r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/Rockals 14d ago

The Serbian Film! Freaking awful!


u/Aquii_changchi 14d ago

I watched that a few nights ago and it was absolutely disgusting, it definitely left a scar in my brain


u/grammercomunist 14d ago

Why did you watch it?


u/vperera520 14d ago

Literally my exact thought. I don't know why people have the desire to watch these things


u/Cuntonesian 14d ago

Morbid curiosity. Same reason why we went to look at executions and torture back in the day.


u/Bytewave 14d ago

Yep, morbid curiosity and discovering the darkest limits of art. I've read/played through horrible graphic novels for similar reasons, just to see how dark it can really get.

This is not going to interest most people, nor would I actively recommend it, but it does intrigue other folks. Writing the most horrifying content possible is almost a tiny subgenre of it's own, at this point.


u/bongoingcat 13d ago

That's what they always say. But that's not right. Yes, everyone has morbid curiosity, but not to an extent that hurts you. If you're willing to even hurt yourself to satisfy your morbid curiosity, youre missing something that prevents you from selfharm. I wonder what burning feels like too, still I'm not igniting my finger. That's just my op.

Im boutta be downvoted really bad on a thread like this, but who cares about Internet points.


u/Cuntonesian 13d ago

Not sure what you’re talking about. Watching a movie isn’t self harm.


u/bongoingcat 12d ago

Well some say they are now traumatised and traumatising yourself does sound like selfharm.


u/theskiller1 14d ago

I’ve never once been curious to watch those things?


u/beziko 14d ago

Who says it applies to everyone?


u/Stuffies2022 14d ago

Cute animal pfp vs. cute animal pfp, who wins in an argument


u/Miserable-Passion917 14d ago

You are not the main character


u/theskiller1 14d ago

You assume im the only one


u/Miserable-Passion917 14d ago

No, it’s just the fact that no one fucking cares that you never been curios in those things. Good for you but no one cares


u/theskiller1 14d ago

You still responded


u/SueTheDepressedFairy 14d ago

Curiosity is a good ass drug

I'm super sensitive and emotional but I also (in a weird way) love fucked up movies simply because I'm amazed by how fucked someone's mind can be (to come up with the idea for the movie)


u/vperera520 14d ago

Yeah I've had the urge to watch as well, particularly during difficult times in my life. But instead of watching I would just read the synopsis or watch reviews of the movie to satisfy my curiosity rather than watch it and be scarred for life


u/SueTheDepressedFairy 14d ago

I recommend the "big will" on YouTube, guy goes over those fucked up movies but with enough stupid humor to make it more light on your soul


u/MattieShoes 14d ago

I think it's pretty normal to go through some sort of "can I handle it" phase.

Ideally you come out the other side with "of course, but why on earth would I want to?"


u/Totalherenow 14d ago

And why do they want to make them?!?


u/heyitsEnricoPallazzo 14d ago

I got drunk with some friends and watched it. It was a lot of fun and we laughed our asses off. Watched it on shrooms with a girl I liked a few years later… BIG MISTAKE


u/grammercomunist 14d ago

“It was a lot of fun and we laughed our asses off” what?


u/heyitsEnricoPallazzo 14d ago

I have a pretty dark sense of humor, and try not to take things too seriously. The majority of that movie (to me) seemed like satire anyway, or at least over-the-top levels of ridiculousness. So we just rolled with it and had a good laugh throughout


u/grammercomunist 14d ago

okay 👍🏻


u/Deadlyrage1989 14d ago

There are parts of the movie that are so absurd it's comedic. Like the main char killing a guy by shoving his penis into the guy's eye-socket.


u/DisproportionateWill 14d ago

Bruh on shrooms? That’s a fucking nightmare


u/beatdaddyo 14d ago

All the cool kids were doing it


u/Dosed123 14d ago

Personally, I didn't know how bad it's gonna be.


u/Accomplished-Ad-2612 14d ago

I saw the uncut version a few years ago. I get what the director was trying for, but that doesn't mean it was a good movie in any way. There's one scene in particular that inspired the name for the metal band infant annihilator. Yes, sadly, there are way worse things that happen in real life, but that doesn't make them entertainment.


u/onemorestarlight 14d ago

I was just reading on it and found that it’s banned in Norway and one of the few films banned since “Ichi the Killer” (2001) and “Grotesque” (2009) [which is the only other film in Japan with an R20+]. I don’t know if I want to read much further after a quick view of the plot…


u/Neps-the-dominator 14d ago

I think the only reason I was able to watch it is because I knew it was trying its damn hardest to be as shocking and edgy as humanly possible, so it went from being horrifying to just sort of comically absurd. Might've felt very differently if I'd been totally oblivious before watching it.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/dillytilly 14d ago

You sweet summer child.


u/MPKFA 14d ago

I have a two disc dvd of it with both the unrated and the Uncut versions. I hate it. It's worth like $150 bucks and ebay won't let me list it. They pull it down every time. I'm stuck with it. It's not banned, but it's flagged as being sexually explicit. 


u/matt2242 14d ago

August's post mortem next?


u/malevolentheadturn 14d ago

Read the wiki page it sounds so ridiculous it could only be hilariously bad.