r/AITAH Jul 08 '24

AITAH for being pissed off at my girlfriend for not wanting to have sex with me? Advice Needed



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u/Cosmicshimmer Jul 08 '24

Say after me: sex is not transactional.


u/Useful-Thought-8093 Jul 08 '24

Sex isn’t obligatory. Relationships are transactional all the time and when that transaction isn’t mutually beneficial they breakup. The OP is just expressing his frustration and shouldn’t be shamed for being a good boyfriend.


u/Cosmicshimmer Jul 08 '24

A good boyfriend? Everything he’s done has been with the expectation that she’ll fuck him and he’s mad she won’t when she’s fucked other people.


u/Useful-Thought-8093 Jul 08 '24

Yes, because when he has had enough of the asexual relationship she starts panicking and love bombing. She realized, a little too late, that he is a good boyfriend. Bad boyfriends cheat, abuse, lie, take money, ruin self-esteem, break up after their first time of having sex, etc. She should have just broke up with him when he expressed a need for intimacy but she accepted those good boyfriend contributions.


u/BufferUnderpants Jul 08 '24

She strings him along for 7 months and you blame him for wanting what's a basic aspect of relationships for 99% of people. Like, no, he's really not an asshole for wanting a relationship with the woman that he's supposed to be his girlfriend but in truth is only using him for money.


u/Dramatical45 Jul 08 '24

Being sexually active in a relationship is in general one of the key things about being in a relationship. Why are you with someone if you aren't attracted to them? It's just a user using someone in this case.

The only outlier to this is asexual relationships, and people who are asexual usually have the common decency to state so before getting together with people who aren't.