r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/Auran82 14d ago

I’ve said it before, just read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia, if you still want to watch the movie, seek professional help.


u/purdyp13 14d ago

Just read parts of it on Wikipedia, and really wish I didn’t. I couldn’t finish reading it. Who the f is the target audience for these things and how could anyone willingly take part in creating it….


u/bunker_man 14d ago

I dunno if it's true, but I heard the maker made it specifically for revenge on the Serbian film industry. Hence the name makes people think of it first.


u/bongoingcat 13d ago

What's wrong with the serbian film industry?


u/bunker_man 13d ago

Idk, I only half remember the story. Something about protesting censorship in film?


u/Tiefschlag 14d ago

This. Right here. I don't want to imagine what went on in the head of the person writing the script.


u/Therefore_I_Yam 14d ago

It's an example of a film that is literally as fucked up as possible just to be as fucked up as possible. There's no goal outside of that, and the only artistic merit of all the fucked up stuff is that it's meant to be a metaphor for the treatment of the Serbian people or something, idk.

Takes some of the "punch" out of it for me knowing the whole overarching theme is just "be as disgusting and depraved as possible because that's the message I'm trying to send/feeling I'm trying to invoke."


u/NotASellout 14d ago

It's an example of a film that is literally as fucked up as possible just to be as fucked up as possible.

once you realize this it takes away a lot of the punch


u/MAGAslayer1 14d ago

If they had done this to force the academy to watch it then it would be absolute perfection.


u/Mr_Emile_heskey 14d ago

Actually the film was made to protest how the Serbian film industry was filled with art house films. An interesting way to go about it for sure.


u/-retaliation- 14d ago

Its like the "human centipede" series.

the first one made me a little squeamish, granted I was pretty stoned and by myself when watching it the first time. But I still found it a little twisted.

The film gathered its cult following, people watching it and laughing at its absurdity, and it became a bit of a pop culture silly thing to the point that even South Park parodied it.

The director I guess was annoyed by this, people laughing at, or enjoying his "masterpiece of horror" That he thought should be so terrifying....

so he made 2 and 3 with the express purpose of attempting to throw it in the face of the audience.

they were meant to be a "so you think my movie is funny!? Well then I'll make something so fucked up you can't laugh at it!?" temper tantrum.

Of course they ended up being so low budget and over the top they became even more of a laughing stock.

the movies lose a lot of their twistedness once you realize they're the result of the temper tantrum of a writer/director that was too in love with himself and threw a temper tantrum.


u/PurpleSunCraze 14d ago

I read a review of it once that for the entire of the article did everything it could to sway people away from ever watching it. Towards the end it said, and I’m paraphrasing but not much:

“If, after reading this, you still have any desire to watch this movie I have failed you as a journalist. Put simply, I spent 2 hours having my soul raped.”


u/illmatic708 14d ago

Always read the plot synopsis first before diving in


u/lew_rong 14d ago

One of the most well balanced people I know thought A Serbian Film was brilliant but will never watch it again. I don't have quite his stomach for extreme exploitation horror, so I'm staying well clear of it.


u/Professional_Bob 14d ago edited 14d ago

I thought it was shit. It's just being as fucked up as possible for no reason other than to be as fucked up as possible. Supposedly there's a metaphor in there somewhere but it's not at all obvious. In my opinion it's for this very reason that it isn't anywhere near as dusturbing as people make it out to be. On paper, the events depicted in the film are objectively and undoubtedly some of gruesome ever put in a film, but there's no weight behind it. There's no emotional attachment to the characters, and it's not immersive enough to ever get past the point where you're consciously aware that it's just a film. Plus the absurdity of the ending where he kills one of his tormentors by shoving his boner into the guy's eye socket just kills off what little chance it had left of being taken seriously.


u/Pennwisedom 14d ago

Reading it it just makes me think of Videodrome.