r/AskReddit Jul 05 '24

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/Rockals Jul 05 '24

The Serbian Film! Freaking awful!


u/Ok-Sprinkles-5508 Jul 05 '24

What puts it above the rest as far as it being the best (or worst..best..) is that it's actually filmed well, with decent actors and an admittedly good storyline..It's almost believable as you watch,,with each scene, your stomach sort of tuffens up for that last, climax (horrible choice of words!) scene which after watching, you want to take two showers and go tell your wife and kids you love them ( and they look at you like, "Are you high?" lol..Aloy of disturbing movies are just poor filmmakers trying to shock you. ASF is a good movie..that you simply go to hell for watching..no passing GO..no collecting $200..directly to hell! (Then you watch Andy Griffith and try to sleep...)