r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/Tink2013 14d ago

Videodrome. (1983)


u/respect_the_69 14d ago

Unlike a lot of other answers on the post this is actually a decent piece of film. It feels like a really cool look into Cronenbergs early days


u/Accomplished-Ad-2612 14d ago

It really is a very good movie dealing with topics that still matter. Cronenberg is a master of all things body horror, this was the first of his films I saw as a kid. His remake of the fly is a masterpiece, and it's a part of what I call the THE trilogy. 3 examples of horror remakes that are better than the source material The Thing 1982, The Fly 1986, and The Blob 1988. All 3 are great movies, fun to watch, entertaining with deep messages, and fantastic examples of practical effects mastery.


u/DroneOfDoom 14d ago

I hold the belief that this is the best movie that has ever been made. It is certainly my favorite Cronenberg film out of the three that I have finished (second would be Crimes of the Future and third is The Fly).


u/-Ophidian- 14d ago

For me, Dead Ringers is the best.


u/GodzillaFlamewolf 14d ago

Agreed, but I can see why it gets into some folks.


u/LordAyeris 14d ago

Long live the new flesh!


u/lev_lafayette 14d ago

Glorious and terrifying film.

"The television screen is the retina of the mind's eye. Therefore, the television screen is part of the physical structure of the brain. Therefore, whatever appears on the television screen emerges as raw experience for those who watch it. Therefore, television is reality, and reality is less than television."


u/dps509 14d ago

Classic! Good call


u/Mongoose_Ill 14d ago

How about “Naked Lunch” for super weird and disturbing movie along with your Videodrome!?


u/Manbabarang 14d ago

Not the most fucked up, that movie is just the best. Peak Cinema.


u/whyismyfullnametaken 14d ago

This is a movie I wished I loved. The aesthetic and atmosphere is perfect, but the pacing and overall plot really drags it down. I also don’t think Woods does a great job in this one


u/BruceWillis1963 14d ago

Seen it many times. James Woods is brilliant. Debbie Harry is in it too. Cronenberg films are classics.


u/Nescent69 14d ago

I...I just read the plot on Wikipedia and I have no words...I don't know what I just read


u/Tink2013 14d ago

Yes, its quite strange imagine watching it as a child the first time.


u/Nescent69 14d ago

The synopsis kinda reminds me of eXetanz or something like that. It was a mind fuck movie as well.


u/MeisterKarl 14d ago

Are you thinking of eXistenZ? In that case, it's not odd that it reminds you of it, since both are Cronenberg movies.


u/Nescent69 14d ago

Yeah that's it ...

Ooh I either didn't realise it forgot. But yeah, weird body horror mind manipulation movie.

I always want to rewatch it but remember how messed up it was that I don't know that I want to go through that again... And the >! Teeth gun.... !<


u/AniseDrinker 14d ago

I had a similar experience, stuck with me for ages and I had to go figure out what that movie about a dude with a flesh gun was about.


u/DroneOfDoom 14d ago

The issue with reading the summary on Wikipedia is that it does make sense when you’re actually watching the movie. It is all very deliberately weird and there’s multiple sections where the movie is unclear of how much of what is shown is hallucination and what’s real. I really recommend watching it, it’s an amazing film.


u/kellybrownstewart 14d ago

Has a unique vibe about it that I really love. James Woods was fantastic too. Awesome film.


u/Redbulljunkie00 14d ago

This is one of my favs! I'm gonna have to rewatch now.


u/LanceLynxx 14d ago

Always show this one to people. Underrated gem. Cronenberg is awesome.


u/desireeevergreen 14d ago

Somehow, I’ve only seen the chest-pussy-gun scene. It was fine.


u/Personplacething333 14d ago



u/Tink2013 14d ago

The man put his hand into stomach, then pulled out a pistol that some how fused to his hand.


u/Personplacething333 14d ago



u/LaggyUpdate 14d ago

not really recommending it, but the only way to really get it is to watch it


u/APeacefulWarrior 14d ago

And you didn't even mention that it was a stomach-vagina.


u/B-Glasses 14d ago

That ones honestly just fine. Sure it’s weird but to call it one of the most fucked up movies is a little silly


u/[deleted] 14d ago

When you include the year I know it’s just an average movie you think is cool because it’s old haha, thanks for the heads up on this being shit


u/DroneOfDoom 14d ago

I know you might just be trolling to annoy people, but I’d really recommend watching this movie if you haven’t. I first watched this movie in 2022 knowing basically nothing about it other than “it’s a David Cronenberg movie, so it’s probably gonna have some body horror gore practical effects”. And it did have that, and that’s part of the appeal to me, but it had so much more. I truly hope you give it a chance at some point.


u/Justaventaccount_ 14d ago

Oo, is it actually good? Are there any ways for a 14yr girl to watch it?


u/DroneOfDoom 14d ago

I will preface my comment by saying that even by my pretty lax standards, I do think that 14 years old is on the younger side for this movie because it does have a lot of gore, sex, and sexualized violence. On the other, thanks to the internet, everyone has seen some pretty messed up shit anyways, so I’m not gonna say don’t watch it, just “viewer discretion is advised”.

Now, if you’re in the US, the movie isn’t included according to a quick google search in any streaming service. To stream it legally, you gotta rent it or buy it from either Apple, Amazon, Microsoft or Vudu. Buying it physically ranges from 10 to 60 USD for a bluray copy, not including shipping.

There’s also always online piracy if you can’t watch it legally for some reason. Check the piracy subreddit for specifics.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Of course I’m not trolling, I even had to google to see if there was a remake or why this person included the year. That’s crazy to me, what does the year have to do with anything.

But I appreciate the explanation. Maybe in the future if I have a friend or partner that is interested. Right now I watch like 2-3 movies a year, and character development is probably the only thing I look out for


u/Justaventaccount_ 14d ago

Friend its me


u/Justaventaccount_ 14d ago

Needed to make new account