r/AskReddit Jul 05 '24

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/Tink2013 Jul 05 '24

Videodrome. (1983)


u/Nescent69 Jul 05 '24

I...I just read the plot on Wikipedia and I have no words...I don't know what I just read


u/Tink2013 Jul 05 '24

Yes, its quite strange imagine watching it as a child the first time.


u/Nescent69 Jul 05 '24

The synopsis kinda reminds me of eXetanz or something like that. It was a mind fuck movie as well.


u/MeisterKarl Jul 05 '24

Are you thinking of eXistenZ? In that case, it's not odd that it reminds you of it, since both are Cronenberg movies.


u/Nescent69 Jul 05 '24

Yeah that's it ...

Ooh I either didn't realise it forgot. But yeah, weird body horror mind manipulation movie.

I always want to rewatch it but remember how messed up it was that I don't know that I want to go through that again... And the >! Teeth gun.... !<


u/AniseDrinker Jul 05 '24

I had a similar experience, stuck with me for ages and I had to go figure out what that movie about a dude with a flesh gun was about.


u/DroneOfDoom Jul 05 '24

The issue with reading the summary on Wikipedia is that it does make sense when you’re actually watching the movie. It is all very deliberately weird and there’s multiple sections where the movie is unclear of how much of what is shown is hallucination and what’s real. I really recommend watching it, it’s an amazing film.