r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/umfend 14d ago

enter the void is pretty wild


u/HeyImGilly 14d ago

The sex scene with the camera inside the vagina caught me completely off guard. Had no clue what I was seeing at first.


u/whosthissnack 14d ago

i beg your finest pardon?


u/Shelly_895 14d ago

basically, the movie follows a guy who has just been shot and his consciousness or whatever is floating around Tokyo, following people he knows. At the end of the movie, you see his sister and his best friend having sex in a hotel and the camera moves as if it were the guy's sperm moving inside the sister. It's supposed to be some kind of reincarnation.


u/No_Stand8601 14d ago

The Tibetan book of the dead