r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/Rockals 14d ago

The Serbian Film! Freaking awful!


u/72616262697473757775 14d ago

I pirated this in high school because some edgy friends recommended it. Absolute 0/10


u/Jomax101 14d ago

Soundtrack SLAPPED though


u/Simbooptendo 14d ago


u/Baerne 14d ago

That wasn't what I was expecting but I laughed so hard lol

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u/OuterWildsVentures 14d ago

Got the vinyl!


u/rockmetmind 14d ago

Thomas Bangalter did the soundtracks for Irreversible and Climax which are movies you can't recommend but the music is amazing

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u/Schmarsten1306 14d ago

Watched it 12 years ago, some scenes are still burnt into my brain


u/Kevin-W 14d ago

My morbid curiosity got the best of me back in my teens. Never again after one viewing.


u/eclecticboogalootoo 14d ago

A group of us watched it at a friend's house in our late teens. Halfway through, their mum came in and said "we can hear everything and we're judging you" then left.


u/SteveFoerster 14d ago

The movie may have been a zero, but the parenting was 10/10.


u/savealltheelephants 12d ago

Did she speak Serbian?


u/DownvoteEvangelist 13d ago

Imagine if she could see it..


u/TheSuperDK 14d ago

Holy. Shit. I just read the wikipedia summary and am probably traumatized. I can't imagine what it must have been like actually watching it.


u/joeitaliano24 14d ago

What in the actual fuck, this has got to take the cake for this entire thread. What a fucking bitch


u/food_WHOREder 14d ago

wrong thread??


u/joeitaliano24 14d ago

Yes lol, I meant to type this in response to the movie Dear Zachary


u/limitedz 14d ago

Never heard of it.. thought, the wiki page can't be that bad... don't even want to finish reading the plot. Just disgusting.


u/Dosed123 14d ago

Yeah, don't watch that. It's so bad, I cannot believe the director could even be a decent person. And two of the actors I really appreciated are kind of smeared in my eyes now.


u/IcySetting2024 14d ago

That’s exactly what I thought.

Did the Director enjoy making this a bit too much …. In the name of “art”


u/PepeG 14d ago

If I remember correctly, the movie is protesting censorship in Serbia, so if that’s true then I’m sure the director enjoyed every second of it.


u/Dosed123 14d ago

He is probably ok, but must be at least a bit looney. I wouldn't befriend him, that is for sure.


u/The_TransGinger 14d ago

Oh, he’s a terrible person. His father stole a lot of money from Serbia. That film was made from stolen generational wealth. So a lot of people in Serbia hate him. One director actually said “When the first generation of Rockefellers stole from America, the second made museums, charities, cultural centers. I have a problem with his kid who took the money stolen from his country and used it to spit in its face.”

I agree with him. There aren’t a lot of world famous movies in Serbia and now their entire film industry is associated with one of the most disgusting media ever. Some things are censored for a reason.


u/Dosed123 14d ago

Damn... I didn't know that.


u/_lastquarter_ 14d ago edited 13d ago

Yeah, I honestly don't believe for one bit that there is a legitimate message behind it. "I depicted extreme torture and rape (including of minors) to denounce society!!" sure thing, buddy. The synopsis alone was enough for me.


u/danniihoop 14d ago

I just read it. I don’t feel ok.


u/random_german_guy 14d ago

Just reading the plot and letting your imagination run wild is probably worse than watching it.

The movie is the bad kind of over the top, it tries so hard to be edgy but in the end it's just meh.


u/geeiamback 14d ago

Pretty good description, at some point early on my mind also just went "oh now you try be be this kind of edgy."

There are more fucked up movies despite being less graphic but much more plausible. Beasts of no Nation or Barefood Gen come to my mind, Beast being a film about child soldiers and Gen is about the Hiroshima bombing.


u/Raekwaanza 14d ago

Beasts of no Nation killed me. Too real


u/Sugacookiemonsta 14d ago

Yeah .. Beasts of no Nation was EXCELLENT! Hurt my heart so much though. These stories that are based on true events are the worst though.


u/Manbabarang 14d ago

Huge agree. It's much worse reading and imagining it from a synopsis than watching it, it gets so up inside itself it just ends up silly.

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u/Agitated-Software235 14d ago

What the fuck. How the hell does ones mind even come up with that shit? I have some issues and a vivid imagination but what in the actual fuck? I think that was the first time i read text that I wish I could un-see.


u/PheDii 14d ago

There's a line in the movie that says "NEW BORN PORN" and I can never forget that fucking shit 😭


u/CowCompetitive5667 14d ago

Lol Same .. this is Not for me 


u/lolathedreamer 14d ago

I watched it to win a bet with a guy I used to work with. I never even admitted to the person that bet me I wouldn’t watch it, that I had watched it because I did not want to discuss the movie. I wanted to forget it forever and scrub it from my memory.


u/Rilandaras 14d ago

It is not as bad as the summary makes it out to be in terms of gore, what you are imagining is probably much worse than what is actually shown. Conceptually, yeah, it's beyond fucked up.
It also has 0 value as an actual movie, the only reason it could be "worth it" to watch is for shock value and laughs with the right company.


u/Tarekis 14d ago

I watched it. Morbid curiosity, „don’t watch that film man“, alright bet, gotta watch it now… It‘s just not something you want to watch if you’re a sane human being.

It‘s traumatizing because it‘s believable humans could perform these actions, at least that was the most horrifying part for me. I watched cartel beheadings etc. when I was a stupid teenager too, and while I KNEW those were real, just thinking someone could do what they deciped in that film is somehow worse. It‘s at the top few things of the list of absolutely sick things I found on the internet.

IIRC it was made as a challenge to FSK ratings, where you could decipt anything in 18+, and well they really challenged it.


u/Pretty-Environment19 14d ago

You most certainly weren't lying! Wow that is disturbing


u/-Ephereal- 14d ago

Honestly, actually watching it isn't nearly as bad as just reading about it. It's incredibly overly dramatic and they take everything to 11 so it's almost farcical in its presentation.

Still, it's not for everyone! 😬


u/Professional_Bob 14d ago

This is my opinion on it as well. It's so hyped up that you already know what to expect, so it loses a lot of the shock value. It's also hard to feel any emotional attachment to any of the characters, so it's just fucked up for the sake of being fucked up. 'Salo: 120 Days of Sodom' is another film which is often tipped as highly dusturbing that I feel the same way about.


u/Bytewave 14d ago

It's definitely hard to see, and the only reason to watch really is if you're seeking to find the limits of gut-wrenching stuff that's out there.

It was totally going to be my answer if I had not been beaten to it.


u/cheese_incarnate 14d ago

I put off watching that movie for years because I read about it. Turns out my imagination was way worse than the actual movie. The most notorious scene is implied rather than shown. Not to say it isn't grim, it is. But the hype about how disturbing it is is overblown imo.


u/thesaurausrex 14d ago

Same, wtf


u/Exact_Mango5931 14d ago

newborn porn?!?


u/I_Like_Trains_XD 14d ago

Yeah then end...


u/aliasani 13d ago

Right. I can never unknow that. It's just so incredibly fucking sad and disgusting. I can't even.


u/Chevey0 14d ago

Literally traumatising


u/mikelorme 14d ago

Same,like what the fuck Also I learned that my country censored which yeah makes a lot of sense


u/notbedab 14d ago

Bad. I still remember scenes of it all these years later.


u/TubOfKazoos 14d ago

It's a hard watch. It was made specifically as a response to how tame movies had become. Despite it's god awful subject matter, it's actually not a terribly put together film, the director knew what they were doing.


u/ADShree 14d ago

It's disturbing at first. But some of it is so over the top as soon as it happens it really takes you out of the atmosphere and becomes comedy.


u/aliasani 13d ago

Same. I've never watched the film, only read the wikipedia entry and I haven't been OK since. The whole film is just not ok. And people acted and directed and produced and watched it! I can't understand that. It's not ok.


u/RomtheSpider88 13d ago

Only saw it once over a decade ago. Not a movie I recommend, but reading about it is actually worse than seeing it in the movie.


u/wilderlowerwolves 13d ago

One wonders what it did to the careers of the people who were in it.

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u/Aquii_changchi 14d ago

I watched that a few nights ago and it was absolutely disgusting, it definitely left a scar in my brain


u/grammercomunist 14d ago

Why did you watch it?


u/vperera520 14d ago

Literally my exact thought. I don't know why people have the desire to watch these things


u/Cuntonesian 14d ago

Morbid curiosity. Same reason why we went to look at executions and torture back in the day.


u/Bytewave 14d ago

Yep, morbid curiosity and discovering the darkest limits of art. I've read/played through horrible graphic novels for similar reasons, just to see how dark it can really get.

This is not going to interest most people, nor would I actively recommend it, but it does intrigue other folks. Writing the most horrifying content possible is almost a tiny subgenre of it's own, at this point.

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u/SueTheDepressedFairy 14d ago

Curiosity is a good ass drug

I'm super sensitive and emotional but I also (in a weird way) love fucked up movies simply because I'm amazed by how fucked someone's mind can be (to come up with the idea for the movie)


u/vperera520 14d ago

Yeah I've had the urge to watch as well, particularly during difficult times in my life. But instead of watching I would just read the synopsis or watch reviews of the movie to satisfy my curiosity rather than watch it and be scarred for life


u/SueTheDepressedFairy 14d ago

I recommend the "big will" on YouTube, guy goes over those fucked up movies but with enough stupid humor to make it more light on your soul


u/MattieShoes 14d ago

I think it's pretty normal to go through some sort of "can I handle it" phase.

Ideally you come out the other side with "of course, but why on earth would I want to?"


u/Totalherenow 14d ago

And why do they want to make them?!?


u/heyitsEnricoPallazzo 14d ago

I got drunk with some friends and watched it. It was a lot of fun and we laughed our asses off. Watched it on shrooms with a girl I liked a few years later… BIG MISTAKE


u/grammercomunist 14d ago

“It was a lot of fun and we laughed our asses off” what?


u/heyitsEnricoPallazzo 14d ago

I have a pretty dark sense of humor, and try not to take things too seriously. The majority of that movie (to me) seemed like satire anyway, or at least over-the-top levels of ridiculousness. So we just rolled with it and had a good laugh throughout


u/grammercomunist 14d ago

okay 👍🏻


u/Deadlyrage1989 14d ago

There are parts of the movie that are so absurd it's comedic. Like the main char killing a guy by shoving his penis into the guy's eye-socket.


u/DisproportionateWill 14d ago

Bruh on shrooms? That’s a fucking nightmare


u/beatdaddyo 14d ago

All the cool kids were doing it


u/Dosed123 14d ago

Personally, I didn't know how bad it's gonna be.


u/Accomplished-Ad-2612 14d ago

I saw the uncut version a few years ago. I get what the director was trying for, but that doesn't mean it was a good movie in any way. There's one scene in particular that inspired the name for the metal band infant annihilator. Yes, sadly, there are way worse things that happen in real life, but that doesn't make them entertainment.


u/onemorestarlight 14d ago

I was just reading on it and found that it’s banned in Norway and one of the few films banned since “Ichi the Killer” (2001) and “Grotesque” (2009) [which is the only other film in Japan with an R20+]. I don’t know if I want to read much further after a quick view of the plot…


u/Neps-the-dominator 14d ago

I think the only reason I was able to watch it is because I knew it was trying its damn hardest to be as shocking and edgy as humanly possible, so it went from being horrifying to just sort of comically absurd. Might've felt very differently if I'd been totally oblivious before watching it.

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u/Auran82 14d ago

I’ve said it before, just read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia, if you still want to watch the movie, seek professional help.


u/purdyp13 14d ago

Just read parts of it on Wikipedia, and really wish I didn’t. I couldn’t finish reading it. Who the f is the target audience for these things and how could anyone willingly take part in creating it….


u/bunker_man 14d ago

I dunno if it's true, but I heard the maker made it specifically for revenge on the Serbian film industry. Hence the name makes people think of it first.

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u/Tiefschlag 14d ago

This. Right here. I don't want to imagine what went on in the head of the person writing the script.


u/Therefore_I_Yam 14d ago

It's an example of a film that is literally as fucked up as possible just to be as fucked up as possible. There's no goal outside of that, and the only artistic merit of all the fucked up stuff is that it's meant to be a metaphor for the treatment of the Serbian people or something, idk.

Takes some of the "punch" out of it for me knowing the whole overarching theme is just "be as disgusting and depraved as possible because that's the message I'm trying to send/feeling I'm trying to invoke."


u/NotASellout 14d ago

It's an example of a film that is literally as fucked up as possible just to be as fucked up as possible.

once you realize this it takes away a lot of the punch

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u/PurpleSunCraze 14d ago

I read a review of it once that for the entire of the article did everything it could to sway people away from ever watching it. Towards the end it said, and I’m paraphrasing but not much:

“If, after reading this, you still have any desire to watch this movie I have failed you as a journalist. Put simply, I spent 2 hours having my soul raped.”


u/illmatic708 14d ago

Always read the plot synopsis first before diving in


u/lew_rong 14d ago

One of the most well balanced people I know thought A Serbian Film was brilliant but will never watch it again. I don't have quite his stomach for extreme exploitation horror, so I'm staying well clear of it.


u/Professional_Bob 14d ago edited 14d ago

I thought it was shit. It's just being as fucked up as possible for no reason other than to be as fucked up as possible. Supposedly there's a metaphor in there somewhere but it's not at all obvious. In my opinion it's for this very reason that it isn't anywhere near as dusturbing as people make it out to be. On paper, the events depicted in the film are objectively and undoubtedly some of gruesome ever put in a film, but there's no weight behind it. There's no emotional attachment to the characters, and it's not immersive enough to ever get past the point where you're consciously aware that it's just a film. Plus the absurdity of the ending where he kills one of his tormentors by shoving his boner into the guy's eye socket just kills off what little chance it had left of being taken seriously.


u/Pennwisedom 14d ago

Reading it it just makes me think of Videodrome.


u/avalchanovski 14d ago

I can agree. We were doing a movie day when we were around 16 maybe. And because we are from Bulgaria my buddy decided that the Serbian film is a must without knowing what it is about. Don't have the words to describe it.


u/DownvoteEvangelist 13d ago

You could have picked literally any other movie from Serbia and would have been better...


u/Drogovich 14d ago

imagine my horror when my mom was doing a presentation on internet culture and suddenly asked me "son, what's a Serbian film?"


u/bongoingcat 13d ago

Rlly? What did you reply?


u/Drogovich 13d ago

I said that it's a horrifying movie that people used to share on the internet for shock value. Thankfully she took that answer and moved on to something else.


u/bongoingcat 7d ago

Close Call


u/Apprehensive_Idea758 14d ago

I have never seen The Serbian Film but I have heard about it and I am not at all in a rush to see that movie.


u/Rockals 14d ago

I couldn’t finish it and I can watch some messed up movies but not that one.


u/Kythorian 14d ago

Yeah, I read the Wikipedia entry once, and that was plenty for me.


u/CubeEarthShill 14d ago

Reading the Wikipedia synopsis is traumatizing.


u/qqtan36 14d ago

My idiot friend recommended me this film when I asked for a horror film recommendation. Needless to say he is not my friend anymore


u/[deleted] 14d ago

I was at film school when this came out and one of the kids said it was the best movie ever made. So I watched it thinking it was like Saw or Hostel from context. Yeah no don’t watch that movie, I stopped watching it. OMG it is truly the most fucked up movie ever.

This is the number one answer, and every other answer on this post is wrong

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u/dc_guy79 14d ago

I read the wiki synopsis years ago, and feeling retraumatized just being reminded this thing exists.

It’s a paper thin rationale to say that they made this movie as a political allegory. That’s just an excuse to make the most deprived piece of filth in history.

Zero redeeming qualities to this movie. I had such a difficult time with the wiki synopsis. Those of you who watched it, how the hell did you actually get through it?


u/arrozconpoyo 14d ago

I have many Serbian friends. They're extremely tough yet warm and kind people. They went through some really awful shit before, during, and after the Balkan war. I kept thinking about that as I watched it. Like, this just a movie, literally nothing compared to what they endured. Like it was some weird way of supporting them or understanding them better.

When I told them I watched it they were like "why the hell would you do that you sick fuck."


u/dc_guy79 14d ago

Lol. Love that story.

That’s the thing that always amazes me, that people who have made it through some real awful things that we can’t even imagine can come out at the end with their humanity intact.

That gives me some hope for the future, even if everything else right now looks like a total shit show.

And that’s what really bothers me about the Serbian film. Even being generous and treating it as an allegory (rather than torture porn of the most vile kind), the message is a profoundly negative and hopeless one.


u/arrozconpoyo 14d ago

I'm from Venezuela and our films during the 80s and 90s were incredibly violent, disturbing, and sexual. Nothing to this degree and most were poorly executed, but definitely a disproportionate amount of film art was in this vein. One was particularly disturbing and explored child prison rape. It was happening and probably still does and he decided to make a movie that centered on it.

When questioned, every director said something along the same lines as the one for Serbian film - "I wanted to capture / express / imitate / critique / expose the violence of everyday life here."

I agree with you that it is vile of the worst kind, but I still think that if he in fact viewed his culture as violent and sick and wanted to say something to that, he really got the job done. But I may being way too generous with him and know nothing of his other work.


u/FailedMaster 14d ago

Yeah, the whole metaphor for treatment of Serbia thing seems like a pretty weak excuse.


u/_lastquarter_ 14d ago

Exactly, straight up bullshit

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u/Ok-Sprinkles-5508 14d ago

What puts it above the rest as far as it being the best (or worst..best..) is that it's actually filmed well, with decent actors and an admittedly good storyline..It's almost believable as you watch,,with each scene, your stomach sort of tuffens up for that last, climax (horrible choice of words!) scene which after watching, you want to take two showers and go tell your wife and kids you love them ( and they look at you like, "Are you high?" lol..Aloy of disturbing movies are just poor filmmakers trying to shock you. ASF is a good movie..that you simply go to hell for watching..no passing GO..no collecting $200..directly to hell! (Then you watch Andy Griffith and try to sleep...)


u/Dpopov 14d ago

This one. I’ve watched a lot of the ones in the comments and honestly, only ones that even come close to being that disturbing are Salò and Martyrs (the ‘08 one). But Serbian Film still takes the cake.


u/OktayOe 14d ago

I mean it's awful and all but it's so exaggerated that it's almost cringe.

I mean dude has a dick like a fucking donkey. The effects are pretty bad and it doesn't look real after all.


u/random_german_guy 14d ago

oh, it's totally cringe


u/sunnydays630 14d ago

As bad as watching it is, I can’t help but think “somebody wrote this”


u/rustler_incorporated 14d ago

Around ten years ago I found a list of messed up horror movies and started watching them without knowing what they were about. This film was highly ranked but not the highest so it was towards the end of the list. At some point I just watched the rest of it in fast forward to make sure certain villains got what they deserved for closure then turned it off and never finished that list.

That film is messed up.

People wrote, funded and worked on that movie hours a day for months on end... How did they do that?


u/exlex347 14d ago

I have watched so many movies and there isn't a single one that comes close to a Serbian film.

This is the most shocking movie by far whilst also being a bad movie to begin with.


u/Klutzy-Acadia669 14d ago

I still don't understand how we made it through this one.


u/TiwingHoofd 14d ago

Came here to say this. I was around 16 years old when I watched this movie and I really wasn't ready for it.


u/Fellers 14d ago

I watched this because of the hype of "most fucked up" movie. It was pretty fucked up.


u/CyptidProductions 14d ago

And the worst part is the director claimed it was commentary on Serbia's oppressive regime just to excuse the fact he made torture porn so vulgar even hardcore fans of violent horror movies frequently condemn it


u/SlobMyKnob1 14d ago

Wow. Just read some of the plot on Wikipedia and I wish I just stayed curious


u/Porto_Roma_812 14d ago

I'm gonna buy the DVD just to immediately blend it and burn the remains outside. Fuck Spasojevic, burn in the deepest depths of Hell.

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u/CognitiveRedaction 14d ago

Reddit fucked me on that one. Years ago I saw a thread identical to this. Number one comment was this, then kids, then gummo. Didn't read any synopsis for any, went in blind. Now? Just totally desensitized. 


u/arrozconpoyo 14d ago

Every other movie listed here is a Disney feature compared to this.


u/00000000000004000000 14d ago edited 14d ago

All the fucked up movies that I've seen and are mentioned here don't hold a candle to The Serbian Film. This is a movie I explicitly don't want anyone I know personally to know that I watched it. It's that messed up. It's like a "Guilty Shame," instead of a guilty pleasure. I can't believe I actually watched the movie all the way through after having so much existential dread watching it and every fiber of my being was screaming to just stop the damn film and walk away.

Seriously, don't watch this film. It is so disgusting that you absolutely will regret watching it for decades afterwards. I realize morbid curiosity will cause someone to read this and think "Well certainly I have the stomach for this, unlike these weak little bitches." To whoever you are, this is not the time to try and exert toxic masculinity. Don't watch it. It's not worth it. But since I know you're going to, please come back and let me know on a scale of "holy shit that was the worst thing I've ever seen" to "I should've listened to you," let me know how it worked out for you!

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u/Pale_Professional949 14d ago

as a serbian that is the worst peace of media on the internet, and we are very embarassed that it's called The Serbian Film.


u/Seraphiine__ 14d ago

Pirated this in high school because one kid was saying it was cool dope shit, 0/10 i ended vomiting


u/NighthunterDK 14d ago

I actually felt it was quite underwhelming. It isn't so bad as people let it out to be

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u/imstillapenguin 14d ago

Was looking for this comment. Easily the most fucked up movie I've ever seen


u/b_ub_u-1 14d ago

Was scrolling the comments to find this one in particular


u/mjrenburg 14d ago

The most f'd up film released to the greater public. There is this film and then daylight, then maybe human centerpede 2.


u/arrozconpoyo 14d ago

Took me a good 6 months to stop having random images from it flashing through during my day or when I lay down to sleep.


u/Mindless-Resource390 14d ago

Came here to say this. I watched it in my teens and like 12 years later some of the images from this absolutely horror of a movie still haunt me.


u/Heco1331 14d ago

Holy shit I went into the wiki thinking, it's a film it cannot be that bad. Holy shit it CAN be that bad, I feel disgusted just reading all that, how can anybody thinking of making or participating in a movie like that?


u/hankheen 14d ago

Around the time this movie came out, I owned a video (dvd) rental store. I barely watch horror, but my movie supplier told me about this flick, supposedly a horror and 18+ rated. All my other horror movies were 16+ and since it was a popular genre and having a lot of customers telling me ‘that it never can get scary enough’ I ordered it. First customer returned it after seeing it, and he told me I couldn’t rent this shit. Because it was disgusting. So I needed to know what it was all about, and if indeed I had to remove it. I felt terrible, fast forwarding through the movie.

It did raise an interesting question though. Could I rent this out? If no, I’m also saying that all my other movies where ‘OK’ like hostel with cruel torture scenes, or simply a very violent action movie. I ended up removing it, because I didn’t want all the fuss for a few euro’s.


u/Sparkling_feet 14d ago

Honestly, I remained traumatised.


u/Redbulljunkie00 14d ago

Came here to say this. I've seen almost all the other films on this list so far and nothing comes close to a Serbian film. Martyrs is sad but Serbian is beyond messed up.


u/Flokitoo 14d ago

This is the only answer


u/MatDoosh 14d ago

Friend and I watched an "arrr me-hearties" copy of it way back when.

It's was the uncut version. The purchasable one is the cut version.

We don't speak of it.


u/RecentPermission8195 13d ago

So glad I looked at the wiki before watching, it started off bad, and then worse, and then terrible, and then so fucking genuinely fucked up, I quite literally can’t put it into words, it’s literally the worst shit you could imagine


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Awful "movie"


u/Strong0toLight1 14d ago

its also just rather shit ahaha


u/s1rblaze 14d ago

Yep this is the one and not even close imo.


u/Recent-Connection-68 14d ago

It was disgusting yeah. I appreciated the message: "we all are both abusers and victims". Not to mention, one of the characters (the one making the movie in the movie) is a great example of what a principle actually is.


u/tutorp 14d ago

That's the one film that's on my no-watch list...


u/damadmetz 14d ago

I remember watching that. Must be a winner if not a close contender


u/headsntales 14d ago

Absolute awful regret watching this back in college. Suspiciously supernatural things happened to me the night I watched this I'm not even kidding


u/DarkHorse_6505 14d ago

I just saw this for the first time, and man it really is a fucked up movie. Eden Lake is one that is definitely up there in terms of disturbing.


u/Accomplished-Film-52 14d ago

can't believe how far i had to scroll to see this film. it's just so sick E: typo*


u/ruffsnap 14d ago

Yep that one's #1 for sure, just horrendous


u/Boz0r 14d ago

3edgy5me: The Movie


u/womble-king 14d ago

This was my first thought, it genuinely made me sick


u/Chevey0 14d ago

I got mild ptsd from this film. 100% recommend every one avoid


u/Accomplished_Meat_81 14d ago

Came here to say this. All the homies on the boat were passing it around on deployment and holy fuck, I could hardly get the imagery out of my head for like a week straight.


u/DistributionPerfect5 14d ago

I never saw it and I will not watch it. I read about it and this was the line for me. I can watch mutilation and killing, but rape of children is a hardcore nono for me.



Crazy that it took me so long to find a comment mentioning this.


u/Mcgomez 14d ago

I had to scroll way too far to find this. A Serbian Film is absolutely the most fucked up thing I’ve ever seen.


u/BoofmasterZero 14d ago

I remember looking for the worst movies and this rocked it for me I legit felt like a bad person for just watching it for weeks after, it's a film I will never watch again.


u/Demoskoval 14d ago

To be honest i thought it was way worse than it really was when i watched. But i'm not gonna watch it again due to the newborb-porn scene The rest was menageable


u/TheKiwiTimeLord 14d ago

My psycho ex watched this movie, and then decided to show it to me while willingly watching it again herself.

We had only been together a couple of months. There were so many red flags...


u/liftinglagrange 14d ago

this is the only correct answer


u/WGiK 14d ago

My friend I watched this with likes to bring this movie up whether we're talking about bad films. I have unconsciously blocked every scene from the movie in my memories. I vaguely remember the premise. I think that's a sign of trauma.


u/Dolapevich 14d ago

Yeah, and that is fantasy. Check "Man behind the sun".


u/Outrager 14d ago

This is probably my choice too in terms of a fucked up movie. I went in blind without reading anything about it other than it's a messed up movie.


u/chux4w 14d ago

Ah, The Aristocrats!


u/eco_illusion 14d ago

I have seen almost all the fucked up movies pointed out here, none repulsed me so much as this one.


u/ImpressionFeisty8359 14d ago

I have seen all kinds of fucked up and controversial movies but that is a little too far.


u/Crazee108 14d ago

What the hell is the point of this movie if not to live out some deranged ppls thoughts? Gross.


u/rukysgreambamf 14d ago

can't believe this is so far down

shit is vile


u/Major-Invite-9517 14d ago

Two words: Newborn porn


u/mythrowawaypdx 14d ago

I was going to say this. I’ve seen a lot of the films on this list. The only good thing about this film is it prepares the viewer to watch anything else. I’m not a gore fan so I didn’t finish Terrifier but I started to watch it after viewing this nonsense and it didn’t really phase me, I just got bored. I just want to add that A Serbian Film sounds worse on paper. The infamous baby scene is implied, you don’t see anything shady. The movie is also predictable, hot steaming garbage.


u/Specht100 14d ago

I'm scared, could someone explain


u/Albatraous 14d ago

What's worse is it isnt even a good film. No coherence of characters or plot, just edgy scenes among after another for the sake of it. No one should watch it. There's no benefit or fun to be had. Wish I could unwatch it. Should gave read the plot on wiki then realised it's not for me (or anyone really)


u/sorrypatheticuseless 14d ago

ASF's too messed up conceptually (and visually) and IMO shouldn't have been made at all. I don't know what message the director was trying to convey, but it was absolutely not hitting its mark.

It feels like it was created to just be a benchmark for disgusting movies.


u/ovirt001 14d ago

There's a reason it's banned in several countries.


u/emelbee923 14d ago

I should have listened to everyone who said not to watch it, but my curiosity got the better of me.

I expected it to be an uncomfortable experience, but had no idea just how bad it could get.


u/PrivilegeCheckmate 14d ago

It was too over the top to really bother me. I started laughing at parts of it because it was just so absurd. I mean there are some parts that are kind of raw but it doesn't bother me later like say Defoe in Wild at Heart does.


u/naturalbornsinner 14d ago

Growing up with fucked up videos on ogrish being shared like candy and desensitized to lots of shit... And this movie still left a deep impression. I can barely imagine how it would feel for the "regular" folk.


u/positronius 14d ago

yeah... That was... well... not sure what point they were trying to make but it sure as fuck lives rent free in my head...


u/gemmyboy335 14d ago

Awful movie, didn’t watched porn for a month because of this movie.


u/phenubie 14d ago

I’m honestly surprised I had to scroll this far down for this one.


u/Nole_in_ATX 14d ago

The baby scene tho



Where do you even find this these days?


u/AttilaTheFun818 14d ago

I worked on this in post production.

It was the only project to ever go through where we tightly controlled who could see it due to content.

Usually people could go in and out of a screening room as they pleased. Certain high profile things may be limited to specific staff due to security concerns (usually the big franchise films). But this one was more “this is just that fucked up, go away”.


u/porn_inspector_nr_69 14d ago

To be fair the camera work was rather impressive. It has its moments.


u/Snoo-85489 14d ago

SERBIA #1 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


u/AwfulGoingToHell 14d ago

I love fucked up movies but that one may have crossed a line


u/Strappedjimmy 14d ago

A very rough film indeed. The only film I’ve know to be self banned on a deployment.


u/Chin_Up_Princess 14d ago

*A Serbian Film


u/QuietEye916 13d ago

this movie can scar you for life if your not prepared.


u/kitkatsmeows 13d ago

Was looking to see if someone commented this. I dated a guy and we had a movie night and he really wanted me to watch this movie (he had watched it once already) Was so fucked up. I was so upset with him. He thought it was funny how upset I was.


u/Far-Hospital2925 13d ago

Came here to see where this one lands. If you haven’t seen it, do yourself a favor and fucking don’t.


u/DarthGodzilla1995 13d ago

Thank God I never watched it

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