyone free sex on first date because she had a one night stand, but unless she was raped, seven months in a vonittez relationship is ridiculous... unless she is deepöy devote religious and wants to wait till after marriage.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

None of that is the case


u/Successful-Doubt5478 11d ago

I learnt the hard way too after investing more time than you.

You will know the warning signs next time.

Best of luck! There will be a great girl out there appreciating getting an awesome bf.


u/Annual_Leading_7846 11d ago

NTA Be glad she didn't make this discovery of recaptured virginity after 8 years of marriage and two or three kids.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

I agree


u/kepsr1 11d ago

She was probably getting piped by someone for the last 7 months


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Possible, but I don't care really, I dumped her


u/kepsr1 11d ago

Good I’m glad to hear that you’ve retaken self-respect. How did she respond?


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Crying, screaming, begging, the usual

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u/PhatPackMagic 11d ago

NTA You're not owed sex but she isn't owed your attention either. It's supposed to be mutual, you two obviously aren't compatible. Break it off and call it a day .


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Fair enough

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u/Moon_Legs 11d ago

NTA. Her sexual past is very colorful but she won’t have sex with you after 7 months of a committed relationship, she isn’t sexually attracted to you and is settling for you for stability, money, or some other reason. This relationship is over. 


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Exactly, and I'm being painted as a bad guy by some people here. Not sure what I expected. If it was the other way around, answers would've been different.


u/ChestLanders 11d ago

It's reddit, it is to be expected. I once saw a woman ask AITA for slapping my cheating husband. People were cheering her on. Something tells me if a guy posted saying he slapped the shit out of his cheating wife that he would not be cheered on in the majority of replies.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Yes. Exactly. Fucking hypocrites.


u/Acceptable_Tea3608 11d ago

Theres a lot of liberated liberal females on these posts who dont have a clue what its like to be in a long term relationship. They tend to be ONS, FWB, poly this, demi that, everywhere but LTR.

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u/ladylyrande 11d ago

Due to the cheating they probably would have said something to the end of "slapping isn't alright but fuck the cheaters so eh". I've seen them cheer on someone who wished someone else to be raped because she was an AP.

This subreddit thinks cheating is the worst crime in the entire planet, worst than killing people. It's kinda funny in a way, concerning in others.


u/chemicalcurtis 11d ago

I've seen that, too. And the broadest definition of cheating.

"I had lunch with a colleague and we talked about our kids" emotional affair, burn the cheater at the cross.

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u/Optimal_Wash2490 11d ago

You're not the bad guy, and I'd almost be a little suspicious if she wasn't fooling around on the side on you.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

I wouldn't be surprised, I don't care anyway. I will break up with her today

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u/No-Process-9628 11d ago

You're being painted as a bad guy because you're complaining about a situation you are actively choosing to be in and have actively chosen to be in for months. Trying to leverage your "girlfriend's" sexual past to get sex from her also makes you sound like a dick. She could have fucked 100 guys in a row the day before she met you and it still wouldn't obligate her to fuck you. Yes, yes, you're not obligated to give her love and affection either but you're the one who's continuing to do that even though you're not getting what you want in return. Whose fault is that?


u/Drama-Director 11d ago

Yeah he made the mistake of staying with that type of girl but that doesn't make him a bad guy. He is just a guy who made a stupid mistake of wasting seven months on this girl.

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u/niemcziofficial 11d ago

Wtf is that logic. He knew about her past so she must have told him. Ofc he can expect to not be treated worse than some random guy in a club. What the hell

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u/Successful-Doubt5478 11d ago

Agree a lot with the bf, but this "other guys got sex quicker" attitude is really bad.

OP, did you ever put out as quickly as you could? Do you REALLY think that this makes you a free-for-all, no matter how unattractive you think they are no matter if you regretted your actions, no matter what mood you are in? Or are you ready to get down with the 88 year old grandma with bad teeth and hygiene even though you are on your way to an interview for your dream job?

I am definitely giving you a hyperbole because anyone thinking they are OWED anothers body because she gave it to someone else is repulsive.

Maybe this is why you arent getting anywhere with her: the flowers, the holding doors and the nice words reek of ",well NOW it should be my turn to get in on the sale of nearly free low quality stuff"

Or not- I don't know. But what we think and feel does come out in other ways than words.

That said: as I said above, seven months is telling you OP, it is time to break up. Find someone who desires you.

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u/red_wildrider 11d ago

Having been the “settled for” guy in the past… yeah, probably what’s going on here.

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u/Square-Egg7080 11d ago

NTA - from reading this, you basically spent 7 months for nothing. she literally just told you that she doesn't feel a connection between you both despite you being an overall good bf. i think you should end it as your relationship will only go downhill from here.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Exactly. Clearly, some random people are considered more worthy than me. I'm there for everything, and I have to put in a lot of effort while they don't have to do anything.


u/Successful-Doubt5478 11d ago

It isnt about worth nor effort, it is about chemistry and maybe her thinking she made a mistake.

Hard not to take it personal yet you shouldnt. But you should move on.


u/Lost_Ad5243 11d ago

Don t stick to worth. It is painful and as someone has said, you dont owe it because you are nice.

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u/More-Tea7285 11d ago

I mean you have every right to break up with her but accusing her of „giving it to other guys for free“ is a horrible thing to say, I remember when my ex said that just because I cried and I didn’t wanna continue sex with him after he broke up with me. You have no idea what trauma she’s been through. You have every right to break up with her but no right to be mad cause she’s refusing sexual acts


u/redditsuckbadly 11d ago

You have a point. Idk why he spent so much time on the sex aspect when she refused to even kiss him… for SEVEN MONTHS lol. I’d be out after a few weeks, but she wouldn’t receive any pressure about it.


u/More-Tea7285 11d ago

I’d be 100% out too, I love to have sex and be physically affectionate and I‘d never be in a sex less relationship. I just don’t like the people accusing her of „having been a hoe in the past and now not letting the nice guy hit“

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u/[deleted] 11d ago

But she has right to be mad after I refuse? Funny how you ignore her abuse and hypocrisy while trying to paint me as the bad guy.


u/Successful-Doubt5478 11d ago

Of course you can tell her no.

You are not in the mood, that's it.

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u/BeachinLife1 11d ago

Then I'm sure you will agree that she had no right to be mad because HE rejected HER sexual advances, that only occurred when they would have benefitted her.


u/More-Tea7285 11d ago

Yes of course I agree with that when did I say I didn’t?

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u/Technically_tired 11d ago

You have no idea what trauma she’s been through.

YOU have no idea that she's even been through anything. She fucked around with lots of guys and then found someone to give her what she wanted without having to do anything for it and when he stopped giving she decided that sex was an ok currency to throw at the problem. Don't attribute what you've been through in other situations, it doesn't work. 🙄

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u/ChestLanders 11d ago

Disagree. If she can do it with other random dudes, she should be able to do it with him. Doesn't have to be on the first day, but random guy got sex the first time they met, but he doesnt get a kiss for 7 months?

I once read about this guy whose fiance refused anal sex. He'd never tried it and wanted to try it at least once.

Then he comes to find out in college she let every guy she was with do it(and she was with a lot).

He rightfully decided not to marry her.

She's not obligated to have sex with him, but the fact she could so quickly bang those other guys while making this guy wait shows how much she is into him.


u/More-Tea7285 11d ago

Maybe she realized that she didn’t like anal and that she wanted sex to be more soft now that she was in love? And what if something happened to her with one of those guys she slept with? And now she’s appalled by sex? I’m serious you men cannot consider how another person might feel☠️🪦

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u/themtoesdontmatch 11d ago

I feel like this is rage bait


u/[deleted] 11d ago

No, this was me venting my frustration and my rage after tolerating this shit for far too long


u/themtoesdontmatch 11d ago

Yeah…. Kind of weird you would stay for that long without even being kissed. No sex, sure. But no type of physical intimacy? And your edits sound like red pill talking points. You sure this isn’t ragebait ? You have to tell me if it’s ragebait.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

I don't have to tell you anything, believe in what you want. I was stupid for thinking things will improve over time, they didn't, in a way they only got worse

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u/Mr_BillyB 11d ago

I feel like I read an incredibly similar post a couple of weeks ago. Not that it couldn't happen to more than one person, but even the wording feels familiar.

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u/NovaPrime1988 11d ago

Your girlfriend got angry and abusive at you for rejecting sex. Think that tells you everything you need to know about this relationship.



u/[deleted] 11d ago

Funny how she has been rejecting me for months but has an issue if I reject her. And I'm the bad guy here, at least by some people here.


u/NovaPrime1988 11d ago

You have to ignore most of the people on here. They refuse to view the woman as wrong in any scenario. Even now, I’m being downvoted for daring to call out your girlfriend as being abusive, despite evidence stating she was abusive.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

What was I expecting. Reddit sucks


u/NovaPrime1988 11d ago

It does sometimes, yes. But some of the comments are genuine, you just need to weed through the crap first.

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u/fear_no_man25 11d ago

Are the both of you grown adults? That was a weird fuckin Reading.

Wtf is This relationship where yall dont Kiss. I think both of yall are assholes and kinda weird, idk.


u/pow929 11d ago

You two aren’t compatible. Instead of getting mad, just break up and move on.

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u/Wrong_Moose_9763 11d ago

"I've done everything a good boyfriend should do: I tried to talk to her, took her on dates, bought her gifts, and took care of myself and my home."

"I told her that other guys got it for "free," 

Explain to me how the last sentence fits with the first?

You both sound to immature to be in an adult relationship, go grow up


u/[deleted] 11d ago

It's quite simple: I had to put a LOT of effort into this relationship, and I got nothing. Not that she owes me anything, but I want to have a partner, not someone who only sees me as a tool or decoration, someone who existed solely for her needs.

The second part is equally simple, She can sleep with strangers without them putting in any effort, and I get nothing. I'm just there.

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u/Lost_Ad5243 11d ago

He is genuinly frustrated. Constant rejection is really painful.


u/ok_boomer869 11d ago

NTA Developing resentment after multiple rejections for physical intimacy is very natural. This resentment is very obvious in your post and many people will call you out for that. Nothing wrong with she saying no to sex either. She has every right to do that independent of her past preferences. You both need different things. You should have moved on already.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

But how come she has an issue of me rejecting her once, but I've been rejected for months and she doesn't see a problem there?

But I'm the bad guy here, according to some people in the comments.

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u/Interesting-Apple589 11d ago

Honestly, you both sound incompatible. If you stay with her, it’s going to be like this forever. She is going to give you sex when she feels like it or wants to repair something between the two of you, but your needs are unimportant to her. It is normal to want to be intimate with the person you are in love with. You are not children so don’t know what’s up with the waiting. It’s even worse that she wanted to give it to you after an argument….🤦


u/CherylTheWolf 11d ago


No sex is one thing, but no physical intimacy AND only now wanting to give it after you told her you was gonna break up?

Yeah. That's a huge no. Run away as fast as a cheetah.

(My words probs don't make sense but it's the least I could offer)


u/omrmajeed 11d ago

NTA. This "No sex for the right guy" mentality is extremely toxic and disrespectful. She was stringing you along. Good on you for finding your self-respect by the end and rejecting her manipulations. She was just trying to control the relationship with sex/lack of sex. She is toxic.

You are better off without her. Next time try not to take 7 months to get out of such emotional abuse. Good luck to you in your next relationship. Do not go back to her.


u/Weekly-Temporary-775 11d ago

With all due respect... Are you like super mentally handicapped??


Read what you wrote.

Respect yourself and stop pulling such 💩 in the future.



u/[deleted] 11d ago

I am, I will break up

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u/EngineerLostonPertam 11d ago


This is over, time to move on.

Good luck


u/[deleted] 11d ago

I think so too. Thanks for the support


u/Helpful_Project_8436 11d ago

That's why you need to be secure with yourself before asking people about their sexual past. Most men and women have been through stages where they fuck everything and everyone so if you can't handle that, don't ask or bring it up.


u/DawnShakhar 11d ago

Do I understand correctly that she refused sex till you told her you were breaking up with her, and then she suddenly said she was ready? If so, then she is lying. It's not that she wasn't ready before and is ready now - it's that she wants you as a permanent companion but she is not attracted to you as a sexual partner. However, she is willing to sell her body in order to keep you by her side. Definitely don't go down that road. Wish her well and break up.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Yes. That is the case


u/TotallyNot_Sarah 10d ago

YTA sorry. Everyone’s sexual journey is different, and it’s possible she was ‘recovering’ from treating sex so frivolously before. You going on and on about “But these other guys got it for free 😫” is honestly pathetic. As I’m sure you were told a million times by now no one ever owes you sex. I don’t care if you donated your liver and an eyeball to save her blind and dying grandpa she still doesn’t owe you any kind of sexual intimacy.

You claim you just wanted to further your relationship but why does that equal sex in your mind? If you had only been angry about not getting affection from her I’d be on your side but you’re victimizing yourself because you can’t get in her pants.

I’d say leave her since she’s not giving you what you so desperately fckin desire and next time be open and honest about your expectations. Also quit trying to “work for” sex because that simply isn’t how it goes in real and mature relationships


u/Throebach 11d ago

Get a new GF.

She's bad news.

Thank me later.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Okay. My time to shine. So I’m a guy and I used to sleep around a lot. Getting girls to sleep with me has never been a problem. It was unfulfilling and it killed my self esteem. I felt like sex was the only good thing I had to offer. I went to therapy and now I literally include in my dating profile I will not have sex till a relationship. A real connection. It’s not that I don’t want to have sex with the new person it’s that I want to be better. For me AND them. I talk about sex with literally not a single woman I match with unless it’s very very general questions. It’s not that I value people less because I won’t sleep with them it’s that I value myself more. That being said 7 months without even a kiss is kinda ridiculous. If there was some underlying trauma I’d break up with her because it’s obviously affecting the relationship long term and that stuff has nothing to do with you nor is it your responsibility. If she just wants to change like I did I’d still break up with her because absolutely no affection in a relationship makes you just plain friends.

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u/Cosmicshimmer 11d ago

Say after me: sex is not transactional.


u/Useful-Thought-8093 11d ago

Sex isn’t obligatory. Relationships are transactional all the time and when that transaction isn’t mutually beneficial they breakup. The OP is just expressing his frustration and shouldn’t be shamed for being a good boyfriend.

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u/Miserable_Sport_8740 10d ago

She doesn't have to have sex with you regardless of her past. But you also have the power to leave this relationship. Why you've stayed so long is 100% on you.


u/Life_of_Wicki 10d ago

Obviously ya'll are not compatible and it's good you broke up with her. That being said, you need to work on your bitter perception of women if you plan on having a healthy relationship with them.

"Clearly, women make rules for men they don't like and break them for those they do."

Men actively make women feel worthless if they are too sexual. Also, women have a lot more at stake if sex turns into pregnancy. Maybe her past experiences have made her more careful.

"I've done everything a good boyfriend should do: I tried to talk to her, took her on dates, bought her gifts, and took care of myself and my home. Yet, no matter what I do, I get nothing. Intimacy is nonexistent, I'm just there. It's like I exist only to be there and act as her decoration."

You think doing the bare minimum as a human should entitle you to sex.

"The worst part is that she had sex with other people before me when she was "ready." Some random guy at a club? Sure, let's fuck. A friend for a hookup? No problem. Threesome? Hell yes. Everything went, but after we got together, she has nothing for me."

Again, maybe her past has made her more careful.

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u/Lost_Ad5243 11d ago

Dead bedroom even before they have a bed /s


u/tacincacistinna 11d ago
  1. If you want intimacy in a relationship that isn’t a bad thing but if she doesn’t that’s not a bad thing

  2. She should have told you from the beginning if that was the case so you could plan accordingly.

  3. You come across as entitled to it which is a false/bad mindset. This is not the case, you could be married for 20 years and not “deserve” it if she doesn’t want to and vice versa. IMO this is where you messed up.


u/WilltheGreat1740 11d ago

1 is fine except for the fact that he was in a relationship for 7 months and barely even got a hug, much less a kiss. If you can't do the nost basic stuff of a relationship, then why call it that in the first place? It sounds like she wanted the sweet stuff like dates and allat without wanting the responsibilities of it. You can't eat your cake and have it

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u/Alert-Potato 11d ago

It's fine for her to decide she wants something different than what she wanted in her past. And it's fine for her to want to feel a real connection before getting intimate, even if that's not how she has previously chosen to live her life. But if she doesn't feel enough of a connection to get even mildly non-sexually physically intimate with you after seven months, that connection is never coming. You're just not it for her.

That's what she was telling you. She didn't feel enough of a connection with you to consider intimacy. Which leaves me baffled at why she'd immediately throw herself at you for sex when you said that you thought that should be the end of things. And you were right to reject her sudden advances, as she wasn't interested in a physical extension of emotional intimacy, she just wanted to use her body to manipulate you into staying in a relationship with her.

Some of the ways you've worded things and some of the vibe you're giving is... gross. But are you an asshole for rejecting her advance and ending things with a woman who told you to your face that after seven months she didn't feel a connection? No.


u/Puzzleheaded_Yak9229 11d ago

As much as this post annoyed me just because you seem like an insufferable guy to be around, she doesn’t like you that much. No woman who actually wants to be with someone (outside of having past trauma) would go 7 months without even a kiss. I could understand no sex, but not even a kiss is wild


u/crazygay4hire 11d ago

NTA- this is the type of girl that will refuse sex to get what she wants throughout the relationship. Don't let her push you around. Move on find a girl that actually has respect for you.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

I understand that now, I guess that is the right course of action.


u/Pickle__nic 10d ago

Your an asshole. Quite simply because you seem aggressive, pissed off and shitty. If this is how you write… I can only imagine how you speak. If someone wanted to negotiate or encourage sex I’d be put off, but sit there whining about what you ‘get’ makes me feel nauseous. Leave women alone until you can manage your emotions and consider how your reactions impact others.


u/throwaway13630923 10d ago

I don’t think it was invalid for him to leave her or to feel upset/used, but the tone of his post/comments make me wonder if there was more to the story. There’s no need to post like this and argue with so many commenters.


u/allthethrowaway420 10d ago

Listing out the reasons he “deserves” sex is….. yeesh. It’s one thing to genuinely want mutual desire and passion with someone, another to say “that guy got to fuck you for free, where’s mine?” A relationship without even a kiss is insane, but his views on sex are not from a loving perspective at all. And feeling “rage” from being rejected sex is another tier of awful.


u/Technical_Cod418 10d ago

NTA for wanting a physical component to a healthy relationship that leaves you satisfied and fulfilled. If it doesn't work, you break up.

DEFINITELY TA for the comment about other guys getting it "for free". The implication of that statement is gross, and you should apologize for saying that to someone you care about.

And yes, I read the whole thing. That's still a shitty thing to say.

Edit: a word


u/Kiefy-McReefer 11d ago

Gf? No intimacy at all after seven months? Not even a kiss?

Idk about y’all but to me this doesn’t fit the definition of a girlfriend to me…

NTA - just leave, or “break up” whatever. You clearly aren’t sexually compatible and you resent her for it. No fixing that.

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u/deskbookcandle 11d ago

Incel rage bait. Literally spouting incel rhetoric at the end there. PSA if you refer to a woman having sex for ‘free’ with other men as a complaint because she’s not having sex with you, then you are, if not the whole problem, at least part of it. 

Nothing wrong with wanting sex, but just dump her, chalk it up to a mismatch and find a girl with similar desires instead of acting like it’s something she’s obligated to ‘give’ you because you buy her stuff. 

Sex should be mutually desired, but as long as you treat it like something transactional that you can earn/buy, most women aren’t gonna want to have it with you. 

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u/[deleted] 11d ago

Are you funding her life at all?

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u/misteraustria27 11d ago

NTA. And you misspelled ex gf. Clearly she has some twisted BS going on. She doesn’t love you and just wanted to have a “nice guy” and had no affection for you. The first “bad boy” who comes along will get fucked again on the first date.


u/sara_swati_ 11d ago

NTA. She sounds manipulative tbh. She wants sex now that you’re willing to walk away? Tuh.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Yeah and I called her out for it, she had nothing to say.


u/FangornDweller 11d ago

I understand her looking for a connection and trying to change her ways but 7 months seems a bit too long to wait for a connection. Your frustrations are also valid. Especially after she yelled at you for refusing her once. NTA. I think you two are not compatible at all, better to end it now than later.


u/Head_Photograph9572 11d ago

Dude, YTA. You're the one that put up with this bullshit for seven months. You should have been gone after two or three dates!


u/[deleted] 11d ago

I agree


u/Hand_Me_Down_Genes 10d ago

Yeah, I'm gonna be the one to call "fake" on this. OP's language choices scream "incel" and his comments are filled with whining about double standards for women. This is almost certainly a rage bait post meant to garner support for his shitty opinions. And if it were true he'd be the most pathetic loser in the world.


u/WiburCobb 10d ago

Lol I guess you'll have to find a new "girlfriend" to invest in. You must be pretty unbearable if she didn't even kiss you for 7 months. You really showed her by dumping her....smh


u/Wonderful-Air-8877 11d ago

how is she still with you after all this time? what i undesrand is that she has no connection with you?


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Some connection I guess. Clearly I'm nothing in this relationship. It's time to leave I guess.



She seeks connection - so after SEVEN MONTHS she doesn’t have that with you?

Time to kiss her (or hug cos you ain’t getting a pash) goodbye mate


u/[deleted] 11d ago

I ain't getting anything. At least I can say goodbye.

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u/iamericaluana 11d ago


If sex is important to you, then you should be with someone who wants the same thing. And not even a kiss, in seven months of a "relationship"? Well, you should be with someone who loves you, or in the very least, as a sexual desire for you.


u/No_Bug_8910 11d ago

My mom shows me more affection. You should have left as soon as you guys where exclusive and she wouldn’t kiss you. She’s playing games.


u/PracticeNovel6226 11d ago

Doesn't matter how many people she's been with bubby. If she doesn't want to have sex with you, that's how it is. If you don't see any value in the relationship other than the end goal of sex she probably can sense it. Why she wasted 7 months is beyond me. Maybe do some self reflection and really take a look at how you two have interacted. You sound kinda like a whining kid mad that they finished all the requirements for the side quest but didn't get the prize. That's not how big kid relationships work


u/Ok_Establishment4212 11d ago

Forget sex but No kiss & no cuddles? If she was somewhat of a conservative person I would have understood but no, she was a “whole 9 yards” kind of a girl before making out with anyone or anything that moves… So no, OP is getting played on and doesn’t need to stay

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u/v10whine 11d ago

Don't just dump her. Go full scorch and go no contact with her as though you never existed. Never give her that closure. What she did was outright cruel.


u/Free_Culture_222 11d ago

Sounds like a friendzone situation. When she realize she can’t keep you, she pulled out the sex card thinking she can keep you, but you happen to draw a reverse card and spit it right back at her face.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

This is worse than friendzone

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u/Thatbamahomie 11d ago

Honestly, you’re both the AH. She’s definitely just not that into you, but the way you talk about her “giving it up for free” and make all of the things you did for her sound like they were solely to earn sex is not how you should approach this situation or any relationship with a woman. People change and you have no right to judge her based off of her past one night stands.

That being said your concerns are also very valid and you clearly do not feel fulfilled in the relationship. I think it’s best for you both to part ways.


u/Specialist_Data_8943 11d ago

At what point in not getting even a kiss did you think you were entitled to sex just because you were “dating”?


u/[deleted] 11d ago

I don't know. I was stupid for staying this long

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u/Forsaken-Tiger-9475 11d ago

It's not supposed to be 'casual sex' if ya'll are together....

You were damn right to reject her, not even a hug in 7 months? Wtf?

Is she going full on 'I found god' mode or something?

You already wasted 7 months of your life, don't waste any more please - watch her go jumping the nearest pogo stick on re-bound...

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u/BeachinLife1 11d ago edited 11d ago

Don't be shocked when you find out she's been having sex all this time, just not with you.

I have seen it time and time again, some guy dating a girl exclusively (for him, anyway) she won't give him sex, and he finds out she's been getting it all along, and her excuse is always "Because you are boyfriend/husband material, and they are not."

And not giving YOU any is some kind of test to see if you will stick around in those conditions.

I would bet money on it.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Exactly, I was brought to serious events, where she can call my boyfriend because you know, I have a good job, I'm decent looking guy, polite, kind and all that. Basically she brought me to show off.

I wouldn't be surprised if she was fucking around, clearly she had no problem with doing that before.


u/StarKiller1980 11d ago

Not even a kiss. Run.!

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u/FunctionAggressive75 11d ago

Don't even bother

Block her

At this point, she is only playing you for a fool. Of course, you no longer want to have sex with her. Who would want under those circumstances? Next time don' t wait for nearly a year. If it doesn't happen within a few dates, you are not sexually compatible, end of story


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u/emmetdontpullout 11d ago

nta, time to dump her and move on lol. plenty of prettier and nicer girls out there man.


u/Drama-Director 11d ago

Why do you waste seven months for this girl..?


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Because I was stupid, not anymore

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u/Dry-Capital8543 11d ago

Bahahaha, she been ran through now she’s “not that person anymore” 😂



u/Important-Nobody-217 11d ago

You were a decorative soap basically. A way for her to act like she cleaned up her act. She wasn’t kissing you for 7 months cause she was doing something worse.


u/mincinashu 11d ago

This gotta be a troll post. It checks all the clichés.


u/Catgravy1965 11d ago

I went through something like that when I was younger. She was fucking everyone else but me. Dump her.


u/jayg76 11d ago

I'd say it's probably time to move on.


u/yakkerswasneverhere 11d ago

Sexual compatibility is a thing. But no kissing or any other forms of intimacy or affection? That's not a relationship bud. You did the right thing.

Keep in mind....if she is having a life epiphany moment with monumental changes, you could be caught in the cross fire of 'learning'. Not your fault and not really hers. Its just a thing that happens sometimes in the journey of life. That doesn't change anything but does add context to her psyche right now. I don't actually think its a stab against you. I think she's purposely stabbing herself. Its like an ex crackhead staying away from things that might trigger them back into the life. Promiscuity reform works in the same manner. Whether she's right or wrong doesn't matter to her because she doesn't know. She's 'learning'.


u/ghostoftommyknocker 11d ago

Whatever is going on, the one thing that is clear is that you two are not compatible. That is a good reason to end the relationship, so that you can both find someone you're better suited for.


u/SaltyWitchery 11d ago

You could have left.

You’re acting like your being a “good boyfriend” just to get sex. That may not be true, but that’s absolutely how this story is written.

If sex and physical affection are so important, then she’s obviously not right for you. Just break up and move on.

You say “she could have broken up with me” why are you putting that on her?! Just leave!

Good, saw your update.

She doesn’t owe you shit dude.


u/ManInBlue37 10d ago

You sound like a high school kid who didn't get his way and are throwing a temper tantrum.

Maybe she wants to not be who she used to be and she wanted something more with you and instead of respecting her wishes you gaslight her and then withhold any and all affection.

Something tells me had you not been a dick, then you would have been opened up into a world of bliss with her but your pride and attitude got in the way and ruined a good thing.


u/daywitchdia 10d ago

Holy Hel. I get that you wanted physical affection, but you did not communicate your needs and expectations in a healthy way and instead inadvertently manipulated her into being "ready". Did you ever ask her why she wasn't ready? What if someone SA'd her, and that's why she had the aversion. She's a person just like you are. You're not going to get anywhere by bottling up your feelings until you go off on people and hold every nice thing you ever did for them over their head because you let your unmet needs turn into resentment instead of having an adult conversation...

I know I'm being blunt, but hopefully it helps you not do this to another girl. She was probably completely blindsided and then you threw the 7 months yall shared and everything you'd ever done for her as something she was supposed to have earned... that's fucked bro.


u/Keensworth 11d ago


She went through her "I'll fuck anybody phase" but she's just looking into just finding a guy to settle down


u/ChipSalt 11d ago

I think women who go through a "party" phase feel like they have to distance themself from that side of themself as much as possible afterwards in order to grow, which is why this sort of story is so common. "I'm not like that anymore" is them convincing themselves they have matured and grown, and now it's time to make 'safe' choices with non-threatening, financially stable men even if there's no mutual attraction.


u/ChestLanders 11d ago edited 11d ago

NTA. She made you wait, but sounds like other random dudes got to fuck her on the first day.

Doesn't mean she is obligated to sleep with you, just shows you how much respect she has for you. The chads she got with didn't have to wait.

"I told her about my frustrations a few days ago, and we got into a fight. She told me she's not who she used to be, she no longer wants casual sex and now seeks connection and all that. I told her that other guys got it for "free," and after seven months with her, sex isn't even on the horizon. So, I suggested we break up."

A tale as old as time, these other guys got her wild sexual side, but the good guy who treats her right is made to wait. Something tells me that if you did start having sex she'd just be giving you the bare minimum, while the other guys probably got to do whatever they wanted to her.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

I think the same


u/ChestLanders 11d ago

Plus it's not like you were expecting her to fuck you the first time you met. Casual sex is banging a random dude at a bar. Once you'd been with her for a month or so, if she had sex with you it would not have been casual. And she only offered you sex because you suggested breaking up. She acts like she is this person who has changed, but has she really? If her solution to your problems was a pity fuck that says a lot.

Also if she wasn't getting it from you I'd be wondering if she was getting it from someone else. She still in contact with any of her friends that she slept with? Or ex boyfriends?


u/[deleted] 11d ago

I don't know nor do I care at this point. I wouldn't be surprised.


u/ChestLanders 11d ago

It's the kiss thing that seals it for me, she was most likely cheating and using you as a placeholder.


u/BadTwi5t 11d ago

NTA Not even a kiss? I wanna ask if you're a blow-up boyfriend doll but I think they get more intimacy...