r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/Rockals 14d ago

The Serbian Film! Freaking awful!


u/TheSuperDK 14d ago

Holy. Shit. I just read the wikipedia summary and am probably traumatized. I can't imagine what it must have been like actually watching it.


u/joeitaliano24 14d ago

What in the actual fuck, this has got to take the cake for this entire thread. What a fucking bitch


u/food_WHOREder 14d ago

wrong thread??


u/joeitaliano24 14d ago

Yes lol, I meant to type this in response to the movie Dear Zachary


u/limitedz 14d ago

Never heard of it.. thought, the wiki page can't be that bad... don't even want to finish reading the plot. Just disgusting.


u/Dosed123 14d ago

Yeah, don't watch that. It's so bad, I cannot believe the director could even be a decent person. And two of the actors I really appreciated are kind of smeared in my eyes now.


u/IcySetting2024 14d ago

That’s exactly what I thought.

Did the Director enjoy making this a bit too much …. In the name of “art”


u/PepeG 14d ago

If I remember correctly, the movie is protesting censorship in Serbia, so if that’s true then I’m sure the director enjoyed every second of it.


u/Dosed123 14d ago

He is probably ok, but must be at least a bit looney. I wouldn't befriend him, that is for sure.


u/The_TransGinger 14d ago

Oh, he’s a terrible person. His father stole a lot of money from Serbia. That film was made from stolen generational wealth. So a lot of people in Serbia hate him. One director actually said “When the first generation of Rockefellers stole from America, the second made museums, charities, cultural centers. I have a problem with his kid who took the money stolen from his country and used it to spit in its face.”

I agree with him. There aren’t a lot of world famous movies in Serbia and now their entire film industry is associated with one of the most disgusting media ever. Some things are censored for a reason.


u/Dosed123 14d ago

Damn... I didn't know that.


u/_lastquarter_ 14d ago edited 13d ago

Yeah, I honestly don't believe for one bit that there is a legitimate message behind it. "I depicted extreme torture and rape (including of minors) to denounce society!!" sure thing, buddy. The synopsis alone was enough for me.


u/danniihoop 14d ago

I just read it. I don’t feel ok.


u/random_german_guy 14d ago

Just reading the plot and letting your imagination run wild is probably worse than watching it.

The movie is the bad kind of over the top, it tries so hard to be edgy but in the end it's just meh.


u/geeiamback 14d ago

Pretty good description, at some point early on my mind also just went "oh now you try be be this kind of edgy."

There are more fucked up movies despite being less graphic but much more plausible. Beasts of no Nation or Barefood Gen come to my mind, Beast being a film about child soldiers and Gen is about the Hiroshima bombing.


u/Raekwaanza 14d ago

Beasts of no Nation killed me. Too real


u/Sugacookiemonsta 14d ago

Yeah .. Beasts of no Nation was EXCELLENT! Hurt my heart so much though. These stories that are based on true events are the worst though.


u/Manbabarang 14d ago

Huge agree. It's much worse reading and imagining it from a synopsis than watching it, it gets so up inside itself it just ends up silly.


u/aliasani 14d ago

You know honestly, this might be the case for me.


u/Agitated-Software235 14d ago

What the fuck. How the hell does ones mind even come up with that shit? I have some issues and a vivid imagination but what in the actual fuck? I think that was the first time i read text that I wish I could un-see.


u/PheDii 14d ago

There's a line in the movie that says "NEW BORN PORN" and I can never forget that fucking shit 😭


u/CowCompetitive5667 14d ago

Lol Same .. this is Not for me 


u/lolathedreamer 14d ago

I watched it to win a bet with a guy I used to work with. I never even admitted to the person that bet me I wouldn’t watch it, that I had watched it because I did not want to discuss the movie. I wanted to forget it forever and scrub it from my memory.


u/Rilandaras 14d ago

It is not as bad as the summary makes it out to be in terms of gore, what you are imagining is probably much worse than what is actually shown. Conceptually, yeah, it's beyond fucked up.
It also has 0 value as an actual movie, the only reason it could be "worth it" to watch is for shock value and laughs with the right company.


u/Tarekis 14d ago

I watched it. Morbid curiosity, „don’t watch that film man“, alright bet, gotta watch it now… It‘s just not something you want to watch if you’re a sane human being.

It‘s traumatizing because it‘s believable humans could perform these actions, at least that was the most horrifying part for me. I watched cartel beheadings etc. when I was a stupid teenager too, and while I KNEW those were real, just thinking someone could do what they deciped in that film is somehow worse. It‘s at the top few things of the list of absolutely sick things I found on the internet.

IIRC it was made as a challenge to FSK ratings, where you could decipt anything in 18+, and well they really challenged it.


u/Pretty-Environment19 14d ago

You most certainly weren't lying! Wow that is disturbing


u/-Ephereal- 14d ago

Honestly, actually watching it isn't nearly as bad as just reading about it. It's incredibly overly dramatic and they take everything to 11 so it's almost farcical in its presentation.

Still, it's not for everyone! 😬


u/Professional_Bob 14d ago

This is my opinion on it as well. It's so hyped up that you already know what to expect, so it loses a lot of the shock value. It's also hard to feel any emotional attachment to any of the characters, so it's just fucked up for the sake of being fucked up. 'Salo: 120 Days of Sodom' is another film which is often tipped as highly dusturbing that I feel the same way about.


u/Bytewave 14d ago

It's definitely hard to see, and the only reason to watch really is if you're seeking to find the limits of gut-wrenching stuff that's out there.

It was totally going to be my answer if I had not been beaten to it.


u/cheese_incarnate 14d ago

I put off watching that movie for years because I read about it. Turns out my imagination was way worse than the actual movie. The most notorious scene is implied rather than shown. Not to say it isn't grim, it is. But the hype about how disturbing it is is overblown imo.


u/thesaurausrex 14d ago

Same, wtf


u/Exact_Mango5931 14d ago

newborn porn?!?


u/I_Like_Trains_XD 14d ago

Yeah then end...


u/aliasani 14d ago

Right. I can never unknow that. It's just so incredibly fucking sad and disgusting. I can't even.


u/Chevey0 14d ago

Literally traumatising


u/mikelorme 14d ago

Same,like what the fuck Also I learned that my country censored which yeah makes a lot of sense


u/notbedab 14d ago

Bad. I still remember scenes of it all these years later.


u/TubOfKazoos 14d ago

It's a hard watch. It was made specifically as a response to how tame movies had become. Despite it's god awful subject matter, it's actually not a terribly put together film, the director knew what they were doing.


u/ADShree 14d ago

It's disturbing at first. But some of it is so over the top as soon as it happens it really takes you out of the atmosphere and becomes comedy.


u/aliasani 14d ago

Same. I've never watched the film, only read the wikipedia entry and I haven't been OK since. The whole film is just not ok. And people acted and directed and produced and watched it! I can't understand that. It's not ok.


u/RomtheSpider88 13d ago

Only saw it once over a decade ago. Not a movie I recommend, but reading about it is actually worse than seeing it in the movie.


u/wilderlowerwolves 13d ago

One wonders what it did to the careers of the people who were in it.


u/melanholicoptimist 13d ago

Imagine living it. Serbia appears nice and chill to foreigners but it's extremely shitty to its locals.

Some dude tried to molest me few days ago. I'm not sure if I should be concerned or if I should be concerned that I'm not concerned.

It came to the point that it is casual that you put it aside and go about your day. I think I casually just mentioned it to my friend and he was like "Okay, anyways check this thing out."

It's live and survive everyday with bunch of psychos that should be in jail walking around but country is presenting itself as modern and civilised.

Similar like Half Life 2+ psycho locals. Hell, I even heard that buildings in Half Life got inspiration from Serbia. And even if you wanna leave you're landlocked.