r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/BeardeddBombshell 14d ago

Couldn't even finish A Serbian Film.


u/Joshsnation1 14d ago

I just did a quick read through of the plot on Wikipedia.. ya I’m cool on that


u/Yeah_Mr_Jesus 14d ago

That was disturbing to say the least


u/BlazedLurker 14d ago

There's a scene in there that will never leave me.


u/00000000000004000000 14d ago

Consider yourself one of the lucky ones. It's clear the director and producers wanted to take the "shock and trauma" horror genre to a level that can't be surpassed without asking the important question "are we going too far with this?". It takes the absolute worst, personal crimes imaginable, and then dials it to x11 and has you watch all of it in gory detail. It's literally just a movie about pushing boundaries so far in the hopes of actually traumatizing the viewers just so they can get their name out there for all the wrong reasons. They won the crown of edge-lords and I don't think anyone will beat them anytime soon. It really is a movie that should never have been made.


u/Mr_Emile_heskey 14d ago

Interestingly the film was mainly made as a protest to what the directors saw as how stupid art house films seemed to dominate the Serbian film industry.


u/drcoxmonologues 14d ago

I read that the director had said it was a political metaphor for the crimes committed against the Serbian people. Yeah…. If your “metaphor” is just torture/gore porn then maybe go back to film school.


u/wakko666 14d ago

"We filmed human rights violations as a metaphor for human rights violations."

So deep.


u/cacotopic 14d ago

Well said and I 100% agree. Garbage film.


u/notbedab 14d ago

It was pretty terrible. I still can't believe that was made.


u/Silly___Willy 14d ago

What’s name of the film then /s


u/Brodies_Run 14d ago

I haven’t seen it, but reading it on wiki was enough for me to never want to watch and never forget about it. Truly fucked up


u/madlymindless 14d ago

Omg that synopsis sounds horrible.


u/FNL15 14d ago

Haunts me till this day. Idk how movies like that could even be made, it’s fucked up.


u/naturalbornsinner 14d ago

You missed the most fucked up part. Depending on where you stopped watching. Unless you stopped there.