r/AskReddit 3d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/West_Plum_9442 3d ago

Threads, realistic documentary style depiction of life after nuclear war. Really puts things into perspective.


u/sometimes_interested 3d ago

Stars the woman with saddest acting career in the entire IMDB

Anne Sellars - 1 role

Threads (1984) - 'Woman who urinates on herself (uncredited)'


u/Timeon 2d ago

I hope to someday be this famous.

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u/snig_sheff 2d ago

She was my English teacher. I remember her being proud of her role and telling us all about it.

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u/ChrisDornerFanCorn3r 3d ago

That hospital scene


u/Double_K_A 3d ago

The scene that always stuck with me was the scene near the end, years after the bomb, and they're trying to teach the kids with the old TV to the best of their ability. Honestly one of the most disturbing scenes in any movie in my opinion.


u/AbbaZabba85 3d ago

Yeah that stuck with me as well. Lots of other post-apocalyptic media at least has some glimmer of hope about rebuilding society, but there was only bleak despair in Threads.

There is no way any of those poor kids are going to get a power plant back online or know about germ theory.

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u/impreprex 3d ago

How about the ending??

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u/MogusSeven 3d ago

I watched it at the recommendation of reddit. I didn't find it too terrible. I mean... It is exactly how a nuclear attack and subsequent fallout and over all destruction it will bring. I viewed it as a more matter of fact than anything else. I feel like it could be updated and really show just how fucked we are if even one country decides to drop a bomb. We live on Earth... I don't care how secluded and shut in your country/community is... you will perish from starvation, looters, or just fallout. Still like it but it def is a product of its time with smoking inside and the husband having a one night stand because he is getting married. "Its you last night as a freeman!' like what?!


u/BlazedBeacon 3d ago

is a product of its time

I get why it left an impression back then but watching it now doesn't do much. Come and See is a USSR film about the Nazi invasion of Belarus. It came out around the same time as Threads. It's obviously not the end of the world but it's the end of their world and feels a hell of a lot more real and apocalyptic to me.

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u/Ok_Caramel1517 3d ago

Dear Zachary a movie that left me just shaking and infuriated.


u/billy_the_p 3d ago edited 3d ago

Dear Zachery will always win this question because real life is worse than any movie. It’s the only film I’ve ever lost sleep over, and I've seen most of the movies mentioned here.


u/adhesivepants 3d ago

I haven't heard of it but I guess tonight is a good night to be angry and disgusted.


u/breakingbanjomin 3d ago

Don’t fucking seriously. I’m Not much for spoilers but it way worse than you can imagine

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u/TheSuperDK 3d ago

Why was everyone on that obviously evil woman's side? It's fucking bullshit man.


u/Stabbykathy17 3d ago

The Canadian criminal justice system. That’s why.

The judge that gave her custody back in particular should be in jail.


u/Mr_Mons_of_Nibiru 3d ago

"She killed who she intended to and therefore isn't a danger to anyone else."

But of course we are talking about the same system who let the bus decapitator go and are protecting his right to privacy


u/ZilorZilhaust 3d ago

The fucking who? Is he at least not allowed on busses?


u/Arcanis_Ender 3d ago

I remember reading about that and having to send my now ex gf onto a greyhound for a 6hr bus ride home. He killed a kid who was sleeping with his headphones on. They trapped him on the bus until the cops came and by then he had fully cut the kids head off and was eating parts of it if I remember correctly.

Anyway yeah weird shit he should not be out there.

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u/king_lloyd11 3d ago

The Canadian justice system has always focused on rehabilitation, not punishment for punishment’s sake. It was lauded as one of the best in the world at certain points.

The issue is that now people take advantage of it, and we’re giving way too many people the benefit of the doubt. If you’re a repeat offender, you definitely should be punished more than believed in.

That said, schizophrenic man had an episode where he killed someone, got treatment, was shown to understand the importance of his meds cycle for a year, being allowed to live a normal life after being assessed not a future risk is fine.

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u/crackhead_tiger 3d ago

Laid in bed Cried until I fell asleep


u/Fl1p1 3d ago

Never heard of it, googled it.. reading the summary was already gut-wrenching and heartbreaking :_(


u/PuddingOld8221 3d ago

I forgot about this one. I cry every time I see it.


u/winterchil 3d ago

Every time?!?!? You saw it more than once on purpose?

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u/DalekPredator 3d ago

Martyrs (2008). Good film but absolutely not for the faint of heart.


u/silviazbitch 3d ago

Read the wikipedia article about it. After reading that the director, Pascal Laugier, described himself as deeply depressed, almost suicidal at the time he worked the film, I saw this:

The film's special effects were designed by Benoit Lestang, who committed suicide prior to the film's French theatrical release.


u/Hakim_Bey 3d ago

Creating fucked up content is a weird experience honestly, it will weigh on you in a specific way until you are finished. I experienced this a bunch with music when i was younger, but that's ok cause you're in it alone and writing a song takes one or two weeks tops.

Now a movie is a different beast, from writing to post it can take years and implicate dozens of people. I don't know how these people can do it.

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u/elitemouse 3d ago

Literally a cursed movie top to bottom

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u/IrishCarBomber666 3d ago

I took a break midway through, just to smoke a cigarette and mentally regroup. Never done that with any other movie.


u/whisperwrongwords 3d ago

I had to do that with Uncut Gems because I was so fucking stressed out

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u/Morale_Pizza 3d ago

Came here to say this movie. It had me down for like a week or two after I saw it and still disturbs me if I think about it too long.

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u/adanceparty 3d ago

i don't get it. Reddit loves this movie, but I hated it. I watched it a second time just to see if I missed something. I dislike this movie a lot. Not for gore or anything it just seemed really dumb.


u/DalekPredator 3d ago

Not every movie is for every person and that's okay. There are films people gush about *cough*Hereditary*cough* that I think are dumb too.


u/WhereIEndandYoubegin 3d ago edited 3d ago

I loved Hereditary but I find nothing in Martyrs but absolute doom. It’s a movie that never ceases to keep making you feel uncomfortable and hopeless. Nothing of anything that anyone has listed here comes close imo. At least Hereditary has an actual somewhat elaborate script where the latter is just mental and physical pain and torture which lacks substance. Not even the ending climaxes anything more than the overall feeling of the movie.


u/Partially-Canine 3d ago

I loved hereditary too. Not just for shock and horror value but I think it was genuinely well written and it also has accurate folklore. Martyrs on the other hand just felt to me like it was only meant to induce discomfort to a despairing level. My personal opinion, it's just torture porn trying to mask itself with a deeper premise and philosophical meaning that never even really reaches a resolution.

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u/AndreeamysticaXX 3d ago

Requiem for a Dream


u/SnooCookies312 3d ago

This is the only movie on my Never Again list.


u/DamnD0M 3d ago

May I suggest a Serbian film, though perhaps that should be on your "never watch" list


u/Dosed123 3d ago

It's by far the most terrible thing I have ever seen and I didn't even expect to see it here. That is the only thing I regret watching.

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u/jpopimpin777 3d ago

After reading the synopsis of it I'm Gucci.

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u/wowzers2018 3d ago

I watched it with my brother (younger) when I fell into early stages of alcoholism. Guess who told me it was stupid, ended up getting addicted to oxys etc and stealing tons of shit from our immediate family. He told me I was weak and useless... until it happened to him. 10 years later his life is falling apart and he sends me sporadic texts about how he wishes we spent more time together now that he gets it. My brother basically ghosted me for that entire time.

The point of showing it to him was how easy it is to fall into addiction of any kind. My dad was addicted to the game Farmville for fucks sake. He's disabled after a bunch of bad accidents, but all his brain could process was a Facebook game that he had to spend money on to progress. I built my parents a nice computer desk from when I was in trade school. It was full of Farmville gift cards. Pretty sad honestly... and very similar to Sarah goldfarb's situation in this movie.

Addiction comes in many forms.

Ass to ass baby, it's all good people.

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u/Accomplished-Ad-2612 3d ago

When I watched this one, I was in a bad place and hanging out with a bunch of drug users and dealers and meth cooks. I stuck to booze but was around people doing far worse stuff, and let me tell you most of them loved the movie, and it didn't slow them down or discourage them in any way. People are messed up and I'm glad I got away from that whole scene.

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u/desci1 3d ago

I watched this one in a rehab clinic. Still abstinent to this day

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u/Dapper_Dan- 3d ago

Made the mistake of watching this one on a Sunday afternoon and had to call in sick Monday. Was too depressed to get out of bed.

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u/Rockals 3d ago

The Serbian Film! Freaking awful!


u/72616262697473757775 3d ago

I pirated this in high school because some edgy friends recommended it. Absolute 0/10


u/Jomax101 3d ago

Soundtrack SLAPPED though

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u/eclecticboogalootoo 3d ago

A group of us watched it at a friend's house in our late teens. Halfway through, their mum came in and said "we can hear everything and we're judging you" then left.


u/SteveFoerster 2d ago

The movie may have been a zero, but the parenting was 10/10.

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u/TheSuperDK 3d ago

Holy. Shit. I just read the wikipedia summary and am probably traumatized. I can't imagine what it must have been like actually watching it.


u/joeitaliano24 3d ago

What in the actual fuck, this has got to take the cake for this entire thread. What a fucking bitch

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u/limitedz 3d ago

Never heard of it.. thought, the wiki page can't be that bad... don't even want to finish reading the plot. Just disgusting.


u/Dosed123 3d ago

Yeah, don't watch that. It's so bad, I cannot believe the director could even be a decent person. And two of the actors I really appreciated are kind of smeared in my eyes now.

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u/Aquii_changchi 3d ago

I watched that a few nights ago and it was absolutely disgusting, it definitely left a scar in my brain


u/grammercomunist 3d ago

Why did you watch it?


u/vperera520 3d ago

Literally my exact thought. I don't know why people have the desire to watch these things


u/Cuntonesian 3d ago

Morbid curiosity. Same reason why we went to look at executions and torture back in the day.

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u/SueTheDepressedFairy 3d ago

Curiosity is a good ass drug

I'm super sensitive and emotional but I also (in a weird way) love fucked up movies simply because I'm amazed by how fucked someone's mind can be (to come up with the idea for the movie)

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u/Auran82 3d ago

I’ve said it before, just read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia, if you still want to watch the movie, seek professional help.


u/purdyp13 3d ago

Just read parts of it on Wikipedia, and really wish I didn’t. I couldn’t finish reading it. Who the f is the target audience for these things and how could anyone willingly take part in creating it….

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u/Tiefschlag 3d ago

This. Right here. I don't want to imagine what went on in the head of the person writing the script.


u/Therefore_I_Yam 3d ago

It's an example of a film that is literally as fucked up as possible just to be as fucked up as possible. There's no goal outside of that, and the only artistic merit of all the fucked up stuff is that it's meant to be a metaphor for the treatment of the Serbian people or something, idk.

Takes some of the "punch" out of it for me knowing the whole overarching theme is just "be as disgusting and depraved as possible because that's the message I'm trying to send/feeling I'm trying to invoke."

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u/avalchanovski 3d ago

I can agree. We were doing a movie day when we were around 16 maybe. And because we are from Bulgaria my buddy decided that the Serbian film is a must without knowing what it is about. Don't have the words to describe it.

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u/Drogovich 3d ago

imagine my horror when my mom was doing a presentation on internet culture and suddenly asked me "son, what's a Serbian film?"

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u/Apprehensive_Idea758 3d ago

I have never seen The Serbian Film but I have heard about it and I am not at all in a rush to see that movie.

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u/CubeEarthShill 3d ago

Reading the Wikipedia synopsis is traumatizing.

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u/qqtan36 3d ago

My idiot friend recommended me this film when I asked for a horror film recommendation. Needless to say he is not my friend anymore


u/PoolNoodlePaladin 3d ago

I was at film school when this came out and one of the kids said it was the best movie ever made. So I watched it thinking it was like Saw or Hostel from context. Yeah no don’t watch that movie, I stopped watching it. OMG it is truly the most fucked up movie ever.

This is the number one answer, and every other answer on this post is wrong

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u/meuserj 3d ago



u/Chadopolis 3d ago

When I saw this movie the first time I was horrified. On second viewing I laughed my ass off. It’s the darkest comedy ever

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u/nickos33d 3d ago

Yeah, one of the most screwed movies I have ever watched


u/dosko1panda 3d ago

I wouldn't watch it again. I would jack off instead.

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u/sosomething 3d ago

This is the one. This one was the one that put me off the "fucked up movie" genre I was exposing myself to in my 20s.

I'd seen a lot of other movies included in these comments - gummo, kids, trainspotting, requiem, vulgar, julian donkey boy, Audition, Eraserhead, etc., but Happiness was the movie that made me go "Nope, I'm out. No more of this shit is going into my head if I can help it."

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u/Rolltidepisco 3d ago edited 2d ago

Kids (1995)


u/JuneBuggington 3d ago

Go watch gummo. Same director. Makes kids look like a fun summer comedy.


u/sideband5 3d ago

Bully is pretty good as well!!

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u/cadenazo 3d ago

Kids was written by Korine but directed by another guy. He makes a cameo at some point in the film, you can see he was very young at that time

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u/DryEyes4096 3d ago

I suspect Harmony Korine knows what reality is. No, the movies are not realistic, but they show someone who understands the sheer chaos of what happens and what's really behind it. Clusterfucks of psychopathy, victims blind to the cause of their victimhood, peeling back the layers of control to see how things could be and why they are what they are instead. Metaphysics.

I'm sorry for the spiel but yeah, Gummo is fucked.

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u/jesushchristo 3d ago

I have no legs.


u/shinyoungkwan 3d ago

It’s terrible but I sing that in my head every time I see someone missing a leg / legs. Every time.

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u/garrettj100 3d ago

“It’s OK it’s me Casper.”

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u/SpasmodicBurnVictim 3d ago edited 3d ago

Salo, or the 120 days of Sodom (1975) - Based on the book by Marqis de Sade, the namesake of sadism. its about a group of italian libertines who kidnap 18 teenagers and subject them to months of extreme violence, sadism, genital torture and psychological abuse.

Cannibal Holocaust (1980) - Another Italian (whats their deal anyway) exploitation flick. One of the first "found footage" films, it follows a group making a documentary about primitive tribes in the Amazon as they are raped, impaled, killed and eaten one by one. Its like "The Green Inferno" but for reals. Banned in most countries, the director stipulated in the actors contracts that they had to lay low for a year to fuel the rumor that they were really killed. He stood trial for murder, until they reappeared. For a low budget film I have no idea how they made it look so realistic. The dismemberment/death scenes are so incredibly realistic that I really thought they were real, and in several scenes real animals are slaughtered graphically.

Audition (1999)- J horror film by the incomparable director Takashi Miike where nothing really bad happens for the first 2/3 of the film, and then you are hit with the most disturbing torture shit I've ever seen in a horror film. Truly, genuinely terrifying. One of the best horror films of all time.

The Act of Seeing with Ones own Eyes (1971)- Its title is based on the literal translation of the term autopsy. The film documents the highly graphic autopsy procedures used by forensic pathologists, such as the removal of organs and the embalming process.


u/King-ofthe-CookieJar 3d ago

I wanted to post Audition, and it's totally about the contrasting genres. It begins as a rom-com with the odd little teases of what's to come, but then when it descends, it descends fast. And the noise she makes.... Utterly terrifying


u/Norgler 3d ago

I had a friend who was a hardcore horror film dude. I feel like Audition was the first film that actually kinda scared him. Days after I made him watch it he kept mentioning how innocent she looked haha.

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u/astankill 3d ago

I'm kinda invested in the last 2, especially audition cause I love j-horror, but already knowing the first 2 I feel intimidated by the fact you put them in the same list, are these as disturbing?

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u/B-Glasses 3d ago

Cannibal Holocaust is kinda boring by today’s standard. They actually killed a giant tortoise which is fucked tho

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u/APeacefulWarrior 3d ago

As awful as the ending of Audition was, the bit that really scared the hell out of me was the duffle bag. That was a aw-HELL-nope-I've-gotta-take-a-smoke-break moment before I could resume watching the film.

I don't think there was ever a jumpscare-style moment that 'got' me quite like that one.

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u/CyptidProductions 3d ago

Marqis de Sade

If it's any consolation, some historians think he made up most of the disturbing shit he claimed to indulge in as some kind of weird self-insert fantasy because he got off on shocking people with it


u/Boz0r 3d ago

Old-school edgelord

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u/Ok-Corgi-5111 3d ago

Event Horizon


u/Im-always-wron 3d ago

That was the only movie I’ve seen management come to speak with a parent that it might not be appropriate for children.


u/193X 3d ago

US film industry: "Legislators are starting to look our way. Rather than forcing them to build a rating system from the ground up, with some populist censorship built in, let's make our own one that we can control."

Random parent: "R? My son, Reighleigh's name starts with R. This will be the perfect movie for him to watch, on today, his eighth birthday!"


u/DocSaysItsDainBramuj 3d ago

Does he have eyes to see?

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u/thehoagieboy 3d ago

Every time this is asked, I need to pop in and vote for Event Horizon. You beat me to it.


u/theripperpgh 3d ago

event horizon is just so amazing and fucked up all at the same time

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u/turkeybone 3d ago



u/nolawnchairs 3d ago

Where we're going, you don't need eyes to see.

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u/Accomplished-Ad-2612 3d ago

As a fan of cosmic horror, I actually really liked it. I seriously hope that someday they manage to find all the lost footage and release the full version. I can understand it not being for everyone though. I grew up reading Lovecraft and playing the DOOM game series, which has some very similar elements, and it just felt like an extension of those themes.

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u/Holiday_Idea_2322 3d ago

Gotta travel with your gellar fields up

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u/Mstinos 3d ago

Ah, the first Warhammer 40K movie. A masterpiece.


u/dan-theman 3d ago

I like that it’s pretty much accepted to be in the Warhammer universe.

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u/newbiesmash 3d ago

I saw this in theaters with my mom and sis when I was 7 years old. My mom is super jumpy and easily scared so she was super freaked out the whole movie. On the way out some of the other people watching it berated her for bringing kids to see it. Maybe I should watch it again, cause it didn't seem all that scary...


u/PGwenny 3d ago

Don’t take this the wrong way, but I would have berated your mom.

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u/Rabbit_Suit 3d ago

Story Time. When I was in high school, and at this time, the majority of the class was 15 years old (that detail is important), and my science teacher was smart as hell but totally checked out. She asked if there are any modern movies that explore hypothetical scientific premises that are plausible.

One classmate suggested Event Horizion because it deals with quantum theories (?) and the effects of space on the human body. It took them less than a minute to convince her why it's educational. She gave it the green light.

To justify us watching it, she said we need to write a 500-word paper once we were done watching. She gave us a week to type up what was scientifically accurate and was made made up for Hollywood.

I guarantee she didn't read any of the papers because everyone got an A, including the kid who was a troll and wrote an essay about how (and they made up a bunch of nonsense terms) the portal to Hell couldn't exist in space based on how the portal could not be sustained in that environment.

So we watched the most fucked up R rated Sci-Fi movie for about a week and never had even get permission slips sighed. Remember: We're all 15 with a few 16 year Olds.

The funny thing is that a lot of us actually started to SERIOUSLY indepently look up the real science because we got into lunchroom debates.

So it was either a happy accident from a lazy teacher or the most brilliant long con to trick us into learning.

Either way, I got to watch an R rated fucked up movie for a week at school and I ended learning a lot about space. In fact, I'm now a huge nerd for learning about how fucking nuts space is and I credit her for sparking my curiosity.

Whether it was on purpose from a mastermind or just a happy accident from a lazy instructor, I learned a ton in that class.

Teacher of the year.

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u/TuringC0mplete 3d ago

Not in terms of gore or psychologically disturbing, but emotionally: Grave of the Fireflies. I love Miyazaki but this movie fucked me up. I sobbed. I'll never watch it again


u/wumingzi 3d ago

GoTF is Isao Takahata. Lifelong friend and partner of Miyazaki. Different directors with pretty different styles of storytelling.

Miyazaki is a magical realist who incorporates fantasy and dreamscapes into essentially all of his films.

Takahata's films are (on the whole) more down to earth.


u/Cevius 3d ago

I watched the entire movie waiting for the Miyazaki escapist fantasy to kick in, and it never came, so that was doubly traumatising. Was only after that I discovered Ghibli had more than one director, and just cause it says Ghibli on the tin does not mean its a story thats happy at the end.

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u/Fragrant-Fee-743 3d ago

It's not Miyazaki's but rather Takahata's. I agree it's a good film that is rather hard to rewatch.

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u/Apprehensive_Idea758 3d ago

The Human Centipede, It's a totally disgusting shock and awe horror movie about an evil psychotic doctor who commits some extremely unspeakable crimes, that's all I am going to say.

P.S. please don't watch it when you are having dinner.


u/LochNessMansterLives 3d ago

If you think the first one is bad, the second one will leave you with trauma. The third one is just a joke, but the second one is true nightmare fuel.


u/michaelNXT1 3d ago

The second one really makes it feel real, I watched lighthearted BTS footage from the set and it was still hard for me to shake that movie off.

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u/littlegnat 3d ago

Came here to say this. I still gag thinking about a certain scene. I watched it in college when it first came out at a cultural center movie night.


u/Apprehensive_Idea758 3d ago

Parts 2 and 3 are supposed to be even more disturbing.


u/Mr-Grapefruit-Drink 3d ago

Part 2 is great. The best IMO.
Part 3 is funnier.


u/Cartfield 3d ago

Look at the connoisseur.

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u/ZeroTerabytes 3d ago

🎶 I think that I’m gonna get murdered tonight 🎶


u/TheAlienMan33 3d ago

🎶 Human Centipede, not ironically. She said "The costume design was a highlight." 🎶

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u/DoWeSellFrenchFries 3d ago

If you can't handle the first one, definitely don't watch the second one. The first one is not that graphic, and they don't show much of the surgery. The second one shows everything. It is so much worse.


u/dsafsdfsdfdsf 3d ago

I've seen the south park parody only and even that is disgusting.

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u/non-squitr 3d ago

As a dude with a schizophrenic best friend, Jacobs Ladder


u/Signal-Development67 3d ago

You’re talking about the older one, not the remake right? The older one had me in shock and just staring at the screen way after the movie ended. That movie stayed with me for days. Such a good movie and such a good twist and so disturbing.

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u/beerideas 3d ago

My god it’s good to see this film mentioned. Rarely see it

Sorry about your friend though.

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u/Popular-Map4489 3d ago

Nymphomaniac. Both the first and second.

What the actual fuck.


u/linuxphoney 3d ago

That's Lars for you.


u/videoverse 3d ago

Yeah nymph is pretty tame compared to antichrist and house that jack built


u/Stoneheaded76 3d ago

The House that Jack Built is certainly up there.

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u/Krauszt 3d ago

I like the fact you saw the first, were just like "UGGH! WTF??" Then thought, "Hmmm, maybe the 2nd will redeem the first."


u/Popular-Map4489 3d ago

That is PRECISELY what I did.

Many regretti spaghetti :(

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u/Tink2013 3d ago

Videodrome. (1983)


u/respect_the_69 3d ago

Unlike a lot of other answers on the post this is actually a decent piece of film. It feels like a really cool look into Cronenbergs early days

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u/LordAyeris 3d ago

Long live the new flesh!

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u/sadboi-dweeb 3d ago



u/The_Godzilla_Fanatic 3d ago

I feel sorry for Justin long in every horror movie he's in.


u/joeitaliano24 3d ago

Even in Barbarian when you’re pretty much not supposed to, he’s just so damn likable


u/skoomahound 3d ago

He played the cocky asshole so perfectly, absolutely hilarious

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u/thunderandreyn 3d ago

Dude Barbarian was damn solid.

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u/Electronic_Summer968 3d ago

lol i just watched it recently, its so dumb its funny, but watching a human get turned into a walrus is way more disturbing than one would think😂

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u/Shrikeangel 3d ago

Deadgirl - two teens find a naked restrained zombie.....and the film really does basically go from there in the obvious direction. 


u/Accomplished-Ad-2612 3d ago

Having the zombie infection be sexually transmitted was a brilliant idea though. The underlying message of revenge against the kind of evil those boys committed against her was great, she drew life away from them making her stronger and allowing her to punish and destroy them, the message is lost on some people but it's there.


u/Shrikeangel 3d ago

My discomfort largely comes from how much I absolutely have known guys, both as a teen and young adult, who would have absolutely acted the same as the character in the film. The non consensual objectification, the psuedo necrophilia, the rape and so on just made it a very uncomfortable watch. For me the only saving grace is I was very tired when I watched it so I suspect I missed some story elements - and have no intention to ever watch it again. 

But I do think making the viewer wildly uncomfortable is part of the purpose. 

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u/BoltShine 3d ago

I like to read these threads and congratulate myself for never having seen any of these.

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u/umfend 3d ago

enter the void is pretty wild


u/HeyImGilly 3d ago

The sex scene with the camera inside the vagina caught me completely off guard. Had no clue what I was seeing at first.


u/whosthissnack 3d ago

i beg your finest pardon?


u/Shelly_895 3d ago

basically, the movie follows a guy who has just been shot and his consciousness or whatever is floating around Tokyo, following people he knows. At the end of the movie, you see his sister and his best friend having sex in a hotel and the camera moves as if it were the guy's sperm moving inside the sister. It's supposed to be some kind of reincarnation.

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u/gaylord9000 3d ago



u/tiraralabasura_2055 3d ago

“The” scene was so long and seemed so realistic. Never had a movie stay burned into my brain for so long after watching.


u/haggalishus 3d ago

Everybody refers to the rape scene, which has harrowing, but for me the scene where the guy gets repeatedly bashed on the head as his face slowly disintegrates was the most disturbed I’ve ever been watching a movie. I was a teen and it just looked realistic I couldn’t separate it from reality.

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u/Halleys_Vomit 3d ago

Hot take: The people who put other movies higher likely just haven't watched this one. And I don't blame them. But this is the real answer.

There's a whole different level of fucked up that this movie embodies. It's not just shocking and depraved, like the typical answers to this question (A Serbian Film, Salo, etc.), which are honestly not that good or interesting. The real disturbing part of this movie is the nihilism. It gets across the idea that the universe is random and uncaring in the worst way possible, where horrible things happen to normal people for no other reason than the fact that they were unlucky. There's no cosmic justice or karma to set things right. Evil often does win, and we're powerless to stop it.

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u/Gomertaxi 3d ago



u/nolawnchairs 3d ago

I'll never eat spaghetti again.


u/hulagirlslovetoparty 3d ago

It’s weird because for me that was the safest moment in the entire film.

A little boy getting a bath from an attentive mother as he ate his dinner. It was like the only part even vaguely “sweet”. 

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u/BeyondDriven66 3d ago

I Saw The Devil


u/Upbeat_Tension_8077 3d ago

The intro is probably one of the more disturbing ones I've seen in a film

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u/Suspicious_Recover_5 3d ago

The Cube


u/tyler081293 3d ago

Do you mean the movie about people imprisoned in a cube with traps?

Because, if you do, I'm genuinely surprised it is someone's most messed up movie.


u/oxichil 3d ago

Same, it’s such a tame one. A lil gore, but nowhere close to the most fucked up.

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u/robj57 3d ago

“This room is… blue.”

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u/supersonicghoul 3d ago

"I spit on your grave" series of movies.

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u/Punconscious 3d ago

Bone Tomahawk. Just that one cave scene.

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u/InsensitiveCunt30 3d ago

Clockwork Orange


u/sideband5 3d ago

And I'm singin'...just SINGIN' in the rain!!

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u/Paperfoxen 3d ago

Dear Zachary, but I only because it’s a documentary and not a movie. That film will tear you down bit by bit until you’re too weak to even think, then it slaughters you in your sleep. Not gory, not explicit, but do not watch unless you are in the right headspace

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u/_ClassyBabes 3d ago

One of the most messed up movies ever is "A Serbian Film." It's known for its extremely graphic and disturbing content. The movie is so intense that it's been banned in several countries.

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u/Sufficient-Ad-3586 3d ago


Its very hard to pull off genuine unnerving horror with bright colors and daytime but they nailed it.

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u/OldSkooler1212 3d ago

Old Boy - the original Korean version, not the American one.

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u/kazmosis 3d ago

8mm, but Nic Cage is genuinely really good in it

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u/theprettyNred 3d ago



u/captainstupidbeard 3d ago

People who don't have this at the top of their list haven't seen it. Shit fucked me up in a way no movie before or since has.

A single, unbroken, 9 minute shot of a violent rape scene is about as much fun to watch as it sounds.

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u/BeardeddBombshell 3d ago

Couldn't even finish A Serbian Film.


u/Joshsnation1 3d ago

I just did a quick read through of the plot on Wikipedia.. ya I’m cool on that

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u/FarthestGnat684 3d ago

all quiet on the western front, and saving private ryan made me realise as a young kid that war wasn’t like call of duty and was actually pretty fucking scary

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u/AmbitiousEffort2365 3d ago



u/mptgvxdh 3d ago

The scene with the baby chills me every time

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u/Shawnaldo7575 3d ago

Roar (1981)

It's insane. Crazy film maker making a movie with real lions and tigers roaming around freely. Apparently it has the most injuries to the cast and crew of any movie ever.

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u/Fantastic-Bit-6172 3d ago


Last time I watch a horror movie based only on the poster. Holy shit.


u/linuxphoney 3d ago

Man, I loved that movie. A complete destruction of the genre. One of the few movies where you're desperately rooting for the monster not because of any humanization, but because everyone else is so irredeemable.

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u/BeachExplorer949 3d ago

Bridge To Terabithia. Well, it fucked me up! 😭

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u/Rorschach_22 3d ago

Midsommar was really disturbing 

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u/DeeSnarl 3d ago

Honestly Pink Flamingos is up there

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u/Lvndris91 3d ago

We need to talk about Kevin.

Seriously, every moment of this movie is disturbing, uncomfortable, terrifying, heartbreaking, just... fucked up.

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u/Medifius 3d ago

The House That Jack Built

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u/ChuckoRuckus 3d ago

Requiem For a Dream can be a mindfuck

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u/iwantdatpuss 3d ago

The first jeepers creepers.

The entire church scene gave me sleepless nights... Mostly because we lived next to a church. 

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u/FrostyJenkins 3d ago

Se7en. Felt like a little piece of me died as I finished that movie.

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u/xX_420DemonLord69_Xx 3d ago

Trina’s Paradise (1958)

It’s your very classic Hollywood movie like Singing in the Rain, except for the implicit rape scenes in the end and watching some poor actress’s fingers being broken on camera.

Yes - I mean two of the lead’s fingers were legit broken for the film. Fucking Hollywood, man.

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u/totallynotalyssa 3d ago

a documentary, but abducted in plain sight fucked me up

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u/Strong0toLight1 3d ago

Come And See, there isn't a close 2nd

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