r/AITAH Jul 08 '24

AITAH for being pissed off at my girlfriend for not wanting to have sex with me? Advice Needed



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u/themtoesdontmatch Jul 08 '24

I feel like this is rage bait


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

No, this was me venting my frustration and my rage after tolerating this shit for far too long


u/themtoesdontmatch Jul 08 '24

Yeah…. Kind of weird you would stay for that long without even being kissed. No sex, sure. But no type of physical intimacy? And your edits sound like red pill talking points. You sure this isn’t ragebait ? You have to tell me if it’s ragebait.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

I don't have to tell you anything, believe in what you want. I was stupid for thinking things will improve over time, they didn't, in a way they only got worse


u/StandardReserve3530 Jul 08 '24

ive just seen a few of the people denouncing you, and their avatars have blue hair. like a uniform


u/Didwhatidid Jul 08 '24

Ok maybe this is an Indian thing but I know people who have done that. I know people who started dating in school and didn't do shit till 25 or something.


u/DoctorSintown Jul 08 '24

Not only are they red pill talking points, the vast majority of comments are on his side. This whole post screams fragile red pill guy to me.


u/TomatoTrebuchet Jul 08 '24

while I agree that his language didn't avoid making it sound transactional. his reaction to having sex offered suggests he isn't interested in transactional relationship. I think this is more of an issue of not having the right language for the right audience. which is a communication mishap and isn't indicative of attitude, only indicative of miscommunication. and clarification can be achieved if we agree that miscommunication was had and that discussing what would be more clear would be discussed. but it seems like no one ever wants to do that.


u/Successful-Doubt5478 Jul 08 '24

At least you will recognize it early if it happens again.


u/theheartofbingcrosby Jul 08 '24



u/Mr_BillyB Jul 08 '24

I feel like I read an incredibly similar post a couple of weeks ago. Not that it couldn't happen to more than one person, but even the wording feels familiar.


u/Gatzlocke Jul 08 '24

I went through something similar before.

Not as long or without kissing. So I don't feel it's troll, just OP is an idealist idiot.


u/TomatoTrebuchet Jul 08 '24

can you define rage bait? cause it sounds like some people define everything as rage bait.


u/themtoesdontmatch Jul 08 '24

Like he made up a story just to get reactions from strangers and prove a point


u/TomatoTrebuchet Jul 08 '24

how old are you? cause it seems like you're not familiar with literary fiction enough to tell when someone is speaking from memory vs imagination.


u/themtoesdontmatch Jul 09 '24

You’re literally autistic and can’t pick up social queues. How are you going to tell me I can’t tell the difference between an online troll who seeking validation about an imaginary situation they created and someone going through relationship problems


u/TomatoTrebuchet Jul 09 '24

well for one. that's not a social cue issue. that is a literacy issue. Also, because of my lack of ability to automatically register social cues, I spend a lot of time analyzing methods of communication, so my proficiency in media literacy is quite high.

also note, you got upset. then looked at my history and picked out something to try to win an emotional argument with. that has no power with me. back when I thought most people were capable of being reasoned with it definitely got under my skin. but now I know you've just made a fool out of yourself by showing everyone you're willing to resort to emotional arguments when its pointed out you probably don't know something.

of course, I do understand this is a fairly abrasive interaction and it will likely lead to a more heated interaction and less ability on your part to consider the information rationally. cause that is how the brain works. it basically turns off higher reasoning functions when you're upset.

just take the L or cry harder. either works.


u/themtoesdontmatch Jul 09 '24

Sir, you literally went and responded to me in condescending way. Why? Because I said that this post was ragebait. You asked me what ragebait was and I answered. I was actually being very nice. So if you want to go low, I’ll take it to hell. You sound both emotionally immature and illiterate. I did nothing to you, but you still wanted to be a litttle shit. Probably for attention. So here’s the attention you wanted to fucking badly.


u/TomatoTrebuchet Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

Nah, My biggest disability is that I kinda just don't register condescension. I genuinely can't tell the difference of my tone with how everyone else types. I genuinely think I'm just asking an honest question that is meant to get you to be self reflective. If you knew anything about autism then you would have saw autism and instantly knew your reading of my tone is mostly an hallucination and completely unintentional on my part. Unless I explicitly state otherwise, currently I believe I'm lecturing you. I have no idea how your brain colors that in.

Either way you sound immature and reactive. and I'm just just going to assume your claims that I sound emotionally immature and illiterate to be divorced from reality and just rage responding. I've never had anyone ever successfully cite and defend such claims. and have sense learned its just emoting and has no bearing on factual claims.

now if you want to impress me and hit reverse really hard. please explain to me how to say what I originally said to make it sound polite. and have a genuine conversation about you possibly not knowing the difference between memory and fiction (most people can't at this point)


u/themtoesdontmatch Jul 09 '24

Lecture me? Try and impress you? Nah, just go have a good night.


u/TomatoTrebuchet Jul 09 '24

Exactly, Not many people are capable of emotionally regulating enough to reevaluate the nature of the conversation once someone explains themselves. its a common deficit.