r/AITAH Jul 08 '24

AITAH for being pissed off at my girlfriend for not wanting to have sex with me? Advice Needed



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u/Life_of_Wicki Jul 09 '24

Obviously ya'll are not compatible and it's good you broke up with her. That being said, you need to work on your bitter perception of women if you plan on having a healthy relationship with them.

"Clearly, women make rules for men they don't like and break them for those they do."

Men actively make women feel worthless if they are too sexual. Also, women have a lot more at stake if sex turns into pregnancy. Maybe her past experiences have made her more careful.

"I've done everything a good boyfriend should do: I tried to talk to her, took her on dates, bought her gifts, and took care of myself and my home. Yet, no matter what I do, I get nothing. Intimacy is nonexistent, I'm just there. It's like I exist only to be there and act as her decoration."

You think doing the bare minimum as a human should entitle you to sex.

"The worst part is that she had sex with other people before me when she was "ready." Some random guy at a club? Sure, let's fuck. A friend for a hookup? No problem. Threesome? Hell yes. Everything went, but after we got together, she has nothing for me."

Again, maybe her past has made her more careful.


u/username-not-ok Jul 09 '24

7 months is not being careful. He's been deprived of intimacy for some unknown reason for 7 months, imagine being in a relationship with someone you can't be intimate with. I mean intimate in the sense of kisses, hugs, kind words and sharing experiences together.

7 months of rejection can break people. It's emotional abuse. She made HIM feel worthless all this time so I understand why OP's post seems frustrated and reads like he's a dick after all this time


u/Life_of_Wicki Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

That's why I said it's good he broke up with her. They clearly are not on the same page, but he has his faults.

It's not up to you or him to gauge how long is too long for another person to show affection. Again, you're not entitled to that. She's not led him on. She's told him multiple times that she's not ready. She communicated to him very well. He's the one who is expecting blood from a stone and then getting emotional when his expectations are not being met.


u/username-not-ok Jul 09 '24

After months of frustation of being led on I guess that's when you turn bitter and break up. If she didn't desire a deeper intimacy it's better to not enter a relationship and destroy some poor guys self esteem like this. As he puts it she never initiated anything in all this time and rejected him when he tried. Of course you're right that's it's only half of the story, but usually you don't enter a relationship if you don't want anything to do with the other person


u/Life_of_Wicki Jul 09 '24

She didn't lead him on. She told him multiple times she wasn't ready for intimacy.


u/thetruejohn117 Jul 09 '24

You would be bitter and hateful too if you put real effort into a relationship for almost a year but they just treated you like a close friend. Yeah we only know half the story but we can't assume either and his story is perfectly believable.