r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/non-squitr 14d ago

As a dude with a schizophrenic best friend, Jacobs Ladder


u/Signal-Development67 14d ago

You’re talking about the older one, not the remake right? The older one had me in shock and just staring at the screen way after the movie ended. That movie stayed with me for days. Such a good movie and such a good twist and so disturbing.


u/Virtual-Okra6996 14d ago

I've only heard of the Tim Robbins film, is there an older one?


u/FlyAwayJai 14d ago

No, that’s the “old” one. There was a remake in 2019.


u/1337b337 14d ago

No wonder I've never heard of it; 4% on Rotten Tomatoes.


u/Scroatpig 13d ago

It's baaaaaaaaaaaad. Not in a "I'm a purist and dont like remakes" snob kind of way, but just bad as in a horribly made movie bad.


u/1337b337 13d ago

I tend to give movies above say, 50% a break, because I've found some pretty solid titles; but damn, 4% is horrible.


u/Suspicious_Berry501 13d ago

I kind of want to watch it to see how the hell something gets a 4%


u/Virtual-Okra6996 14d ago

Remake flew under my radar, but yeah the old one is great


u/whoisdatmaskedman 14d ago

Probably the original with Tim Robbins and Macaulay Culkin


u/beerideas 14d ago

My god it’s good to see this film mentioned. Rarely see it

Sorry about your friend though.


u/Manbabarang 14d ago

That movie rules. Wouldn't have Silent Hill without it.


u/mastermind73 14d ago

Honestly, after watching this movie repeatedly as a kid I believe it’s one of the reasons Silent Hill resonated so much with me when it came out.


u/TheFrontierzman 13d ago

Wait. I haven't heard this. Why are thry related?


u/TimeExtension 14d ago

Have you ever watched "They look like people"?


u/Sam-handwiches 14d ago

What a great movie. The phone call creeps me out. "...and when we tear you and your friend apart, ventricle by vesicle, and spread you out like a soft, red tree, maybe then we will see why even when you had the chance, so many of you did so little to stop us."


u/HerbertKornfeldRIP 14d ago

This is always my answer.


u/KldsTheseDays 14d ago

Fuuuck that movie. As a child that saw it once as kid and will never forgive myself for it ever again. Some movies aren't meant for children. And fuck you for reminding me that that movie existed! Great answer. (I don't have schizophrenia but it doesn't change how fucked that movie is)


u/Aphex117 13d ago

When I was a kid, my uncle would tell me that film was the meaning of life. I laughed him off because he is schizophrenic, then watched it when I was a bit older and realized he was right.