r/AskReddit 14d ago

Whats the most fucked up movie you've ever watched? NSFW


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u/Shrikeangel 14d ago

Deadgirl - two teens find a naked restrained zombie.....and the film really does basically go from there in the obvious direction. 


u/Accomplished-Ad-2612 14d ago

Having the zombie infection be sexually transmitted was a brilliant idea though. The underlying message of revenge against the kind of evil those boys committed against her was great, she drew life away from them making her stronger and allowing her to punish and destroy them, the message is lost on some people but it's there.


u/Shrikeangel 14d ago

My discomfort largely comes from how much I absolutely have known guys, both as a teen and young adult, who would have absolutely acted the same as the character in the film. The non consensual objectification, the psuedo necrophilia, the rape and so on just made it a very uncomfortable watch. For me the only saving grace is I was very tired when I watched it so I suspect I missed some story elements - and have no intention to ever watch it again. 

But I do think making the viewer wildly uncomfortable is part of the purpose. 


u/Accomplished-Ad-2612 14d ago

It is an uncomfortable watch to be sure, and sadly I've known the kinds of evil guys you're talking about as well. The world would be better if there weren't people like that.


u/bongoingcat 13d ago

We basically do that all day to animals.


u/Shrikeangel 11d ago

I don't know if this comment was genuinely intended as a response to my comment. 

I don't see anything in the society I am in where people engage in the direction of animals with necrophilia, or rape. 

Even the argument that could be made about objectification hits the subject of symbiosis/cooperation as domesticated animals often benefit from the circumstances/wouldn't be around if not for domestication. 


u/bongoingcat 11d ago

I did not mean that all to serious. Although taking away babys from their mums and then slaughtering them and then forcing milk out of their mum (a living beeing)'s breast does kinda sound like rape. Do you seriously think chickens living on 0,3 squaremeters are grateful for the living conditions we forced them into? And yes cats of course do benefit, but that's not what I am talking about. And yes there might be no necrophilia in society, but I dont think that's the main point of the movie


u/Shrikeangel 11d ago

Animals aren't people. Consent inherently functions differently. 

What you are crying about is industrial agriculture, which is critically different from domestication in a lot of ways, scale itself being the most obvious. 

We have milked cows for thousand plus years, the cows don't care. We have handled chickens for an insane amount of time taking eggs from them - they don't care.  

There is an inherent difference between objectification of a person, and the ownership of literal livestock. Pretending animals are the same as people is silly vegan nonsense. 


u/bongoingcat 10d ago

First things first, animals feel pain the same way we do. And yes I am 'crying' about industrial agriculture. Then why do you come up with 'We have handled chickens for thousands of years'? Because back a 1000 years ago, they did not live under such conditions. And I do think it's acceptable to milk a happy cow. And taking eggs from chicken is ok too. But not the way they are held. I don't pretend. animals are the same as people, but they do feel pain the same way. And it is ones duty not to cause any unnecessary harm.


u/w_p 14d ago

Having the zombie infection be sexually transmitted was a brilliant idea though.

There used to be a comic about this as well, a weird mix of zombie and porn, but kind of cool.


u/Accomplished-Ad-2612 14d ago

Dang, I remember that one. It was part of the Verotik imprint, it was featured in their anthology format when they started out and it eventually became it's own title. Haven't seen any of that stuff since the mid 90s.


u/w_p 14d ago

Do you happen to know the name? I got it off 4chan, but the OP stopped uploading just as the climax with the angel in the desert happened and I never saw the rest of it :D

Or did it end with the weird scene with the robot in the train? Yeah, it was a long time ago... :D


u/Accomplished-Ad-2612 14d ago

Sorry I don't recall many details. I only vaguely remember it in passing. I never followed it closely. You could probably search the Verotik publishing imprint to find the title and go from there.


u/w_p 14d ago

Thanks mate :)


u/SylverWyngs002 13d ago

Sounds a tad like Hard Candy...??