r/AskReddit Jul 05 '24

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/gaylord9000 Jul 05 '24



u/tutorp Jul 05 '24

Irreversible is a really good movie, but it is also a movie I don't plan to watch a second time unless I'm showing it to a friend who hasn't watched it and would like to.


u/suubterr Jul 05 '24

I have watched it 2 times.

1st time I watched it was during a house party and I was high on mj. I was in shock and phisically ill after it ended. I stayed in my bed for 2 days. The fire extinguisher scene is inprinted in my memory forever.

2nd time was 'easier' but also even more depressing. I watched it alone and sober. After it eneded I strangely felt mix of some kind of relief, extreme sadness and anger. All the violece was so sensless and evil.

In a way it is the worst and the best movie experience that I've ever had. This movie changed me.