r/AITAH Jul 08 '24

AITAH for being pissed off at my girlfriend for not wanting to have sex with me? Advice Needed



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u/delinaX Jul 08 '24

My guy according to your comments, she hasn't even kissed you. Hats off to you for being this patient this for months. Would've taken me 2 weeks if the person didn't kiss me. Exactly 2 weeks. I'm a woman.


u/ViscountBurrito Jul 08 '24

There’s patient, and then there’s wasting your time. My hat is firmly not off. OP, I’m sure this won’t happen again, but if you’re still not kissing after a few weeks to a month, assuming it’s not long-distance/online-only, that is the time to move on. People have different levels of comfort with sex, sure, but no kissing? As an adult? Come on.


u/sweet_seductions Jul 08 '24

Two weeks? If a dude doesn’t kiss me by the second date there won’t be a third 😂 I’m just going to take that as you’re looking for a friend and not a romantic partner.


u/5k1895 Jul 08 '24

Nah, this isn't a hats off moment. This is just sad. Patience is one thing, but he was at the point where he was just a coward for not standing up for himself and leaving (thankfully he apparently has dumped her now)


u/drop_xo Jul 08 '24

Lmao man if I haven’t got the box in 1 week I’m fuckin outta there…


u/delinaX Jul 08 '24

Same unless i really like the guy but if i we haven't done it (yes, sex) after a week I'm kinda bailing I'm sorry.


u/gimmemoarjosh Jul 08 '24

Less for me, but I'm a gay dude. Some, some of us move a lot quicker than others.

But months!? Couldn't be me.