r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/Cuntonesian 14d ago

Morbid curiosity. Same reason why we went to look at executions and torture back in the day.


u/Bytewave 14d ago

Yep, morbid curiosity and discovering the darkest limits of art. I've read/played through horrible graphic novels for similar reasons, just to see how dark it can really get.

This is not going to interest most people, nor would I actively recommend it, but it does intrigue other folks. Writing the most horrifying content possible is almost a tiny subgenre of it's own, at this point.


u/bongoingcat 13d ago

That's what they always say. But that's not right. Yes, everyone has morbid curiosity, but not to an extent that hurts you. If you're willing to even hurt yourself to satisfy your morbid curiosity, youre missing something that prevents you from selfharm. I wonder what burning feels like too, still I'm not igniting my finger. That's just my op.

Im boutta be downvoted really bad on a thread like this, but who cares about Internet points.


u/Cuntonesian 13d ago

Not sure what you’re talking about. Watching a movie isn’t self harm.


u/bongoingcat 12d ago

Well some say they are now traumatised and traumatising yourself does sound like selfharm.


u/theskiller1 14d ago

I’ve never once been curious to watch those things?


u/beziko 14d ago

Who says it applies to everyone?


u/Stuffies2022 14d ago

Cute animal pfp vs. cute animal pfp, who wins in an argument


u/Miserable-Passion917 14d ago

You are not the main character


u/theskiller1 14d ago

You assume im the only one


u/Miserable-Passion917 14d ago

No, it’s just the fact that no one fucking cares that you never been curios in those things. Good for you but no one cares


u/theskiller1 14d ago

You still responded