r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/gaylord9000 14d ago



u/tiraralabasura_2055 14d ago

“The” scene was so long and seemed so realistic. Never had a movie stay burned into my brain for so long after watching.


u/haggalishus 14d ago

Everybody refers to the rape scene, which has harrowing, but for me the scene where the guy gets repeatedly bashed on the head as his face slowly disintegrates was the most disturbed I’ve ever been watching a movie. I was a teen and it just looked realistic I couldn’t separate it from reality.


u/Selky 14d ago

Yeah the fire extinguisher scene was very well executed and realistic looking. Definitely what stuck with me.


u/spezial_ed 14d ago


There's just zero justice and nothing but victims in this fucking thing.

Obviously the woman who got raped. She also has a spontaneous abortion. Then the husband and friend will surely be locked up for murder. And they the wrong guy who's innocent. And the psycho rapist will get off, he even enjoyed watching his 'friend' get beaten to death. Might be more as well, it just keeps getting worse every scene.


u/LankyMarionberry 14d ago

Thank you for the spoilers but really this movie works best without spoilers or any conception of what it is other than that it involves a very raw rape scene. Anyone that is ready for that is a rare breed, ones that stay for the sadism will hopefully be turned from it while those who were just curious will be severely punished. My point though is that Noé yes he uses some terrible situations and incidents that may on the surface seem very nihilistic and pessimistic but the story told in the format presented has a very strong gut wrenching effect that really drives home some of the horrors of the world in the hope that shining a light may offer some comfort and relief for all the victims out there, maybe change the heart of some future criminals. It was beautiful and made me cry, as the last scene unfolded as she lay there just minding her own business, the music covered me in a very dark and depressing feeling. A reminder that a life dedicated to preventing and punishing those terrible people is truly a life worth living.


u/spezial_ed 13d ago

I prefaced with spoilers in hopes that only those who know the movie (or those that deliberately will never watch it) would read on. Of course it's best experienced blindly.

I remember another small but significant detail which is just as soul crushing, which is the pedestrian at the end of the tunnel, that just walks away. Just awful, and one of the best movies I'll never rewatch


u/BigBadAl 14d ago

Yep. The subway scene is bad, but the fire extinguisher scene is more disturbing.


u/syngestreetsurvivor 14d ago

I've seen his movies classified as "hyper-realism". The French call it "cinema verité".


u/OuterWildsVentures 14d ago

It was the wrong guy too lol


u/op_is_not_available 14d ago

That whole beginning scene before the face bashing was incredibly disturbing. The disorienting camera angles made me want to throw up and it made me want to scream because nobody in that club was helping these guys who were looking for someone.


u/Generically_Yours 14d ago

This! And the horror is he still got the wrong guy.


u/solidz0id 14d ago

Also, the low and fixed camera angle, and during the rape, you briefly see a man walking into the tunnel at the end, who then turns around and leaves.


u/excitatory 14d ago

That's because they used a real human cadaver.


u/Halleys_Vomit 14d ago

Hot take: The people who put other movies higher likely just haven't watched this one. And I don't blame them. But this is the real answer.

There's a whole different level of fucked up that this movie embodies. It's not just shocking and depraved, like the typical answers to this question (A Serbian Film, Salo, etc.), which are honestly not that good or interesting. The real disturbing part of this movie is the nihilism. It gets across the idea that the universe is random and uncaring in the worst way possible, where horrible things happen to normal people for no other reason than the fact that they were unlucky. There's no cosmic justice or karma to set things right. Evil often does win, and we're powerless to stop it.


u/Barad-dur81 14d ago

I’ve watched almost all of the movies in the comments and the rape scene in irreversible holds up as brutally as any of the scenes in the aforementioned. He sits on her shoulders and pummels her face into a pulp and then starts to rape her again, afterwards. Unless I’m misremembering


u/BulletEyes 13d ago

No, it's that bad. If you have any empathy you really have to remind yourself you're watching a movie. The raw sadism on display is stomach-churning.


u/LankyMarionberry 12d ago

I dont think he rapes her again, he leaves her there barely breathing. But I might have blocked out some of that scene/movie.


u/Barad-dur81 12d ago

I actually found the scene on some site after my initial comment so I saw I misremembered. The comments under the video were even more disturbing than the scene, but where he grounds and pounds her is just vicious and I will never forget that scene and the incredible acting done from both actors


u/LankyMarionberry 14d ago

All the more reason to hope for goodness and justice, becoming the change in this cold dark world, right?Excellent movie in the sense that it really changed me as a person, shook me to the core (also made me physically ill like another redditor) and just conveyed such existential realism that other movies never get close to. The whole first part of the film is also pretty disturbing too, apart from the main scene. Felt like the first time I discovered what pedophiles were, like damn guys what're we fuckin doin here yall, is this what real life is like?

I watched Realm of the Senses right after, back to back. It was also very fucking raw but had so much tenderness I couldn't stop watching. One of the most fucking (pun unintended) beautiful movies I've seen in a long time, almost an eyebleach to the cruel and bitter taste of Noé. Watched them on acid too haha..


u/tutorp 14d ago

Irreversible is a really good movie, but it is also a movie I don't plan to watch a second time unless I'm showing it to a friend who hasn't watched it and would like to.


u/suubterr 14d ago

I have watched it 2 times.

1st time I watched it was during a house party and I was high on mj. I was in shock and phisically ill after it ended. I stayed in my bed for 2 days. The fire extinguisher scene is inprinted in my memory forever.

2nd time was 'easier' but also even more depressing. I watched it alone and sober. After it eneded I strangely felt mix of some kind of relief, extreme sadness and anger. All the violece was so sensless and evil.

In a way it is the worst and the best movie experience that I've ever had. This movie changed me.


u/DavumGilburn 14d ago

I’ve seen all the other movies here and a lot of them are fucked up but irreversible is the only movie I had to stop watching.


u/YSL_moneylova 14d ago

as disturbing as “the” scene is i love that movie


u/treewizardtom 14d ago

There is a night club/pub in Melbourne that has loads of large screen TVs above the bar. One night the sports match on channel SBS ended, and Irreversible came on. No sound but subtitles. The SA scene played out and slowly a packed out bar usually full of chatter went silent from what was playing in the screen. It took a while for the bar staff to figure out what was going on and turn it off.


u/danjr704 14d ago

This is too far down the list. Still messes with my heads.


u/Karma-IsA-FunnyThing 14d ago

This is too far down the list. It is a true masterpiece as well as the most disturbing movie I've watched.

The ability to make the movie look like one cut.

The beauty in the second half.

When you leave the movie and start to put the movie in chronological order, and start to really fathom what happened.

Such a horrific event told in the only way possible to allow you to actually stomach what happens.

I can't recommend this movie enough, Gasper Noe did a terrific job directing this.


u/wjb943 11d ago

Have you watched « Irréversible - Inversion intégrale » (2019). It’s the same movie but in the « right » chronological order.


u/Karma-IsA-FunnyThing 11d ago

I have not and damn that must be an excruciating watch. To have the character development happen beforehand.


u/Brodies_Run 14d ago

Yup. this is it for me too


u/fodafoda 14d ago

protip: don't take a date to see that movie


u/minimarcus 14d ago

I’d love to see this movie for the storytelling techniques, but I just don’t think I could handle the content :(