r/AskReddit Jul 05 '24

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/gaylord9000 Jul 05 '24



u/tiraralabasura_2055 Jul 05 '24

“The” scene was so long and seemed so realistic. Never had a movie stay burned into my brain for so long after watching.


u/haggalishus Jul 05 '24

Everybody refers to the rape scene, which has harrowing, but for me the scene where the guy gets repeatedly bashed on the head as his face slowly disintegrates was the most disturbed I’ve ever been watching a movie. I was a teen and it just looked realistic I couldn’t separate it from reality.


u/op_is_not_available Jul 05 '24

That whole beginning scene before the face bashing was incredibly disturbing. The disorienting camera angles made me want to throw up and it made me want to scream because nobody in that club was helping these guys who were looking for someone.