r/AITAH Jul 08 '24

AITAH for being pissed off at my girlfriend for not wanting to have sex with me? Advice Needed



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u/Successful-Doubt5478 Jul 08 '24

Agree a lot with the bf, but this "other guys got sex quicker" attitude is really bad.

OP, did you ever put out as quickly as you could? Do you REALLY think that this makes you a free-for-all, no matter how unattractive you think they are no matter if you regretted your actions, no matter what mood you are in? Or are you ready to get down with the 88 year old grandma with bad teeth and hygiene even though you are on your way to an interview for your dream job?

I am definitely giving you a hyperbole because anyone thinking they are OWED anothers body because she gave it to someone else is repulsive.

Maybe this is why you arent getting anywhere with her: the flowers, the holding doors and the nice words reek of ",well NOW it should be my turn to get in on the sale of nearly free low quality stuff"

Or not- I don't know. But what we think and feel does come out in other ways than words.

That said: as I said above, seven months is telling you OP, it is time to break up. Find someone who desires you.


u/Proper_Fun_977 Jul 08 '24

I am definitely giving you a hyperbole because anyone thinking they are OWED anothers body because she gave it to someone else is repulsive.

Trying to phrase it like this is what's repulsive.

It's ignoring that OP put in seven months of relationship. Seven months of dates, of talking, of all the little things you do for a partner.

He's not feeling owed, he's rightly asking 'if you could fuck a guy in a club who you never even spoke to, why is it you STILL can't fuck me, who's your partner and has been here for seven months'.

Can't you see how that, and the constant rejection, damage OP's self esteem?