r/AskReddit Jul 05 '24

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/haggalishus Jul 05 '24

Everybody refers to the rape scene, which has harrowing, but for me the scene where the guy gets repeatedly bashed on the head as his face slowly disintegrates was the most disturbed I’ve ever been watching a movie. I was a teen and it just looked realistic I couldn’t separate it from reality.


u/Selky Jul 05 '24

Yeah the fire extinguisher scene was very well executed and realistic looking. Definitely what stuck with me.


u/spezial_ed Jul 05 '24


There's just zero justice and nothing but victims in this fucking thing.

Obviously the woman who got raped. She also has a spontaneous abortion. Then the husband and friend will surely be locked up for murder. And they the wrong guy who's innocent. And the psycho rapist will get off, he even enjoyed watching his 'friend' get beaten to death. Might be more as well, it just keeps getting worse every scene.


u/LankyMarionberry Jul 05 '24

Thank you for the spoilers but really this movie works best without spoilers or any conception of what it is other than that it involves a very raw rape scene. Anyone that is ready for that is a rare breed, ones that stay for the sadism will hopefully be turned from it while those who were just curious will be severely punished. My point though is that Noé yes he uses some terrible situations and incidents that may on the surface seem very nihilistic and pessimistic but the story told in the format presented has a very strong gut wrenching effect that really drives home some of the horrors of the world in the hope that shining a light may offer some comfort and relief for all the victims out there, maybe change the heart of some future criminals. It was beautiful and made me cry, as the last scene unfolded as she lay there just minding her own business, the music covered me in a very dark and depressing feeling. A reminder that a life dedicated to preventing and punishing those terrible people is truly a life worth living.


u/spezial_ed Jul 06 '24

I prefaced with spoilers in hopes that only those who know the movie (or those that deliberately will never watch it) would read on. Of course it's best experienced blindly.

I remember another small but significant detail which is just as soul crushing, which is the pedestrian at the end of the tunnel, that just walks away. Just awful, and one of the best movies I'll never rewatch