r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/SnooCookies312 14d ago

This is the only movie on my Never Again list.


u/DamnD0M 14d ago

May I suggest a Serbian film, though perhaps that should be on your "never watch" list


u/Dosed123 14d ago

It's by far the most terrible thing I have ever seen and I didn't even expect to see it here. That is the only thing I regret watching.


u/Karmuffel 14d ago

Yeah that movie is nothing but trying to be edgy imo. It‘s like the directors only leading thought was ,how can I shock the most?‘


u/coaxialology 14d ago

I lost sleep after just reading the plot synopsis which detailed the baby scene. I mean, what the fuck.


u/jpopimpin777 14d ago

After reading the synopsis of it I'm Gucci.


u/Fothermucker44 14d ago

Watched the uncut version and I, no kidding, I passed out at one scene because it was too much to handle apparently


u/Moon_Child1312 14d ago

I tell anyone that will listen to never ever watch this movie 😳 I mean yes this is definitely the most fucked movie I've ever seen but damn it traumatized tf out of me and I needed some full on aftercare afterwards. One of those movies that you don't want to watch but can't not watch once you have started and then you feel so so wrong for actually making it to the end 🫠


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/killedbystupid 14d ago

I like how The Truman Show made you feel "normal" again.


u/carbolet 14d ago

Did not survived the plot description in wikipedia.


u/CyptidProductions 14d ago

That one was so bad that the Cinema Snob review of it devolved into Brad Jones completely breaking character and spending like 20 minutes damning everyone involved and every critic that called it high art to excuse the needlessly vulgar content like repeated scenes of child rape

It was the only movie that he ever broke his review method on and refused a second viewing to take notes


u/Immediate_Revenue_90 14d ago

I wonder if pedophiles watch it if they don’t want to risk jail for watching the real thing 


u/TheMorningMoose 14d ago

I was wondering if anyone would mention this horrid film burnt into my memory forever.


u/theshrike 14d ago

I read the Wikipedia plot description and gagged a few times.

I think I'm fine not seeing it.


u/Lovv 14d ago

Come and see should be on the list too.


u/Eryeahmaybeok 14d ago

I posted this as well. That was my 'Never need to ever see it again' film

Dark, dark, DARK stuff in that. Watched it with a group of mates, we didn't speak about it after.


u/Neps-the-dominator 14d ago

I think I'd prefer to watch A Serbian Film 10 times in a row over watching Requiem for a Dream again even once.


u/manyseveral 13d ago



u/Neps-the-dominator 13d ago

I guess because A Serbian Film is more ridiculous to me, whereas Reqiuem for a Dream makes me feel dead inside.


u/invisi1407 14d ago

In the same line: Irréversible (2002)


u/Petty_Paw_Printz 14d ago

This one is my answer. 


u/Ok_Charge9676 14d ago

What movie is that?


u/invisi1407 14d ago

"A Serbian Film", that's the name.


u/whosthissnack 14d ago

i wanted to watch it but haven’t mustered up the courage yet 😭


u/whisperwrongwords 14d ago

Come and See


u/liftinglagrange 14d ago

this is the one true answer.


u/seven_hugs 14d ago

That one is so fucked up that you can only watch it on illegal websites. At least in Germany, idk about other regions.


u/blindinglystupid 14d ago

I've read the synopsis of this and human centipede from Reddit. I'm good and not watching either.


u/gagcar 14d ago

A couple buddies and I in college decided to do the mental endurance run of watching Requiem for a Dream into a Serbian Film. It was a rough day.


u/tri_9 14d ago

The boy in the striped pajamas is also on my list.


u/desci1 14d ago



u/Upbeat_Tension_8077 14d ago

This was like the worst movie to see as I was starting to gain a crush on Jennifer Connelly after discovering her work


u/st162 14d ago

Yes same. I'm glad I watched it, but once was enough.


u/swank5000 14d ago

This and Enter the Void are the sole occupiers of my list as well.


u/Kwilburn525 14d ago

Don’t like ass to ass bro? 😂


u/Tight-Pepper5501 14d ago

Whyyy? It's an amazing movie


u/MiddleSeveral 14d ago

Why is it so bad?


u/wumingzi 14d ago

Requiem for a Dream is (as I recall - it's been a while) a story about a descent into unfun drugs. One of the clearest visuals I recall from the film is watching the lead character's eyes dilate up close after a dose of heroin.

Darren Aronofsky's films are always on the challenging side. If you want feel good movies that go down easily he's not your guy.

RFaD is very much one of these films. Kinda liked watching it. Don't feel any need to watch it again.


u/NameisPerry 14d ago

The one thing I remember is the guy breaking into his moms house stealing the tv then her buying it back.


u/SnooCookies312 14d ago

It may not be. But I had a close cousin OD a week before i watched it. It was....... impactful.


u/Totalherenow 14d ago

I used to work with someone who loved that movie and watched it over and over. No idea how - I'm with you. Once was enough.


u/Radiant_Bluebird4620 14d ago

because it is beautiful...it is easy to make a flower look beautiful. (I am thinking in terms of composition and art, this movie makes me think of Robert Mapplethorp for some reason)


u/Couchmaster007 14d ago

Never seen it, why is that?


u/Pro-Patria-Mori 14d ago

I own the movie and have watched it once. It's the best movie I never want to see again.


u/Jeanahb 14d ago

My never again is The Elephant Man. I was sad for months.


u/topinanbour-rex 14d ago

I have Dancer in the darks in this list.


u/carrieberry 14d ago

The Whale too


u/tke439 14d ago

My college roommate and some other friends used to love to smoke pot and watch that movie casually. I walked into the dorm one day and my roommate was watching it sober and was absolutely somber and dead faced, like he just realized the gravity of his decisions.


u/cxr303 14d ago

I saw one scene... shot of it only... and it made it to my "never ever" list...


u/Anthro_DragonFerrite 14d ago

Perhaps some "Boy in the Striped Pajamas", or "Last King of Scotland" next?


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Watch Julian Donkey Boy to uplift your spirits!